Monday, December 30, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 12/28/2024 Season 5, Episode 16

WOW Women of Wrestling 12/28/2024 Season 5, Episode 16

Last week's show is here:

Lana Star and The Fab Four come out. Lana wants to know why Miami's Sweet Heat wasn't given the first tile match while a team with no wins under their belt in Animal Instinct got it. Animal Instinct comes out.

Goldie Collins says they won some matches and said they would have won the title match if The Fab Four didn't interrupt. She says if they wait their turn, they'll see them in the ring.

Jessie Jones and Big Rig Betty come out. Betty says they are lying. Jones says it wasn't good for MSH to stick their noses in their business, especially since their noses are fake. Jones says they don't care who is next, thye will take both teams on at the same time and stomp a mudhole in them. Jones says Big Rigs and Bourbon ain't scared of nothing.

David McLane says Jones came up with a good idea. He tells them to put the titles on the line next week in a triple threat against Miami's Sweet Heat and Animal Instinct.

Championship Battle Royal Qualifying Match - Fury vs Princess Aussie

They said Sierra Breeze was supposed to be in this instead of Fury, but she lost her passport and couldn't come to the show.

They lock up. Fury waistlock takedowns her. Aussie chinlocks her. Fury side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Fury armdrags her off the hiptoss attempt. Aussie rolls her up for 2. Aussie hits a suplex for 2.

Aussie elbow drops her for 2. Fury sits on Aussie's neck on the middle rope then knees her there. Fury then poses on Aussie. Fury germans Aussie. Aussie hits lariats then backdrops her. 

Fury backhands Aussie then flatliners her. Fury does a koji clutch and Aussie hits a cutter. Aussie then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was an average with nothing too exciting going on. They didn't botch anything though. Aussie won here as expected. It doesn't seem like Fury wins many singles matches these days and it's starting to bury her. 

Championship Battle Royal Qualifying Match - Gloria Glitter vs Chantilly Chella

GG boots her. Chella leapfrogs then armdrags her. GG blocks an armdrag and hits her own. Chella springboard headscissors GG then dropkicks her. GG hits a widows peak then gordbusters her. GG does the stair stepper and lariats her. Chella hits leg kicks and legsweeps her. GG knees her in the gut.

GG sunset flips her then does a head and double arm lock. GG hits jawbreakers on Chella then flying lariats her. GG throws Chella out. Chella hits her outside then pulls her throat over the top. Chella slingshots over GG then hits double chops. Chella spin kicks her then euros her.

Chella hits a 2nd rope dropkicks on GG for 2. Chella drops her with a high kick and GG ropebreaks. GG stomps on her on the bottom rope. Chella springboard armdrags GG then rolls her up for the win.

Thoughts: Chella had a good showing here and seemed more motivated than usual. It was fine. Glitter can do a lot more than she does on WOW but she either doesn't want to do it or doesn't get a chance to. I wasn't advocating for Chella to lose here but Glitter's part of one of the top heel stables and maybe shouldn't be losing either.

Coach Campanelli gets on the mic after. She says she's not happy. Coach says she's mad at her for losing and for entering this match to begin with. Coach says she makes the decisions for this team because Coach knows best and not Glitter. She says Glitter is back on probation. Glitter pleads.

We see Chainsaw in the back. Pep Riley comes up to her. She gives her a flower and tells her good luck in her match. Chain then puts the flower in her overall.

Holidead does a promo. She says her blood boils for gold. She says Chainsaw was once her sister but is now on her train of violence. She says the darkside wants to bring a hold of the gold.

Championship Battle Royal Qualifying Match - Chainsaw vs Holidead 

They lock up. Chain shoves her and takes shoulder blocks. Holi throws Chain out and clubs on her outside. Chain is side-stepped and goes into the post outside. Holi chest clubs her on the apron. Holi legdrops her.

Holi boots her out of the corner. Chain slams Holi. Chain legdrops Holi. Holi spinebusters Chain. Holi stomps the flower Pep gave Chain. Chain gets mad and chokes Holi. The ref then DQ's Chain for not letting go of the choke.

Thoughts: What we got wasn't that good. They couldn't get a flow going and just had trouble getting on the same page.

The refs and Chain's sister try to stop Chain after. She eventually lets go and loses her mind.

While I didn't like the match, I did like the angle after. They made chain look like a mad woman and the crowd chanted for Chain so this got over.

Samantha Smart and The Classmaster talk in production. Smart shows Class clips of Tormenta. She says Class has the height advantage. She says they will win and says Tor will be a stepping stone for her.

Tormenta does a translated promo. She said she dreamt since she was a kid of competing for the title in a place like WOW.

Animal Instinct vs Miami's Sweet Heat vs Big Rigs and Bourbon for the titles is on the next WOW show.

Tormenta vs The Classmaster

Class shoves her. Tor hits shoulderblocks. Tor walks up the ropes, rope walks and armdrags Class down. Samantha Smart distracts Tor and Class hits Tor from behind. Tor's head is banged off the buckles. Class kicks Tor in the back multiple times then legdrops her inner thighs.

Class does a scholar collar. Tor is thrown by the neck. Class stomps on Tor. Class hits a bad fameasser and legdrops her for 2. Tor 2nd rope dropkicks her. Class splashes Tor in the corner. Smart nearly hits Class with the yard stick on a failed cheating attempt and Tor rolls up Class to win.

Thoughts: The match didn't really get enough time to develop here. I didn't like Class losing. She's been picking up big wins and seems to be getting a push. Her losing here doesn't really fit into that. Both are already in the battle royale as well so that wasn't the reason.

Samantha Smart gets on the mic after. She says that was a fluke and a glitch in the simulation. She tells the crowd to savor this moment as anyone other than her will take triumph. Smart tells the audio crew to play their music.

Overall thoughts: There wasn't a ton going on in this one. None of the matches were super great though were awful either. There wasn't a lot of development storyline wise though next week's main is set. I'd just give this a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend this one.

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