Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Marigold 1/26/2025 New Years Golden Garden Day 6

Marigold 1/26/2025 New Years Golden Garden Day 6

Day 5 is here:

Naho Yamada vs. Ryoko Sakimura

They each offer handshakes and RS cradles her off of it. RS misses a bad dropkick and takes a baseball slide. RS wristlocks her and hammerlocks her. Naho trips her then figure fours her. RS ropebreaks then Naho stands on her leg on the ropes.

Naho puts her in tree of woe (not in the corner) and dropkicks her as she hangs. Naho teases a forearm but then dropkicks her in the knee. RS hits bad chest kicks. Naho chest forearms her back. RS knees her in the chest then hits chest forearms. RS step up knees her in the corner then running dropkicks her.

RS headscissors her. RS then does a koji clutch and Naho ropebreaks. Naho hits a horrible rolling spear. RS backslides her for 2. RS rolls her up for 2. Naho backrolls into a headscissors on her. Naho bodyscissors rolls her around the ring then sits back and pins her.

It really wasn't that good. Naho had a bad rolling spear and RS hit a lot of weak strikes here. I liked Naho working the knee though. That's something she can't really botch and it would at least give her matches some logic to them. RS isn't botching stuff but she needs to hit harder.

Nao Ishikawa & Riara vs. CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki

NN = Nagisa Nozaki

Nao poses with water as Riara poses with champagne. Nao and Ri then hit their opponents with their bottles. Chi nails Nao wiht her water bottle. NN hits Ri with her bottle outside.

NN and Ri fight in the stands and Chi boots Nao into the wall. Ri is whipped into the post. NN chairs Ri. Chi facewashes Nao in the corner. Chi corner spears Nao then kneels on her throat. Nao rolls her up for 2.

Nao corner lariats Chi then Ri corner lariats Chi. Chi takes a double foot choke. Chi shoulders Nao over. NN facekicks NaoNN corner facekicks Nao. NN hits double chops on Nao. NN reverse pendulum kicks Nao over the 2nd rope. NN stands on Nao's head.

Nao hits forearms on NN's body and NN forearms her over. NN hits a straight punch on Nao. Nao drinks water and fires up with chest forearms on NN. Nao shoulders NN over. Nao sitout spinebusters NN.

Ri comes in. she springboard kicks NN in the corner and slingblade facebusters her. Ri ankle locks NN. NN pendulum kicks Ri for 2. NN sleepers Ri. NN hits a stiff 2nd rope dropkicks her. Ri rolls NN up off a kick.

Ri ankle locks NN. NN takes a double shoulderblock then Nao slams NN. Ri 2nd rope double stomps NN for 2. Ri run at NN and takes a stiff kick to the gut. NN meteora's Ri then sleepers her. Nao takes a double kick to the head. NN mule kicks Ri and hits a stiff single leg basement dropkick to the face to win.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good aside from NN stiffing Riara some. There should have been multple DQ's from the start as the wrestlers used weapons right in front of the ref.

Natsumi Showzuki & Rea Seto vs. Chika Goto & Minami Yuuki


Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Yuuki and Rea go at it. Yuuki hits chest forearms. Rea snapmares her then bodyscissors her. Rea headscissors her and Yuuki rolls her up for 2. Yuuki slams Rea. Rea goes up and over her then dropkicks her. Rea slams Yuuki. Rea running dropkicks Yuuki several times. 

Nat running dropkicks Yuuki several times. Rea and Nat corner dropkick Yuuki and Yuuki is whipped into a Nat dropkick. Nat armbars Yuuki. Rea and Nat pull on their opponents legs and arms together.
Yuuki hits chest forearms on Nat then Nat forearms her over. Nat hits chest forearms. Yuuki running dropkicks Nat then hits mounted chest forearms. Chika gets in and running hip attacks Nat. Nat kicks her in the gut. Nat gut kicks Chika. Nat does a hard pendulum kick on Chika's head. Nat meteora's her on the ropes then fisherman suplexes her.

Nat gets stuck on the ropes  then sunset flips Chika for 2. Nat running knees Chika for 2. Chika running boots Nat for 2. Nat step up enzugiri's Chika for 2. Rea flying neckbreakers Chika for 2 then armbars her. Rea knee drops Chika's arm off the 2nd rope then armbars her. 

Yuuki comes in and low dropkicks Rea. Chika facekicks Rea for 2. Chika hits a hard slam on Rea for 2. Chika and Yuuki swing their opponents in submission holds together. Chika lariats Rea over for 2. Chika blue thunders Rea and gets the pin.

Thoughts: It was shockingly decent. They didn't do a ton but they didn't botch and mostly everything they did looked okay. Nat stiffed her opponents and they kept the pace up in this one. This was the best match I've seen a lot of these girls in recently.

Miku Aono, Misa Matsui & Utami Hayashishita vs. Mai Sakurai, MIRAI & Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

Misa forearms Yuz to start. Misa flying neckbreakers her. Yuz rolls her up for 2. Yuz basement dropkicks Misa. Mira hits boots on Misa. Misa and Mirai trade and Mirai drops her with a chest forearm. Misa is held in the air and takes a bulldog.

Misa rolls Mai into a double stomp. Utami gets in and shoulders Mai over. Mai double dropkicks Mai and Yuz together, lariats both on the ropes and hits a double basement dropkick.  Mai rolls up Utami then STF's her.

Utami dropkicks Mai. Mai flying knees Utami. Mirai goes over Utami in the corner. They shoulderblock battle and Mirai goes down. Mirai shoulders her over. Mirai backdrops Utami then air raid crashes her.

Miku corner lariats Mirai on the ropes then kicks her in the back. Miku chest kicks Mirai down. Mirai takes a double suplex. Miku running lariats Mirai for 2. Yuz dropkicks Miku then Miku takes a double backdrop for 2. Mirai lariats Miku twice for 2.

Mirai dragon screws Miku and hits a botched half-nelson suplex. Miku high kicks Mirai. Mirai then hits a drop on her. Yuz dropkicks Misa then flying headscissors her. Misa spin kicks her and hits two basement dropkicks. Yuz dropkicks Misa in the corner and hits a suplex for 2. Misa trips Yuz into the ropes then ddt's her over the 2nd rope.

The girls go out and fight. Misa is swept on the apron and takes a kick. Yuz and Misa fight on the apron then Misa suplexes her there. Misa top rope plancha's Yuz outside. Misa fisherman suplexez Yuz for 2. Miku shoulders Misa over then Yuz bulldogs her onto Misa. Yuz uranages Misa for 2. Yuz does a dangerous backdrop on Misa for 2. Misa rolls up Yuz for 2 then la magistals her. They trade pin attempts.

Mirai hits a hard rainmaker on Utami then Miku double underhook suplexes Mirai. Misa and Mai hit face kicks on each other. Misa flying knees Yuz after taking a superkick. Misa does a painful looking pumphandle bomb on Yuz for 2. Misa slams Yuz then hits two falcon arrows to win.

Thoughts: Misa getting the win on Yuz is kind of an upset.This was designed to put Misa over and she got a lot of time in this one. They had some sloppy moments but it was stiff and they kept this moving so I liked it. Mirai seemed extra motivated here in the little she got to do.

Misa and Yuz talk on the mic after.

Loser Leaves Town Match - Tank vs. Bozilla 

Megaton does intros for both girls here since she's aligned with them.

The girls lock up and let go. They roll on the ropes on the lock up. They shoulder battle then Boz shoulders her over. Tank is pulled over the top. They fight outside and trade chest forearms. Boz beats up on her while she's on a chair.

Boz and Tank sit in chairs and slap each other. Boz crossbodies her off the apron outside. Boz running boots Tank as she gets in the ring and his mounted forearms. Tank hits her from behind. Boz misses a corner charge and is rolled up for 2. Tank hits bad forearms then Boz sunset flips her. They try pin attempts on each other.

Boz 2nd rope dropkicks Tank for 2. They trade bad lariats then double clothesline each other down. They try to run at each other but Boz moves. Tank goes down face first then Boz sentons her. Boz headbutts Tank then slams her.

Tank suplexes Boz then hits another. Boz boots and lariats her over for 2. Boz sitout powerbombs Tank and wins.

Thoughts: They tried but it didn't work out that great. Tank just doesn't hit hard enough and that really brought this one down. The idea of two big girls going at it was there but the execution left a lot to be desired.

Boz says she hopes Tank enjoyed her stay in Japan because it's over. Boz says she will show everyone size does matter. Megaton then translates and mocks Tank.

Overall thoughts: The first two matches and the main didn't deliver, though the main had the right idea. The Misa trios match was decent and I like Rea's tag match. Those two matches saved this show somewhat for me. I wouldn't say I loved this one though and would give it a 4 out of 10. It was just an average show and it could have been better.

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