NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #5 7/17/2002
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2025/01/nwa-tna-weekly-ppv-4-7102002.html
We see Ken Shamrock interviewed earlier in the day. He says "back off b!tch" and says they always want a story. He says how about I show you and start kicking the sh!t out of everyone here. He then says back off in a very angry interview.
Ed Ferrara, Don West and Mike Tenay are on commentary.
We cut to the back and Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett are fighting. Jeff's bang off a table and Hall is thrown into a garbage can and rails. Jeff is thrown into a rollaway door. Hall then throws a trash can at Jeff. Jeff is thrown over a rail and security comes to break things up. They go out and Jeff is told he forfeited his match tonight and doesn't have it.
Tenay says live TV can be a real challenge. He says Jeff Jarrett is out of the ladder match next and wants to know what's going on.
Father James Mitchell gets on the mic. He says it appears Jarrett won't be able to bleed here tonight. He says Malice is still in the mood to wash his hands in the crimson of another victim. He says Malice is inviting someone to take a fast lane to hell and back. The lights go out and it's Sabu.
NWA World Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Ladder Match - Sabu vs. Malice
Sabu hits punches on Mal. Mal punches back. Sabu 2nd rope tornado ddt's him then springboard legdrops him. Mal back elbows him and hits elbow drops. Mal slams him. Sabu throws chairs at Mal's head. Sabu jumps onto him off a chair and is caught and backbreakered. Mal hits a legdrop.
Sabu is sent into a chair between the buckles. Mal hits punches. Mal jumps at Sabu on the ropes and ends up falling to the outside. Sabu dropkicks a ladder into Mal. Sabu then does a double springboard plancha onto Mal. Sabu sends Mal's buddy Tempest into the rails then jumps off the steps onto Mal.
Sabu sets up a table and is hit. Sabu is dropped face first onto a ladder. Sabu is sent into a ladder in the corner. Mal puts Sabu against a ladder and slams them both down. Sabu's bleeding and is chaired by Mal. Sabu springboard kicks a ladder into Mal. Sabu climbs the ladder and Mal powerbombs him down. Mal belly to belly suplexes Sabu onto a table.
Mal facekicks him. Mal climbs the ladder and Sabu jumps off the buckles and dropkicks him off of it. Mal misses a corner charge into the ladder. Sabu throws a chair at Mal's head. Sabu flying leg lariats Mal against the ladder.
Sabu holds a ladder up from the top and drives it down onto Mal. Sabu arabian facebusters Mal. Tempest beats up Sabu on the ropes. Sabu gets on the ladder and is pulled down. Sabu chairs Malice in the head and takes a spinebuster.
Mal climbs the ladder and Sabu pushes him off it onto a table outside in a super dangerous spot. Sabu climbs the ladder and grabs the contract to win.
Thoughts: Mal's bump was huge here and whoever booked that had a death wish for him. I thought they did a pretty good job with the match. Sabu was the underdog and Mal was the big giant. It was believeable and they didn't overdo it too much.
Malice's crew beat up Sabu after. Sabu asai moonsaults both of them together. Mal chairs him then he chokeslams him off the apron through a table.
The officials are still trying to get control of Jeff Jarrett outside. They told him he's kicked out of the building. It's raining and everyone is soaked.
AJ Styles comes out. He talks about Jerry Lynn but Lynn interrupts before he tells him anything. Lynn tells him to shut up and comes down. He says he'll tell him what he wants to know. Lynn says he wants to know why he left him laying like a b!tch. Lynn asks him how long he's been wrestling. Lynn then asks how long has Lynn been wrestling. Lynn says he was busting his @ss while AJ's mom was powdering his. He says he's done more in the business in one day than AJ did in his lifetime.
Lynn asks who he is and what he has done. He says AJ walks around like he's King Sh!t but isn't sh!t. He says AJ never had to sleep in his car or live on peanut butter sandwiches. He says AJ isn't sh!t until he paid his dues like he did. He says he gave AJ an opportunity when he let him be his partner. He says he'll be d@mned if he sits back while AJ steals all the flory. Lynn tells him to follow his lead and says he will respect him. AJ then hits an enzugiri and a style's clash on him.
Thoughts: Like I said last time, this angle was rushed and needed more to it to make it work. Maybe it'll be better in a few weeks but it's too soon for all this right now.
Goldilocks is in front of Jasmin St. Claire's locker room for an interview. Goldi goes int othe bathroom to interview her. Francine then jumps Jasmin. they go into the showers and Francine turns the showers on while she's under them. We then cut away.
We see the cage dancers.
K-Krush talks in the ring. He tells everyone to look at him. He says he looks like a star and sounds like one. He says he moves and smells like a star. He ask why is he not the biggest star in the business? He asks why he was put in the ring with a NASCAR driver and asks why WWE let him go. He says they were afraid he was going to become the hottest item he they had. He says he's been kept down his whole life and has been treated like a second class citizen because they know he's better than they are and are afraid of it. He says you better be afraid as he will take what should be his. He syas it's time to move to the top of the mountain. He says he's not an angry black man, just the truth and the truth will no longer be denied.
Thoughts: It's Russo. You are going to get a shoot promo at some point. That's what we got here.
K-Krush vs. Norman Smiley
Krush nails Norm from behind and stomps on him. Norm side headlocks him then hits a big slam. Norm does the big wiggle from the wheelbarrow position and drops Krush onto his chest.
Krush goes up and over Norm, splits out of a legdrop and does a leg lariat. Krush hits shots in the corner and stomps on him. Krush boots him out of the corner and Norm backdrops him.
Norm hits punches and headbutts him. Norm running lariats him. Krush hits a sitout gordbuster for the win.
Thoughts: It was quick and fine. Both guys looked okay here and Krush won as expected.
Krush whips Norm with his belt after. He chokes him with it and hangs him with it. Norm's wife comes out and tries to stop it. Krush grabs Norm's wife and security comes out.
Goldilocks interrupts Puppet. He's in a trash can. Puppet asks if he can get some privacy. They imply he's touching himself and he says he has PMS - p!ssed midget system. He says only beating midgets @sses fixes it. Puppet says he has 6 inch python that he will wrap around meatballs neck and says he will show Golid his cobra later.
Thoughts: Yep, Russo again. This time he booked a midget getting off in a trash can. I'm not sure how we were supposed to react to this or what this was supposed to do. It's just him coming up with stupid lewd ideas.
Goldi runs into The Dupps. They are playing spin the bottle and Bo is trying to make out with Fluff. Stan is playing with a lighter while Bo humps Fluff. Stan tells Goldi she has some nice lips and says he's not talking about those lips.
Thoughts: Again, another bizarre Russo idea that had no obvious point to it other than to be lewd. I don't think this or the other segment was some company killing idea like people make it out to be, but they were bizarre segments.
Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper vs. The Flying Elvises (Jorge Estrada & Sonny Siaki)
CD and Elix get some shots in. CD and Jorge are sent over the top together. Elix flip dives out onto Jorge. CD is dropped down chest first by Jorge. Sonny pop-up samoan drops Elix for 2. Jorge hits a running moonsault.
Jorge double underhook suplexes Elix. Sonny goes onto commentary for some reason and says Jorge thinks he's really Elvis. Sonny says there's 3 important things about the match and all of them are him. Jorge lariats Elix.
Elix boots Sonny out of the corner. Sonny backbreakers Elix over the shoulder for 2. Jorge slingshot sitout moonsaults Elix. Jorge does a weird razor's edge drop. Sonny gets on commentary and says no one cares about The Flying Elvises. He says it's all about him and he's been carrying Jorge on his soulders. Elix hits a buckshot lariat on Jorge.
Daniels gets in and beats up on The Elvises. CD botches a double team spot then hits a bulldog + lariat combo. CD takes a backdrop. Elix jumps off of CD's back, Jorge's shoulders and hits a hurricanrana. CD hits a blue thunder on Jorge for 2.
CD is tripped from the outside and take a basement dropkick. Jorge 2nd rope legdrops CD for 2. CD step up enzugiri's Jorge. Elix hits shots on both opponents and shoulder throws Sonny. Elix belly to belly suplexes Sonny then hits a double underhook suplex for 2. Elix takes a facebuster and jorge botches a springboard onto him.
CD sto's Jorge then double jump moonsaults him for 2. CD hits a flatliner on Sonny then Elix top rope dropkicks Sonny for 2. Sonny pumphandle suplexes Elix for 2. CD goes over the top rope and pulls Sonny down with him. Elix hits a play of the day on Jorge but the ref isn't paying attention. Elix grabs the ref then Sonny hits a twisting neckbreaker to win.
Thoughts: This was another segment that got Russo'd. The match would have maybe been okay but Sonny got on commentary during it and completely buried the team and his partner. Again like with most of Russo's worst ideas, if there was some reasoning for them doing it like them losing or having problems, maybe it would have worked. But this was totally out of nowhere and brought the match down.
The Dupp's run down after and hit Jorge with boards with Sonny Siaki runs away. Even Fluff Dupp hits Jorge with a board. Why? Who knows.
Teo the midget dances with one of the caged dancers.
Goldilocks interviews K-Krush. K-Krush threatens her then is jumped by Scott Hall. Hall sends Krush into the rollaway door. He says there's 2 down and 1 to go.
Hardcore Midget Match - Puppet vs. Meatball
Meatball grabs snacks out of a shopping card that is there for some reason.
Puppet drops Meat with a trash can. He then hits a stroke on him on a trash can. Puppet dropkicks a trashcan into Meat. Meat throws Puppet into the ropes and Puppet takes a hard bump out. Meat double axe handles Puppet off the apron then slams him on the ramp.
Meat then does a cartwheel into an elbow drop. Meat throws Puppet into the rails. Meat then grabs a cake an shoves it in Puppet's face. Meat sprays him with cheese wiz and throws an apple at him. Puppet low blows Meat and Puppet throws food at him.
Puppet hits him over the back of the head with a heavy bag of flour. Puppet then breaks a watermelon over Meat's head. Meat is thrown onto the ramp and hit with a trash can lid. Puppet dropkicks a chair into him.
Meat is thrown into the steps Puppet tornado ddt's Meat onto the floor for 2. Puppet hits Meat on the apron. Puppet 2nd rope legdrops Meat onto a chair. A chair is put on Meat then Puppet vader bombs him for the win.
Thoughts: It was an unusual hardcore match. Getting hit with the food probably didn't hurt that much and was just there to turn this into a joke. It was pretty one-sided and had little but weapons shots.
Teo the midget grinds with a cage dancer then pulls her top off.
Jasmin St. Claire vs. Francine
Jas comes out wet from the shower and in her underwear. She says Fran started something in the back with her and she wants to finish it now.
Fran takes her down and they roll around. Jas takes Fran's top off and nearly takes her bra with it. Fran takes Jas down and pulls her shorts off. Fran whips Jas in the butt with her belt. The Blue Meanie then comes out as he was Jas' boyfriend at the time. Fran whips him with the belt then gets ddt'd by Meanie. I guess Jas won via DQ?
Thoughts: Yeah, this was TNA alright. It pretty much served no other purpose.
Fran is stretchered out.
Goldilocks tries to interview Low-Ki but he just walks away.
NWA TNA X Title Match - AJ Styles (c) vs. Low-Ki
AJ takes down Ki. We are told Francine said she couldn't move and was crying. Ki hits mounted shots on AJ then AJ gets his own in. Ki hits knees to the gut and they trade chops. They trade leg kicks. Ki trips him and front facelocks him.
Ki hits a mongolian chop. Ki goes for a cartwheel and is dropkicked. AJ dropkicks Ki. AJ swantons onto Ki. Ki facekicks AJ. AJ goes to springboard and is kicked. They bring up that these two are doing Ring of Honor shows. AJ lariats Ki on the apron then misses an asai moonsault outside.
AJ goes to do a tope and gets kicked. They fight on the apron and Ki dragon sleepers him on the ropes. AJ asai moonsaults into a reverse ddt on Ki. Ki superkicks AJ. AJ powerslams Ki for 2. AJ hits a nasty brainbuster on the shoulders. AJ misses a spiral tap.
Ki lifts AJ like a muscle buster, rams his head into the top buckle and takes a rough looking ddt. Ki does a handspring cartwheel kick on AJ in the corner. Ki goes for a phoenix dragonrana but is caught with a styles clash and pinned.
Thoughts: It didn't get enough time or any real storyline to be great. The crowd wasn't super into it either sadly. The match was okay and easily the best thing on the show at this point, but that's not saying much. The DDT spot was pretty cool and the finish was neat.
AJ poses on the ramp after and Jerry Lynn hits a hard spear. Lynn whips him with the X-Title. Jerry then hits a hard piledriver.
Jerry overhead belly to belly suplexes AJ into the ladder. Jerry drops AJ gut first onto a ladder. Lynn legdrops AJ on the ladder. He tells him he will respect him.
We see the cage dancers again.
Brian Lawler talks on the mic. Brian says he told everyone he is no longer Jerry's kid. He says he will give us a few Jerry Lawler facts. He says Jerry has been married 3 times. He says all 3 of his wives were younger than him. Brian says that's sickening. He says his dad isn't here to watch him wrestle as he likes to hang out at the local high school with candy. He goes to bring up Vince McMahon and Jim Ross then Scott Hall's music hits. Scott Hall then appears from behind.
Thoughts: This was another bad Brian Lawler shoot that built up some kind of angle with Jerry Lawler that was never going to happen.
Scott Hall vs Brian Lawler
BL = Brian Lawler
BL talks trash about Hall being a drunk with Hall behind him. BL talks more with Hall behind him. Hall finally hits him after a while. BL ducks a shot, hides in the ropes and then gets punched over the ropes. BL stands on the commentary table and gets punched. He is then brought down onto the floor. BL is sent into the rail.
Hall decks BL on the ramp. BL hits Hall with a fan's purse. Hall is sent into the post. BL drops Hall with a punch in the ring. BL hits corner punches. BL headbutt drops Hall in the crotch.
BL suplexes him for 2. BL punches Hall in the corner. BL slides out and punches Hall. BL says anyone chanting, "Jerry's kid" can kiss his @ss on the mic. Hall starts to make his comeback with punches. BL superkicks him. Hall throws him off the buckles.
Hall hits punches. BL is caught on a crossbody and takes a fallaway slam. Hall 2nd rope backdrops him. K-Krush comes out and Hall hits punches on him. Krush then goes out. Hall then hits a razor's edge on BL and pins him.
Thoughts: This didn't work. Lawler's new gimmick of shooting on his dad did little to give him credibility here and his general personality just screamed being someone who didn't belong in this. It was longer than it needed to be and they didn't do much but some basic brawling and punches.
K-Krush gets back in the ring. Hall grabs him then gets low blowed by Lawler several times. Krush puts his belt between Hall's legs and him and BL yank up on it. Krush then chokes Hall with the belt. Hall spits a giant loogie all over the camera in a gross moment. Security then breaks it up.
They put Hall on a stretcher. Jeff Jarrett then comes out and hits Hall and security with a chair.
Overall thoughts: This was a really bad show. We had Puppet getting off in a trash can, The Dupp's being disgusting, midgets grinding with strippers and having bad matches, Brian Lawler shooting on his dad more and a bad main event. Low-Ki/AJ and Sabu/Malice were the only decent things on here. I didn't like this at all and thought this one helped give these weekly NWA-TNA PPV's the bad rep they got. I'd give this a 3 out of 10 and that may be generous. I would not recommend this.
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