WWE Monday Night Raw 2/24/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/wwe-monday-night-raw-2162025.html
We are in Cincinnati, Ohio. Michael Cole and Pat McAfee are on commentary.
We see various wrestlers arrive.
Logan Paul comes out to talk. He says he's from Ohio and just like the fans, but way better. He says he was in his plane and say dreary and gray Cincinnati. He said he told the pilot he wanted to go home but said he would come. He said the last time he was here he beat Rey Mysterio. He says he will beat 3 doorknobs and John Cena at Elimination Chamber then face Cody and become the face of the company at Mania.
CM Punk comes out. Logan asks what Punk's problem with him is. Logan says he succeeds at everything he does in the ring but says Punk just failed upwards. Punk says he doesn't him well enough to have a problem with him but says this is about Elimination Chamber. He says Logan is a loudmouth kid who does things for the shock of it. He says he has no character or substance and says the people deserve better.
Logan talks Punk's return but said he cracked under pressure and tore his tricep. Logan says it's only a matter of itme until the fans chant his name. Logan named Cena and Punk earlier and Punk says him and Cena are legends. Punk says he makes history under pressure and says Logan never has. He says Logan is barely a flash in the pan and won't be here long enough for people to remember who he is.
Punk says he will eliminate him at The Chamber, then face and beat Cody at Mania. He says he will make history and Logan will be history. Punk says Logan will find out he's Satan himself and says Logan is nobody in this business. Logan slaps Punk and runs.
Thoughts: It was a solid opening segment here and Logan and Punk going at it on the mic. Logan leaves. Punk says leave while you can and says he's locked in a cage with Punk at The Chamber. He says Logan will understand why they chant his name at The Chamber.
Penta vs Ludwig Kaiser vs Pete Dunne
Pete enzugiri's LK. Penta flying headscissors Pete out. LK rolls up Penta then takes an up and over backcracker. Pete flying knees LK off the apron outside then Penta cannonballs Pete off the apron.
Penta is sent into the rails and LK dropkicks Pete's arm into the steps. Penta lariats LK over the top. Penta top rope plancha's both opponents outside. We go to break and return. We get a tower of doom spot with Penta sending both opponents down.
Penta slingblade bulldogs Pete and LK. Penta headscissors Pete off the top into LK. Penta tope con hilos Pete outside then does it to LK. Penta hits a spinning AA for 2. Penta and Pete trade. Pete gets superkicked. Pete pushes Penta into LK, knocking him off the apron. Pete hits a bitter end on Penta for 2. Pete splits LK's fingers then Penta canadian destroyers Pete off of LK's back. Penta cranks back on Pete's arm. LK sends Penta out and hits deadfall on Pete to win.
Thoughts: It was a decent 3-way with Kaiser winning and Pete losing as expected. It wasn't anything super memorable but they gave us some nice spots before going home. Penta technically lost his first match here. I'm not too surprised by it as there's only so much you can do with him due to him not being able to do live talking segments. He'll be with The LWO or LDF soon enough.
We get a package on Cena where he talks about winning at The Elimination Chamber.
Jackie Redmond interviews Rhea Ripley in the stands. Rhea says she will have an eye on Elimination Chamber but her focus is on Iyo Sky next week. She says she never beat her and will have to do the one thing she never did to walk into Mania as champ. She says it's been 5 years since her and Iyo fought. She says she has become the most dominant woman in the WWE since then.
Rhea says she has beaten everyone who has stepped to her including Lynch, Flair and Liv. She says we will have to add Iyo's name to the list. Iyo Sky comes in. She talks in Japanese and says she will beat her again next week and go to Wrestlemania as the women's world champ.
We get a video on WWE LFG.
The New Day get on the mic before their match. Kofi says everyone should thank them for coming.
The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) vs The LWO (Joaquin Wilde and Cruz del Toro)
Wilde stomp flurries Woods in the corner. Wilde hanging headscissors him over the top rope. Wilde springboard dropkicks him. Woods takes a double back elbow then Wilde is flipped into the ropes onto Woods. Cruz asai moonsaults Woods.
Woods boots Cruz out of the corner and Cruz enzugiri's him while he's up top. Cruz springboard hurricanrana's Woods off the top. Cruz hits shots on Woods. Kofi pulls Cruz hard down over the top. Kofi stomps on Cruz in the ring.
Woods corner dropkicks Cruz for 2. Woods rolls up Cruz and spinning forearms him. Cruz enzugiri's Kofi. Wilde is tagged in. He lariats Kofi over and superkicks Woods. Wilde hits mounted shots on Kofi. Wilde jawbreakers Woods. Wilde flips and rolls over Woods' back into a ddt on Kofi then he backrolls into a ddt on Woods. The LWO do stereo dives outside.
Kofi ends up crotching Wilde up top by pushing Cruz into him. Cruz takes a backbreaker + top rope double stomp and is pinned by Woods.
Thoughts: It was another decent tag here with some athletic wrestling. Wilde's ddt spot on both opponents was interesting. Cruz took a nice bump over the top here.
The New Day beat up The LWO after. Dragon Lee comes out to make the save. He lariats Kofi over the top then corner dropkicks Woods.
Lee takes a sloppy double hiptoss into a double powerbomb.
We go to The Judgment Day's hangout in the back. Finn says last week was the most embarrassing day of Judgment Day because of Dom. He said Dom talked a big game but lost to AJ and was speared by Bron. Dom says they need to add a new member and Finn says there will be no talk of that. Liv and Raquel comes in. Liv says they need to stop fighting. Liv says here and Raquel will bring back gold tonight. Finn asks if they are worried about Bianca and Naomi due to the stunt they pulled on Jade. Liv says they don't care about Jade and weren't involved in that. Finn says they will handle their business tonight and Liv can handle hers.
Gunther is in the ring. He says the greatest wrestler alive is in action tonight. He says he was angry Jey chose him for Mania but he is warming up to it as he has an opportunity to embarrass him on the largest stage of them all. He says he can end the yeet circus once and for all at Mania. Gunther says he offered himself to Pearce for a match tonight. He then brings out his opponent who he said he hand picked. It's Akira Tozawa.
Gunther says he picked Akira because he saw him doing weird TikTok dances with the 2 clowns out there. He says him and Akira both uprooted their lives to make a career in WWE and both got in ther shape of their lives to prove they belong. Gunther says Akira wasted it by being a goof and dancing around for the enjoyment of the degenerate fans. He says Akira makes the wrong choices just like Jey Uso. He says Jey will cost himself his career at Mania. Gunther says maybe Akira can achieve something Jey never will and earn his respect. Gunther then shoves him and tells him to earn his respect.
Gunther vs Akira Tozawa
Akira pump kicks him and flurries on him. Gunther hits a stiff facekick and flips him. Gun chops Akira down. Akira corkscrew kicks him then takes a big dropkick. Gunther goes for the powerbomb and takes a sunset flip. Akira comes off the top, gets caught and is put in a crab. Akira ropebreaks.
Otis cheers on Akira. Gunther slaps him around. Akira chops back and is chopped down. Gunther powerbombs him. Gunther lifts him with a sleeper and puts him to sleep for the win.
Thoughts: It was what you would expect with Akira getting some hope spots before being put down. It was fine.
Gunther tries to sleeper Akira after. Otis knocks Gunther away. Gunther piefaces him. Otis rips his shirt off and Gunther leaves. Gunther then sleepers Otis from behind.
Jey Uso then comes out to save Otis and Gunther runs for it.
We get clips from a Logan Paul and Michael Cole interview.
We get another ad for WWE LFG.
WWE Women's Intercontinental Title - Lyra Valkyria (c) vs Dakota Kai
Lyra hip throws her then then bangs her arm off the mat. Kai hits upkicks. Kai rolls her up for 2. Lyra throws her off a jumping cutter attempt. Kai stops Lyra's dropkick through the ropes. Lyra is taken down on the apron then Kai cannonballs her off the apron.
We go to break and return. they fight on the buckles. Lyra hits kicks while hanging in tree of woe and double upkicks her. Lyra 2nd rope superplexes her. Lyra and Kai trade forearms on their knees. Lyra spin kicks her and knees her in the gut. Kai handstand kicks her and they trade pin attempts.
\Lyra powerbombs her for 2. Lyra comes off the 2nd rope and catches a superkick. Kai jumping corner kicks her then Kai hits a canadian destroyer backbreaker for 2. Lyra is up top and is kicked. Lyra hits a cradle shock and wins.
Thoughts: It was another shorter but good match here. They were athletic and the two matched up pretty well. Lyra won here as expected.
Kai is in the entrance way. Ivy Nile comes out and sends her into the rails. Ivy then pulls Lyra down from the buckles and pounds on her. Ivy does a pendulum side slam on Lyra. Lyra then holds up the IC Title.
We see an interview from earlier with Jackie Redmond interview Sami Zayn. Sami said he went to Kevin Owens' house like Kevin did to him. He said he saw KO's mom. He said he was ashamed of himself and said he couldn't look himself in the mirror. He says he just couldn't recognize this person. He said he didn't know what his intentions were but they weren't good.
Sami says he doesn't recognize himself or KO. Sami says he knows people are looking forward to this but says his neck isn't ready yet. He says the people should be concerned what he does to KO. He says it'll be a war and will be insane. He says it'll be worse than all they have done to each other over the years. He says he hopes KO will be ready as it will be a bad time for KO.
Naomi and Bianca Belair do a promo. They say Liv and Raquel must be as dumb as they look if they think attacking them was a good idea. Naomi says they just had to come for their tag titles. Bianca says they will keep their titles and whoop Liv again at The Elimination Chamber. Naomi says then they might do it a 3rd time just for fun. Naomi says they will walk out Women's Tag champs.
Bron Breakker vs Dominik Mysterio
Dom poses at him and Bron shoves him over. Dom takes a big bump over the top. Bron runs the ropes fast and runs over Dom with a lariat. Cole asks Dom if he knows where he is. Bron says he will come out there and chases Dom. Dom stomps on Born as he gets into the ring.
Bron overhead throws Dom. Bron hits knees to the gut. Carlito pulls out Bron while Finn distracts the ref. Dom then topes Bron outside into the commentary table. Dom slingshot swantons Dom for 2. Bron gorilla presses Dom and Carlito distract Bron. Dom 619's Bron on the ropes.
They fight on the buckles. Bron runs up the buckles and hurricanrana's Dom down. Bron goes for a spear and is pulled out by the heels. The ref sees it and DQ's Dom.
Thoughts: It was another shorter one but it was full of action and was what it needed to be with Dom bumping big for Bron.
Bron is sent into the steps after. Bron takes a 3v1. Dom is back body dropped over the top and Bron flying spears Carlito. Bron stares down Finn and Finn backs off.
American Made are in the back minus Gable. The Creed's put over Ivy. Ivy is then interviewed by Cathy Kelly. Ivy is asked if she is trying to get into the IC Title picture and she says of course. She says she will beat the heck out of Lyra. The War Raiders then attack The Creed's and officials break it up.
Cody Rhodes comes out to talk. Cody brings up The Rock asking for his soul. Cody says he can read between the lines and understand Rock's offer. He says he has never lied to the fans and won't start now. Cody says he's a blessed man and not a team of one. He talks about his family and brings up little Brodie Lee and The Nightmare Family.
Cody says Rock could give him everything without having to fight for it. Seth Rollins comes out. He says it's the first time have been in the ring together for over a year since Wrestlemania 40. Seth says he wants to know what Cody is thinking.
Seth says they were fighting Rock last year and says it's a slap in Seth's face that Cody didn't slap Rock in the face on the spot. Seth says not to make him regret everything he sacrifices for Cody. Seth asks if the title is weighing on Cody and if it's being a burden, because it is not for Seth.
Cody says Seth is being judgmental. He says Rock didn't come for Seth's soul because it may be compromised. Cody talks about the people Seth turned on. Cody said Seth was his shield and brother at Mania last year. He says Seth was the main event and MVP of Wrestlemania 40.
Seth says he's not here to judge him but maybe to protect him from the mistakes Seth made years ago. Seth says he's filled with hate lately and says he doesn't want to hate Cody. He tells Coyd not to make him hate him. Seth says Cody can make his own decisions. Seth says the Cody he wants to face at Mania is the Cody who beat him at Wrestlemania 38 and at Hell in a Cell.
Seth says he's not coming for Cody's soul, just his title.
We get a video on Logan Paul talking. He says he's not here to be famous or a celeb. He's here to compete. He says his family name echo's in culture and says him being in The Chamber is best for business.
Akira Tozawa is in the trainer's room. Maxxine and Natalaya check on him. Jey Uso says Akira showed heart tonight.
Grayson Waller and Austin Theory talk to Jey. Waller says Jey only cares about himself. Waller asks if he has anything to say for himself and he does the yeet motion. Waller says people only chant that word as Jey is nothing more than a meme. jey then does his hand motion again.
Waller says Jey isn't on Gunther's level. Waller says Jey will embarrassed on the grandest stage of them all. Jey says they doubt him and the locker room doubts him. He then does his yeet and Theory does it with him. Waller gets mad. Jey superkicks Waller and Jey yeets at him.
WWE Women's Tag Titles - Naomi and Bianca Belair (c) vs Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez
The faces attack from behind before it starts. Liv is sent into the rails. RR is then sent into the timekeepers area. The match then officially starts. BB hits corner spears on Liv and bangs her head off the buckles. Liv takes a double russian legsweep and double elbow drop.
Liv takes a double hiptoss then a standing moonsault + legdrop combo for 2. BB throws Liv backwards then drops her with a forearm. RR trips BB from the outside. RR pulls out BB and she bangs her face off the floor. BB is sent into the rails.
We go to break and return. Naomi jumping side kicks RR then tiger feint bulldogs her. Naomi axe kicks Liv's back. Naomi slingshot facebusters RR for 2. Naomi top rope crossbodies RR. RR backrolls through it and lifts her up.
Naomi kicks RR from the ropes. Naomi then 2nd rope blockbusters her. BB hits a top rope 450 on RR for 2. RR eye rakes BB. RR holds up BB for a 2nd rope diving codebreaker from Liv.
The faces go for a double KO. Dominik Mysteri comes out and distracts the ref. RR one arm powerbombs Naomi. Liv hits oblivion on Naomi for 2. BB spears RR. Liv cradles BB off a suplex attempt for 2.
Liv rolls up BB for 2. BB hits a KOD on Liv for 2. Naomi piledrivers RR over the 2nd rope onto the apron. Liv takes a double KOD. Dom puts Liv's foot on the ropes. BB goes after Dom. RR drops BB onto the commentary table. Naomi plancha's RR.
Naomi blocks Liv's oblivion. Liv rolls up Naomi for 2. Naomi hits a rear view on Liv. Dom gets on the apron and is kicked by Naomi. RR blocks Naomi's split-legged moonsault and bangs her head off the post. Liv then gets the pin on Naomi to win.
Thoughts: Dom should have been thrown out for his shenanigans. It was an okay main other than that though with some good nearfalls and the crowd getting into it. The WWE Women's Tag Titles are near worthless so it doesn't really matter who won them here. I guess this will continue the feud though.
The heels get fireworks after for winning.
Overall thoughts: We had a lot of decent matches here and in-ring this was good. I liked the Paul/Punk segment. It's hard to get too invest into a segment like Seth/Cody until we know who wins The Chamber. Seth is not my pick so I don't see this segment meaning that much longterm. We didn't get anything new out of Gunther/Jey here and there's no real news with Sami and Owens. While I liked the main, the winner truly didn't matter that much. I thought it was a good show and I'd give it a 6 out of 10 overall. However, they wasted a lot of time here with video packages and breaks and I don't think the show did a lot to build up The Chamber or Wrestlemania.
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