Monday, December 9, 2024

WWE Main Event 11/20/2024

WWE Main Event 11/20/2024

Last week's show is here:

This was taped in Saudi Arabia and is being aired on a 17 day delay.

Bron Breakker vs Otis

They lock up. Bron backs him up in the corner and knees him in the gut. Otis knocks Bron over then clubs him. Otis running knees him. Bron flying clotheslines him. Bron hits corner spears. They trade punches and Bron dropkicks him in the knee.

Bron hits him from behind for 2. Bron chinlocks him. They trade punches. Otis suplexes him. Otis hits lariats then back elbows him. Otis corner splashes him and really whacks him with a lariat. Otis does a caterpillar elbow for 2. Otis goes for a slam but Bron hits an overhead suplex out of it.

Bron running spears Otis and wins.

Thoughts: It was exactly what you would want with them clubbing the crap out of each other and having a hoss style match. It was fun and one of the matches makes Main Event worth checking out. Otis really hit some hard shots on Bron here and Otis taking the overhead suplex was a real sight.

The LWO (Cruz del Toro and Joaquin Wilde) vs The Authors of Pain

Akam hits shots on Cruz then Cruz step up enzugiri's him. Cruz hits punches. Cruz step up enzugiri's him then Akam takes a double dropkick. Razar takes a double kick to the head. Wilde flying headscissors Akam in the corner then running back elbows him. Akam uranages Wilde.

We go to break and return. Razar hits Wilde. Wilde takes shots from AOP in the gut. Akam elbows Wilde over. Wilde takes a double spinebuster. Wilde jawbreakers Akam then step up enzugiri's Razar. Cruz is tagged in. He dropkicks
Akam off the apron and hits shots on Razar. Cruz hits lariats. He spin kicks Razar.

Cruz springboard dropkicks Razar then bottom rope asai moonsaults him for 2. Karrion Kross gets a shot in on Cruz when Scarlet gets on the apron. Cruz takes a sitout powerbomb + neckbreaker combo and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a short one here and who know what we missed during the break. There was nothing wrong with this and it's a shame we didn't get more of it. What we got looked fine.

Overall thoughts: We only had 2 new matches here as usual. Bron vs Otis was a fun heavyweight match with Otis dropping some bombs and getting thrown overhead. The tag match was short but fine. It was not a bad way to spend 20 minutes though I wouldn't say it was must see. I enjoyed what we got here.

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