Thursday, January 2, 2025

Marigold 12/31/2024 Winter Wonderful Fight Day 10

Marigold 12/31/2024 Winter Wonderful Fight Day 10

Day 9 is here:

They gave out some awards before the show:

Saree won the MVP Award. Best Match of the Year went to Saree vs Nanae Takahashi from 12/13/24. Mirai and Mai Sakurai won Best Tag Team.  The Outstanding Acheivement Award went to Utami Hayashishita. Miku Aono won the Best Technical Skill Award. Bozilla won the Fighting Spirit Award. Kouki Amarei won the Shine Award.

The girls talked about the awards after and posed with them.

They drew numbers to determine who fights who in the Rookie of the Year 2024 Tournament. And no, I have no answers for why Naho was in but Hummingbird, Victoria Yuzuki and Rea weren't.

Rookie Of The Year 2024 Tournament First Round Match - Minami Yuuki vs. Nagisa Tachibana

NT = Nagisa Tachibana

NT running dropkicks her multiple times to start. NT goes for an armbar and Yuuki ropebreaks. NT hits chest forearms and Yuuki chest forearms her over. Yuuki dropkicks her then slams her. Yuuki arm throws her over her shoulder several times for 2.

NT crossbodies Yuuki for 2. NT hits chest forearms and bangs Yuuki's head off the buckles. NT corner dropkicks Yuuki then rolls her up for 2. NT hits chest forearms. Yuuki does her hammerlock guillotine and ddt's her while doing it. 

NT ropebreaks. NT cradles her for 2. NT backslides her then la magistrals her for 2. Yuuki russian legsweeps her for 2. Yuuki does another hammerlock guillotine and taps out NT.

Thoughts: It was short and simple. Nobody botched anything or had any sloppy moments. It was about as basic as it gets but it went fine. This could have been a disaster but it wasn't.

Rookie Of The Year 2024 Tournament First Round Match - Naho Yamada vs. Ryoko Sakimura

RS = Ryoko Sakimura

The girls were at ringside already so they didn't get a special entrance. Naho wristlocks her. RS cartwheels out and reverses it. Naho wristlocks her again. Naho side headlocks her and side headlock takeovers her. RS headscissors her.

RS hits chest forearms. Naho running dropkicks her then headhunters her for 2. Naho hair throws her and takes kicks to the chest. Naho catches a kick, trips her and figure fours her. Naho bridges as RS ropebreaks. 

RS hits knees to the chest then step up knees her in the corner. RS dropkicks her for 2. RS slams Naho multiple times for 2. They trade chest forearms. Naho hits a couple in a row then RS rolls her up for 2. RS cradles her then Naho tries a pin. Naho backrolls and rolls up RS for 2. Naho bodyscissors rolls RS around the ring for 2.

Naho flying forearms RS off the buckles. RS rolls her up for 2. RS does a koji clutch and Naho ropebreaks. Naho dropkicks her. Naho pedigrees her and gets the pin.

RS looked better than Naho did here and I don't think anyone would disagree. It was a rookies match and pretty average for the most part. RS needs to put more into her kicks but I had no issues with her otherwise.

Rookie Of The Year 2024 Tournament Final Match - Naho Yamada vs. Minami Yuuki

Yuuki running boots her before the bell. She throws her over by the arms for 2. Naho cutters her then headhunters her. Naho slams her for 2. Naho dropkicks her in the knee and sunset flips her for 2. Naho bodyscissors rolls Yuuki around the ring for 2.

Yuuki hammerlock guillotines her and Naho ropebreaks. Naho chest forearms her. They botch a pin attempt and Yuuki rolls her up for 2. The camera falls over during the match and we get video of the ceiling for about 30 seconds. The camera man then tries to hold the camera and film it and does a poor job of it.

Yuuki russian legsweeps Naho for 2. Yuuki spinebusters her for 2. Yuuki backdrops her for the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't any good. The camera falling over was really funny and really fit the theme of this one. Naho had some loose offense here and the match was pretty generic.  

The girls are given medals after for the tournament. Yuuki talks on the mic.

Marigold Rumble Match - Nanae Takahashi vs. Nagisa Nozaki vs. Sareee vs. Miku Aono vs. Utami Hayashishita vs. Misa Matsui vs. MIRAI vs. Mai Sakurai vs. Nao Ishikawa vs. CHIAKI vs. Kouki Amarei vs. Chika Goto vs. Hummingbird vs. Rea Seto vs. Bozilla vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki, Nat = Natsumi Showzuki, Sare = Sareee

Yuz and Nat are the first two in. Nat side headlocks her and hammerlocks her. They trade forearms as Utami enters. Utami shoulders both over. Utami rams Yuz into Nat. Utami hits a double dropkick. Sare is next in. Utami boots her. Yuz and Nat roll out of the ring.

Utami shoulders over Sare. Sare hits chest forearms on her. They trade chest forearms. Misa is next in. Misa is caught on a double crossbody then Yuz and Nat dropkick the three over. Utami armdrags Misa then is double rolled into a double basement dropkick. The girls try pin attempts. Nao is next in.

Nao gets triple teamed and then she misses a double crossbody attempt. Nao hits chest forearms on 3 girls. Nao takes corner attacks from the other girls. CHIAKI is next in. Chi hits rolling spears then hits a double rolling spear. Chi hits a double dropkick throug hthe ropes on her opponents.

Nagisa Nozaki is next in. Nozaki facekicks Utami then pendulum kicks her on the ropes. Nozaki double chops multiple girls in the corner, including her partner Chi. MIRAI is next in. Chiputs Mirai in the apron. Mirai rolls back in with a flatliner on her. Nanae Takahashi is next in and gets a big "Passion" chant.

Nanae poses on the 2nd rope and girls try to push her out. Nanae then lariats most of the other girls. Nanae lariat battles Utami. Chika Goto is next in. Nao gets a 2 count on Nanae. Chika giant swings Misa. Grils surround Misa and try to jump over her as she swings. Kouki comes in next. Kouki facekicks Chika while holding her title. Nao and Nanae double team Sare. Nane lariats Nao then Sare top rope dropkicks Nanae. Nao tries to la magistral Sare but Sare blocks it and pins her.

Sare rolls Utami into a double stomp then dropkicks her on the bottom rope. Misa crossbodies Utami on the bottom rope. Mai Sakurai hits a double dropkick off the top. Utami germans Misa and pins her.

Mai throws money at 2 girls and hits a double dropkick. Sare then dropkicks Mai. Miku Aono is next in. The girls are trying like a 7 person suplex and Mai ends up laying on them as they try to do it. Miku head kicks Mai down. 

We get a 9 girl suplex. Miku double underhook suplexes Mai then trades forearms with her. Rea Seto is next in. Rea dropkicks Miku then she hits a double flying neckbreaker. Rea rolls up Miku and Mai for 2. Yuz dropkicks Rea then dropkicks her against the bottom rope. Nat meteora's Rea against the bottom rope. Hummingbird is next in.

Nat throws Yuz off the top onto Rea. Nat and Yuz fight on the apron and both fall down. Both get eliminated. Bozilla is next in. Boz shoulders Miku over. Utami is pulled onto the apron then Utami pulls Sare on there with her. They fight on the apron. Utami air raid crashes Sare on the apron. Both fall down to the floor and are eliminated. 

Boz is tripped into a cartwheel double knee from Chi. Boz back body drops Chika and Kouki over the top. Kouki definitely gets eliminated but they ignore it. Kouki and Chika trade on the apron. Kouki and Chika facekick each other off the apron and both get eliminated.

Nozaki and Chi take stereo backdrops. Mirai takes a double boot. Miku goes onto the apron then Mai does as well. They fight then Chi and Nozaki join them. Chi chairs Nozaki and eliminates her. Mai hits a hard facekick on Chi and eliminates her. Miku styles clashes Mai on the apron and both get eliminated off of it.

Rea stomps on Nanae. Nanae figure fours her. We get a multi-person submission spot that Boz breaks up. Boz takes chops from Nanae and Mirai. Boz hits a double lariat then Hum and Rea get a 2 count on her. Nanae running elbows Boz over. 

Boz takes corner attacks. Mirai and Nanae fight on the apron. Rea and Hum run at Boz on the ropes but Boz just walks to the side. Boz is supposed to go over the top but has trouble getting over. Mirai and Nanae get eliminated together. Boz double lariats. Boz powerbombs Hum then hits Rea with a nasty powerbomb. Boz vader bombs both and pins both to win the battle royale.

Thoughts: I didn't like this at all. It was long. Most of the girls weren't even in the ring during this as they waited outside. The eliminations didn't look good and it wasn't super serious.

The girls go to the back and come out after. Rossy talks on the mic and the girls drink champagne in the ring. The girls all talk on the mic and pose together to close the show.

Overall thoughts: I really hope tickets for this were discounted as it was a weak line-up on paper and in reality. I'm not really sure what the draw of this was for regular fans as there were only 4 matches and none of them were going to be great. I have no idea why they didn't do more matches here and this was not good at all. I'd give this one a 3 out of 10 and would not recommend it.

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