WCW Monday Nitro 2/12/1996
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wcw-superbrawl-vi-2111996.html
Last night's Superbrawl VI is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/wcw-superbrawl-vi-2111996.html
Eric Bischoff, Mongo McMichael and Bobby Heenan are on commentary. They talk about Miss Elizabeth turning on Macho Man. Heenan says Macho has a busted up body and a broken heart. They then talk about the results from Superbrawl. Mongo says he saw Macho and he's a man possessed. Heenan says The Loch Ness Monster (who debuted on Main Event last night) is 600lbs and someone he doesn't want to mess with.
Randy Savage vs. Hugh Morrus
Macho doesn't come out with his usual attire, just a shirt and bandana.
Hugh pounds on Macho as he enters and Macho goes for the eyes. Hugh hits a corner lariat and they trade punches. Macho flings Hugh off the ropes. Hugh hits a double throat thrust. Hugh hits corner spears. Macho boots him out of the corner then chokes him.
Hugh hits punches on Macho then Macho throws him out. Hugh is sent into the post. Hugh suplexes him then chokes him. Macho back elbows him then double axe handles him. Macho back elbows him. Hugh misses a 2nd rope moonsault then Macho slams him. Macho hits a top rope elbow drop then hits a second one for the win.
Thoughts: I liked it. It was a fight here with both sticking to strikes and working each others throats. It wasn't great but I bought that Macho had an issue here to solve with Hugh.
Macho goes for another top rope elbow drop after. The ref gets in the way. Macho says he doesn't want Hugh, he wants Ric Flair.
Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Steve Grissom, who is a WCW Motorsports driver. Steve says the car is looking good and running good. Steve says tomorrow is the big day for them.
The Loch Ness Monster vs Scotty Riggs
Loch debuted on the pre-show for Superbawl VI on Main Event. He had a quick match that wasn't much.
Riggs hits punches on Loch and dropkicks him. Loch doesn't budge much. Riggs 2nd rope dropkicks him. Riggs does a top rope crossbody and Loch is supposed to catch him but just falls on him. Loch then hits a heavy elbow drop. He then hits a second and wins.
Thoughts: It was a quick one. Like in his debut, Loch did little here with elbows and botched the big spot of the match. This wasn't much.
Mean Gene has Miss Elizabeth, Woman and someone in a hospital bed on the ramp. Liz says Macho promised that someone was leaving the ring on a gurney. Liz says Flair's a man on his word. Flair then pops out of the bed. He says he was just taking a cat nap. He says it's not easy being Flair. Flair says he has Woman on his right and Elizabeth on his left. He says he's the world champ as well for the 13th time. Flair starts dancing and struts with the girls. He says he can't wait for his match with Macho next week. Flair says sometimes only a woman can say things as eloquently as they need to be heard and tells Liz to talk.
Liz says she had to walk behind Macho for 7 years and sit in the corner and never open her mouth. She says she left Macho and took everything. She said she took it all last night. Liz says she knows the belt was the more important thing to Macho. She says Macho lives on the edge but he's now over the edge as the belt belongs to Flair.
Thoughts: Liz tried but you could tell she was kind of uncomfortable here and nervous.
WCW United States Heavyweight Title Match - Konnan (c) vs. Devon Storm
Storm has orange hair and tassles on. Storm dropkicks Kon from behind then dropkicks him through the ropes. Storm then sets up a chair in the ring and tope con hilos off of it. Storm then dropkicks Kon off the apron. Storm jumps off the steps onto Kon, gets caught and is powerbombed on the floor.
Kon hits punches on Storm. He goes up and over and hits a nice lariat. Kon flips in with a headscissors. Kon backrolls and headscissors Storm then armdrags him off the casadora. Kon then wheelbarrow germans Storm.
Kon hits a drop on Storm for 2. Kon does a reverse figure four on Storm. Storm then twists Kon's ankle. Storm back elbows him and hits a springboard leg lariat. Storm goes for a sunset bomb to the floor but Kon hurricanrana's him.
Kon is put up top and kicked. Storm goes for a top rope hurricanrana but is powerbombed and then pinned.
Thoughts: I liked this one. Storm got a big break here and impressed with some nice flying. Konnan worked well against him and they had Konnan's best match so far on Nitro. This worked and stuff like this is what made Nitro so fun.
Hulk Hogan vs Arn Anderson
Hulk's eye is bandaged up. Arn hammerlocks Hulk and hits him from behind. Hulk eye rakes Arn then hits punches. Hulk bites Arn's head and hits corner punches. Arn corner lariats Hulk then Hulk lariats him over twice. Hulk corner lariats Arn.
Hulk back racks Arn then throws him out. Hulk catapults Arn into the post outside. Hulk then rams Arn's shoulder into the post. Hulk bangs Arn's arm off the post. Hulk hits a punch flurry on Arn.
Hulk chokes Arn with tape then does a regular choke. Hulk atomic drops Arn. Arn goes into the buckles then takes a back drop. Hulk elbow drops Arn. George Steinbrenner is in attendance and is enjoying this. Hulk lariats Arn then hits punches. Arn back elbows him out of the corner. Hulk tries to throw Arn off the top but Arn slips and crotches himself. Arn headbutts Hulk in the gut and punches him. Arn rakes Hulk's injured eye. Ric Flair and Miss Elizabeth come down. Arn spinebusters Hulk for 2.
Hulk hulks up and no sells Arn's punches. Hulk hits punches and then a big boot. Hulk does Flair's strut. Hulk then puts the figure four on Arn in front of Flair. Flair then gets in the ring and tries to break it up. Hulk cradles Flair while keeping the hold on. Flair and Hulk fight. Woman throws powder in Hulk's face. Arn gets Liz's shoe and hit Hulk in the eye with the heel to win.
Thoughts: This finish was bogus. The ref saw Flair get in the ring and knew Hulk got hit with powder yet let things continue. That was awful. The match was just average otherwise and Arn had a rare botch here.
Hulk grabs the heels after and bangs their heads together. Hulk big boots Arn and Flair. Macho Man comes down and helps beat up Flair and Arn. Flair is then whipped into a chair in the head.
Ric Flair comes to the commentary booth and takes Eric's headset. Flair says Hogan got his @ss kicked again. Flair says they got the belts, the girls and the wrestling world where they want it. Arn says the sky isn't falling and it's not the end of time. He says yes, he did just beat Hulk Hogan. He said he did it once and can do it again. Hulk and Macho go chasing after the heels. Hulk then takes Heenan's headset and Heenan runs for his life.
Mean Gene joins them. Hulk says Arn lived by the sword and will die by it. Hulk says when Macho beats Flair and gets his WCW Title back, Hulk accepts another match with Arn. Macho says he accepts the challenge next week. He says helter skelter for Flair next week.
Hulk says Liz made the wrong choice in Pee Wee Herman. Hulk says to tear Flair apart and says he will be the new enforcer here. Macho says they will take Flair's crew to school next week. Hulk says no more Mr. Nice Guy.
Overall thoughts: It was a fun show. I liked Macho vs Hugh. Storm impressed against Konnan. The Loch Ness Monster did not impress and botched his only big spot in the match. Arn vs Flair was average with a bad finish. The ending was fun though and it felt out of control with Heenan definitely looking scared for his life. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 and I'd mildly recommend it.
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