New Japan Pro Wrestling 1/6/2025 New Year Dash !! 2025
TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) & Yuji Nagata vs. Daiki Nagai, Katsuya Murashima & Shoma Kato
KM = Katsuya Murashima
KM side headlocks Koji. KM takes him down by the wrist and armlocks him. KM side headlock takeovers him. Koji headscissors him and they stand off. KM hits chops and forearms on Koji. Nagai chop flurries Koji. Koji is triple stomped on by the rookies.
Kato hits forearms on Koji and hits him even after he tagged out. Kato takes shots from TenKoji and Tenzan falling headbutts him for 2. Tenzan suplexes Kato then bangs his head off the buckles. Kato gets kicked down by Yuji and takes a chest kick. Yuji half-crabs him.
Koji chops up Kato in the corner. Koji flying forearms him in the corner and 2nd rope elbow drops him for 2. Kato dropkicks Koji. KM gets in. He hits forearms on Koji then flying forearms him. KM powerslams Koji for 2. Koji suplexes KM.
Yuji chest kicks KM and KM dropkicks him out of the corner. Nagai gets in and hits forearms on Yuji. They trade. Yuji facekicks him then Nagai hits a dropkick and crossbody. Nagai crabs Yuji and it is broken up. Yuji belly to belly suplexes Nagai then crossfaces him. Nagai submits.
Thoughts: It was your usual rookie vs vet opener. The rookies got some shots in before going down.
Exhibition Match - Josh Barnett vs. Oleg Boltin
Oleg takes down Josh and waistlocks him. Oleg rolls him by the leg. Josh goes for a rolling armbar and they get back up. Oleg armbars Josh and Josh ropebreaks. Oleg rolls him and goes for the kimura.
They grapple. Josh headscissors him and grabs the arm. Oleg karelin's lifts him then Josh grabs a sleeper. The time limit then runs out.
Thoughts: It was only a few minutes long here and was just mostly grappling as you would expect. It wasn't anything too great and these type of matches aren't really my thing.
Josh gets on the mic after. He says this was a test of Oleg to see if he would come and meet him in the ring. Josh said he showed up and wrestled his @ss off. Josh said he told him he was going for the arm and congratulates him. He says he's moving up and will take him as high as he can. Josh says he will take him as high as he can. Oleg says English isn't his language and talks in Japanese. He says he wants to train under him.
El Phantasmo, Jado, Master Wato, Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma vs. United Empire (Francesco Akira, Great-O-Khan, Jakob Austin Young, Jeff Cobb & TJP)
Shota and Khan go at it. Khan takes him down and they get back up. They shoulder battle and Shota dropkicks him. Khan takes a striple team ending in a step up enzugiri. Jado gets worked on and Jake basement dropkicks him. TJP stomps on Jado in the corner and facewash kicks him.
Khan hits mongolian chops on Jado then uppercuts him. Khan sits on Jado's neck in the corner. Akira flying headscissors Wato. Shota slams TJP then Honma misses a falling headbutt on TJP. Cobb misses a corner splash on Jado. ELP 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Cobb then asai moonsaults him for 2.
Cobb throws ELP on a suplex then spin cycle backdrops him. ELP ddt's Cobb. ELP twists Khan's nipples in the corner. Khan takes corner attacks from his opponents. Honma ddt's Khan for 2.
Everyone starts coming in for a move. Khan takes a tornado then Wato dives off the top while ELP moonsaults off the top outside. Honma falling headbutts Khan for 2. Honma headbutts Khan then Khan flatliners him. Khan chokeslams Honma and pins him.
Thoughts: It was a short tag with more people than time. It wasn't much of note and was just filler. I don't like Honma taking chokeslams and stuff. That guy is too fragile for those kinds of moves.
ELP bumps in Cobb after and puts his title in his face. Khan sends Shota into the rails. He then rips up Shota's toy belts that a kid made for him. Shota goes after Khan and is group beaten by United Empire.
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Tiger Mask, Togi Makabe & Toru Yano vs. House Of Torture (Ren Narita, SHO, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Yujiro Takahashi)
Sho got the win by hitting Tiger with a belt. It wasn't too much of note. With Yano and Togi in there, the faces actually used HoT's own underhanded tactics and didn't put up with as much BS as usual which was good. It was just your standard HoT match but they didn't do some of the worse cheating spots.
The faces get beaten up after and Oleg Boltin makes the save. HoT steals the 6-Man Tag Titles after.
Just 4 Guys (Taichi & TAKA Michinoku) vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Clark Connors & SANADA)
Tai's team attacks the heels as they enter. Sanada's head is banged off the commentary table and Tai beats him up in the aisle way. Tai is whipped into the seats and the rail. Clark hits chops on Taka and Taka eye pokes him. Clark pounces Taka. Sanada snapmares Taka and chokes him with tape while doing a headscissors to him. Taka puts just facelock on both opponents. Taka jumping kicks Clark.
Tai facekicks Sanada over then hits Kawada kicks. Tai side kicks Sanada and facekicks Clark off the apron. Sanada dropkicks Tai in the knee then the chest. Sanada plancha's Tai outside.
Tai enzugiri's Sanada. Tai takes his pants off. Sanada chokes him with his pants then Tai lariats him. Sanda goes for a bridge pin and is put in just facelock. Clark is then put in stretch plum at the same time.
Sanada takes a superkick for 2. Sanada low blows Taka then submits him with skull end to win.
Thoughts: It was short and not much of note. Sanada didn't get much offense in here though he did pick up the win.
Sanada pours beer on Taka after.
El Desperado & KUSHIDA vs. BULLET CLUB (KENTA & Taiji Ishimori)
Despy and TI go at it. Despy shoulders him over early and TI crossfaces him. TI facekicks Despy over. Kenta chinlocks Despy. TI chinlocks Despy around the rails. Despy is double teamed in the corner and tries to fight it off.
Despy spinebusters TI. Kush gets in and armdrags TI. TI armdrags him and Kush headscissors him. Kush does a hiptoss into a cartwheel and basement dropkick. TI handspring corkscrew kicks Kush.
Kenta knees Kush in the gut and crossfaces him. Kenta powerslams him. Kush is double teamed and hits a handspring double back elbow. Kenta rolls up Kush twice and tries to pin him with his feet on the ropes. Kush kimura's Kenta and submits him.
Thoughts: It was another short and forgettable match. They didn't have a ton of time and didn't do anything too special here.
Kush gets on the mic after and TI takes it away. TI challenges Despy for his title.
Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI, Shingo Takagi, Titan & Yota Tsuji) vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (David Finlay, Drilla Moloney, Gabe Kidd & Gedo)
DF pounds on Yota to start. DF catches a flying headscissors and Yota running knees him. DF is pulled over the top and Bushi is tripped then sent into the rails. Everyone fights outside. Gedo hits Bushi with a hammer and the ref doesn't care.
DF stands on Bushi's chest. Gedo rakes Bushi's eyes. Drilla pulls on Bushi's mask and elbows him in the neck. Bushi hits chops on Gabe and takes an uppercut. Bushi flying headscissors Gedo. Yota and Gabe get into a shoulder battle then trade forearms. Gabe and Yota trade chops. They trade corner attacks then more strikes. Gabe headbutts him in the chest then hits a big lariat. Yota suplexes Gabe. Gabe no sells it and backdrops him. Yota no sells it. They then headbutt each other at the same time.
Shingo lariats Drilla. Drilla step up enzugiri's him. They trade forearms. Shingo lariats him on the ropes then Drilla spinebusters him. They lariat each other. Drilla superkicks him and takes a lariat. Titan springboard crossbodies Gedo then pele kicks DF. Titan jumping back kicks Gedo then corner lariats him. Bushi holds Gedo and Titan top rope double stomps Gedo's back for 2. Titan springboard dropkicks DF then Bushi hits a tope on DF. Titan inidian deathlocks Gedo and taps him out.
Thoughts: It was another waste of time that didn't get enough time to be anything special. This was little more than a way to get people on the card.
Gabe and Yota butt heads after. Yota holds his title up at Gabe. Drilla gets on the mic and says he's a heavyweight. He says dragon's aren't real and only he is real. He tells Shingo to show him what he's about.
FUNKY SAUCE (Alex Zayne & Ryusuke Taguchi) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Hiromu Takahashi & Tetsuya Naito)
HT = Hiromu Takahashi, RT = Ryuske Taguchi
HT wore his giant helmet thing from The Dome here. RT and Ht lock up. HT side headlocks him. HT slides out. RT sits down and hurts his crotch somehow then HT misses a crossbody. RT basement dropkicks HT and RT puts ice on his inner thigh and crotch. RT misses a hip attack. HT crossbodies Alex and RT.
RT takes an atomic drop and then a baseball slide. HT corner lariats Rt then basement dropkicks him for 2. RT takes a double atomic drop on double hip attack attempt. He then hits the double hip attack. Alex hits forearms on Naito. He then hiptosses him into a standing corkscrew moonsault.
Naito flying headscissors Alex off the 2nd rope. Alex bites Naito's hand then step up enzugiri's him. RT corner hip attacks Naito then Alex leapfrogs RT into a corner dropkick on Naito. Alex corner cannonballs Naito. Naito takes a flipping legdrop = side slam combo. RT ankle locks Naito then hip attacks him. Naito step up enzugiri's RT then HT lariats RT for 2. Naito does an assisted tornado ddt on RT. Naito hits destino on RT and wins.
Thoughts: I'm not sure why this was in this spot. It was just a match with RT goofing around and Alex not even getting to do that much flying.
I think Naito maybe challenges The Young Bucks after.
CHAOS (Hirooki Goto, Rocky Romero, YOH & YOSHI-HASHI) vs. TMDK (Kosei Fujita, Robbie Eagles, Ryohei Oiwa & Zack Sabre Jr.)
Kosei and Yoh lock up. Kosei kisses him on the ropes. Yoh trips him then they miss attacks. They then stand off. Rob and Rocky go at it. Rob trips him and armdrags him. Rocky armdrgas him back then hits a big slap. Rob spinning heel kicks him. Zack and Goto go at it. Zack takes a double shoulder. Goto hiptosses his partners onto Zack. Zack is clubbed down on the back by the other team.
Yoshi headhunters Oiwa. Yoshi chops him up. Oiwa stomps Yoshi's arm. Yoshi gets his limbed worked on by all 4 opponets at once. They then rotate to each limb. Kosei chops down Yoshi in the corner then PK's him for 2. Yoshi takes a double back elbow and a double kick.Oiwa side headlocks Yoshi and shoulders him over. Yoshi superkicks him then lariats him. Zack and Goto get in.
Zack hits euros and Goto corner lariats him. Goto spinning heel kicks him in the corner and backdrops him for 2. Goto hits forearms and Zack pele kicks the arm. Zack then legsweeps him. Zack does an octopus to Goto. Zack grounds him with it. Goto running lariats Zack. Zack does a birdge pin on Goto for 2. Zack then PK's him.
Goto no sells a german and does double lariats with Zack. Goto lariats Zack over. Yoh and Kosei trade forearms. Rocky and Rob then trade at the same time. Kosei spin kicks Rocky then Rocky takes a double team kick. Kosei step up enzugiri's Yoh. Kosei takes a t-gimmick for 2. Oiwa hits a big lariat on Yoshi.
Rob springboard dropkicks Yoh in the knee. Yoh neckbreakers Rob on his knee. Zack and Goto jump in and trade forearms. Goto ushigoroshi's him. Rob trips and rolls up Yoh for 2. Kosei takes a 3D. Rob takes a backcracker into a falcon arrow.
Yoh superkicks Rocky on accident. Yoh cradles Rob for 2. Rob hits kicks on Yoh. Rock superkicks Yoh in the knee then Yoh crucifixes Rob for the win.
Thoughts: The Zack vs Goto segments were nice. It was an okay main but not great. Nobody did anything too crazy here but compared to the rest of the card, the effort was better.
Goto and Zack get into it outside. Yoshi and Oiwa fight outside. They eventually fight up the aisle way.
Yoh gets on the mic after. Yoh says his team will challenge for the junior tag titles. Goto says he has a world title match guaranteed. Goto says he will become champ.
Overall thoughts: It was a nothing show. All this did was get a bunch of people on the show and started the build to some matches on the next big show. This was almost all filler and not very entertaining to watch. Almost none of the outside wrestlers from the Dome shows showed up to this minus Titan. The only match where they really tried was in the main. And this was all tag matches instead of adding another type of match in for some variety. I'd give this a 3 out of 10 and would not recommend it.
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