Wednesday, January 22, 2025

AEW Dynamite 1/22/2025

AEW Dynamite 1/22/2025

Last week's show is here:

Tony Schiavone brings out Will Ospreay and Kenn Omega to talk in the ring. Will says he has nothing to do with Don Callis' crew. He says Kenny came back at a bad time. He says he can't fight The Don Callis Family on his own anymore. Kenny takes the mic away. Kenny says Will was trying to prove he's the best. He says he didn't believe Will was better than him then and doesn't believeit now. He says congrats on being #2 as #1 is here. Kenny says no chance in hell to helping him as he won't trust him.

Will grabs him and Don Callis comes out. Kenny goes after Don and ends up fighting Konosuke Takeshita. Kyle Fletcher then helps beat up Kenny. Will then joins in. Will handspring corkscrew kicks Kyle then hits corner punches. KY forearms Will over. Kenny suplexes KT. Kyle superkicks Kenny. Kyle facekicks Will over the rail then jumps on him over the rail. 

Lance Archer joins the fight as it goes into the crowd. Lance low blows Will and lariats him into the seats. They go into the concession area and WIll is thrown into soemthing. Brian Cage gets involved. Will hits forearms on Lance Lance makes Will ride the tables. Lance takes a double suplex through a table. Cage hits Kenny with a trash can. The faces get beaten up.

KT forearms over security. Will climbs up into the stands and Kenny climbs a light pole. Both jump off of them onto the heels.

Kenny says Don saw what they did to his boys. Kenny says next time it'll be Don 6 feet down under. Kenny says he should have apologized and trusted Will since the beginning. Kenny then wants to make a match with him and Will vs Takeshita and Kyle. The music goes to cut off Kenny but he keeps talking.

This was something different. I didn't like the heels getting beaten here 4v2 and I didn't like Lance taking a double suplex through a table. I'm not real sure why we need to see this one now since they proved Kenny and Will can already beat them 4v2, yet alone 2v2.

The Death Riders talk. Mox says Cope's neck is hanging by a thread. He says Cope may get bad news the next time he goes to the doctor. He says he won't lose any sleep over it. 

AEW Tag Titles - Private Party vs The Hurt Syndicate (Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin)

Quen pele kicks Lash early. Zay dropkicks Lash off of Quen's back. Zay hits a silly string on SB. SB takes a top rope swanton + neckbreaker. Lash is pulled over the top. The Hurt's take topes but catch them and hit suplexes on the floor en stereo. Lash uranages Zay through a table.

We go to PiP break and return. Lash knocks Quen off the apron. Quen is sent into the apron and the rail. Quen is beaten up in the corner and is foot choked. Quen step up enzugiri's Lash. Zay pop-up dropkicks SB. SB takes a flatliner and a top rope 450.

Lash takes kick to the head and is rolled up by Zay. Lash rolling spears Zay for 2. SB hits release germans on his opponents. Lash spinebusters Quen. SB step up knees Zay. Lash rolling spears Zay. SB then picks up the win.

Thoughts: The Hurt's won as expected. It was an okay match but nothing too great. Private Party had a terrible reign through no fault of their own. Creative just didn't care and they never got a chance. 

Mariah May does a video.

Toni Storm is interviewed. Harley Cameron interrupts and tells her good luck. Toni says there's no reason Harley can't wrestle in Australia too. They talk and they both say "see you in Australia'.

Karen Jarrett and Jeff Jarrett talk during a Jeff interview. Karen tells Jeff that he isn't the type to get down in the mud like he did with MJF. Jeff says he's got it and he's got this.

Jeff Jarrett comes out to talk. He says he was driving and Jerry Lawler came to mind. He talks about a tag match with him where 2 guys beat him up in a match and talked trash. Jeff said after the match, Jerry told him to never get in the gutter with his opponent. He said he was told to remember who he was.

He says MJF will remember who he is. He says they will settle this southern style. He says he will take him out to the wood shed and beat him up. Jeff calls out Mox. Claudio comes out and drops Jeff. CC says no one gets through Mox without getting through him first. He tells them to stay out of their business. CC leaves and Jeff tells him to turn around. He says CC will have to kill him to stop him. Jeff says if he beats CC next week he will get a title shot. CC agrees.

We get a video on Megan Bayne. 

Swerve Strickland vs AR Fox

Here's a random one. They trade forearms. Swerve knocks him off the apron and standing moonsaults him there. Swerve tries a diving euro but is double booted. We see Ricochet in the back. Swerve shoulders AR over then rolls him into a suplex.

We go to PiP break and return. Swerve backbreakers AR. AR ddt's Swerve over the 2nd rope. He then plants off the post and moonsaults Swerve. Swerve blocks a top rope diving headscissors then slams him off of it.

Swerve 2nd rope diving euros AR in the back of the neck. Ricochet comes down and Ric points scissors at him. Prince Nana swings a pipe at Ric then chases him to the back. AR hits a seated spanish fly on Swerve off the top. AR misses a top rope 450. Swerve hits a house call kick and a top rope double stomp to win.

Thoughts: It was a flippy and indy style match as you would expect. They didn't overdo it too much though and I didn't hate it, but it wasn't my cup of tea.

They shake hands after. Ricochet gets on the tron. He says everyone will be forced to hear what he has to say next week. We then see him threatening to stab Nana backstage. He says he needs him to tell Swerve that it may be his house but there's a new landlord in town.

The Learning Tree do a promo. CJ says they lost on Collision but said they failed. Bill says failures are the signpost on the road to success. CJ doesn't like it and says learning moments only learn if you learn from them. He asks when Bill will use the knowledge he taught them. CJ asks Bill what he will do about Powerhouse Hobbs. Bill says he's coming to find Hobbs.

MJF comes out and tells a jobber to get out of his ring. He says he deserves an apology more than anyone else. MJF says Jeff is as senile as he looks. He says CC will beat Jeff Jarrett's brains in next week. MJF says nobody loves Jeff anymore. 

MJF says sometimes it's better to deal with the devil than defying him.

Adam Page comes out and gets in MJF's face. MJF then leaves.

Adam Page vs Tyler Shoop.

I've seen Shoop in NWA JCP SE. Page pounds on his opponent. Page lariats him and wins in this short squash.

Page hits an angel's wings on Shoop after.

Christopher Daniels comes out in a neck brace. Page asks if he wants him to beat his @ss again. CD said he wanted to be a friend to him and said he messed this up. He says he regrets the Texas Death Match and says he was advised to never wrestler again. He says Page wins and says this is goodbye.

Mercedes Mone talks in the back. She says say hello to your CEO. Mone says she can't wait to see who will jump on the money train next. Harley Cameron comes in with a guitar and sings a song. She wants to challenge her at Grand Slam. Mone says she hasn't won a match on AEW TV so it'll be a hard no.

Jamie Hayter vs Julia Hart

Hart is sent into the rails to start then gets sent into the steps. Jamie hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Hart hits running corner attacks. Jamie is pulled down off the buckles and Hart bangs Jamie's head off the mat.

We go to PiP break and return. Jamie top rope backdrops her. They trade forearms. Jamie throws her down backwards by the hair then germans her several times. Jamie spinebusters her for 2. Jamie half crabs her.

Hart does a flying octopus on Jamie. Hart hits a crucifix bomb for 2. Jamie uranage backbreakers her and hits a hard lariat to win.

Thoughts: This was the best Jamie has looked since she returned and it was one of the better matches Hart has been in. Thankfully Jamie got the win here and maybe this can help her get some of her steam back.

Jamie says she has respect for people like her who do what they want. Jamie says she's still a tough b!tch. She says they can have a 3rd match when she wants it.

Powerhouse Hobbs says he heard the word is Big Bill is looking for him. He says Bill doesn't have to look for him hard as he will be waiting for him in the parking lot.

Prince Nana and Swerve Strickland talk in the back. Swerve says it's good Ricochet thinks he is big and bad as that is what he needs. He says he finally gets his hands on that rodent in 2 weeks and maybe catches him sooner than that.

Buddy Matthews, Julia Hart and Brody King talk. Brody said they had a voice guiding them that has gone silent. They say there are no more rules or leader anymore, just violence. Brody says when they bark, they bark together.

Thoughts: This just further confirms that Malakai Black is gone. We'll see how things go but I think they are going to have to add a 3rd member so creative can do more with them.

Cope vs PAC

They lock up then break. Pac takes him down and front facelocks him. Cope hammerlocks him. Cope trips him and Pac ropebreaks. Cope trips him. Pac boots Cope. Cope headscissors Pac out. Pac spears Cope from the apron. Cope trips him then bangs his face off the steps. Pac is sent into the rails.

Pac is dropped gut first on the rails. Pac's head is banged off the table. Pac bangs the side of Cope's head off the apron edge. Pac stomps on him. Pac plancha's him.

We go to PiP break and return. Pac side headlocks him. Pac suplexes Cope. Cope dropkicks him. Cope flapjacks Pac. Pac ducks a lariat and takes a sky high for 2. Pac hits boots to the knee then spin kicks him. Cope flips him with a lariat. Cope hits an impaler ddt.

Pac leapfrogs over a spear. Pac does a standing brutalizer. Pac hits kicks on Cope from behind then germans him. Pac brutalizers him. Cope picks him up and drops him. Cope spears Pac from behind. Cope hits a regular spear.

Cope does a spinning TKO and wins.

Thoughts: Cope won here. It wasn't awful but it just wasn't great. It was a slower paced match and they don't have styles that really compliment each other. I was not very interested in this one.

We go to the tron. Mox's crew has tied up FTR and are beating up The Rock and Roll Express. Ricky Morton takes a conchairto.

The Death Riders then come out. Cope is held down and takes stomps to the body. Jay White comes out to ave Cope. He throws CC over the rail. Jay takes a low blow from Yuta. Jay takes a group beating. Mox bulldog chokes Cope. Jay and Cope are left laying as The Riders leave.

Overall thoughts: As I've been saying a lot with Dynamite lately, even if I don't necessarily love the show, they are producing better shows and are making the right moves. I didn't like how the opening brawl turned out but the idea was fine. We had two random matches here which didn't accomplish a lot and just seemed like ways to keep people involved in the show. The main probably would have been better 10 years ago and Pac/Cope didn't click as well as I thought. The Hurt Syndicate won the tag titles as expected here, ending Private Party's poorly booked reign. I'd give this a 4 out of 10 as I thought some of the ideas were okay but I just didn't love the show.

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