Saturday, December 28, 2024

WWE Main Event 12/26/2024

WWE Main Event 12/26/2024

Last week's show is here:

Dragon Lee vs Pete Dunne

Lee wristlocks him. Pete rolls out and reverses it. Lee cartwheels and side headlocks him. Lee rolls him up for 2. They try to dropkick each other at the same time. Pete forearms him over.

Pete boots him on the mat. Pete hits chops in the corner. Lee double boots him out of the corner then flying headscissors him. Lee hits a top rope crossbody for 2. Lee hits a tope con hilo on Pete. We go to break and return. Pete superkicks him. Pete twists Lee's fingers then stomps the arm into the mat. Lee germans him out of the corner. Lee hits combinacion cabron in the corner. Lee corner dropkicks Pete for 2. Pete sitout powerbombs him. Lee flips out of a suplex and hits a sitout powerbomb. Pete flips out of a german then pop-up forearms Lee.

Pete tries to do an up and over and is superkicked. Lee flying forearms him. Pete hits a bitter end and wins.

Thoughts: It was an action packed match as you would expect. Pete did his usual finger work before hitting the bitter end. Lee flew around. It wasn't great or memorable but it kept my attention.

Josh Briggs vs Dante Chen

JB running facekicks him to start then forearms him over. JB clubs on Chen. Chen flying headscissors him. Chen hits a bunch of wild shots on JB in a flurry. Chen front facelocks him. Chen hits a step up enzugiri. Chen mounts him in the corner and hits forearms. JB elbows him.

JB hits elbow drops. JB chinlocks him then hits a sidewalk slam for 2. Chen hits a bunch of shots. Chen hits a backfist then a jumping ddt for 2. JB side slams him and splashes him. JB hits a big lariat and pins Chen.

They had a tough task here as both are unknowns to most of the fans and nobody had any reason to care. They did what they could with it and Chen showed some good fire. JB's lariat looked good as usual. It was average.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual and lots of recaps. Neither match was particularly great or must see, but both were watchable. I wouldn't recommend this one but it was only 15 minutes total or so and there's worse ways to spend 15 minutes.

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