TNA Final Resolution 12/13/2024
We are in Atlanta, Georgia. This show only had 2 weeks of build to lead up to it.X-Division Title - Moose (c) vs KUSHIDA
Moose hits chops in the corner and throws him hard into the buckles. Moose spears the buckles when Kush moves. Kush flying knees the arm off the buckles. Kush pulls him over the top. Moose blocks his slingshot hurricanrana then swings him into the steps. Moose powerbombs Kush on the apron.
Moose tries to running spear Kush but misses and goes into the steps. Kush bangs Moose's arm off the steps. Kush rakes Moose's fingers over the top rope. Kush is on the 2nd rope and Moose sitout chokeslams him for 2.
Kush leg kicks him then kind of does a handspring kick on him. Kush corner shotei's him then Moose uranages him for 2. Kush hits kicks on him and kicks him in the arm. Kush does the hoverboard lock and flatliners Moose into the buckles.
They trade arm kicks for chops. Moose walks up the ropes and Kush kimura's him on the landing. Kush cradles Moose on a running spear then rolls him up for 2. Kush enzugiri's him. Kush goes for the handspring back elbow and is dropkicked in the back. Moose rolling spears him and wins.
Thoughts: It was a little long for an opener but it as okay with Kush working the arm, Moose selling it and putting him down.
First Class is interviewed. KC says AJ is the man a lot of people don't believe in. He says everyone will believe in him today as they are about the money, money, money. KC says they will be about gold tonight. AJ says it's the biggest moment of his career and he worked 6 years in the business for this. He said he never wanted anything more to be champ. He says he will do it tonight by chokeslamming Nic through the TNA logo. He says there's not a thing anyone can do about it. He says he's the biggest, baddest man walking and talking. He says the world is his and everything in it.
PCO & Sami Callihan vs. Jake Something vs. The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)
There's always someone missing from a TNA big show and today it's Hammerstone, who they say is out with an injury. Jake wrestles solo here.
Sami and Zach go at it. Zach flips out of an armlock then Sami shoulders him over. Sami hits a lariat. Jake tags himself in. Zack boots him out of the corner and 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's him. Zack misses a dropkick. Jake runs the ropes and shoulders him over. Jake then bodyblocks him.
Jake takes a double team ending in a baseball slide from The Rascalz. PCO takes kicks and is double stomped on the back. PCO powers up and double lariats The Rascalz. Sami comes in and stun guns Trey. Sami hits an air raid crash for 2.
Sami battering rams PCO into Trey in the corner. PCO backbreakers him. PCO legdrops him. PCO and Sami hit each other on a failed double team then Trey asai moonsaults both. Jake and Zach fight on the ramp and Zach hurricanrana's him into the ring. Zack hits a strike combo and enzugiri's him. Jake leapfrogs and is pulled down. Zach then deadlift germans him.
Jake takes a crucifix + superkick. rey superkicks Sami then dives out onto opponents. Sami throws Zach out onto opponents. PCO top rope moonsaults outside onto everyone. Jake takes a stunner. Trey enzugiri's Sami. PCO michinoku drivers Trey. Zach running ssp's PCO. Jake powerbombs Zach then powerbombs Trey onto him.
Jake sitout powerbombs Sami then sitout powerbombs PCO. Jake and PCO trade. Trey runs the ramp, jumps off the 2nd rope and flips onto both. Zach springboard cutters PCO. Sami takes a double superkick on the apron. Trey spinebuters Jake. Jake is catapulted into a superkick. Zack meteora's Jake off the 2nd rope and wins.
Thoughts: I thought they did a good job here. They didn't have to as it was a throwaway but we got some nice dives and creative spots. Jake lost here but it doesn't really matter since he was fighting a handicap match anyway.
We see another "23" video after with the voiceover saying it's just a number.
Steve Maclin and Eric Young talk in the back. Eric asks if he's ready. He tells him he's going intoa world title match if he wins it. He says Steve didn't ask him to be here but he has his back. He says he'll deal with The Northern Armory if they show up.
Trent Seven vs. Ace Austin
I don't know why we have to see this. I thought it was going to be on the pre-show.
Trent hits chops then Ace hits forearms and kicks. Ace leg kicks him then basement dropkicks him. Ace superkicks him from the apron. Ace hits chops and kicks outside. Ace goes to springboard and Trent trips him up on the ropes.
Trent slams Ace. Ace is thrown chest first into the buckles. Trent hits an emerald flowsion for 2. Trent chest kicks Ace. Trent hits chops. Trent chops him low and ddt's him. Trent running one arm powerbombs him.
Trent rubs his crotch with a Chris Bey shirt then he rips it up. Ace spin kicks Trent in the corner. Ace hits a lariat flurry in the corner. Ace helicopter kicks him for 2. Ace chop flurries him in the corner. Ace headscissors him off the buckles and drives his head into the mat with his feet. Trent burning hammers him on the apron.
Ace of course ropebreaks on the pin attempt. Trent hits an emerald flowsion for 2. Ace knees him in the gut and spin kicks him. Trent hits a straight punch then Trent rainmakers him. Trent hits a piledriver and Ace kicks out at 1. Ace counters Trent with a ddt off a pumphandle. Ace hits an os cutter and the fold to win.
Thoughts: This was just awful. It went long. Ace kicked out of a burning hammer on the apron then took a piledriver and kicked out at 1. And this wasn't in some main event match, it was in a throwaway, meaningless, midcard match on a smaller PPV. Trent also burned through some spots like ripping up a Chris Bey shirt which means someone else can't do that now. Trent may be my least favorite wrestler going today.
Frankie Kazarian sings into his Call Your Shot trophy. He says TNA is trending upwards because of him. He said he made an example of Jonathan Gresham tonight and will keep an eye on the main event. He says he's not about new years resolutions but is about ending the year on a high note as TNA champ.
Rosemary vs. Jordynne Grace
Grace hits forearms and atomic drops her. Grace lariats her then rolling death valley drivers her. Rose bites Grace's leg on the ropes then hanging headscissors chokes her over the top. Rose hammerlocks her and sends her into the buckles shoulder first.
Rose pulls Grace's arm around the bottom rope. Rose chops Grace outside. Rose jumps off the steps and punches Grace. Rose chinlocks her while holding the arm. Grace backslides her then hits an air raid crash for 2.
Grace hits a world's strongest slam then misses a vader bomb. Grace rolls out of a spear and hits a euro for 2. Rose sleepers her on the ramp. Grace drops her backwards to break it. Rose spears her through the ropes into the ring. Grace hits a muscle buster and goes for the pin but the ref is pulled out by someone in a mask. The masked person sends Graced into the post and pounds on her. The masked person then takes off their mask and coat and it's Tessa Blanchard who has returned to TNA. We then cut way before we get a decision but it was said this was a no contest.
Thoughts: I didn't like the match. It went long and I didn't buy that Grace was losing. Then it had a dirty finish anyway. I'm not a big Tessa fan. I think she's just an average worker (who is now on the roster with a bunch of other average workers) and she hasn't impressed me much in CMLL. And if this means more intergender stuff, no thanks.
We go to the back and Gia tries to interview Tessa. She says she just reminded her and everyone else whose name this company was built on. She says she's back and taking what's hers. She then piefaces Gia in a surprising moment.
TNA World Title #1 Contendership Four Way Match - Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin vs. Joe Hendry vs. Mike Santana
3 of the 4 go outside to fight. Mike dropkicks Josh through the ropes. Mike corner chops Josh. Mike is thrown out. Steve hits shots on Josh. Joe hits lariats on Josh. Joe pop-up powerbombs Josh. Mike misses a corner charge and takes a hard lariat from Josh. Joe cutters Josh off the ropes then delay suplexes him.
Steve topes Josh into the rails and Mike facekicks Steve. Josh hits many germans on Steve. Stevie hits lariats in the back of Josh's neck. Steve misses a crosshairs spear in the corner and Joe lariats him on the floor.
Josh hits some shots on Joe's knee and stomps it. Joe hits euros. Josh knees him in the gut. Josh misses a 2nd rope dropkick. Josh euros him down for 2. Josh pounds on Joe and Joe hulks up. Joe hits punches and is sent out. Mike and Josh stare down then trade forearms. Josh crossbodies Mike's back off the apron. Josh rolling death valley drivers Mike then knee drops his neck off the buckles.
Josh backdrops Mike. Josh germans Steve on the ramp. Josh goes up and over but Mike backrolls into a cutter for 2. They fight on the buckles. Josh bites him. Josh takes a double electric chair blockbuster.
Mike and Joe trade chops. Mike hits forearms then Joe hits running lariats. Joe fallway slams him. Steve jumps up and is caught with a death valley driver from Mike. Mike backrolls and Josh catches him with a spinning torture rack bomb for 2. Joe fallaway slams Josh off the buckles, Mike diving knees Joe off the buckles and Mike top rope splashes Steve.
Josh drop-down slams Steve on the apron and Mike topes Josh after. Joe then jumps over the top onto all 3 opponents. Steve and Joe lariat each other down at the same time. Josh zip-ties Mike to the rail.
Steve hits his crosshairs spear on Joe in the corner. Josh low blows Steve. Joe hits a standing ovation on Josh and pins him.
Thoughts: It got a lot of time. It was a pretty good match. Everyone tried. It was stiff and they did work well together. The four-way format limited them though as 2 people would get something going then one or both would be out for a while. I don't really get the point of having Joe Hendry lose twice in title matches, do nothing of note for the last month and then win again here. It was not the best way to build up to that outcome and unfortunately, I still don't trust in TNA to actually let him win the title. And even if they do, Kaz still has that Call Your Shot trophy and he may take the title from Joe if he were to beat Nic Nemeth.
Nic Nemeth does a promo. He says Final Resolution is finally here. He says he goes 1v1 with AJ Francis. He says AJ thinks this is in the bag. He says Joe Hendry is officially now the #1 contender for the title and says Kaz might cash in. He says he doesn't know. He says he's the man in TNA and will always be. He says he's the wanted man as he's the best TNA champ.
TNA Knockouts World Title Falls Count Anywhere Match - Masha Slamovich (c) vs. Tasha Steelz
Santino Marella comes out before this starts. Santino said Alisha Edwards was ejected from Tasha's turning point match but she came back out. Because of it, he says Alisha is now banned from the building. Santino then announces a discount on TNA+ if you use "banned" as a promo code.
Tasha nails Masha from behind as Santino talks and security comes out to secure the ringside area. Masha hits chops and gets knee'd in the gut. Tasha running lariats her. Masha hits snapmares on Tasha. Masha tries to corkscrew tope Tasha but ends up nailing security instead. Masha tries to pin her on the floor. Tasha suplexes Masha into the steps. Tasha stomps on Masha. Tasha hits kicks on Masha in the corner then running knees her for 2.
Tasha chinlocks Masha. Tasha bridging ddt's her on the floor. Tasha goes up top and gets hit. Masha superplexes her off the 2nd rope. They trade forearms. Masha hits some shots and koppo kicks her.
Tasha enzugiri's her from the apron. Masha drives her into the buckles. Tasha cutters her on the ramp. Tasha plants off the entrance area and bulldogs Masha on the ramp. Masha's head is banged off the ramp. Masha hits a knee on Tasha off a springboard aand piledrivers her on the ramp. Masha picks up the pin.
Thoughts: I didn't like the Santino stuff pre-match. That should have been addressed after the PPV, not 2 weeks later. Santino also did his thing where he messes up people's names and it was work to even understand what he was talking about.
I couldn't really get into the match. Neither one of these girls are favorites of mine. A lot of their offense didn't look good and the match wasn't that exciting.
TNA World Tag Team Title Tables Match - The Hardys (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy) (c) vs. The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards)
Both members of a team have to go through a table for the match to end.
The four stare down then trade shots. Brian's head is banged off the buckles and Jeff hits corner punches on Eddie. Matt corner splashes Eddie and Jeff jumps off his back to splash Eddie. Brian takes a double back elbow and a fist drop + senton combo. Jeff hits a twist of fate on Eddie into a neckbreaker from Matt. Brian then gets the same thing.
They tribute The Dudley's and say let's both get the tables. A table is brought in. Matt hits a twist of fate on Brian. Jeff is crotched up top by Eddie. Brian gets crotched up top. Matt superplexes Brian and Eddie moves the table away to save Brian. Eddie shining wizards Matt. Matt takes a spear from Brian. Matt takes a t-gimmick through a table. Jeff is 2v1'd outside. Jeff's head is banged off part of a table. Eddie yells at fans outside. The heels try to throw Jeff off the ramp through a table but Matt makes the save.
Matt cutters Brian off the apron through tables. Matt lands on a second table next to it but only Brian is counted as going through the table. Eddie and Jeff fight outside. Eddie rakes Jeff's face in front of a fan. Eddieslaps a beer out of a fan's hand. The fan slaps him and Eddie slaps him back. Eddie then pushes him. Eddie says, "now I'm having fun" and the fan is escorted away. The crowd chants "you f*cked up" at the situation. Eddie then waves to the crowd.
Eddie boots Jeff out of the corner. Jeff atomic drops Eddie and basement dropkicks him. Jeff elbow drops him. Jeff hits a whisper in the wind. Brian low blows Matt outside. The wrestlers go into the crowd. Jeff is held for shots. The heels get a table. Jeff is put on a table. Matt saves Jeff with a chair and the table breaks in the process, though of course they don't count it. Matt throws a chair in Brian's face.
Eddie is put on a table and Jeff climbs up into the stands. Jeff then swantons off the stands through Eddie through the table and wins.
Thoughts: It dragged a little. They ran into some issues with the table spots. One could maybe argue Matt went through a table during the cutter off the apron spot and the table broke while Jeff was on it. Those two spots made the match look hokey and harmed it. The Hardy's did do a good job of hiding their weaknesses though. There was also the situation with Eddie and the fan and I think it's bogus that a fan had a drink slapped out of their hands then got slapped and kicked out for getting a shot back in on Eddie. This was not that good overall due to the various issues.
TNA World Title Match - Nic Nemeth (c) vs. AJ Francis
Nic headbutts and superkicks AJ to start. Nic jumps on his back for a sleeper and AJ throws him off. AJ shoulders him over. Frankie Kazarian comes out to ringside. Nic gets distracted by KC Navarro outside and AJ nails Nic from behind.
Nic hits shots on AJ. AJ drops him onto the apron. Nic goes for the slam but AJ falls on him. AJ gets stuck on the 2nd rope and has his head superkicked into the buckles. Nic then powerbombs him down for 2.
Nic hits elbow drops. AJ boots him in the face for 2. AJ chin and armlocks Nic. Nic corner splashes him and hits lariats. Nic hits a jumping ddt. Nic powerslams AJ then elbow drops him. KC pulls Nic's throat down over the top and AJ spears Nic.
AJ running knees Nic in the corner. AJ hits a vader bomb for 2. Nic danger zone's AJ for 2. Nic corner splashes him. AJ blocks his neckbreaker. AJ misses a 2nd rope moonsault then Nic hits a fameasser for 2.
Nic superkicks AJ and AJ death valley drivers him. AJ chokeslams him and Nic rolls out to the ramp. AJ death valley drivers Nic from the ramp into the ring for 2. AJ goes for a chokeslam and takes a fameasser. Nic superkicks him then hits a danger zone and wins.
Thoughts: It was a decent main. It was better than expected as AJ had a good showing here. It wasn't great or anything but there was nothing wrong with this at all. I thought they did what they needed to do here.
KC Navarro jumps Nic after. AJ joins in. Joe Hendry comes out and saves Nic, lariating AJ over the top. Joe then throws KC onto AJ outside and AJ catches KC.
Nic and Joe both grab the title together and stare down. Nic then holds the title up in Joe's face and has words for him. Kaz watches on from outside.
Overall thoughts: It was a much better effort in every way than Turning Point 2024 was. The arena was lit much better and they covered up how small it was well. The main was fine. The four-way was the best match of the night. The Hardy's match would have been fine if they didn't have table issues and Eddie getting into it with a fan. I didn't care for either of the women's matches and Tessa returning isn't very exciting to me, but it's a smaller promotion with limited options and I get it. Trent/Ace was awful and easily one of the worst matches I saw this year and the first two matches were fine. I'd give it a 6 out of 10 overall. I wouldn't recommend it but I did like it overall.
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