Sunday, December 1, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 12/1/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 12/1/2024

Last week's show did not have any new matches so I didn't cover it. The show from 2 weeks ago is here:

Herb Simmons talks about the recent match from 11/23 where SICW was on the line against Stephen E and Travis Cook. Herb says Team SICW won. Herb said he was worried and said Team SICW was in trouble multiple times during the match. We then cut to clips from 11/23/24.

Control of SICW - Stephen E is handcuffed to Bob Orton Jr. - Haku, The Barbarian and Atila Khan vs Danny Bow Hawkins, "Night Train" Gary Jackson and Ron Powers

The match starts before the bell rings. Ron and Khan go outside. Khan is sent into the ring and a table. Gary and Barb fight outside and Danny fights with Haku. Haku and Barb get their heads banged together. Ron chairs Khan. Haku throws a chair in and it somehow hits Gary. Gary's in pain over it. Haku bangs Gary's leg off the apron. 

The teams get in their corners and Danny squares off with Barb. Barb hits a boot to the gut and hits chops in the corner. Barb chokes Danny. Danny corner lariats him then flying lariats him. Gary and Haku go at it. Haku wristlocks him and Gary reverses it. Haku chops Gary in the head and Gary hits chops. Danny comes in and dropkicks Haku. Danny crossbodies him but just gets knocked back.

Haku headbutts Danny. Ron gets in. Ron hits punches on Haku then Khan hits shots on Ron. Ron back elbows Khan then lariats him over for 2. Gary comes in and hits forearms on Haku. Haku blocks his sunset flip and double chops him in the neck. 

Gary gets his legs split by the heels and Khan gets his head banged off the steps. Khan is busted open. Barb single leg crabs Gary and Gary rope breaks. Khan hits shots on Gary then Barb and Haku choke Gary in the corner. Khan stabs Gary with a fork and knee drops him.

Khan clubs Gary then Gary crossbodies Haku for 2. Gary's head is banged off Barb's head by Haku. Gary takes a double clothesline then Barb elbow drops him for 2. Barb chinlocks Gary.

Barb chops Gary in the throat. Haku misses a headbutt drop on Gary and takes a jawbreaker. Gary goes for the tag and Haku grabs Gary by the trunks to stop him, pulling them down. Haku chops Gary then Khan gets chops and punches on Gary. Khan slams Gary then fsit drops him. Khan misses a corner splash. Ron hits punches on Haku. Ron beats up on all 3 opponents. Khan hits Ron with something in the mouth and the other 4 fight outside.

Ron taks a shot from Khan then Khan headbutt drops him. Khan misses a 2nd rope diving headbutt. Ron sleepers Khan then Khan pulls the ref into Ron to break the hold. Travis Cook comes in. He tries to use a golden spike on Ron but nails Khan with it. Khan then punches Cook out. Ron does a head and arm choke on Khan. Khan is out and Ron picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was nice to see this match. It had been built up for a while and they definitely needed to show this one. Thankfully they did. There were some limitations due to some of the wrestlers being older but Barb, Ron and Haku worked well. But it was a fun match with the crowd being really into it and them doing some brawling and face vs heel work. I thought the finish could have been built up to a little better and maybe could have used some more nearfalls. I liked the match though and thought it was good.

Khan is buried under the US flag after. We go to break and see Gary Jackson talking. He chants "USA". Drew starts an "SICW" chant. Herb Simmons gets on the mic after and they have words for Stephen E. Stephen E is shocked they lost and Travis Cook is in pain. A bunch of people are in the ring. Gary says Stephen E has money but could not buy SICW. Ron thanks everyone and says SICW is staying here. Danny says they proved you can use brains over brawn. Some of Herb's family members talk on the mic.

Gary says Herb came up with the plan and they executed it. Herb says Stephen E can get on his camel and hop off. Ron says htye have a good family here and came together then kicked the heels @sses. Herb says to stay tuned as he has decisions to make.

We go to break. We then see the SICW roster popping champagne and celebrating in the back. Everyone gets sprayed with it. They cheer for Team SICW winning. Herb says his team proved they will defend SICW. Herb says Haku and The Barbarian couldn't get it done. Gary says they had back-up tonight from the SICW roster. Danny says they proved if you have heart and determination you will always come out on top. 

Herb says there will be SICW Fanfest III on May 16th and 17th. Herb says Nikita Koloff will be there.

Herb then closes the show and says we'll see more clips from the 11/23 show next week.

Overall thoughts: There was only one new match here but it was the big one so it's hard to complain. They didn't have to show it but they did and it was nice to get some payoff to the long SICW vs Stephen E feud. The one match was good and heated and it's always nice to see Haku and The Barbarian get in the ring. I thought they did a good job of putting over the victory and making the match feel important. I enjoyed this one and it's definitely one to see if you follow SICW.

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