WWE NXT 12/24/2024
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwe-nxt-12172024.html
We are in Lowell, MA. Vic Joseph and Booker T are on commentary.
They have christmas trees up and Santa Claus comes out. This show takes place on Christmas Eve 2024.
Cora Jade vs Stephanie Vaquer
Cora backs up SV in the corner. SV takes her down by the waist and front facelocks her. They legsweep each other. Cora does a seated flip off the ropes to escape a wristlock and gets a 2 count on her. Cora flying headscissors her. SV suplexes her.
SV headscissors her but Cora rolls to the outside. SV dropkicks her. Cora backrackers her off the up and over. We go to break and return.
Cora step up knees her in the corner. SV chinlocks her. SV grabs her by the hair and backdrops her. SV hits a soul foot then corner lariats her. SV corner meteora's her. SV headscissors her. Cora tries to rope break but has her head banged off the mat. Cora running back elbows SV's neck on the ropes and gutwrench suplexes her for 2.
SV spin kicks her then hits a package backbreaker to win.
Thoughts: It didn't really get enough time to develop into anything great. They definitely ran with the idea of Cora trying to avoid her head being banged off the mat via the headscissors though. Steph didn't vust out any of her bigger stuff. It was okay enough though.
Kelani Jordan comes out and beats Cora with a kendo stick. SV pulls Jordan off of her.
The D'Angelo Family talk in the back. Luca is excited about being the four-way tonight. Stack says it's like Christmas Eve as a kind. He said he saw Santa digging through his gifts as a kid and said his mom started redecorating Santa's head. Stacks says it was someone down the street who did it and said that guy went christmas shopping in his house. They say they will bash people's heads in like Stack's mother who try to win tonight.
William Regal comes up to Lexis King. Regal says his growth and dedication is remarkable. Regal says it'd be great if he let him in his corner again. King says he's the best version of himself and will be the Heritage Cup champ. Regal then pulls out his knucks as King leaves and says that wasn't what he was asking him.
NXT Heritage Cup Match - Charlie Dempsey (c) vs Lexis King
Regal is with King and Wren is with CD.
Round 1 - CD throws down King off the headlock. King shoulders him over. King rolls him and misses a dropkick. CD ankle locks him. King hits a nice dropkick. CD goes for the armbar and King armdrags him. King armlocks him. CD takes him down by the arm. King hiptosses him then CD bridging snapmares him. King tries to slam him but CD holds onto the cravate. King side headlocks him and the round ends. King keeps the hold on after and is dropped on his back for it.
Round 2 - King hits chops in the corner and is whipped into the ropes via the arm. CD hits euros and forearms. CD knees him in the gut and gutwrench suplexes him for 2. CD forearms him in the spine and CD pulls his chin. CD does a nice suplex and single leg crabs King. King hits upkicks. King superkicks CD then top rope diving and twisting sunset flips him. CD hits a nice dragon screw then germans him for 2. CD stomps on King's back to end the round and stomps on it more after the bell.
Round 3 - We don't get to see any of this due to the break minus one highlight.
Round 4 - The score is still 0-0 here. King backbreakers CD then chinlocks him. CD throws him over by the arm and slaps him. King hits chops. King corner splashes CD then northern lights suplexes him for 2. King top rope crossbodies CD for 2. They trade euros. King superkicks him. Cd knee lifts him. They collide into each other and both go down. Wren gets in the ring and pulls up CD. Regal puts knucks on King's hand. He then gets on the apron and tells him to do it. king tells him to take them back. Regal then punches King out. CD grabs the knucks, the ref catches CD with them and CD is DQ'd. Lexis King wins the Heritage Cup!
Thoughts: Wow, that was a shocker. It was hard to really judge this one since we didn't see one of the rounds. CD worked the back some here. The finish was unusual and it's never really been explained why Regal wants to screw his son over so bad. I thought this whole thing would have been helped out if Regal had been around more leading up to this.
OTM says they are the realest tag team in the division. Price says people will thank their kids tomorrow for gifts they know suck. Price says they can't wait for the other teams to get out of the tag title picture as they want a title shot. Nima says the four way will be real tonight. Price says they will be the new tag champs in 2025.
Kelani Jordan and Steph Vaquer argue. Kelani says she doesn't need her to protect her. Lola Vice comes in and tells her to calm down. Kelani says Lola shouldn't be doing this as she interfered in Jaida's matches. She says both Lola and SV should practice what they preach and get out of her face.
Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn vs Fatal Attraction (Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx)
We see Kayden Carter and Katana Chance in the crowd with Santa. Nyx shoves Isla in the corner and is shoved over. Isla enzugiri's her and euros her in the back of the neck. Isla dropkicks her. Jacy takes a backdrop from Isla. Isla corner hip attacks her.
Jacy hits a kick then takes a superkick from Alba. Jacy armdrags her then flying headscissors her. Nyx comes in and sliding kicks Alba. Nyx chinlocks Alba. Gigi, Tatum and Shoti come out. We see Shawn Spears, Jensen and Niko Vance watching in the back. Alba hits a gordbuster and Isla hits a meteora.
We go to break and return. Isla gets booted in the corner by Jacy. Jacy mule kicks her and dances. Jacy chinlocks her. Isla rolls her up for 2 and Jacy back elbows her. Jacy foot chokes Isla in the corner. Isla is swept by Nyx and Nyx fisherman suplexes her for 2. Nyx leg lariats her for 2. Isla enzugiri's Nyx.
Alba is tagged in. She double chops Nyx up then slams her. Alba superkicks Jacy. Alba tornado ddt's Nyx then gordbusters her. Alba superkicks her for 2. Jacy comes in and pump kicks Alba. Alba and Jacy headbutt each other at the same time and both go down.
Fallon and Nyx argue with Chance and Carter outside. Gigi pushes Jacy off the 2nd rope. Jacy takes a gori bomb + flatliner and is pinned.
Thoughts: It was hard to focus on this one with so many people hanging around. It was just an average match for the most part. I don't love Fatal Influence losing here but at least they didn't lose clean.
Tavion Heights and Myles Borne talk about Dempsey looking. Tav says they need to win tonight and then they get Axiom and Frazer again. Myles says lets focus on the four way tonight. Tav asks him what Christmas was like going up and he says it was quiet.
Zaria asks Sol Ruca if she meant to pus her out of the way. Izzi Dame comes in wearing a ton of fur. Shawn Spears' crew says just because Izzi is alone doesn't mean she should stay alone. Izzi says to leave her alone and says Zaria is better off alone.
Dion Lennox vs Ashante "Thee" Adonis
AA shoves him and is shoved back. AA hits an uppercut then Dion throws him up in the air and he falls down. Dion dropkicks him. AA hits punches. Dion back body drops him. AA boots him in the face. Nikkit Lyons comes on down an dcheers on AA.
Dion backslides him then AA back elbows him for 2. Dion hits punches and AA hits a stiff back elbow. AA chinlocks him. Dion hits forearms on AA then corner lariats him. Dion hits a release northern lights suplex then spinebusters him. Dion powerslams him and gets a 2 count when Lyons puts AA's foot on the ropes. AA backrolls him and pins him.
Thoughts: The match wasn't anything of note an was really only notable for Lyons helping out Adonis. I don't like this storyline and nobody really cared about this one.
Hank and Tank talk in the back about candy and snacks. They talk about how they love christmas. Hank is asked how much he loves chaos and says tonight will be a jingle bells moshpit. Tank says they will be the #1 contenders if they win tonight. Hanks says they will bring the tag titles ho-ho-home tonight.
Gigi, Shotzi and Tatum talk in the back. They run into Chance and Carter. They ask each other what they are doing here. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson walk in. They say they have arrived. Lash and JJ gets into arguments with both of them.
We get a video on Roxanne Perez. She says no one beats the prodigy and says it took her years to get in the conversation of NXT greats and is now at the forefont. She says she lives up to the prodigy name every single day. She says she will carry the division into 2025.
Lexis King is in the back with the Heritage Cup. Sarah Schreiber talks to him. He says this is his first title. He says he knew if he stuck to his gut tonight would be the night. He says he knew he could have cheated but he proved tonight to himself that he is the man of integrity. Sarah wants to ask about Regal but he doesn't get the hint.
Ethan Page does a video. He says there's outrage online for him breaking Je'Von Evans jaw. He says Evans is the person to blame for it. He said he had to listen about how great his year was and says now it ends with Evans eating through a straw. He says Evan now sees the real Ethan Page. He says he took Evans' smile from him. He should he maybe feel some remorse or regret of his actions but he doesn't. He says last week was the highlight of his year. He thanks him for helping him find his smile by taking Evans'.
#1 Contenders Christmas Chaos Fatal Four Way - Stacks and Luca Crusifino vs Hank Walker and Tank Ledger vs OTM vs Tavion Heights and Myles Borne
Hank and Tank come out in cart made to look like a sleigh. Stacks and Luca throw snoballs at Hank and Tank, who hide. They then spray them with a fire extinguisher. Borne dropkicks a present into someone's face. Nima chairs NQCC. Borne dropkicks a chair into Nima's gut.
OTM is clotheslined with a christmas tree. Santa is at ringside and Hank and Tank get a chant for him. Luca and Stacks hit Hank and Tank with a wrapped briefcase and a stocking. They then hit stereo legdrops to the gut.
Luca hiptosses Stacks into an opponent in the corner. Luca is given a bowling ball in a present and rolls the ball into Hank's crotch. Vic says, "Hank's jingle bells just got rocked". Stacks and Luca try plancha's but are caught. Stacks is slammed through a cookie and egg nog table.
Nima tries to uranage Borne but Borne hits a cool cutter out of it. We go to break and return. Price is wrapped up in Santa's belt. Borne opens a gift that has a kengo stick in it. Tav and Borne hit Price with kendo sticks. Tav and Borne are lariated over the top by Hank and Tank. Price takes a sandwich bodyblock. Hank lifts Tank into a butt drop on Nima. Hank and Tank are hit with kendo sticks. Luca and Stacks trip people with candy canes then use them for leverage on a camel clutch.
Price uranages Borne on a chair. Naim reverse slams Tav on a chair. Borne takes a double hiptoss through a table in the corner. Hank hits a springboard lariat then Tank hits a springboard flying shoulder. Hank and Tank do vader bombs on the outside. Igwe and Dupont then come and fight Hank and Tank to the back. Tony D then gives Stacks and Luca candy cane crowbars. They hit their opponents with them.
Price takes a shatter machine. Santa boots and lifting ddt's Tony. Stacks is lifted like a suplex by OTM and spinebustered. OTM the pick up the win.
Thoughts: It was a good and entertaining tag here. There was lots of christmas gags and lots of various weapons shots. These Christmas hardcore matches are always a good time and this was no exception. The crowd eenjoyed it as well.
Ridge Holland turns out to be in the Santa suit.
Trick Williams comes out to talk. He is quickly interrupted by Oba Femi. Oba says they are done talking about last week and are looking to the future. Eddy Thorpe then comes out. He says Oba might not care about last week but he does. Eddy says he wasn't pinned last week and said Trick escaped him only. Eddy says he should be ashamed to be champ. Trick tells him to shut up. Oba says Trick will only stay champ for 2 weeks more until New Year's Evil.
Eddy says Oba's title match has to wait. Oba says he's done waiting. Trick tells both to shut up. Trick wants to make a triple threat match at New Year's Evil. Oba says Trick is slick and knows he can't beat him 1v1, so he added Eddy. He says Trick thinks he can pin Eddy and escape with the title.
Ava interrupts. She says she will sing off of it and makes the match official. Eddy swings at Trick and hits Oba. Trick hits Eddy and Oba running double back elbows the two of them. Oba hits shots on the men the corners. Oba pop-up powerbombs Trick. Eddy rolls out to escape a powerbomb. Oba then holds the title up.
Overall thoughts: It was a wrestling heavy show. I liked the show as a whole. The four way was the best thing on here easily. King winning the Heritage Cup was a surprise. There were some names missing here like Fraxiom and Giulia which is an issue since New Years Evil is only 2 weeks away and the card doesn't have a lot to it yet. There's a ton of storylines going on as usual and sometimes, maybe too many to even full remember. I'd give this one a 6 out of 10. You don't really need to see it though.
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