WWE Main Event 12/18/2024
Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/wwe-main-event-12112024.html
Wes Lee vs Dion Lennox
There was no reaction for either guy which isn't a shock.
They lock up and Wes is pushed back. Wes side headlocks him. Dion shoulders him over. Dion hiptosses Wes then pop-up drops him. Dion hits a nice dropkick for 2. Wes sends him into the 2nd buckle and superkicks him. Wes hits mounted forearms.
Wes knees him in the side of the head for 2. Wes puts his foot in Dion's ribs then drops down while pulling the arm. Wes sits on his back and armlocks him.
Dion lifts him up and throws him over. Dion hits forearms and punches. Dion hits a corner lariat and overhead suplexes him. Dion kips up then spinebusters him for 2.
Wes yanks him down by the arm and does his cardiac kick. Wes picks up the win.
Thoughts: It was basic and not that interesting. Wes worked like more of a heel here than usual and did no flying minus his finish. The crowd didn't know either guy, rightfully so, and didn't care that much about it.
Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs The Unholy Union (Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre)
Alba throws Carter down by the hair. Carter hits chops. Carter kicks her in the body then climbs on her back and armlocks her. Carter crucifixes lba is tripped in a kick to the head. Chance slingshot swantons Alba for 2. Alba misses a corner charge and Chance armdrags her. Isla gets in. Chance goes up and over her then rolls her into a basement dropkick. Alba is pulled out then Chance and Carter do stereo baseball slides.
We go to break and return. Isla stomps on Chance. Alba corner spears Chance. Alba rakes Chance's face on the ropes then knee drops her. Chance takes a gordbuster and Isla meteora's her for 2. Isla chinlocks her.
Isla misses a corner charge and Chance hits an enzugiri. Carter gets in and hits forearms on Isla. She rolls her and superkicks her. Carter superkicks Alba on the apron then jawbreakers Isla over the top rope. Carter springboard legdrops her off the bottom rope.
Carter high kicks Isla then dropkicks her in the corner. Carter flips Chance onto Isla but Isla gets her knees up. Isla high kicks Carter. Carter takes a gori special + flatliner and is pinned.
Thoughts: It was a pretty average match and far from anyone's best work. And we would know as this match has happened on this show many times. Chance and Carter didn't even really fly around here all that much.
Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches as usual. The opener didn't impress and the crowd didn't know either guy so they didn't cheer much. The women's tag match was not either teams best work and both took it easy here. I didn't really like either match all that much and wouldn't recommend this show.
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