Sunday, February 23, 2025

WWE NXT 10/9/2013

WWE NXT 10/9/2013

Last week's show is here:

Tom Phillips and Alex Riley are on commentary.  

We get a video on Rob Van Dam, who will be on the show tonight. 

Antonio Cesaro vs. Leo Kruger

These two fought last week in the Bo Dallas Invitational, so they are having a match. Cesaro hits a nice flying dropkick to start and rips off Leo's shirt. Leo chops Cesaro then lariats him over the top. They go outside. Cesaro's head is banged off the apron several times. Leo back rakes Cesaro then stomps on him.

Leo puts Cesaro's face under the ring skirt and elbows it. Cesaro knees him in the gut and chest. Cesaro double stomps Leo. Cesaro uses the ropes to choke Leo. Cesaro elbow drops him then kicks him in the back. Leo suplexes him. 

Leo hits punches to the body. Leo russian legsweeps him for 2. Cearo running euros him in the corner. Cesaro uranages him for 2. Cesaro goes up top and gets caught. Leo superplexes him. We go to break and return. Leo topes him then spinebusters him inside the ring.

Cesaro slides out and sends Leo into the steps. Leo is sent out hard then Cesaro backdrops him on the apron. They go up on the ramp and Cesaro gutwrench suplexes him on it. Cesaro hits punches and euros. Cesaro euro flurries him then alphamare waterslides him. 

Cesaro pop-up euros Leo for 2. Cesaro gorunded sleepers him. Cesaro short arm lariats him then neutralizers him for the win.

It was a longer and slower heel vs heel match. The crowd wasn't super into it which hurt it and it was a bit long for an opener. The work was pretty good though. These guys roughed up each other up and not in a flashy way. They had a different type of match than we normally see.

Cesaro top rope knee drops Le in the face after then yells at him.

Charlotte vs Santana Garrett

Renee Young joins commentary for this one. Bayley is out there with Char.

The girls lock up and they roll each other down off of it. Char wristlocks her and SG headflips out. Char forward cartwheels out of a wristlock. Char is pulled into the buckles. SG snapmares her then running boots her. SG russian legsweeps her. Summer Rae and Sasha Banks come out.

SG does a grounded octopus. SG double chops her then splits into a bridge pin for 2. Sasha gets on the steps to start a chant for Char, Char is distracted and rolled up. Char hits an unusual drop on SG. Char rolls and drives SG's face into the mat for the win.

Thoughts: It was a shorter match and not much. There were some sloppy moments in this one (with the finish being botched) and Char won as expected. SG looks like a completely different person in 2025 and I'd never guess it's her.

Summer Rae and Sasha talk on the mic after. Summer says she wants to make it clear who the first lady and the boss of NXT is. Summer says we have some beautiful, fierce females here. Summer says they will run NXT and says there's nothing anyone can do about it since Paige is now out.

Paige then jumps both of them and eventually gets 2v1'd. Emma then comes out and makes the save. 

We get a video on Mojo Rawley as he works out. He talks motivation. He says he's not about what you did in the ring, it's what you did to get there. He says he doesn't get hype, he stays hype. He debuts next.

Summer Rae and Sasha are interviewed in the back. Summer says she's the first lady of NXT and says Sasha is the boss of NXT. Summer says they don't get involved, they get even. Summer challenges Paige and Emma for a match next week. She then tells the announcer to fix his tie.

Mojo Rawley vs Danny Burch

Dan hits corner spears and yells at Mojo. Dan back elbows him and Mojo bangs his head off the buckles. Dan chinlocks him. Dan elbow drops Mojo several times. Dan does a tazzmission then Mojo shoulders him over several times. Mojo hits corner splashes then a flying hip attack. Mojo butt drops Dan and gets the win.

Thoughts: Mojo got beaten up on the first half of this then made his comeback and won. I would have put him over a little better in this. Mojo was full of energy here as usual and everything he did had a lot of extra spring behind it. I thought Mojo did a good job in his TV debut.

Paige and Emma talk in the back and are interviewed. They are told about the challenge from Sasha and Summer. Emma laughs and they talk about the things those girls did to them. They accept the challenge and Emma does her dance.

Sylvester LeFort comes out. He brings us his Legionnaires of Scott Dawson and Alexander Rusev.

The Legionnaires (Alexander Rusev & Scott Dawson) vs. Colin Cassady & Enzo Amore

Enzo does his usual pre-match lines. CC calls his opponents "sloppy jalopies". Enzo says they are S-A-W-F-T.

CC and Rusev lock up. Rusev misses a shot and gets hit. CC knees him in the gut and clubs on him. Rusev catches Enzo in the air and hits knees to the gut. Scott back elbows Enzo for 2. Scott legdrops and knee drops Enzo.

Scott suplexes and short arm lariats Enzo for 2. Scott backdrops him for 2. Rusev corner back elbows Enzo then camel clutches him. Enzo then taps out.

Thoughts: It was a short one and it wasn't much. They just got through the opening segment here and then it ended. I was surprised to see Enzo and CC beat so easily.

Rusev running shoulders CC in the gut after then camel clutches him. 

Renee interviews Sami Zayn. Sami says he's the #1 contender and he's doing great. Sami said getting the spot was hard but says it'll be him vs Bo next week. Bo Dallas walks in. He says what Sami did wasn't cool and said he thought they were friends. Bo says Sami hurt his feelings. Sami says he's sorry if he hurt his feelings and it's not personal. Sami says Bo is the champ and the title is what he wants. Bo says Sami doesn't have to do this. Bo says they should team up and go for the tag titles. Bo says then they can rule NXT together as friends. Bo offers a handshake. Sami says that's not a bad idea. Sami says let's do it...right after he beats him for the NXT Title. Bo says it's un-bo-lievable.

Next week's show has Bo Dallas vs Sami Zayn for the NXT Title. 

Rob Van Dam vs "The Artist" Aiden English

AE sings a showtune on his way to the ring. Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Rob Van Dam.

RVD side headlocks AE. AE throws him down off the wristlock and bows. RVD shoves him. AE says RVD can't shove him like that. RVD legscissors takedowns him then AE ducks a spin kick. RVD spinning heel kicks him.

RVD rolls into a monkey flips on him. RVD lariats him over the top then moonsaults him off the apron. RVD slingshot legdrops AE on the apron for 2. RVD slams him. RVD chases AE around the ring and gets the rope kicked into him as he comes in. 

AE stomps on RVD then suplexes him for 2. AE chinlocks him. RVD cradles him for 2. RVD hits a kick to the head then running lariats him. RVD suprkicks him. RVD then does rolling thunder. RVD hits a top rope frogsplash and gets the win.

It was random so it was hard to get too into it and I didn't buy that RVD had any shot of losing this one. RVD hits some stiff kicks here and did his usual athletic offense. AE was just kind of along for the ride. And because of RVD's style, there's not a lot you can do but work the way he wants.

Overall thoughts: I liked Cesaro/Kruger but it was a little long, a little slow and didn't have the greatest crowd ever. I thought they got the match right though. They set up a tag match for next week with Emma/Paige vs Summer/Sasha and set up Sami vs Bo for the title next week. Mojo Rawley made his debut and got the win in a short match with him doing athletic offense. I'd give it about a 5 out of 10 as there was nothing truly must see on here but the show was fine.

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