Wednesday, February 5, 2025

AEW Dynamite 2/5/2025

AEW Dynamite 2/5/2025

Last week's show is here:

We see various wrestlers arrive. Renee interviews Jay White outside. Jay says his new relationship with Cope is building in real time. He says he has to rely on people he wouldn't usually rely on due to The Death Riders. The Death Riders then come out. FTR and Cope then surround The Riders and the groups fight. Marina Shafir grabs Renee for some reason.

They head inside. Mox rams a chair into Jay's gut and they all go to ringside. Pac is thrown into part of the entrance way and he breaks it. Cope rips Claudio's shirt off. Jay blade runners Yuta. Pac takes a shatter machine. Dax is swung into the rails. Cash goes to dive on CC but CC euros him. Cope spears CC.

The faces end up making The Riders back off. Cope gets on the mic. He asks if Mox will accept his AEW Title challenge. Mox says no.  Jay threatens Mox and asks for a 2v2 Brisbane Brawl at Grand Slam.

Thoughts: It was nice to see something different for a change to open the show here.

Don Callis comes out. He says Will's mystery opponent will be Mark Davis.

Thoughts: This makes little sense as Mark was a face who teamed with WIll when he came back and is now doing the opposite.

Will Ospreay vs Mark Davis

Will piefaces him. Mark chops him multiple times. Will hits chops. Mark slams him and misses a senton. Don Callis says he owns Mark Davis due to him signing some contract and says that's why he's fighting will. Will hits a low dropkick on Mark. Mark back body drops him. Mark forearms Will in the corner. Mark slams him. Mark suplexes him. They trade shots. Mark hits shotei's. Will springboard forearms Mark.

We go to PiP break and return. They trade chops. Mark release dragon suplexes him. Mark curb stomps Will with his knee for 2. Will handspring corkscrew kicks Mark. Will then plancha's Mark outside. Will hits a hook kick and os cutters him for 2. Mark lariats him and hits a piledriver for 2.

Mark pulls off the 2nd buckle. Mark argues with the ref then Will hits a hidden blade to win.

The stupid storyline that led up to this hurt some of my interest in this. It was mostly all strikes in this one with Will winning as expected. The finish was dumb with Mark pulling off the turnbuckle pad for no reason and getting beaten.

Will gets on the mic after. He says he has a new best friend in Kenny Omega. Kenny comes out and Don runs away. Kenny talks on the mic. He says he doesn't know what Don has on Mark Davis. He says help is here and there are people he can trust. Kyle Fletcher and Takeshita comes out. Kenny tells them to get ready for next week. Kenny then says his lines and gets a bunch of fire and fireworks for it for some reason.

We get a package on Ricochet vs Swerve Strickland.

The Hurt Syndicate come out. MVP wants everyone to stand for Lashley and Shelton as they are the new tag champs. MVP says Private Party were the wrong people at the wrong time. He says they are coming to see all the champs, hurt them and take their titles. He says they are open for business until then and will accept opening for tag title matches.

The Gunn's then come out. They say they are businessmen and want to talk to them. MVP says they don't look like businessmen and invites them into the ring. Austin says they were tag champs and haven't gotten their rematch after 2 years. Colten says they need to take their tag titles back.

MVP says they respect their courage and their father. MVP shakes their hand and says it'll be The Hurt Syndicate vs a a couple of @ss boys for the tag titles next week. Austin gets mad at this and says something that is bleeped out.

Renee interviews Harley. Harley has her Mone puppet with her and says she will be in concert at Collision. Mone then shows up behind Harley. She asks if Harley is stupid or dumb. Mone says Harley got her first win and says she (Mone) got her first title win at 23. She says Harley is nothing but a loser. She tells her to get away from her locker room. Harley gives her the finger as she turns around. Renee stops her.

Renee interviews Adam Page. He says he last week was a mistake when he went looking for Swerve and tells her not to ask about it again. Page says Christopher Daniels overstepped and he hurt him so bad that he won't wrestle again. Page says he doesn't regret it. Max Caster is on the side and asks Renee to tell him to wrap it up. Max says he's been waiting a long time. Max implies he wants Page to hurt Billy Gunn and Anthony Bowens like that. Page says he wants to put someone in the hospital tonight. He says Max is here. Max says he's gonna go to his car. Page says he will come with him and leaves.

The Hounds of Hell (Buddy Matthews and Brody King) vs The Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher)

Kyle wristlocks Buddy. Buddy headflips out and wristlocks him. Buddy yanks on the arm. They trade some holds. Kyle avoids a PK and they stand off. KT and Brody get in. Brody chops him down. Brody sends KT into the rails outside and forearms him there. Brody chops both opponents outside. Brody then crossbodies both against the rail.

We go to PiP break and return. KT hits forearms on Brody. KT facekicks Buddy off the apron. Brody lariats KT. KT germans Brody. Brody no sells it and spinning forearms him. They double lariat each other, both get right back up then fall down together. 

Buddy gets in and hiptoss neckbreakers Kyle. He then dropkicks him. Buddy throws Kyle over the top and he hits his face off the floor. Buddy then tope con hilos out. Buddy top rope meteora's Kyle for 2. Buddy goes up top and Okada's music hits but he doesn't come out. Kyle is tripped on the buckles. Buddy knees Kyle then Kyle takes a double team in the corner for 2.

Kyle hits a ddt on Brody for 2. Brody takes a superkick + forearm combo and a double team brainbuster for the loss.

Thoughts: This was a lose-lose booking wise. Neither team needed to lose as KT and Kyle are in a feature match at Grand Slam and The Hounds are a new group. The match was okay but there was no need to make The Hounds lose here.

Samoa Joe and Hook are in the back. We see clips of Christian's crew attacking them. Joe wants to attack Christian's crew. Hook tries to talk them out of it. They go into Christian's locker room and see Nick Wayne and Kip Sabian. They are told Christian's here. Joe says they could come back later or leave a message. Kip and Nick then get beaten up. We see Christian watching from the door then hiding. Christian then goes in with Mother Wayne and asks what happened here.

MJF comes out to talk. He says all Jeff had to do was stay out of the way but he couldn't. MJF says that's why he had to teach him a lesson. MJF says the E in AEW stands for Elite, not Elderly. Max Caster runs in and says, "Hang-man". MJF tells him to get out of the ring and says htis is his time.

Adam Page's music hits. Page and MJF go face to face. Page then goes away. MJF talks more and Dustin Rhodes comes out. DR tells him to shut his stupid trap. He says all MJF does is bad mouth everyone. He says he talks about people who aren't here anymore. He tells him to stop talking about people's issues with drugs and alcohol as he was one of those people. He says MJF isn't the devil.

DR says he's the last of his kind and survived everything. He says when he's gold, the mold will be broken forever. He says he's better than MJF and MJF knows it. MJF doesn't agree with DR saying he's better than him. MJF says DR's years of drugs made his brain into swiss cheese. MJF says it took DR 37 years to get out of his dad's shadow. MJF says he now lives in the shadow of his baby brother. DR then hits him and they fight. Security then comes out and separates them. MJF kicks DR in the nuts. MJF then runs into Daniels as he leaves and says Page did a number on him.

Thoughts: I didn't like this segment. Rhodes and Jarrett aren't tight on-camera friends and it doesn't make much sense for Rhodes to get this bothered by MJF out of nowhere.

Toni Storm vs Queen Aminata

Toni is wearing gold and white gear and is "playing the part of Mariah May". Toni side headlock takeovers her. Queen side headlock takeovers her and is put in a headscissors. We see Serena Deeb watching in the back. Queen twerks on Toni. Toni slaps her.

Toni spinning side slams her. Toni hip attacks her off the apron. Queen topes her outside. We go to PiP break and return. Toni hits corner forearms. Toni does a handstand headscissors and shotgun dropkicks her for 2. They trade chops. Queen germans her then running knees her on the ropes. Toni ddt's her then running knees her. Toni corner hip attacks her then does a cradle shock for the win.

Thoughts: Toni won as expected and it took her too long to do that. I'm not sure what Toni dressing up as May was all about. The work was fine and all but we knew how this one was going.

Renee interviews Toni in the ring after. Toni tells her to call her "Mariah". She mocks Mariah. Mariah May gets on the apron and walks away saying, "I'm Mariah".

Dustin Rhodes does a promo. He says people have been trying to put him in the ground for 37 years. He says he lives for blood, sweat and tears. He says he's around for a reason and says he will beat MJF's @ss next week.

We get a New York Minute segment with The Learning Tree. CJ says it's a special first-time live edition. They say they are in the "ALT" which means, "Appreciate Learning Tree". CJ says nobody wants Bandido here in AEW. CJ says there's a $100k bounty on Bandido's head. He said since he has a bounty hunter in Bryan Keith, he will make the bounty $200k if Bryan can do to Bandido what Bill did to Hobbs. Bill brings up Hobbs. Hobbs then comes out with a big knee brace on. Hobbs takes a 3v1. The Outrunners then come out to help Hobbs. Bill chokeslams a security guard and Hobbs does as well.

Hobbs and Bill fight in the ring. They roll out and end up on the commentary table. They roll over it and fight where the commentators sit. We then go to break. 

We go to the back with The Learning Tree, Hobbs and The Outrunners arguing. Security kicks out The Learning Tree.

Ricochet vs Swerve Strickland

Ric chairs Swerve from behind. The refs sees it and doesn't do anything. The bell officially rings and Ric hits a sitout lifting reverse ddt. Ric pump kicks Swerve then backbreakers him. Ric euros him then backbreakers him again.

Ric dropkicks Swerve in the air. Ric topes him. They fight on top of the rail. Swerve blocks a hurricanrana and powerbombs Ric on the rail.

We go to PiP break and return. Swerve is on the 2nd rope and takes a codebreaker for 2. Ric hits punches on Swerve. Ric baseball slides him. They trade shots. Ric flips off of Swerve. He pumping knees him. Swerve powerbomb lifts Ric into a powerslam. Swerve release germans Ric then rolls into a flatliner on him. Swerve hits a house call kick.

Swerve hits a top rope double foot stomp for 2. Ric germans Swerve on the apron. Ric hits a top rope 450. Ric top rope ssp's Swerve's back for 2. Swerve hits a flying kick to the face. Swerve goes for a top rope double stomp but Ric hits him in the nuts off of it. Ric hits a spirit gun and wins.

I was really surprised to see Ric get the win here. Swerve has taken yet another loss which is now about 5 in his last 9 matches. It was what you would think with a lot of flying. It was an okay main with lots of action but nothing too great.

Ric puts on Prince Nana's robe after.

Overall thoughts: It felt like a longer show here. The brawl to start the show was fine. While Davis/Ospreay wasn't that bad the story for it made no sense. I didn't like The Hounds of Hell losing. The MJF/Rhodes/Max segment didn't do much for me and Jarrett wasn't even on this show. Storm/Queen had an obvious outcome and had Storm pretending to be Mariah May. The main was what you would expect and was an action based match. I'd give this a 4 out of 10 as the booking wasn't good here and the matches weren't enough to make up for it. I wouldn't recommend this.

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