Friday, January 3, 2025

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 8/3/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 8/3/1991

Last week's show is here:

We are in Edmonton, Canada. Vince says we are just in time for Lizzie Borden's liberation day. Vince McMahon, Macho Man Randy Savage and Roddy Piper are on commentary. Macho and Piper do Lizzie Borden poems and Piper calls Miss Elizabeth "Lizzie".

The Rockers vs Ed Moretti and Mike Roselli

Vince says the jobbers sound like a tomato sauce. Roselli has "Penn State" on his singlet. Marty armdrags Ed then Ed clubs on Marty. Marty bangs Ed's head off the mat. Ed eye rakes him. Mike gets tripped by Marty then he drives him into the corner.

Mike is thrown out and Ed takes a superkick. Shawn flying shoulders Mike outside. Mike takes a double back elbow. Shawn lariats Mike. Shawn then pops up Marty into a splash on Mike. Marty picks up the win.

It was just a quick squash. The jobbers didn't get much in but some shots to the back of the neck.

WWF Update

Bodybuilding Lifestyles Magazine can now be found on shelves everywhere. We see clips of last week's Funeral Parlor segment with Jake.

We then go to a funeral parlor. We see The Ultimate Warrior in a casket and Jake "The Snake" Roberts talking to him. He says Warrior probably feels sick because this is where it started for him. Jake says this is the same casket Warrior was once in. Jake says Warrior fought being in the casket and that was his mistake. He says he has to learn The Undertaker's way. Warrior tries to get out. Jake says he won't fight him for this and says he has something else to do if he doesn't want to do this.

Jake tells him to lay down and take this walk. He says he can show him the path but can't hold his hand. He tells him to release it and open up his soul to let the snake in. Jake tells him to lay down. Jake says to learn about Taker, you have to know where he came from. We see old clips of Warrior being locked in the casket.

Warrior is scared to lay down. Jake says he won't figure out the puzzle without doing this. He says to get to heaven, you gotta go through hell. He tells Warrior to trust him. Jake puts the lid down gently then slams it down. Jake then locks it.

Jake tells Warrior to relax and quit fighting it as Warrior slams. Jake tells Warrior to let the coolness creep upon him. He says if Warrior is gonna go for it, he's gotta go all the way. He says he thinks Warrior released his fear and unlocks the casket. He then lifts the casket and shrieks. He says Warrior has the same look of The Undertaker in his eyes. Warrior sits up Undertaker style and stares at the camera. The segment then ends.

Thoughts: This was a wild and unusual segment. Obviously with Warrior passing away this comes off a little differently than it likely did at the time. I thought this was a really good segment and made sense. We definitely saw some of heel Jake in this and it was interesting to see Jake being the guide to the dark side and The Undertaker. It made sense and it was a unique angle and I really liked it. This is one you have to see.

The Dragon vs The Brooklyn Brawler

Vince says he's a little leery of trusting Jake. Macho says he learned at DTA school not to trust anybody. Piper says the Brooklyn Jail is a wonderful facility and he'll tell Vince all about it. Ricky slides between Brawler's legs and hits a lariat.

Ricky snapmares Brawler and does a fist drop. Ricky jumps off the buckles and chops Brawler. Ricky then hits a top rope crossbody and wins.

Thoughts: It was quick and probably too quick. It would have been nice to see Brawler get a few shots in. Ricky hit a great snapmare here.

WWF Event Center

Sean talks Summerslam. The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Hart talks about the jailhouse match. Mountie said he did research on Boss's case. He says he was coming here to take Boss' jurisdiction from him but found out he didn't have any. He says he will put Boss in a cell and a keep an eye on him.

The Big Boss Man talks. He says he's the law and order here and says only Mountie thinks different. He says he will prove he is the law and order of the WWF. He says Mountie will be dragged to a police car and a cell when he loses.

The Natural Disasters vs. Stan Saxson & Doug Casen

I think Doug has the facial hair. Typhoon clubs on Stan then hits a back body drop. The ND's do an inset promo. Typhoon tells The Bushwhackers to make sure their insurance policies are paid up because they will need them at Summerslam. Quake tells Andre to stay out of the way. Quake jumping kicks Stan then powerslams him.  

Quake corner splashes Stan then Tug does the same. Doug takes a double shoulder  and is thrown out. Typhoon slams Stan then hits a big splash. Quake butt drops Stan and wins.

It was the usual squash here with The ND's doing various splashes. It was fine and made The ND's look good. 

Mean Gene Okerlund is on the stage. He brings out The Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan for an interview. Hulk says Sarge was right when he said it'll be a match made in hell. Hulk says they have been to hell and back again with Sarge. Hulk says his and Warrior's armies will wipe Sarge out.

Warrior talks about visions of The Ultimate Challenge. He says the coals there were hotter than anything Sarge has walked through. He says since that day, they have watched each other. Warrior says they should look towards the same gods and send the troops in. Hulk says it looks like Sarge's crew will be the ones handicapped. Gene then brings out Sid Justice.

Sid absolutely soaked and has water pouring from his chin. Sid shakes their hands and raises them. Gene said Sid denied  he would have any association with Sarge's crew and said it may not be a handicap match. Sid asks what is he trying to say? Sid says he might be impartial to Hulk, but he might not. He says Warrior shows intensity almost to his level. Sid says he will be at Summerslam to make sure justice is served.

I'm not real sure of what Sid's character is supposed to be right now. Obviously, we all know what Sid was like on screen so you'd kind of assume he's a heel but he was a bit of a face here holding up the faces arms. That kind of makes it hard to believe he will be impartial. We couldn't hear all of this one, so maybe I missed something. I think we will just have to see what happens at Summerslam.

The Undertaker vs Brian Jewel

Joey Marella is given the urn to hold while Paul undresses Taker. Brian's got some odd looking tights on. Taker boots and clubs on Brian. Taker claws Brian. Paul Bearer and The Undertaker do an inset promo. Paul says Jake thinks he knows something about their dark side but says he knows nothing about it and to stay out. Taker then says, "or suffer grave consequences". Taker backdrops Brian. Taker then hits a tombstone and gets the pin.

Thoughts: Taker didn't do a ton here before picking up the win. Brian got nothing in.

We are told Jake will take Warrior to a cemetery next week. Taker puts Brian in a bodybag then stomps him. 

WWF Event Center

Sean talks the Summerslam main event. Greg Valentine does a promo on IRS. He says he will bring his receipts in his wheelbarrow and IRS can audit him. He says they will find out how good of a wrestler he is through instead of a tax man.

Ted Dibiase and Sherri do a promo. Ted talks about the show called Fantasy Island. He says Fantasy Island could be Summerslam 1991. He says he'll give Virgil a taste of the dream of beating him only but will take it away from him. He says Virgil has to beat him to get the million dollar belt and laughs at the idea of it.

Summerslam Report

Mean Gene Okerlund talks Summerslam 1991. He says The Legion of Doom vs The Nasty Boys for the WWF Tag Titles has been signed and is no DQ and no countout. The Nasty Boys talk. Saggs calls them The Legion of Dummies and says they are playing their game. Knobbs says the heats on high and the paint is melting off their face. He says to get ready to get nastysized.

The Legion of Doom do a promo. They say we will see how nasty they are. Hawk says they will get severe swelling around their stinking brains.

Mr. Perfect and Coach do a promo. Perfect says he is what he says he is - absolutely Perfect. Bret Hart replies. He says there is no such thing as perfect but Perfect will never forget there is a hitman.

Ted Dibiase and Sherri do another promo. Ted says not to count your chickens before they match. Ted says nobody will ever take his title from him. Virgil says Ted will make him a rich, rich, rich man.

The Mountie and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Mountie says he will take the key when Boss is locked up and the world will see he always gets his man. The Big Boss Man replies. He says he stood tall all his life for law, order and justice. He says he will prove Mountie isn't who he says he is. He says Mountie will serve hard time at Summerslam.

We see fans talk about Macho and Liz's wedding. 

Handicap Match - Sgt. Slaughter vs Bobby Jones and Larry Williams

Piper says Sarge's crew is handicapped in IQ. Sarge and Mustafa hit the jobbers which should bea DQ since Mustafa isn't in this. Sarge back elbows one of the jobbers and throws the other out. The heels beat up one of the jobbers out there. Mustafa chairs the jobber. Sarge hits a short arm clothesline and pins one of the jobbers. Sarge back body drops the other then hits a backbreaker. Sarge tries a top rope foot stomp or knee drop but doesn't really connect. Sarge hits another backbreaker and then submits the other jobber with a camel clutch.

Thoughts: There was a bad reffing here as the ref watched the jobbers get hit by Mustafa and did nothing about it.

Sarge and Mustafa put the jobbers in camel clutches after. Adnan then slaps the jobbers with his hat.

WWF Event Center

Mr. Perfect and Coach do another promo. Coach says he wants to see what Hart has got at Summerslam. Perfect says history has been made at Summerslam in the past. He says if anyone can compete with him, it's Hart. He says Hart is close to perfect but isn't perfect.

The Bushwhackers and Andre the Giant do a promo. Butch says The Natural Disasters will meet a great big disaster. Andre says he's coming back at Summerslam and coming for good. Butch makes weird faces at Andre and Andre stares him down.

Vince runs down next week's show to close the show.

Overall thoughts: As always, there was nothing must see wrestling wise. We had some people cutting multiple promos on this show which was unnecessary. The Sid/Hulk/Warrior interview segment also didn't explain much. We are in full Summerslam hype mode here with the event only being 23 days away. I wouldn't recommend this one outside of the Jake/Warrior segment which was unique and interesting.

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