Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Stardom 1/3/2025 New Year Dream

Stardom 1/3/2025 New Year Dream

Athena & Thekla vs. Mina Shirakawa & Tay Melo

Tay's a little heavier than usual, has black hair and some braids. She doesn't look like she used to at all.

Ath and mina armdrag each other then try dropkicks at the same time. Ath wristlocks her and Mina trips her. Mina ties up her legs and basement dropkicks her. Mina ducks a lariat and shimmies. Ath rolls her up for 2. Mina rolls her up for 2. They try pins on each other.

Tay and Thek go at it then stand off. Tay hip throws Thek and goes for the armbar. Thek hangs on the ropes and kicks her. Thek facekicks her through the ropes. Thek stomps her outside. Tay hits forearms on her out there. Tay is thrown into the post.

Tay's head is banged off the buckles.  Thek snapmares her and kicks her in the head for 2. Ath hits kicks to the back of Tay. Ath sentons her. Ath ties her up. Ath drops Thek onto Tay for 2. Thek pulls on Tay's face.

Tay hits forearms on Thek. Tay ddt's Thek. Mina gets in. Min does a bad running neckbreaker on Thek then tornado ddt's Ath. Mina 2nd rope diving slingblades Thek. Mina is stuck up top. Thek spider vertical suplexes her. Thek then double stomps Mina's back for 2.

Ath forward cartwheel forearms Mina. Tay does a swinging back rack throw on Ath then Thek rolling spears Mina. Tay hits forearms on Thek. Ath hits kicks on Tay then Tay superkicks her. Ath hits a double fallaway slam on her opponents. Ath twisting drops Tay into double knees for 2.

Ath is double teamed then Tay gotch style piledrivers her for 2. Ath hits a diving o-face on Tay from the top and wins.

Thoughts: It was an average match for the most part that got enough time. I didn't think Tay looked great here.

High Speed Battle Royal - Saki Kashima vs. Yuna Mizumori vs. Kohaku vs. Waka Tsukiyama vs. Matoi Hamabe

Yuna rolls up Matoi for the pin a few minutes in. Kohaku rolls up Waka for the pin. Kohaku is double pinned by Yuna and Saki. Saki then rolls up Yuna to win the match.

Thoughts: It was a high speed match as advertised. It only got about 5 minutes so it was a total waste of everyone involved. This really wasn't much but various people trying pins on each other.

Saki talks on the mic after and seems to want something from the Stardom president.

Hanan & Manami vs. HATE (Rina & Ruaka)

Manami dropkicks Ruaka and is shouldered over early. Ruaka takes a double dropkick then Han does Manami's pose with her. Hanan dropkicks Ruaka then Ruaka basement dropkicks her. Han takes a basement dropkick and splash. Rina whips Hanan with a belt.

Rina hair throws Hanan. Han 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Rina. Manami top rope dropkicks Rina then hits a nice flying dropkick on Ruaka. Manami 2nd rope diving codebreakers Rina. Rina hip throws Manami then basement dropkicks her.

Ruaka shoulders over Manami then sentons her. Ruaka crossfaces her. Manami hits a big chest forearm on Ruaka and Ruaka straight punches her. Manami flying knees Ruaka. Han gets in. Han flying knees Ruaka on the ropes then running euros her.

Han and Manami hit stereo dropkicks. Manami hits a dropkick off the apron then Han crossbodies off the apron. Han fameassers Ruaka. Ruaka and Han trade forearms. Ruaka delay fisherman suplexes Han for 2. Han cuty specials Ruaka for 2. Ruaka pop-up drops Han for 2. Han rolls up Ruaka for 2.

Ruaka lariats Han over then Han leg lariats her. Ruaka hits Han with a box. Ruaka splashes Han off the buckles and gets the win.

This was surprisingly decent. Manami was a fun babyface here and hit a nice dropkick. Ruaka put some extra effort in and tried hard in this one. Rina wasn't much of a factor at all. I didn't expect to like this but I did.

Ruaka poses on Han with her title after. Manami and Ruaka pull each other's hair.

Sendai Girls Junior Title Match - Chi Chi (c) vs. Aya Sakura

They do some lock-ups. They trade forearms. Aya chest kicks her over. Aya is facekicked off the apron then sent into the post. Aya's head is banged off a table then Chi is sent into the post. Aya slams her on the floor. Aya stands on the apron and Chi fisherman suplexes her down to the floor.

Chi hits corner facekicks for 2. Chi dropkicks Aya off the buckles then does an octopus. Chi facekicks her on the ropes. Chi goes up top and is kicked down by Aya. Aya plancha's her off the top. Chi's head is banged off the buckles then Aya spinning heel kicks her in the corner. Chi kicks her in the back for 2.

Aya hits kicks on Chi for 2. Chi superkicks her then facekicks her over. Aya spin kicks her. They trade forearms on their knees. Chi mounts her and slaps her around. Aya then does it to her. Aya flying knees her off the top. Chi then hits an overhead esuplex.

Aya spin kicks her down after both try spin kicks at the same time. Aya thrust kicks her. Aya puts her leg on the back of Chi's head and forces her down into the mat. Chi rolls her up for 2. Aya hits chest kicks then triangles her. Chi hits superkicks then spinning high kicks her for 2.

Aya rolls her up then takes a facekick. Chi backdrops her for 2. Chi backdrops her and gets the win.

Thoughts: They tried to show some aggression here by slapping each other and banging the other's head off the table and the post. It was a decent effort but not quite great. This might be one of those matches that would be even better a few years down the line. Aya had a good showing for being so inexperienced.

They talk on the mic after. Ranna Yagami then comes out and has words for Chi.  She seems to challenge her for her title.

God's Eye (Syuri & Tomoka Inaba) & Kiyoka Kotatsu vs. HATE (Azusa Inaba, Fukigen Death & Momo Watanabe)

KK = Kiyoka Kotatsu, TI = Tomoka Inaba, AI = Azusa Inaba

KK is Maya Fukuda. I don't know what the name change is about but it's a downgrade. TI is in the white and AI is in the black.

AI knees TI in the gut then snapmares her. AI ankle locks her then TI hits her in the gut. TI chest kicks her down. KK hits kicks on AI then AI throws her back. AI stands on her throat. AI chokes KK and KK hits a hard spin kick. AI slams her for 2. Momo hair throws KK.

Momo foot chokes KK on the ropes. KK hits strikes and Momo forearms her over. Syu comes in and dropkicks Momo. She then underhook suplexes her for 2. Momo and Syu kick each other at the same time then trade body kicks. Syu tiger suplexes her then Momo half and half suplexes her. Momo chest kicks her over.

Syu boots Death out of the corner. Syu then codebreakers Death. KK takes corner attacks from the heels and takes a shotei from AI. Death cradles KK then Death takes a double team double underhook suplex. KK hits kicks on Death then leglocks her. Death then surprisingly taps out.

Thoughts: The finish was good here at all. The match was really just in its middle phase then it ended. We got a lot of kicks her as expected with so many kickers involved but they just didn't get enough time for this. It's a shame too since I wanted to see what they could do with it.

The girls fight more after. 

STARS (Hazuki, Koguma & Mayu Iwatani) vs. Neo Genesis (AZM, Mei Seira & Miyu Amasaki)

Miyu does Kog's taunt with her. They high five. They shake hands and forearm each other off of it. They try to boot each other at the same time and grab each other's foot. Miyu takes a triple team then a triple basement dropkick. Miyu takes attacks from the other team then Haz hair throws Miyu.

Haz facewash kicks Miyu on the ropes. Miyu hits chest forearms on Haz. Haz pump kicks her. Miyu pendulum ddt's Haz. AZM comes in and flying dropkicks Haz. Haz and Kog are tripped into the ropes together and take dropkicks. AZM and Mei then hit stereo basement dropkicks.

AZM armbars Haz. Haz basement dropkicks her. AZM hair throws Mayu then they pull each other's hair. Mayu and AZM tradechest forearms. AZM la mistica's Mayu. They high kick each other at the same time and Mayu knocks her down with a kick. Mei headhunters Mayu for 2.

Mei pulls on Mayu's chin then does a surfboard variation. Mayu dropkicks Mei against the bottom rope. Mei rolls Haz into a double stomp. Mayu then takes corner attacks from her opponents. Mei flying dropkicks Mayu for 2. 

Mayu does a nice german on Mei then superkicks her in the head. Mei is lifted for a double facebuster for 2. We get some dropkicks and Mayu ends up pinning Mei.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced mach. The work was good but it was average for the most part. They didn't get enough time and no one did any big spots or moves.

Mayu and AZM pull on each other's hair after.

Dump Matsumoto, Natsuko Tora & ZAP vs. Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi, Saori Anou & Sayaka Kurara)

Dump hits the ref with her kendo stick before it starts and Zap uses a kendo stick on her opponents. The faces are thrown out. Poi is sent into a table and seats. Dump chokes Poi with a kendo stick then stands on her.

Poi gets triple teamed by the heels then takes a kendo stick shot to the gut. The ref is all bloodied and is taped up. Dump hits the faces with her stick. Tora blocks Poi's armdrag and shoulders her over. Poi germans Zap.

Anou is tagged in and top rope dropkicks Zap. Anou pounds on Dump in the corner. Anou step up enzugiri's Tora then is hit by Dump's stick. The other faces get hit with the stick too. Anou kicks away Dump's stick and rolls her up for 2.

Zap suplexes Saya then Tora does as well. Dump hits Saya with her stick. Tora takes dropkicks from the faces. Dump hits the faces with a trash can then Tora nails Saya with it. Tora crabs Saya. Dump hits a double lariat on Poi and Anou. Tora top rope splashes Saya for 2. Saya takes a double dropkick.

Dump nails Tora with her tras hcan on accident and Saya rolls up Tora and pins her.

Thoughts: Saya pinning Tora was a shock and was one of the biggest wins of her career so far. I thought it was stupid that Dump hit the ref with weapons and even made the ref bleed yet the ref just let the match continue on. The heels also used tons of weapons on the faces and of course the ref was powerless to stop it too. That might work if it's a heel ref, but it doesn't when it's supposed to be a neutral ref.

Dump talks on the mic after then Tora talks on the mic.

Team 200kg (Chihiro Hashimoto & Yuu) vs. Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO & Maika)

Hana and Maika drink beer during their entrance.

Hana and Chi shoulder battle to start. Chi shoulders her over. Chi front facelocks Maika then does a nice gutwrench suplex. Maika and Han hit corner attacks their send htier opponents into each other. Chi and Yu do double spinebusters and double crabs.

Maika takesa double shoulder. Yuu splashes her then Chi splashes Yuu's back. Chi slams Maika for 2. Yuu chops Maika down several times. Yuu sentons her for 2. Maika hip throws her and sliding lariats her. Han facekicks Yuu. Hana hits a double splash on both opponents in the corner.

Yuu throws down Hana and sentons her. Yuu suplexes Hana. Hana racks Chi and lays her on the top rope. Hana then facekicks her off for 2. Hana suplexes Chi. Maika comes in and lariat battles with Chi. They forearm each other. They lariat each other on the ropes then Chi spears her.

Chi gets stopped up top. Maika superplexes her down. Maika backdrops her for 2. Chi release germans Maika. Yuu side slams both opponents at the same time. Yuu then does her steamroller move onto them outside. 

Maika takes Yuu down by the arm and goes for the armbar. Yuu takes a double torture rack drop for 2. Maika running lariats Yuu for 2. Yuu corner cannonballs Maika for 2. Yuu 2nd rope splashes Maika for 2. Chi and Yuu hit stereo powerbombs. Chi and Yuu miss a double splash off the n2d rope. Maika michinoku drivers Chi. Yuu hip throws Maika then sentons her. Maika rolls up Yuu out of the powerbomb and wins.

Thouhgts: It was a good match. It went a little longer than it needed to though and they didn't quite go all out for this. It was all hoss style wrestling as expected with lots of splashes, sentons and throws. 

The girls talk on the mic after. Chi and Hana scream at each other then Maika shakes their hands.

Stardom Career Vs. Stardom Name Match - Tam Nakano vs. Unagi Sayaka

Tam slaps her and Unagi slaps her back. Unagi takes her down and Tam tries slaps from the bottom. Unagi codebreakers her then legdrops her. Tam headhunters her. Tam kicks Unagi in the back. Tam basement dropkicks her. Tam top rope plancha's her outside.

Tam slams Unagi on the floor. Tam running knees Unagi on the apron. Tam puts Unagi's head under the top buckle connector and her legs over the bottom buckle connector and pulls. Tam takes a flapjack on the ramp edge. 

Unagi hits forearms on Tam then suplexes her on the ramp. Unagi codebreakers her over the middle rope. Unagi camel clutches Tam. Tam backdrops Unagi. They sit on the mat and facekick each other. Unagi facekicks her over and takes a superkick. Unagi 2nd rope superplexes Tam. Tam suplexes her. Tam misses a basement dropkick and takes a forearm.

Unagi sliding forearms her for 2. Tam spin kicks her. Unagi flapjacks her near the ropes. Unagi sit out dominators her for 2. Tam falcon arrows her. Unagi facekicks Tam. Tam spinning high kicks her then running knees her to the front and back. Unagi spinning flatliners her for 2. Unagi does a double underhook driver with a leg over the neck for 2.

Unagi hits mounted forearms on Tam then Tam backdrops her. Tam hits more backdrops then buzzsaw kicks her. Tam tiger suplexes her for the win.

The final pin was kind of botched here as Unagi clearly got her shoulder up and the ref didn't care. It was a longer match with a slower pace but wasn't great. There just wasn't anything too special about it and I don't think they figured out what the story of this one was supposed to be. I just thought this was average and was really missing a lot of things.

They talk on the mic after then shake hands and hug. They then slap each other and butt heads. Unagi then pushes her away.

Neo Genesis (Starlight Kid & Suzu Suzuki) vs. HATE (Momo Watanabe & Saya Kamitani)

I have no idea why this is the main event.

Saya ducks lock-ups to start. Saya stops Kid's foot and cartwheels over her. Saya rolls over her back and armdrags her but Kid cartwheels out. Kid armdrags her off the casadora and basement dropkicks her. Saya wraps her leg around Kid's throat on the ropes then 2nd rope dropkicks her. Momo slams Kid. Momo foot chokes Kid.

Saya boots Kid around and foot chokes her more. Kid 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Momo and Suzu trade forearms. Suzu knocks her down. Suzu running knees her in the corner.
Suzu kicks her in the back then Momo kicks her in the back. Momo rolls up Suzu for 2 then Suzu running knees her in the back. Kid dropkicks Momo in the back of the leg and dragon screws her around the 2nd rope. Momo PK's Kid.

Kid cross-legged fisherman suplexes Momo. Kid top rope 180 splashes Momo for 2. Momo 2nd rope meteora's Kid for 2. Kid tombstones Momo then misses a to prope moonsault. Momo escapes a stretch muffler then high kicks Kid. Saya spinning heel kicks Suzu. Suzu and Saya trade forearms. Suzu facekicks Saya on the ropes then does a drive-by kick.

Saya overhead suplexes Suzu. They forearm each other at the same time and Saya spinning heel kicks her. Suzu hits a tequila shot. Suzu rolling spears the ref on accident. Momo then hits Suzu with her bat. HATE comes in and beats up on the faces.

Momo high kicks Saya on accident. Kid double knees Saya in the back. Saya takes a double team and Kid is thrown into the ref in the corner. Suzu hits Momo with a bat then Kid asai moonsaults onto Momo. Saya springboards and is hit with a bat from Suzu. Suzu hits double germans on Saya and pins her.

Thoughts: After seeing this, I still have no idea why it was the main. It was a pretty average match for the most part with the heels cheating, weapons being used and the ref going down. There was nothing special about this one and it was average.

Suzu talks on the mic after and seems to want to challenge for Saya's title. Kid and Saya then talk to close the show.

Overall thoughts: It was a longer Stardom show for no real reason. The main was average as expected. Tam/Unagi didn't deliver. The AEW girls didn't really impress. Aya vs Chi Chi was decent. The tag with the Inaba sisters looked promising but ended too early and Dump did her usual thing. It was an average show all around with nothing being geat. I'd give this one a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend it.

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