WWF Superstars of Wrestling 7/27/1991
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwf-superstars-of-wrestling-7201991.html
We are in Edmonton, Canada.
Macho Man Randy Savage, Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper welcome us to the show. They talk about Edmonton having the world's largest shopping mall. Piper says he loves to shop and bought everything that wasn't nailed down. Macho says he will prove that no one is better at shopping for a bride than him at Summerslam. Piper has a cast on his arm that he blames on another motorcycle accident.
The Texas Tornado vs Vern Siebert
Vern tries to get a cheapshot in on Kerry as he enters. Kerry hits shots on Vern and throws him out. Vern gets lariated over the top and Kerry punches him outside. Kerry hits more punches in the corner then discus punches him. Kerry then picks up the win.
Thoughts: Kerry seemed off here. He wasn't moving well and didn't do much but punches.
WWF Update
Wrestlefest '91 is now available with grooming tips from Brutus Beefcake. Mean Gene Okerlund talks Summerslam. We see Sid being made the guest ref for the 3v2 Summerslam match.
Sgt. Slaughter and his crew do a promo. Sarge says Sid Justice will come begging and crawling to join The Core of Destruction when it's time to raise their hands.
The Berzerker vs Chi Chi Cruz
Berz boots Chi then hits a nice dropkick. Berz clubs him then throws him down.
Berz hits a world's strongest slam on Chi. Berz ties him up in the ropes and facekicks him. Berz lifts and throws Chi out. Berz then gets the win via countout.
Thoughts: It was the usual Berzerker squash here with him winning by countout. Chi Chi got nothing in but the announcer's had fun with his name.
Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs Hutch Thomas
Bret gives his glasses to a fan as usual. Bret side headlocks him then shoulders HT over. Bret throws him then lariats him. Mr. Perfect does an inset promo with Coach. He says Summerslam is around the corner and says no matter how much his excellence of execution shines, he's still not perfect.
Bret headbutts Hutch over then slams him. Bret hits a backbreaker. Bret hits a russian legsweep. Bret then sharpshooters Huch and submits him.
Thoughts: It was a quick squash here with Hutch getting nothing in before going down.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney talks Summerslam. The Natural Diasters and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Quake tells Andre not to interfere at Summerslam as he will face a double disaster. Typhoon says they will make the giant a piece of the ring.
The Bushwhackers and Andre the Giant do a promo. The BW's talk about having Andre in their corner. Andre says he will finish what The Disasters started. He says nobody will stop The BW's. He says Quake better be ready.
The Warlord vs Larry Williams
War shoves over Larry then shoulders him over. War hits a flying shoulder then gutwrench suplexes him. War slams and elbow drops him. War clubs Larry's back then hits a lariat. The announcers talk about Macho's bachelor party. War then submits Larry with a full-nelson.
Thoughts: It was the usual Warlord squash with his opponent getting nothing in before beaten.
WWF Event Center
Sean Mooney talks Summerslam. The Triangle of Terror (Sgt. Slaughter, General Adnan and Col. Mustafa) do a promo. Adnan and Mustafa talk in their languages. Sarge says Hulk and Warrior thought the ref would be on their side. Sarge says all they have to worry about is that it will be 3v2. He says his team will have their hands raised at summerslam.
Mr. Perfect and Coach do a promo. Perfect says Bret Hart wants to put a hit on him. Perfect says they have a gameplan and will stick to it, perfectly.
We get another Skinner video. He's in the swamp and says it pays to be real careful. He says you best keep a good eye out if you come to the swamp because he just might skin you alive. He says you never know where he might turn up.
The Bushwhackers vs Bob Bradley and Mike Starr
Andre the Giant is with The Bushwhackers. We see an upclose shot of Andre's knee which is all scarred up. Butch licks Andre outside and puts his hat on him.
Bob hits shots on Butch. Bob leapfrogs him then is lariated. Bob runs into Andre outside then runs back in. Bob takes a double lariat. The Natural Disasters do an inset promo. Quake says if Andre tries to interfere, he will get it on the other knee. Typhone asks if one disaster in his life is enough?
Starr takes a back elbow from Luke. Starr takes a battering ram. Starr takes a double gutbuster and is pinned.
Thoughts: This was kind of the Superstars jobber dream team here with Bob and Starr. They got beat in quick fashion as expected. Bob got a few shots in at least and Andre had some fun goofing around outside.
The Funeral Parlor
Paul Bearer says his guest recently felt the cold death of a loved one and brings out Jake "The Snake" Roberts.
Jake says he felt the ugly hand grab part of his soul when Quake took out Damian. Jake says if Death comes knocking at his door, he will jerk the door open, look in his eyes and spit in it. Jake says he has something on his shoulder that won't let him fear death. Paul asks if it's his snake. Jake says it's Lucifer himself, who also rests on Paul's shoulders.
Paul says every man on his final resting place must face The Undertaker. Paul says they are stringing The Ultimate Warrior along until it's time for him to go to his final resting place. Jake asks how would Paul and Taker feel if she shared the secrets of darkness and the secrets of Taker with The Ultimate Warrior? Paul says Jake can't do it and asks if he would do it. Jake says he would do it. Jake says all Warrior must do to understand the darkness is to release all those fears of death. He says he must do something Taker and Paul could never do - trust him. Paul then freaks out.
Thoughts: I thought this was really well done. It was a strange segment with strange material but they made sense of it and made it understandable.
Summerslam Report
Mean Gene Okerlund says we are 4 weeks away from Summerslam 1991. Gene talks about the show.
Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior do a promo. Hulk says he knew it was the beginning of the war when he beat Sarge at Wrestlemania VII. He said he heard Sarge laugh when he burned him and says he had nightmares about facing all of Sarge's troops. He said he realized he had a chance to win the war when the Summerslam main event was set up. He says Sid Justice then put the icing on the cake. Hulk says it's even steven and 50/50.
Warrior says it'll be called down the middle but says they are not at a handicap. Warior says the tanks they ride are of great strength and asks what they will do when Hulkamania and The Ultimate Warrior run over you.
A jailhouse match between The Big Boss Man and The Mountie has been signed for Summerslam. Gene says the loser has to spend the night in jail. Gene says IRS vs Greg Valentine has also been signed. He says it's the W-4 meeting the figure four. He talks about Perfect/Hart and Dibiase/Virgil.
Ted Dibiase and Sherri do a promo. Ted says Virgil is getting under his skin and has become a nuisance. He says it'll end at Summerslam. Sherri tells Virgil not to come looking for this job as the position has been filled. Virgil says he will take Ted's belt at Summerslam and then he will be satisfied.
Some fans are asked about the Macho and Liz wedding.
Gene says not to wait until the 11th hour to order Summerslam as he ran into busy operators when he tried to order a PPV recently.
The Mountie vs Steve May
The Big Boss Man does an inset promo. He says he's looking forward to the jailhouse match. He says someone will spend a night in jail. He says Moutie has to look forward to a dirty toilet and a 6 foot cell. He says that's hard time.
Mountie hits a boot and some clubs to the back. Mountie hits a nodowa otoshi and wins.
Thoughts: It was a total waste of time that lasted less than 10 seconds.
Mountie chokes Steve after then handcuffs him to the turnbuckle connector. Mountie says Steve is under arrest and reads him his version of the miranda rights. He then zaps him with the shock stick.
WWF Event Center
IRS says Greg Valentine's number has come up and it's time for him to be audited by the IRS. He says Greg has some real shaky tax returns. He says Greg will pay him one way or the other at Summerslam - with his bones or money.
Greg Valentine does a promo. Greg says the IRS is enough to make anyone nervous. He says he knows what it stands for in the WWF. He says IRS is a schyster. He says let's find out what he can do in the squared circle.
Bret Hart does a promo. He says this is the moment he's been waiting for and it's a chance for his dreams to come true. He says it's time for Perfect to make the perfect mistake.
Vince talks about next week's show to end this one.
Overall thoughts: There was nothing to see here. There were some new matches announced for Summerslam but in-ring wise, everything was a squash. I liked Jake's Funeral Parlor segment and thought he got some good stuff out of some strange material. I wouldn't recommend this one.
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