Stardom 12/24/2024 Year-End X'Mas Night
Exhibition Match (Special Referee: Maika) - Trainee Akira vs. Trainee Yuria
They don't tells us who either girl is. There's a blonde hair girl and a brown hair girl. Blonde hair is taken down. Brown hair goes for a grounded guillotine. Dark hair goes for the armbar. Brown hair wristlocks her then Blonde reverses it. Brown hair puts it back on. They cravate each other. Brown hair snapmares her and gets a 2 count.
Brown hair hammerlocks her. Blonde hair trips her and side headlocks her. Brown hair side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Brown hair hits dropkicks for 2. Brown hair half-crabs her and Blonde hair ropebreaks. Blonde hair's head is banged off the buckles. Brown hair misses a corner back elbow then Blonde hair dropkicks her.
Blonde hair hits another dropkick. They trade chest forearms. Brown hair hits a chest forearm flurry and the tie limit runs out. She hits more shots after the bell and Blonde hair chokes her. The fight is then broke nup.
Thoughts: It was hard to get much out of this considering we didn't know who each girl was and because they did rookie moves. Neither one botched anything and everything they did looked fine so it was a success.
High Speed Title Match - Mei Seira (c) vs. Momo Kohgo
They evade moves early and both try a dropkick at the same time. Momo goes on the 2nd rope and is dropkicked out. Mei misses a dropkick off the apron. Momo 619's her under the bottom rope. Momo springboard plancha's her outside.
Momo side underhook suplexes her. Mei goes for a springboard and her legs are hit with a 619. momo basemnet dropkicks her. Mei springboard dropkicks her. Mei rolls her with her leg and does an stf variation. Mei does a bow and arrow variation and Momo ropebreaks.
Mei spin kicks her then takes a dropkick. Mei backrolls her then germans her. Momo suplexes her. They kip up together and trade chest forearms. They roll each other up and Mei la magistrals her.
They try pin attempts. Mei dropkicks her. Momo superkicks her and hits a crucifix bomb for 2. Mei dropkicks her then hits a backflip crucifix driver for the win.
Thoughts: It was one of Momo's better outings. It was short and fast paced. The two worked well together and it went better than I expected. I had no issues with this.
The girls talk on the mic after.
Empress Nexus Venus (HANAKO, Rian & Waka Tsukiyama) vs. HATE (Azusa Inaba, Fukigen Death & Rina)
Rian's team attacks before the bell. Death is tripped and takes a big boot, hip attack and senton. The heels prevent a triple basement dropkick. Rian takes a triple boot and the heels do Death's pose on her.
Death bangs Rian's head off the buckles. Rina hair throws Rian. Rina foot chokes her. Rian hits chest forearms on Rina. Rina facekicks her. Rian crossbodies Rina.
Hana gets in and shoulders the heels. Hana hits a splash on Rina. Hana takes a facekick on the ropes from Rina. They trade chest forearms. Rina does an octopus to her but the faces break it up. Hana suplexes Rina for 2.
Rina hip throws Hana then basement dropkicks her. AI comes in. She takes a pump kick then Waka comes in and dropkicks her. AI chest kicks Waka down. She kicks her in the back and hots knees. AI takes a shotei, a crossbody, a butt drop and a straightjacket backcracker for 2.
Waka takes corner attacks then AI running shotei's her for 2. Hana shoulders over AI. Hana tries to drop Waka on her but AI gets her knees up. Waka takes a pump kick into a crucifix bomb for 2. AI pumping knees Waka and wins.
Thoughts: It was a shorter one but it was fine. There was nothing wrong with this. I think this having 6 people in it helped this match out.
Saki Kashima vs. Koguma vs. Matoi Hamabe
Kog came out in a christmas dress with antlers and had a big stocking with her. The girls make Matoi do Kog's taunt. She doesn't want to but gets in. Matoi basement dropkicks Kog. The girls trap Saki. She hits both in the head and escapes. She then goes into the stands to hide I guess. The girls go after Saki in the aisle way.
They get back in the ring. Saki is tripped and takes a basement dropkick. Saki takes a double basement dropkick. Matoi rolls up Kog. Matoi hits dropkicks. Kog crossbodies both opponents. Kog stomps on both opponents backs.
Saki hits a flying headscissors on Kog. Saki gets on the buckles, Matoi tries to pin Kog and Saki double knee drops her while she tries it. Matoi shoulder throws Waka. Kog hits a cutter. Kog swinging sleepers Matoi then splashes her off the buckles. Saki breaks the pin up by putting a stocking over Kog's head and spins her to win.
Thoughts: It was all comedy and goofing around early on and never got super serious.
Kohaku & Neo Genesis (AZM & Suzu Suzuki) vs. Cosmic Angels (Aya Sakura, Saori Anou & Yuna Mizumori) vs. God's Eye (Nanami, Ranna Yagami & Tomoka Inaba)
Anou pinned Inaba with a backslide into a bridge. It started off slow but picked up. It didn't get a ton of time and wasn't really that serious with some comedy spots. There were lots of people coming in and out and it was an average match.
STARS (Hazuki & Mayu Iwatani) vs. God's Eye (Hina & Lady C)
Haz and Mayu are in christmas outfits. C wants a test of strength with Haz but Haz can't reach. Haz then puts Mayu on her shoulders. C then can't reach. Hina then gets on C's shoulders. Mayu puts a santa hat on Hina and Hina pulls Mayu's santa hat off. Haz and Mayu cry about it and get stomped. Haz and Mayu hit stereo dropkicks then take facewash kicks.
Haz camel clutches Hina and Hina ropebreaks. Mayu snapmares Hina and kicks her in the back for 2. Mayu backrolls Hina and basement dropkicks her. Haz hits setons on Hina for 2. Haz forearms Hina over then takes a hip throw.
C shoulders Haz over then abdoiminal stretches her and Mayu at the same time. C facekicks Haz on the ropes for 2. Haz rolls her up for 2 and back elbows her in the corner. C blocks a codebreaker and hits a giant swing. Haz top rope dropkicks C then Mayu dropkicks C against the bottom rope. C facekicks Mayu.
Hina running dropkicks Mayu for 2. Hina backbreakers Mayu and crabs her. Hina takes a double basement dropkick then C and Hina hit stereo neckbreakers. Mayu takes a russian legsweep + STO combo. Hina uranages Mayu for 2. Haz hits a double codebreaker. Haz and Mayu do stereo topes out.
Mayu top rope splashes Hina for 2. Hina rolls up Mayu for 2. Hina takes a facekick + crucifix driver for 2. Hina hip throws Mayu and takes a double kick. Mayu top rope moonsaults Hina and pins her.
Thoughts: C had a better showing than usual here. It was your usual Stardom match with people coming in at out as they pleased and it was average. The first half of this was all comedy before it got more serious.
Empress Nexus Venus (Maika & Mina Shirakawa), STARS (Hanan & Saya Iida) & Syuri vs. HATE (Konami, Momo Watanabe, Natsuko Tora, Ruaka & Thekla)
Kon and Syu go at it. Kon goes for the guillotine and Syu takes her down. Kon leglocks her and Syu side headlocks her. Kon ducks a high kick and shoves her. Han and Thek get in. Han hits a big dropkick then a forearm flurry. Han gets stomped on by Thek and Momo. Thek's head is banged off the buckles and Thek poses on her in the corner. Thek throws Han over and superkicks her.
Han takes a double shoulderblock then a double spinebuster. Tora and Ruaka hit sentons on Han for 2. Momo foot chokes Han in the corner. Han hits some chest forearms. Momo pulls her hair on the ropes. Momo snapmares her and kicks her in the back. Momo then stands on her chest.
Han 2nd rope twisting crossbodies Momo. Thek forearms Han over then Saya shoulders Thek over. Momo takes a double team double slegdehammer shot. Mina gets in. She messes up a headscissors on Momo then russian legsweeps her.
Mina ties up's Tora's legs and pulls back on them when she ddt's Ruaka. Syu dropkicks Kon and underhook suplexes her. Momo then takes a backcracker and a ddt for 2. Momo hits chest kicks on Mina. Mina is tripped into the ropes and takes a headkick from Thek. Momo PK's Mina for 2. Mina springboards off the ropes and maybe flying knees Tora.
Maika corner lariats Tora then Tora corner lariats her. They shoulder battle. Maika shoulders her over. Maika takes corner attacks from the heels and Tora corner cannonball for 2. Tora is thrown off the buckles by the faces. Maika lfits Syu and drops her on Tora. Maika sliding lariats Tora for 2.
Syu ddt's Kon. Mina comes in and hitsa flying double neckbreaker. Maika runs the ropes and gets hit wit ha box from Ruaka. Tora lariats Maika over then death valley drivers her. Saya comes in and hits lariats on all the heels. Ruka and Tora hit each other on the accident and get sent out of the ring. Mina and Han then do stereo planchas off the top to the outside.
Han and Saya get thrown into the seats outside. Tora takes Maika up into the stands and bangs her head off the wall. Tora throws Maika down steps. We then go to a double countout with all 10 girls getting counted out.
Thoughts: The finish was really stupid here. You're gonna tell me not one of the 10 girls were able to make it in on time? No way. There were a lot of people coming in and out here without tags and having the brawling at the end of the match instead of at the beginning is something different. It was an average match with a really stupid finish.
Athena of Ring of Honor does a video. She says she's the forever ROH Title. She says she will be in Stardom on 1/3 in a match with Thekla. She says it's the world tour and she's been waiting for this her entire life.
Future Of Stardom Title Match - Miyu Amasaki (c) vs. Sayaka Kurara
Saya has near black and white gear and she dropkicks Miyu. Miyu slams her and is sent to the apron. Saya spears her off the apron. Miyu crossbodies her off the apron. Saya hits corner dropkicks on Miyu. Saya spinning neckbreakers her for 2. Miyu ddt's Saya.
Miyu hits a pendulum ddt on Saya for 2. Saya hits a nice flying forearm on Saya. Saya and Miyu trade chest forearms. Miyu pounds on Saya. Saya springboard forearms Miyu. Miyu pendulum ddt's Saya then hits a regular ddt for 2.
Saya rolls up Miyu for 2 and Miyu flying back elbows her. Saya sleepers Miyu on the mat. Saya top rope dropkicks Miyu. They fight on the buckles. Miyu 2nd rope ddt's her then suplexes her for 2. Saya spears Mayu then falcon arrows her for 2. Saya hits another spear for 2.
Miyu blocks a sliced bread then pendulum ddt's Saya. She then holds on and hits a botched tornado ddt. Miyu lifts Saya for a ddt then does a sitout pedigree for the win.
Thoughts: Saya busted out some new stuff here like the falcon arrow in what likely her longest singles match to date. They had two sloppy moments but it was okay for what it was and I think it helped out both girls. I'm not a fan of Saya's new gear though as it makes her look like a mini Lady C.
The girls talk on the mic and shake hands after.
Saya Kamitani & Starlight Kid vs. Cosmic Angels (Natsupoi & Tam Nakano)
Kid and Poi lock up. Poi wristlocks her then Kid reverses it. Poi cartwheels out ofit and hammerlocks her. Poi side headlocks her. Poi armdrags her and hits a basement dropkick. Tam gets in and Saya hits her with a springboard crossbody. Saya sends Tam into the seats and takes her in the back of Korakuen. Kid indian deathlocks Poi and then they go out.
Tam and Saya go into the stands where Saya is thrown into a door. Kid bangs Poi's head off the sign in the bleachers. Saya kicks Tam down the stairs. Saya stomps on Tam. Saya hair throws Tam in the ring then slams her. Saya slams kid onto Tam. Saya forearms Tam over.
Poi and Tam do cartwheels into dropkicks on Kid. Tam basement dropkicks Kid. Poi headhunters Kid then dropkicks her through the ropes. Poi then dives onto Saya off the apron. Poi top rope crossbodies Kid then armbars her. Kid rolls into a stretch muffler on her. Poi ropebreaks.
Kid dragon screws Poi around the 2nd rope. Kid misses a standing moonsault on Poi's leg. Poi cartwheel splashes Kid. Kid and Poi trade chest forearms. Poit knocks her down with forearms and then superkicks her. Kid fisherman suplexes her then misses a 180 splash off the top.
Kid takes a double spin kick > double headhunter and a double superkick to the back of the head. Poi then does a double armbar on Kid. Poi twisting neckbreakers Kid then 180 splashes her off the top for 2. Poi kicks Kid in the arm. Kid catches her superkick and does a stretch muffler. Kid holds her in the air with a stretch muffler and Tam breaks it up.
Kid top rope 180 splashes Poi for 2. Ki rolls Poi into a tiger suplex. Poi release germans her. Poi hits a nice ranhei on Kid for 2. Poi la magistrals her for 2. Kid does a tombstone on Poi. Saya pump kicks Tam then facekicks her on the ropes. Tam spin kicks her then pumping knees hr on the ropes.
Tam and Saya go up top. Tam hanging single leg crabs her. Tam slides under Saya on the apron and takes a double stomp. Saya and Tam go on the platform with seats. They fight. Saya pump kicks Tam then dives off the platform on her, over the commentators.
Saya top rope drpkicks Tam for 2. Tam superkicks her then flying knees her. Kid springboards and is caught then Saya dropkicks her over. Kid and Saya take stereo germans and no sell them. Kid and Saya then hit stereo knees. Saya spinning heel kicks Tam then Tam tiger suplexes her for 1. Saya poisonrana's her for 1.
Saya ki krushers Tam for 2. Poi jumps off the top and dives outside onto Kid. Tam spin kicks Saya then Saya hurricanrana's her. Tam rolls through it for 2. Tam rolls her up and wins.
Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to. It really wasn't that great. There was a decent bit of no selling and just no real story or even clear faces and heels. Kid worked Poi's leg for a bit but that went nowhere. It wasn't awful and while there were some good moments, it didn't come together in the end.
HATE come out after and beat up everyone but Saya. Saya Iida and Hanan help the faces out. Saya Kamitani holds a title in Tam's face on the apron. Tam then hits shots on her. Kid talks on the mic after and seems to want a shot at Poi's title. Poi holds her title in her face. Tam talks on the mic.
We get a highlight video of 2024 and a bunch of the wrestlers come in the ring to watch. Tam talks more on the mic after. fake snow comes from the sky and everyone poses together.
Overall thoughts: It was a longer show at over 3 hours. It had the usual Stardom style with people coming in and out without tagging and often no real faces or heels outside of HATE's matches. The main got more time than it needed and just wasn't that great. Miyu vs Sayaka wasn't a bad effort. Mei vs Momo was one of Momo's better matches and there was a bunch of comedy on this. There was also a stupid 10-woman tag that ended in everyone getting counted out. It was an average show and I wouldn't recommend it. I'll give it a 5 out of 10.
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