NWA Powerrr 2/25/2025
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/02/nwa-powerrr-2182025.html
Aron Stevens and BFT talk. He says soon the world will meet BFT 2. Kratos says Odinson tore his bicep during the Kill/Talos match. Aron says it's it so sad? Kratos says let's see how battle tested they are. Aron says he told us what will go down and says let us show you what will go down.
#1 Contender to the NWA Jr. Heavyweight Title - Hunter vs Slade vs Lev vs Alex Misery
There is no way Slade is a junior. Lev is thrown into Alex. Hunter is german'd into the other two. Hunter dropkicks Slade then corner cannonballs him. Lev nails Hunter from behind. Alex jumps off Lev's back into Slade in the corner.
Alex is knocked off the apron. Hunter goes for a pin then does a tope off of it. Hunter springboard dropkicks Slade for 2. Slade is thrown off a double ddt attempt. Hunter takes a samoan drop + flipping neckbreaker combo for 2.
Slade dragon suplexes Alex. Hunter takes a lariat + german combo. Lex indian deathlocks Slade and Alex breaks it up. Slade is pulled over the top and Alex yells at Lev for not working with him. Alex jumps off of Lev's back onto his opponents outside.
Alex gets distracted by Rolando Freeman outside. Alex takes a pop-up powerbomb on the apron edge. Hunter slingshot code red's Lev. Hunter is caught on an asai moonsault by Slade then Slade air raid crashes Hunter. Slade does a figure four ankle lock on Hunter and Hunter taps out.
Thoughts: The submission finish was a bit random, as was the match. I have no idea why or how Lev and Alex are being said to be working together since they never have in the past. What we got of this was okay with them keeping it moving and them coming up with some creative spots.
We see a interview with Kyle Davis and Mike Mondo. Mike says 20 years the world has been Paul Birchall's sandbox. He says he's been trying to shake his hand since then and says Paul passed him by when he tried to shake his hand. Mike says what about Mondo? He says he's been grinding for everything he got and says it changes tonight. He says tonight is his sandbox and says it will be Mondo Time and Gutcheck Time tonight.
Mike Mondo vs Paul Birchill
They lock up. Mike puts him in the corner and they trade shots. Mike hits forearms. Paul clubs on him then hits a short arm clothesline. Paul atomic drops him and throws him out. Paul knocks Mike off the apron when he tries to get in. Mike eye pokes Paul.
Mike comes off the 2nd rope and is hit in the gut. Mike nails Paul from behind out of the corner then kicks him in the gut. Mike stomps on Paul. Mike puts Paul's arm in the 2nd buckle then stomps on him. Mike then ties his leg up in the ring skirt at the same time and kicks him.
Mike chokes Paul on the ropes and drops him with a punch. Mike chinlocks him. Paul knocks him over then germans him. Paul hits another german then hits a 3rd german for 2. Paul cradles him for 2. Mike superplexes him but Paul gets a pin attempt off of it. Mike low blows Paul after he grabs the ref. Mike then pins Paul.
Thoughts: It was one of Paul's better efforts. This had a lot of clubbering. It was okay and I guess made sense giving the explanation for this.
We get a dual package focusing on Latimer vs EC3 and Markova vs Nieves.
Kyle Davis interviews EC3 in the ring. EC says he feels like a stranger in a strange land. He says the NWA Title is the most prestigious because of the one year he put into it as champ. He says fans follow spectacles then Thom Latimer comes out. EC3 just freezes in place. Thom says they have been doing this for too long and says it ends at Looks That Kill in a cage. EC then leaves without saying anything.
Blunt Force Trauma (Damage and Carnage) vs Kratos and Baron Von Storm
BFT have new gear with some straps in front that don't look good. Storm is Kratos' mystery partner. BFT attack before the bell. Storm hits shots on Damage then Damage knees him in the gut. Storm threatens the claw. Carn grabs Storm and Storm knocks him off the apron.
We go to break and return. BFT is stalling outside. Dam clubs on Storm. Storm hits corner spears. Kratos flying forearms Dam in the corner. Kratos chops Dam. Kratos suplexes Dam then release suplexes him. Carn knees Kratos from the apron in the back then Dam lariats Kratos.
Carn pounds on Kratos. Kratos takes corner attacks then a Carn spinebuster. Carn snapmares Kratos and traphezus holds him. Kratos powerslams Carn. Kratos goes for the tag but Dam pulls Storm off the apron. Carn and Kratos trade forearms. Carn superkicks him.
Kratos jumping knees him then falcon arrows him. Storm gets in and hits lariats on BFT. Storm samoan drops Dam. Storm lariats Dam then does a standing camel clutch. Aron Stevens gets on the apron. Storm ends up putting the claw on him. Kratos back enzugri's Carn then Dam throws Kratos' shoulder into the post. Storm claws Aron. Dam clips Storm, Aron falls on Storm and Dam pins Storm with Aron on top of him stuck in the claw.
Storm won't let go of the claw after. Kratos shows him a globe and Storm lets go of the claw.
Thoughts: This was the first time and hopefully the last time I saw a finish like that. I didn't like it at all. Storm got pinned with Aron on top of him then Damage on top of Aron. Aron should not have been allowed in there and the fact that the ref ended up letting Aron take part in the final pin was awful. The match was average otherwise with them doing a lot of punches and strikes.
Overall thoughts: The NWA just can't help themselves. They were having an acceptable show then had to do a stupid finish in the main to bring the show down. The opener was random and Slade is too big to be a junior heavweight but the work was okay. Birchill/Mondo was average but there was nothing wrong with it. The main was also average. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 as it was a much better effort than usual from the NWA. I wouldn't recommend it though.
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