Thursday, January 16, 2025

WWF Summerslam 1991 8/26/1991

WWF Summerslam 1991 8/26/1991

We are at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

Gorilla Monsoon, Bobby Heenan and Roddy Piper are on commentary.

Heenan says Macho will tie the knot tonight, but it's the noose around his neck as he's getting married. piper says there's more turmoil then they have in Russia in the main. 

The Dragon, Texas Tornado and The British Bulldog vs Power and Glory and The Warlord

This didn't have a lot to of build to it minus some promos. P&G were starting to be phased out at the time for unknown reasons despite being great. The heels didn't get an entrance here. The faces had a warm-up match on the Summerslam Spectacular 1991 prior to this.

Roma boots, slams and dropkicks Ricky to start. Roma comes off the 2nd rope and catches an armdrag from Ricky. Ricky wristlocks Roma then side kicks him. Roma hits a bunch of punches and misses a corner charge. Ricky armdrags and dropkicks him.

Ricky hiptosses and armdrags Herc. Kerry and Herc trade wristlocks. Herc's head is banged off the buckles. Kerry hits corner punches. War and Davey get in. Davey hits some lariats then suplexes him. Ricky clubs War off the top. War blocks a monkey flip. Roma lariats Ricky then Ricky backrolls him. War then lariats Ricky.

Roma eye rakes Ricky then suplexes him. Roma backbreakers Ricky. Herc clubs on Ricky then gorilla press slams him. War slams Ricky and Roma works Ricky's back. Ricky hits shots on Herc then Herc stun guns him. War clubs Ricky then slams him. War comes off the buckles and runs into Ricky's boots.

Kerry is tagged in and hits shots on the heels. Davey comes off the buckles and is caught by War. Kerry then discus punches War over. Davey powerslams Roma as Kerry claws Herc. Ricky top rope crossbodies Roma and gets the pin.

Thoughts: It wasn't quite as good as it should have been and was just average. The heels got a lot of offense in and the pacing just wasn't that right for the faces comeback. Of course Ricky did all of the selling in this one. I'm not even sure why the ref allowed Ricky to get the pin when there's no way he could have seen the tag.

Mr. Perfect and Coach are interviewed by Sean Mooney. Perfect says he's the greatest IC champ of all time. He says to be a champ you have to be perfect. He says Bret is excellent but not perfect.

WWF Intercontinental Title - Mr. Perfect (c) vs Bret Hart

Stu, Helen and Bruce Hart are watching in the stands. Bret was being built up a singles guy after The Hart's lost their tag titles and was getting a lot of credibility fast.

Bret side headlocks Perfect then Bret shoulders him over. Bret reverses the hiptoss and throws Perfect out. Bret side headlocks Perfect then he crucifixes Perfect. Bret side headlock takeovers Perfect and side headlocks him.

Bret crossbodies Perfect then slingshot sunset flips him for 2. Bret side headlock takeovers Perfect. Bret stomps Perfect in the gut then Perfect slams him. Bret slams him and takes a double upkick. Bret lariats Perfect over the top to the floor. 

Perfect walks to the back and Bret stops him. Bret pulls on Perfect's singlet and rips it, then he throws Perfect back in. The ref gets between Bret and Perfect and Perfect punches Bret down. Perfect boots Bret out. Perfect chops Bret down.

Perfect knocks Bret off the apron into an official outside. Bret hits punches and goes up and over Perfect. Bret back rolls him for 2 and takes an uppercut. Bret is sent hard into the buckles. Perfect pulls Bret's neck forward. Bret bends over, gets kicked then is dropkicked out.

They go up on the 2nd rope and fight. Both fall down and Perfect falls on Bret for 2. Perfect slaps Bret around then hair throws him. Perfect sleepers Bret. Bret escapes, goes for the crucifix and is dropped down for 2. Bret is sent chest first into the buckles. Perfect hits a perfectplex and Bret kicks out at 2.  

Bret atomic drops Perfect twice. Bret hair throws Perfect and Perfect gets crotched on the post on the landing. Bret hits a suplex for 2. Bret russian legsweeps him for 2. Bret backbreakers Perfect. Bret elbow drops Perfect off the buckles.

Perfect backrolls Bret for 2 and is pushed out on the kickout. Perfect is sent into the post. Bret legsweeps Perfect as Perfect hangs onto the ropes. Bret goes for the sharpshooter. Coach gets on the apron and is nailed. Perfect kicks the middle rope into Bret's crotch. 

Perfect legdrops Bret in the gut once, tries again and is caught in a sharpshooter. Perfect quickly taps out and Bret wins.

Thoughts: The work was good here. Perfect bumped all around like usual and both took a few rides to the outside. I was surprised by the quick tap out as I thought they could have milked that for more drama. I didn't quite think it was the 5-star classic I thought it was when I first saw it but I did think it was good. 

Bret strips Perfect of the rest of his gear after and sends him out in his underwear.

Lord Alfred Hayes tries to interview Stu Hart as Bret hugs Stu. Stu completely ignores him. Stu gets like one word in and Hayes cuts him off in an awkward moment.

Andre the Giant and The Bushwhackers are interviewed by Mean Gene Okerlund. The BW's say they will crush Quake and wipe Typhoon all over the place. Butch says they will then feed Quake to Andre and Andre says it'll be his chance to get even.

The Natural Disasters vs The Bushwhackers

Quake had attacked Andre when Andre turned down Jimmy Hart's managerial services. A bunch of managers were vying to manage him and he was a jerk to them as he put Fuji's face in cake and spanked Sherri. The Natural Disasters had just formed about a month or so prior with Typhoon turning on The BW's.

The ND's get distracted outside then The BW's get a cheapshot on them outside. Typhoon misses a shot on Butch then Butch bites him in the gut. Butch hits punches to the gut. Quake nails Typhoon on accident. Typhoon is thrown into Quake then Quake is double battering rammed into Typhoon. Quake takes a double clothesline and goes down and out.

Quake hits Butch from behind and clubs him. Quake misses an elbow drop on Butch. Quake elbow drops Butch then Typhoone backbreakers Butch. Quake bearhugs Butch. Typhoon back elbows Butch for 2. Quake nails Typhoon on a missed double team. Luke flying headbutts Typhoon in the gut. The BW's battering ram  The ND's. Typhoon is thrown into Quake and Quake goes out. Quake backbreakers Butch outside.

Butch takes a sandwich bodyblock. Quake butt drops Butch and wins.

I was surprised this lasted as long as it did. The ND's ran into each other multiple times and The BW's got a lot offense in. There was no way The ND's were losing this one. It wasn't that interesting of a match.

The ND's threaten Andre after. The LOD come down and protect Andre. The ND's then back off to likely set up the next feud after this show. The ND's get caught in the ring between The LOD and The BW's then leave. Andre hits The ND's with his cane after.

Bobby Heenan is going up to Hulk Hogan's dressing room door in the back. Heenan has the NWA Title with him and says he will embarrass Hulk. Heenan challenge Hulk on behalf of Ric Flair and Hulk slams the door on him. Heenan then gets mad.

Heenan had just started carrying the NWA Title with him a few weeks earlier and was talking about how Flair was the real world's champ. He called out Hogan and this was him doing it yet again.

Heenan and Piper laugh at Bobby after. We see Macho Man talking on the WWF Hotline. Macho says he's nervous and will be dressed to the 10's tonight. Macho says his honeymoon location is a secret (he wouldn't tell Vince and Piper on Superstars either).

Ted Dibiase and Sherri are interviewed by Sean Mooney. Ted says Virgil will suffer humiliation tonight. He says Virgil has come to face the master. He told him to cancel his celebration plans. He says Virgil will be in a gutter face down tonight. He then says he has a crying towel for Virgil.

Million Dollar Championship - "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Virgil

This feud had been going on since before Wrestlemania VII without a ton of new updates. It seemed like they were going to do a Piper vs Dibiase feud but it never happened on TV.

Ted poses on the ropes and Virg hits him from behind. Virg hits a back body drop and 2 lariats. Ted then takes a great bump over the top on a lariat. Virg hits punches on Ted outside and bangs his head off the steps. Virg hits more punches on Ted inside. Virg atomic drops Ted out. Virg misses a plancha outside. Bobby Heenan comes back to commentary and is mad at Hulk. Virg is sent into the steps then his head is banged off the steps. Ted lariats Virg in the ring. Ted fist drops Virg.

Ted stomps on Virg. Ted double axe handles Virg off the buckles. Ted back body drops Virg. Ted misses a lariat and is put in the million dollar dream. Sherri comes in and hits Virg with her purse. The ref talks to Howard Finkel. He says he does have the power to DQ Ted, but instead ejects Sherri and says the match will continue!

Sherri is ejected out and the match resumes. Ted's head is banged off the buckles. Virg hits punches then hits corner punches. Virg hits more punches and is whipped into the ref in the corner. Piper yells at Virg to get up and Ted suplexes Virg three times. Ted slaps around Virg then piledrivers him. The ref is still out though and can't count. Ted then boots the ref over and tells Piper "one more".

Ted takes off the top turnbuckle pad. He goes to bang Virg's head off of it but Ted gets his own head banged off of it. Virg crawls over and gets the pin.

Thoughts: The WWF basically booked themselves into a corner with this one. Virgil had to win this, but the end result of Virgil being the Million Dollar Champ was not going to be great or lead to any exciting future programs. I liked the ref not being an idiot here and not letting Dibiase get out of this with a DQ loss. The match went longer than it needed to but the crowd liked it. I just thought it was average though.

Mean Gene is with The Mountie, some officers and the paddy wagon. We see Mountie handcuffing Boss to the ropes and zapping him with the shock stick. Mountie says after he beats Boss, the local hick cops will take Boss to jail. Mountie tells the cops to drag Boss through the halls, lock him up and throwaway the keys.

The Big Boss Man is interviewed. He said Mountie should be praying that he makes it through to tomorrow morning as he will spend a long night in jail.

Jailhouse Match - The Big Boss Man vs The Mountie

We were supposed to boo Mountie for zapping Boss with the shock stick but Boss handcuffs people to the ropes all the time and beats them up so it's hard to feel sympathetic.

Mountie points his finger at Boss and gets slapped. Boss hits some great punches. Mountie fires back then takes more shots. Boss elbows him then splashes him for 2. Heenan says he's going to get Boss some cigarettes. Boss punches Mountie down then headbutts him. Boss chokes Mountie on the ropes then leg lariats him there.

Mountie eye pokes Boss. Mountie comes off the 2nd rope and is caught. Boss spinebusters Mountie. Boss cranks Mountie's head. Boss gets distracted by Jimmy Hart and is pushed into the steps.

Mountie flying back elbows Boss. Mountie fist drops Boss then sends him into the buckles hard. Mountie slams Boss for 2. Boss misses a corner charge. Mountie hits elbow drops on Boss. Mountie hits a nice dropkick. 

Mountie elbows Boss' throat. Mountie bites Boss then hits a piledriver. Mountie tries to zap Boss with the shock stick. Boss punches him instead. Mountie leapfrogs and takes a great bump off an uppercut. Boss hits a sidewalk slam on Mountie for 2. Boss hits an alabama slam and wins.

Thoughts: The bumps and punches were great in this one. The match wasn't that good though. It was slower and the ending was just not that exciting.

Boss and the police handcuff Mountie after. Mountie is walked through the back and complains the whole way out. The Mountie is pushed in the paddy wagon and Boss says, "bye bye jail bird". The paddy wagon then takes off. Heenan says we may never see The Mountie again. 

Mean Gene interviews Dibiase and Sherri. Ted is going nuts and says there has never been a bigger rip off than tonight. He says the match should have never started. He said Virg jumped him from behind. He then complains about the ref stopping the match. He says Virg stole the title and will pay.

Sean Mooney interviews Bret Hart. Bret says it's the greatest day. He says he waited a long time to prove to Perfect that there is no such thing as Perfect. He says Perfect wasn't good enough.

The Natural Disasters and Jimmy Hart are interviewed. Hart says he wants his lawyers on the phone for Mountie. Typhoon says they will eat Legion of Doom alive. Quake says The LOD got involved in their match and says they are history for stopping them from getting to Andre.

The Big Boss Man is interviewed. Boss asks what kind of bird can't fly and says it's a jail bird. He says Mountie will be thrown in a cell and says he is the law and order in The WWF. He says Mountie is a bad cop and he is the law and order.

Mean Gene talks to Macho in the back, who is still on the hotline. Macho says he's on the phone and doesn't talk. Gene wants to go over to see Miss Elizabeth and Macho stops him. Macho then gets back on the hotline again. Gene says we will take a 5 minute break.

The commentators talk about the results of the show so far. The Mountie arrives at the jail. Mountie says they can't do this to him.

Jimmy Hart and The Nasty Boys are interviewed. Hart says his lawyers are almost there. The Nasty Boys talk. Saggs says Tunney and The LOD made the rules tonight. He says The LOD are going to Nastyville and it's one trip they won't come back from. Knobbs says there's no more crying and whining. He says they are going to Nastyville and not coming back.

The Mountie is having his photo taken. He complains and doesn't want to, then they say a line about Boss Man and Mountie pops up to get his photo taken. Jimmy Hart flips out.

The Legion of Doom are interviewed. Animal says there's no countouts or DQ's tonight. He says brings up The Natural Disasters. He says they evened up the odds earlier and aren't afraid of them. Hawk says The ND's bit off more than they can chew. Hawk says they will spit them out like the tartar in their teeth. Hawk says they are thinking about The Nasty Boys though. He says there's boys, there's men and there's monsters.

The Mountie is having his finger prints taken. The cop asks for his finger and Mountie flips him off before getting his prints taken.

Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa and General Adnan are interviewed. Sarge says they aren't outnumbered tonight, that's Hulk and Warrior. Sarge says Warrior is snake-bitten and Hulk lost a lot of blood. Sarge says they may have one more little surprise tonight.

Sid Justice is interviewed by Mean Gene. Sid says he's a man that stands alone. We see clips from earlier of Sid being coerced by Sarge's crew. Sarge wants him to join their crew and calls him First Lieutenant Justice. Sid says he didn't promise them one thing. He promises justice will be served.

WWF Tag Titles - No Countouts, No Disqualifications - The Nasty Boys (c) vs The Legion of Doom

We see a fan with Nasty Boys puppets which is pretty creative for 1991. There wasn't a ton of build for this one, just promos. The Nasty's had just won the titles at Wrestlemania VII.

The LOD's attack The Nasty's at the bell. Hawk beats up Saggs outside. Animal powerbombs Knobbs. Hawk hits punches on Saggs inside then step up enzugiri's him. Hawk flying shoulders Saggs. Hawk hits shots on Knobbs then Saggs sprays Hawk in the eyes with something. Hawk rolls around in pain and rolls out as he's blinded.

Saggs dumps a box of drinks on Hawk. Heenan says that's the first bath Hawk took in a long time. Hawk takes a double boot. Saggs chokes Hawk with a chain. Knobbs stomps on Hawk. Saggs doubler axe handles Hawk off the steps and I think he pulls off the tag rope on accident.

Hawk shits shots on Saggs. Knobbs is whipped into a corner splash on Hawk. Saggs top rope elbow drops Hawk. Knobbs comes off the buckles and gets Hawk's boot. Animal is tagged in and beats up on The Nasty's. Animal powerslams Knobbs.

Animal gets double teamed. Hart throws in his helmet. Saggs almost nails Knobbs with it but hits Animal for 2. Hawk nails Hart outside then hits Knobbs and Saggs with the helmet. Saggs takes a doomsday device and is pinned.

It was a shorter one. The LOD stupidly tagged in and out even though there were no DQ's. This wasn't much with just some brawling and some very simple weapons being used. 

The Mountie is being walked through the jail. The Mountie asks them to let him walk and he tries to run away. The Mountie is finally put in a cell with some other guys. The cell door is then locked.

We get an ad for WWF Survivor Series 1991.

Irwin R. Schyster vs Greg "The Hammer" Valentine

They actually had some entertaining promos to build up to this one. Greg obviously has no chance here as IRS is still pretty new. IRS says the people have become finger pointers and crybabies when it comes to paying taxes. He says it's time to start paying. Heenan says it's the figure four vs the W-4.

They wristlock each other. Greg shoulders IRS over. Greg side headlocks him then shoulders him over. Greg hitposses IRS and lariats him over. IRS hits punches and Greg sunset flips him. Greg slams him and IRS goes out. IRS abdominal stretches him and holds onto the ropes.

Greg hiptosses him over then takes a lariat. IRS elbow drops him. IRS goes up top and Greg throws him down. IRS misses a flying knee in the corner. Greg hits kicks to the leg then elbow drops the leg. Greg puts the figure four on IRS.

Greg kneebreakers IRS. Greg headbutts IRS in the gut. Greg goes for another figure four, IRS pulls the hair and Greg is pinned.

Nobody cared about this one and it was clearly a bathroom break match. It made sense with Greg working the knee for the figure four then IRS cheating to win.

Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior are interviewed. Hulk says this is the appropriate place for this match. He says he's been waiting for a rush like he got when he won the title and has it here. He says if they don't wipe out Sarge, wrestling history could change again. The Warrior asks Hulk if they are loaded down. Warrior says they will walk side by side. He tells his fans to prepare to walk down to the coup of Warrior Wildness. Warrior says they walk down as the same. Hulk says Sarge's toxins put more fire on the Hulksters and Warriors. Hulk then says his whatcha gonna do line with Warrior.

The Match Made in Hell - Special Referee: Sid Justice - Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior vs Sgt. Slaughter, Col. Mustafa and General Adnan

So yeah, this feud has been going on since early in the year. I'm not sure why it really needed to be continued. Maybe it was laziness. Maybe Vince knew he was getting Sid and Flair but knew he wouldn't get them fast enough. There really haven't been that many new developments to this feud since Mania except for Sid getting involved. One would actually think Jake and Taker would be involved in this if you watched TV since Warrior has been involved with Taker for months.

Heenan calls Warrior "Captain Schizo" and says he'd make coffee nervous. The Warrior supposedly held up Vince for money prior to this match and was fired right after it.

They take a while to get moving. Sarge tries to back up Sid and is pushed away. Sarge clubs on Hulk. Sarge is sent into the buckles chest first. Hulk and Warrior hit punches on Sarge.

Warrior atomic drops Sarge. Sarge takes a double boot. Sarge's head is banged off the buckles for 2. Sarge takes a running elbow from Hulk. Sarge's head is banged off Hulk's boot. Hulk double axe handles Sarge off the buckles. Hulk chokes Sarge in the corner. Hulk hits punches on Sarge.

Hulk's head is banged off of Mustafa's boot. Adnan pounds on Hulk. Mustafa gutwrench suplexes Hulk then camel clutches Hulk. Sarge backbreakers Hulk for 2. Hulk's head is banged off the buckles and Sarge hcokes hulk. Sid physically pushes Sarge off.

Hulk is whipped into Sid. Hulk and Sid stare down and threaten the other. Sarge then hits Hulk from behind. Adnan works on Hulk and eye rakes him. Sarge goes up top and is pushed off the top. 

Warrior gets tagged in and running lariats Sarge multiple times. Warrior runs into Sid, stares him down and Sarge uses the opportunity to get a shot in on Warrior. Adnan rakes Warrior's back. Warrior suplexes Mustafa. Sarge gets back in and hits Hulk on the apron. Sid stops Hulk and Warrior is double teamed.

Sarge gets on Warrior's back with a sleeper maybe. Warrior flying lariats Sarge. Hulk is tagged in. He hits punches on Sarge then hits the big boot. Warriors hits shots on Mustafa and Adnan. Sarge's head is banged off the buckles. Warrior grabs a chair and chases Adnan and Mustafa to the back. Hulk throws powder in Sarge's face then legdrops him to win.

The ending was typical poor Hulk Hogan babyface work here as him and Warrior openly cheated to win. I didn't like the finish at all. The rest of the match was fine though with them teasing issues with Sid and the faces and the faces making their comeback to win. I really hope this is the end of the Sarge vs Hulk feud.

The Warrior is still in the back and never comes back out. Hulk calls for Sid to come out.  Hulk rips off Sid's shirt. Sid and Hulk pose together.

Thoughts: I always felt like this was a way to crown Sid as the new top face with Hulk giving him the okay. This would have been a great way to turn Sid heel and kickstart the build to Mania VIII.

The Mountie is in the cell and is complaining. Another prisoner tells him to be quiet. He asks if Mountie wants to fight him. Mountie tells him to get out of here. The guy points to the other prisoner and he very clearly prefers the company of men, asking if Mountie likes how leather feels on the body. Mountie then screams.

We then get a video on Macho Man proposing to Miss Elizabeth and a video on their history.

They set up the ring for the Match Made in Heaven with a priest and a high pedestal for Macho and Liz. They do the wedding. The priest asks if Macho will take Liz as his wife. Macho says, "ooh yeah". Liz then says "I will" to marrying Macho. The priest pronounces them husband and wife. The priest says Macho can kiss the bride and they kiss. Balloons and streamers fall from the top of the arena and they walk out together.

Thoughts: There's not a lot you can really say about this. It was a nice little moment and a way to get Macho on the show without having him wrestle since he lost the career vs career match at Wrestlemania VII.

Note - So, the version of this I was watching that is on Peacock, doesn't include the wedding reception. The wedding reception was not on the live PPV but was only on the Coliseum Video version of the show. I'm not sure why they did that but I didn't think it was a good idea. They should have done the wedding earlier in the show then shown the wedding reception. And you'll see why...

We go to the wedding reception. Heenan shakes his head at Macho and Macho tells security to show Heenan the exit. Macho says he likes the camera man and thanks him for everything. We see Gene Okerlund delivering the toast for "Mr. and Mrs. Macho".

Macho and Liz kiss then we see them dance. We see them cut the cake. Liz puts some cake in Macho's mouth then Macho puts cake in Liz's mouth. Macho gets the cake all over his hands. Liz throws the boquet.

Mean Gene talks to Macho. He says he has never seen anything as beautiful as this. Macho pulls out a gift as Liz says he's supposed to wait. Macho gets a blender and Gene says he can make some cocktails. Macho says they will make out like bandits. They open up some silverware. Liz grabs another gift and there's a snake inside. Liz freaks out and The Undertaker hits Macho in the head with the urn. Liz screams and Jake Roberts shoves a snake at Liz. Liz screams. Sid Justice comes to the save with a chair. Jake then kicks a table over as chaos erupts.

Thoughts: This was a great angle and set up some possible matches here with Macho/Sid/Jake/Taker. Jake had just turned heel by tricking The Warrior into getting bit by a snake.

Overall thoughts: It was an interesting show overall. The opener was average. Bret/Perfect had a good match. Virgil beat Ted Dibiase in the highlight moment of his career. Boss Man/Mountie wasn't great but Mountie getting locked up in the jail cell was a memorable moment. The LOD beat The Nasty's as expected in a short match. IRS beat Valentine in an an acceptable bathroom break match. The main was okay but went as expected. Liz and Macho got married and the wedding reception featured a great angle.  The Rockers were absent here (Shawn only wrestled 3 times from August to Sept 1991), The Beverly Brothers were absent and it was really surprising that Ric Flair didn't appear on the show (maybe he legally wasn't able to?). It was also notable that a lot of names were on the show but not wrestling including Jake, Undertaker, Piper and Sid. It wasn't quite as good as I remembered it but I'd give it a 7 out of 10 overall as the booking made sense, they delivered on their promises and the show left you satisfied.

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