Sunday, February 23, 2025

AEW Collision 2/22/2025

AEW Collision 2/22/2025

Last week's show is here:

We see Harley Cameron, Bandido, Chris Jericho and Toni Storm backstage. Mariah May jumps Toni and bangs her head off a box. May headbutts her on the stage then hits a storm zero on the stage.

May says hit the spotlight and grabs Toni. She says look what she made her do. She says she's going to write something in Toni's blood. She says this is her spotlight and their moment. She says let's be stars together. May says let's have a Hollywood ending at Revolution.

Kazuchika Okada does a promo. He said he did what he said he would do at Grand Slam. He says that's what he does with a b!tch. He says he will put any other b!tch who wants to step up.

Hologram vs The Beast Mortos

This is Holo's return after being out for a while. Of course he's fighting Mort. That's the only person he ever fights.

Mort shoulders him over then throws him. Holo evades Mort around the ropes then crossbodies him from the top. Holo flips off of Mort's shoulders then satellite headscissors him. Holo dropkicks him through the ropes. Holo diving headscissors him off the top.

Mort rolls over Holo's back and armdrags him. Mort pounces Holo then tornillo topes him outside. We go to PiP break and return. Mort slaps Holo from the apron. Mort hits a top rope gorilla press on Holo for 2.

Holo spinning headscissors him off the top then topes him into the rails. They go on the ramp and Mort crucifix bombs him on the ramp. Holo does a toyota roll onto Mort on the stage. Holo hits a top rope diving crucifix bomb for 2.

Mort pop-up samoan drops him. Mort backbreakers him. Holo does a spanish fly type of move to him then is lariated. Mort tries to top rope gorilla press him but is top rope headscissored. Holo toyota rolls him and wins.

Thoughts: It was the same match they always have with them doing way too much and not selling anything.

Mort attacks Holo after. Komander comes out and helps Mort. The faces beat up Mort and send him out.

We gt a video on Mike Bailey, who is coming in soon. I'm not a Mike Bailey fan. He's maybe the worst promo in wrestling and will just be one of a hundred guys on the roster who can do indy matches and little else.

Lexi interviews Harley Cameron in the ring. HC wants to tell us about a girl who had big dreams and loved puppets, signing and wrestling. She said a girl told her grandma she would go to the US and become a wrestler. She says that girl was her neighbor and she doesn't know what happened to her. She said she took her dream and ran with it. She says Grand Slam was the beginning and she won't stop until every person knows what it feels like to feel the wrath.

Gabe Kidd vs The Butcher

Gabe hits shots on Butch. Gabe corner lariats Butch? Butch hits chops and Gabe backdrops him. They go outside. Butch hits punches on him then lariats him against the apron. Gabe exploders him on the floor.

Gabe hits a running lariat outside. Butch hits chops on Gabe in the ring. Gabe rebound lariats him. Gabe hits a piledriver and wins.

Thoughts: The two aren't that different from each other so they were able to work together. Don Callis was seen watching this from the back. Gabe put on a bunch of weight and does have a generic look. He really didn't look like anything too special here as he has a pretty basic moveset and he's on a show where they are doing crucifix drivers on the ramp in the opening matches. 

Don Callis and Kyle Fletcher are interviewed. Don accuses Lexi of trying to start trouble. Don says Will Ospreay is mentally deficient to want to face Kyle in a cage. Don says they will use the cage like a veg-o-matic on Will's face. Kyle says WIll has done nothing but take from him and says it ends at Revolution.

Julia Hart vs Queen Aminata

Hart side headlocks Queen then Queen twerks on her. Hart yanks on her arm and Queen side headlock takeovers her. Queen snapmares her then PK's her. Queen running forearms her in the corner. Hart hits chops and a running lariat.  Hart STO's her and bangs her head off the mat for 2.

We go to PiP break and return. Queen backbreakers her then hits multiple snap suplexes. Queen facewash kicks her for 2. Hart tries a pin and superkicks her. Hart tries a top rope moonsault but Queen gets her feet up. Queen germans Hart twice.

Hart does an octopus on her and taps her out.

Thoughts: It didn't quite get enough time and Hart won as expected. Hart got cuts and marks all over her face from this one somehow. This was average and Queen didn't quite have some of the spirit she usually has.

Murder Machines (Brian Cage & Lance Archer) vs Mondo Avion & Robby Avion

Cage and Lance throw and carry their opponents out to the ring. Lance hits corner attacks and Cage stomps on a jobber in the corner. Lance hits a blackout and Cage hits a 2nd rope deadlift superplex. A jobber takes a facekick into a german. The big guys then hit a chokeslam + powerbomb combo and win.

It was the usual short squash with Cage and Lance with them winning as expected.

Cage and Lance call out The Hurt Syndicate after. Cage says this is what they will do to them. Lance says they are just getting started and says everybody dies.

The Hurt Syndicate come out. MVP Says he doesn't see gold around their waists and asks who they think they are to call them out. Lance says they are The Murder Machines. Bobby yells at security and the refs. MVP says Lance is doing the same thing he has been doing for years - beating up young locals looking for experience. He says Lance should take himself and them more seriously.

MVP says "we are the champions" and says they dictate the time and place. He says Cage and Lance should beat a real tag team and then they can talk real championship business.

Thoughts: I didn't like this segment at all. MVP called out Lance squashing jobbers for what it is - him beating people he should have no problem beating anyway. It made Lance look bad and made those squashes feel pointless.

We get a video on Lio Rush and Action Andretti. Lio says you might know their names but asks if we know who they are. They say you can call them crazy, ruthless or unhinged but say call us "Cru".

We see a Kris Statlander/Thunder Rosa segment from after Dynamite. Kris says the next time Ford and Bayne get in their faces, let's swing on them.

AEW World Trios Title Match - Death Riders (Claudio Castagnoli, PAC & Wheeler Yuta) (c) vs. Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia & Matt Menard

Parker dropkicks Yuta then running back elbows him. Parker suplexes him for 2. Parker and CC fight. CC pop-up euros him. CC slams Parker then double stomps him for 2. DG comes in and hits facekicks then is sent out. Parker rolls up CC for 2. CC euros him.

Parker is abused on the ropes. Parker fights out of the corner and backdrops Yuta. Menard gets in and hits lariats on Pac. He then cutters him for 2. CC facekicks Menard. CC takes a 3 person back body drop. Pac and Yuta then are suplexed together by 3 people.

DG's team hits stereo corner punches. We go to PiP break and return. Yuta sleepers Menard. Yuta dropkicks Menard. Pac stomps on Menard's head. Menard takes corner attacks then CC slams him. Pac crossfaces Menard. Pac teases a springboard but drops down and Menard does a dropkick to nothing. Menard powerbombs Pac.

DG pounds on Yuta. DG hits backdrops on Pac and Yuta. DG facekicks CC then backdrops CC. DG sharpshooters Yuta. CC jackhammers DG. Menard ddt's CC. Yuta and DG trade. CC running lariats DG for 2. DG takes a giant swing into a basement dropkick. Pac goes up top and is crotched. Parker superplexes Pac.

Yuta is tripped into an elbow drop. CC then stops the faces frm doing that to Pac. Pac then brutalizers Parker and submits him.

Thoughts: It was fine. Garcia's crew lost as expected here. It wasn't anything too great but there was nothing wrong with it. Menard looked really out of shape here.

Kyle O'Reilly, Roderick Strong and Adam Cole come out. They fight The Death Riders and get them out with DG's crew.

Pac is beaten up on then Mox appears with Shafir. Cope comes out and conchairto's Pac.

Lexi interviews The Vendetta in the back. She says they have an issue with Harley Cameron. Taya says they have an issue with Lexi. Deonna says Harley is talented but isn't fooling anyone in the ring. She says Harley hasn't met the entire Vendetta. Taya brings up Harley losing at rand Slam. Deonna tells Harley to move or be moved as they have business to take care of. They then tell Lexi to move.

Open Challenge - Max Caster vs Brody King

Max gets on the mic and says he's the best wrestler alive. He says he was disrespected by "Hangperson" Adam Page. He said Page attacked him before the bell before he was ready. He says whoever accepts his challenge should shake his hand like a man. Brody King comes out.

Brody offers a handshake but doesn't let go of it. Brody chops Max. Max dropkicks him in the knee and side headlocks him. Brody headscissors him and Max tries to headflip out but can't. Brody back body drops him then corner splashes him. Brody hits a corner cannonball and wins.

It was all squash here. I'm not sure what this stuff is about with Max or where it's going.

The Outrunners are interviewed. Truth says nothing succeeds like success and says Australia cheered them on when they beat The Learning Tree in Australia. The Hurt Syndicate walk past them. The Runners said what if they beat The Murder Machines. Do they get a title shot? MVP says the good news is they get an AEW Tag Title shot if they win. The bad news is, if they win, they get an AEW Tag Title shot. MVP then laughs. Truth says it's the same thing and they can't lose.

Dynamite has Harley vs Deonna, Bryan Keith vs Will Ospreay in a bounty match, Takeshita vs Orange Cassidy in a Revolution International Challenge Series match.

ROH Title - Chris Jericho vs Bandido

Bandido has some new colorful gear on. They shake hands and Band pulls him in. CJ eye pokes him and hits chops. CJ shoulders him over then is flipped over. Band topes him outside then tope con hilo's him. Band springboards into CJ's codebreaker. The crowd chants "please retire' at CJ. CJ hits corner lariats.

CJ hits corner punches then hits a 2nd rope hurricanrana. They fight on the apron and Band hurricanrana's him off of it. We go to PiP break and return. They trade chops. Band hits a top rope tornillo on CJ. Band drops CJ chest first on the mat.

CJ hits an AA for 2. Band superkicks him then CJ hits a big boot. They knock each other down at the same time. They then each do paces and a stand off. CJ crabs him. Band gorilla press slams him. Band top rope frogsplashes him for 2.

CJ dropkicks him. Band sunset bombs him for 2. Band misses a dropkick and CJ lionsaults him for 2. CJ flying headscissors him for 2. They go up top and Band does a top rope flipping body slam/Ultimo Guerrero Special for 2. Band has him on his shoulders and twists him into a knee to the face. Band goes for the 21plex and CJ rolls him up to win.

Thoughts: CJ did what he could against Band but he's older and isn't what he used to be. The crowd chanted please retire at him so this one wasn't really a success no matter how you look at it. I don't like Bandido losing  so early into his return to TV, especially to Jericho. The match wasn't that great.

Overall thoughts: It was an average and not too interesting show for the most part. There wasn't anything must see here and there weren't any real big moments outside of the ring. It was also heavy on the wrestling like this show usually is. I thought this one was by the numbers and I'd only give it a 5 out of 10. I wouldn't recommend it.


  1. I was actually impressed with the Jericho match. Maybe it's just that I got so used to it from the Death Riders, but I was ready for the ref bump and for Big Bill and Bryan Keith to hit the ring. Instead, Jericho got a completely clean win by outwrestling Bandito. The only thing that didn't work for me was when Bandito got the ropes to break the Walls and then did the big press slam instead of selling.

    I love Mortos and am so/so on Hologram, but your comments were dead on. They basically killed each other (that crucifix bomb on the ramp was nasty) and then end on what's basically a cradle. I was waiting for LFI to hit the ring to help out the big man. And the fact that they put the Speedball vignette right afterwards makes me wonder if we'll be seeing Komander, Hologram, and Speedball as a trio.

    1. That's a good point with the heels not coming out for CJ's match. It was clean.

      If Holo and Mort just did half the stuff they do, I'd give their matches the thumbs up. They just always go too far and ruin their wild spots by not selling.
