Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Pro Wrestling NOAH 1/11/2025 Star Navigation Premium 2025

Pro Wrestling NOAH 1/11/2025 Star Navigation Premium 2025

AMAKUSA, Eita, Junta Miyawaki & Shuji Kondo vs. RATEL'S (HAYATA, Tadasuke, YO-HEY & Yuto Kikuchi)

Eita and Haya trade arm holds. Eita side headlocks him. Haya yanks on the arm. Jun and Tada go at it. Jun armdrags him. Tada boots him out of the corner and 2nd rope diving armdrags him. Tada chops him then Jun spinning headscissors him. Jun dropkicks him out.

Ama and Yuto go at it. Ama blocks a kick and Yuto does a pose. Yuto backflips into a spinning headcissors then poses. Yuto walks up the buckles and flips off. Ama springboard headscissors Yuto. Yuto then goes out.

Kondo and Yo go at it. Kondo shoulders him over. Yo avoids a pop-up powerslam then flying headscissors Kondo. Kondo stops a double team and kubinage's Yo onto Haya. Kondo hits a bulldog + lariat combo. Jun plancha's out.

Eita hits a nice dropkick on Haya. Haya slams Eita. Eita gets his knees up on a 2nd rope moonsault. He sunset flips and la magistral's Haya for the win.

Thoughts: This was too short. We barely got to see much of anyone and the ending was sudden. I was disappointed too since they were doing alright.

Black Menso-re & Mohammed Yone vs. Ulka Sasaki & Zozaya

Zo and Yone go at it. Yone clean breaks him and does a disco pose. Zo rolls into a dropkick on him. Menso and Ulka go at it. Ulka is pulled over the top. Ulka snapmares Menso and kicks him in the back. Ulka rolls him up for 2.

Menso sunset flips him. Zo hits corner spears on Menso. Zo drops Menso off of his shoulder for 2. Menso comes off the 2nd rope and tries to poke him in the yees. Menso dropkicks him. Yone corner lariats Zo.

Yone forearms Zo over then Zo flying kicks him. Ulka gets in and hits shots on Yone. Ulka cutters him then Yone suplexes him. Menso puts sunglasses on for some reason then gets Yone to put some on. Ulka takes a double shoulderblock. Menso eye pokes Yone for some reason and takes a boot from Menso. Zo runs and jumps to the top for a planche on Yone. Ulka flying kicks Menso then backdrops him for the win.

Thoughts: This wasn't good. Menso was doing all comedy here and this wasn't good. Zoad one dive here and didn't really hit it clean.

Atsushi Kotoge, Go Shiozaki, Hajime Ohara & Kazuyuki Fujita vs. Daiki Odashima, Masa Kitamiya, Naomichi Marufuji & Takashi Sugiura

Kaz = Kazuyuki Fujita, Maru = Naomichi Marufuji, Sugi = Takashi Sugiura

Kaz's team drinks alcohol before it starts. Kaz and Masa bump shoulders then trade forearms. They shoulder battle and Masa flying shoulders him. Kaz shoulders him over for 2. Daiki and Kaz go at it. They mat wrestler and Daiki ropebreaks. Kaz slams him.

Ohara shoulders over Daiki. Daiki sunset flips him for 2. Daiki flying headscissors him then dropkicks him. MAru corner back elbows Ohara. Ohara russian legsweeps him into a nice arm and leg hold on him. Maru takes a group clubbing from his opponents. Kotoge hits a top rope splash on Maru for 2.

Kotoge headbutts Maru. Maru hook kicks Kotoge, takes a pump kick then does a pumping knee. Sugi and Go get in. They trade forearms. Go hits machine gun chops on Sugi. Go lariats him for 2. Sugi gordbusters Go then corner facekicks him. Sugi running knees him in the corner.

Sugi 2nd rope superplexes Go for 2. The match starts breaking down and Kaz takes a double suplex. Kaz then takes a senton. Go takes forearms from Sugi then is slapped. Go hits a big lariat on Sugi. Daiki hits chops on Go then does a head and arm choke. Daiki rolls up Go twice for 2. Go hits a big chop on Daiki. Go chops him down for 2. Go hits a fisherman's buster on him then hits a big lariat. Go then picks up the win.

Daiki trying to fight off Go and survive his offense made this into a fun match. Other than that, they had too many people in and not enough time which limited what this could be. This needed like 30 minutes to become something special and got about a third of it.

El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. & Galeno Del Mal vs. LJ Cleary & Saxon Huxley

This is Hijo's final match in Noah. He hugs Rossy Moreno, who is his mother and a former wrestler. He's probably going to WWE. I really think Noah should have forced him to sign with them long term before giving him the title and pushing him.

LJ and Hijo shake hands. Hijo kips up out of a wristlock. Hijo armdrags him and dropkicks him over. Sax and Mal go at it.

Sax side headlocks Mal. They shoulder battle. Sax slams him then elbow drops him. Mal's head is banged off of LJ's foot. LJ stomps on Mal. LJ hits punches and poses in between each one. LJ spin kicks him then Mal dropkicks him. Mal back body drops LJ.

Sax stops on Mal. Mal hits forearms on Sax then facekicks him. Sax crossbodies him. Mal suplexes him. Hijo hits LJ from behind then backdrops him. Sax boots Hijo out of the corner then does the same to Mal. Sax takes forearms from both then a double headbutt.

Hijo chops Sax. Sax sky highs Hijo for 2. Mal headbutts Sax. Sax headbutts him then running boots him. LJ double stomps Mal's back off the buckles. LJ tope con hilos Mal but is caught. LJ spin kicks Mal outside and Sax topes Mal.

LJ springboard canadian destroyers Hijo for 2. Hijo spinning forearms LJ. Hijo emerald flowsions him for the win.

It wasn't anything special. Hijo and Mal were lazy here and did very little and they never figured out the flow of this one. There was just too many different styles involved for this to work.

Hijo gets on the mic after and says Viva Mexico. He says Noah is home and his family. He thanks everyone for the last 5 years.

All Rebellion (Alejandro & Kai Fujimura vs. Team 2000X (Daga & Yu Owada)

Kai and Daga go at it. Daga wristlocks him and Kai wrstilocks him back. They do 3 snapmares into headscissors spots and Daga side headlocks him. Daga shoulders Kai over then flying headscissors him. Kai armdrags him and trips him.

Yu slaps Ale from behind. Ale trips him then springboard diving armdrags him. Yu knocks away a dropkick and stands on Ale. Yu foot chokes Ale in the corner. Ale rolls him up into a dropkick. Kai stomps on Yu. Yu pump kicks Kai and twisting neckbreakers him.

Yu slaps Kai in the back of the head. Yu eye rakes Kai. Daga snap siplexes Kai for 2. Kai takes a double hiptoss into a double backbreaker. Yu and Daga then spray snot onto Kai. Daga stomps on Kai in the corner. Kai 2nd rope diving headscissors Daga then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Yu.

Ale gets in and hits armdrags on Daga. Ale rotation headscissors Daga. Kai and Ale then do stereo tope con hilos out. Daga takes a double superkick for 2. Ale goes for a toyota roll and is powerslammed. Yu and Kai go at it. Kai dropkicks him. Kai running swantons him for 2. Daga trips Kai for a Yu 2 count. Kai spin kicks and pumping knees Yu. Kai then suplexes him for 2. Kai hits a final cut on Yu for 2.

Yoshi rams Ale into the apron outside. Daga low blows Kai then Yu backslides Kai to win.

Thoughts: The heels did basic strikes and some cheating here and the faces did their fun flying offense. The heels eventually got the win with a low blow. It was okay I suppose but nothing more.

All Rebellion (Harutoki & Kaito Kiyomiya vs. Team 2000X (Jack Morris & Omos)

Omos and Kaito stare down. Omos tries to corner him. Kaito gets shots in and is pushed back. Kaito dropkicks him in the knee and hits forearms. Omos facekicks him.

Haru waistlocks Omos and is thrown off. Omors boots him over and Haru does some silly selling off of it. Omos corner splashes Haru. Haru is worked on in the corner. Jack hits forearms on Haru then Jack back elbows him.

Jack slams Haru for 2. Haru step up enzugiri's Jack. Kaito gets in. He top rope dropkicks Jack. Jack spinebusters Kaito for 2. Jack is on Omos' shoulders and splashes Kaito for 2. Kaito spinning forearms him. Jack pumping knees him. Kaito shining wizards him.

Haru hits dropkicks then shin kicks on Omos. Omos hits a powerslam. Omos hits a big last ride powerbomb and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was all about Omos dominating here and the faces trying to make a dent on him before being taken down. It made sense and they did what they were supposed to. We'll have to see where it goes.

Kenoh vs. OZAWA

Oz ducks a high kick and rolls out. Oz does a muay thai pose and hides between the ropes. Oz then goes out again. Ken chases him. Back in and Ken facekicks Oz over. Oz hits armdrags. Oz does Hakushi's praying rope walk and tries to hit Ken but is blocked.

Oz PK's him then standing corkscrew moonsaults him for 2. Oz flying headscissors him then breakdances in the ring. Ken gets mad and is pulled over the top. Oz's buddies take cheapshots on Ken outside then Ken's buddies try to help out Ken. 

Ken is sent into the rails. Oz puts Ken head around the rails and licks his face. Oz sends Ken into the rails and mocks his selling. Ken forearms Oz and Oz bites his arm. Ken chest kicks him down twice. Ken spinkicks him then does a siuplex for 2. Oz basement dropkicks Ken.

Oz corner dropkicks Ken. Oz top rope dropkicks Ken. Ken hits leg kicks. They trade forearms. Oz running racekicks him and is chest kicked down. Oz bites Ken's foot and neck and they trade corkscrew kicks.

Oz finlay rolls him and hits a standing ssp for 2. Oz hits a botched powerbomb on Ken for 2. Oz flips out of a dragon suplex then rolls into a flatliner. Oz hits a nice ultimo ddt for 2. Oz hit a sitout bomb for 2. Oz misses a phoenix splash off the top. Ken crossfaces Oz. Yoshitatsu then jumps in and fights with Ken for the DQ.

Thoughts: It was an interesting match with a bad finish. I don't know how much longterm stay Oz's antics have but it works for right now. He can also do a lot of flips and kicks which is meshing well with the Noah roster. I liked this, just not the finish.

Ken gets on the mic after and wants a tag match.

Six On Four Handicap Match - All Rebellion (Alejandro, Kai Fujimura, Kaito Kiyomiya & Kenoh) vs. Team 2000X (Daga, Jack Morris, Omos, OZAWA, Yoshitatsu & Yu Owada)

Everyone fights to start and goes out to fight. Ken sends Oz into the rails and hits kicks outside. Ken is sent into the rails. Kaito is sent into the rails. Oz forearms Ken in the ring then Ken chest kicks him down.

Omos and Ken stare down. Ken hits leg kicks and Omos no sells them. Omos shoulders him over then facekicks him. Omos hits a double chokeslam. Omos one arm slams Kaito. Jack stomps on Kaito. Jack back elbows Kaito. Yu sits on Kaito then steps on his face.

Omos hits a big chop on Kaito. Oz hits forearms on Kaito then Kaito flying lariats him. Kaito dragon screws Oz. Ale comes in and dropkicks Oz. Oz spin kicks Ale then licks his mask. Oz dropkicks Ale for 2. Oz phoenix splashes Ale and wins.

Thoughts: This was mostly just the faces getting dominated here before being put down. It just was what it was. 

GHC National Title Match - Manabu Soya (c) vs. Tetsuya Endo

Endo is now a full-time roster member. It sucks for DDT as he was one of their better wrestlers and he's not going to be easily replaced. Soya wristlocks him. Endo reverses it. Soya chops him and is sent out. Endo plancha's him outside.

Endo facekicks him, handsprings and is lariated from behind. Soya drops Endo on the top rope throat first. Soya neckbreakers him for 2. Endo hits a suplex on him. Endo rolls into a dropkick on Soya for 2. 

Endo hits a dropkick then flying space tiger drops him outside. Endo springboard lariats Soya. Soya spears Endo. Soya bulldogs Endo then deadlift suplexes him for 2.Endo poisonrana's Soya then Soya shoulders him over. Endo handspring corkscrew kicks Soya then Soya lariats him.

They trade chops. Endo headbutts him. Soya hits chops and double chops. Soya runs bent over and Endo double stomps his back. Endo hits a standing 450 moonsault (backflip where he lands on his back onto Soya).

They ram shoulders up top. Endo slides down. Soya 2nd rope powerslams Endo. Soya death valley drivers him for 2. Soya kind of hits a go to sleep then Endo standing spanish flies him for 2. Endo exploders him for 2. Team 2000X come out. Endo gets distracted. Endo misses a top rope ssp. Soya short ddt's him for 2. Soya running lariats Endo and Team 2000X pull the ref out on the count. Yoshi hits Soya with a night stick. Endo takes the stick from Yoshi. Endo then nails Soya with it. Endo spinning torture rack bombs Soya then hits a top rope ssp. Endo then gets the pin.

Thoughts: I liked the match and thought it was good. They didn't overdo it and were able to mesh the styles well. I was okay with the dirty finish was there's a point to it and it helps out the storyline. 

Team 2000X talk on the mic after. Endo says he is joining Team 2000X. He says he wants to save Noah.

Overall thoughts: It was a good show overall and designed around putting over Team 2000X. It's working right now but I don't know if it will work longterm. I liked the main and the Ken/Ozawa match. The undercard wasn't that much and The Wagner Brothers took it easy in their match. I'd give this a 6 out of 10 and think it's worth seeing if you plan on following Noah this year.

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