Tuesday, December 10, 2024

All Japan Pro Wrestling 12/1/2024 Real World Tag League 2024 Day 9

All Japan Pro Wrestling 12/1/2024 Real World Tag League 2024 Day 9

Day 8 is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/12/all-japan-pro-wrestling-11302024-real.html

Davey Boy Smith Jr., Kento Miyahara & Ryo Inoue vs. ELPIDA (Rising HAYATO & Yuma Anzai) & Mike D Vecchio

Yuma beat Ryo here with a gimlet. It was a long opener. The first half of this was pretty boring and by the numbers. The second half picked up and turned into an actual match though. Rising got beat up on for the first half of this.

The wrestlers are interviewed after. Mike says it's his first time in All Japan and says he's the face of the future of the company. He said the win was easy today. Davey says they didn't win but they didn't lose. Davey says they are still the first place winners of the tag league and he says he loves Zen Nippon. 

Lowther & MUSASHI vs. ALL Mighty Inoue & Seiki Yoshioka

Mu = Musashi, SY = Seiki, Low = Lowther

I have no idea what or who this Inoue is but it's a fat guy with a gray hair afro. I actually think he's doing a Tenryu impersonation since he has Tenryu style gear on.

Mu and SY dodge lock-ups. They get in each others faces. SY armdrags him then Mu does it back. They then try to dropkick each other at the same time. Mu pushes SY out. Low and Inoue shoulder battle then trade shots. Inoue chops him over.

Low and SY go at it. SY flying knees him in the corner and kicks him in the back and chest. Low suplexes him. Mu is tagged in. SY hits boots out of the corner. Mu slingshot double stomps SY's back. Mu dropkicks him in the knee and double stomps his back. SY step up enzugiri's him.

Inoue comes in. He corner shoulderblocks and corner lariats SY. Inoue rolling sentons him the nmisses the second attempt at it. SY tornado ddt's Mu off of Inoue. Low spinning heel kicks Inoue then ddt's SY. Low top rope crossbodies Inoue. Inoue takes a double superkick for 2. Mu hits a top rope frogsplash on Inoue and pins him.

Thoughts: It wasn't much. I'm not sure what the purpose of this was other than to do some bad honoring of Mighty Inoue, who recently passed away. They teased half-hearted dissent between Musashi and Seiki here. Lowther wasn't bad.

Real World Tag League 2024 Block B Match - ELPIDA (Ren Ayabe & Ryuki Honda) vs. Baka No Jidai (Hikaru Sato & Yuko Miyamoto)

Sato and Ren start us off. Sato leg kicks him then wristlocks him. Ren side headlocks him. Yuko and Honda shoulder battle. Honda shoulders him over. Honda chokes him on the ropes and counts along with the ref on the break. Sato then wraps tape around Honda's head and mouth.

Yuko clubs on Honda and Honda shoulders him over with his face taped. Ren comes in and slams Yuko. Yuko hurricanrana's Honda and Ren blocks Yuko's tag. Yuko does a handspring double back elbow.

Sato is tagged in. He hits leg kicks on Honda then enzugiri's him. Sato back body drops him. Honda throws him off the kimura. Ren hits forearms on Sato then flying neckbreakers him for 2. 

Honda corner lariats Sato then Re knees Sato in the gut. Yuko breaks the pin up with a top rope double stomp. Yuko tapes Honda to the ropes. Honda takes corner attacks in the corner and Ren is rolled up for 2. Ren takes kicks from both opponents then a Sato enzugiri. Ren double suplexes his opponents and push kicks Yuko into HOnda. Honda then chokes Yuko with tape.

Ren gets a nearfall on Sato and spinning falcon arrows him to win.

Thoughts: It was mostly comedy here with Honda having his mouth taped shut and him getting taped to the ropes, then tying up Yuko with the tape as well.  

Real World Tag League 2024 Block B Match - Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Seigo Tachibana vs. Baka No Jidai (Fuminori Abe & Yuma Aoyagi)

Jiro and Seigo had a long entrance as usual. A fan gave Jiro his drawing book with drawings of various wrestlers. Jiro then showed it to Yuma and Abe.

Yuma side headlocks Jiro then shoulders him over. Jiro kips up. They do the spot twice more. Jiro back elbows him over. Jiro misses a top rope moonsault on Yuma then Yuma stomps on him. Yuma puts Jiro's jacket over Jiro's eyes. Jiro is tripped and takes an elbow drop on the back for 2.

Abe hits slaps on Jiro and bangs his head off the buckles.  Jiro's opponents abuse him in the corner. Jiro's crotch is pulled into the post. Abe grabs a kid and has the kid pull on Jiro's leg. Yuma and Jiro trade shots. Jiro step up enzugiri's him and hobbles to tag in Seigo. Seigo atomic drops Yuma then running facekicks him. Seigo boots and kicks Yuma around. Seigo corner forearms Yuma then STO's him for 2. Yuma rock bottoms Seigo. Abe gets in and dropkicks Seigo in the knee.

Abe spin kicks Seigo in the gut then kicks him in the back. Seigo back elbows Abe. Abe tries to hold onto the rope to avoid going out and Seigo kicks his hand. Seigo and Jiro argue over who gets to dive out on Abe but neither end up getting to.

Yuma then teases a dive and Abe stops him. They then do what Seigo and Jiro were doing. Abe then teases a dive and Jiro trips him. Jiro and Seigo both go up top together. Abe side steps Seigo to avoid beind dived on. Yuma and Abe then go up top together. Seigo avoids Yuma when Abe pushes him off the top into him.

Seigo forearms Jiro on a failed double team then Abe slaps Yuma on a failed double team. The partners then shove each other and fight. They hit ech other. Abe baseball punches Jiro. Seigo spears Yuma then headbutts Abe. Abe baseball punches him then puts him in an octopus. Seigo does a b-driver on Abe for 2.

Seigo hits forearms on Abe then Abe hurricanrana's him for 2. They trade pin attempts and their partners try to help them get the pin. Abe then pins Seigo.

Thoughts: It was another comedy match here. It was entertaining though with them basically doing a Marx Brothers act. I don't think the RWTL is the right place to do comedy though.

Real World Tag League 2024 Block A Match - Daisuke Sekimoto & Kengo Mashimo vs. Dan Tamura & Shotaro Ashino

Sek = Daisuke Sekimoto, Sho = Shotaro Ashino

Ken and Dan go at it. Dan armlocks him and is taken down. Dan takes him down and they stand off. Sek and Sho get in and trade shots. Sho takes him down then knocks him over. Sek shoulders Sho in the gut. Sho takes a double shoulderblock. Sho takes shots from both in the corner.

Sek takes a euro and dropkicks Sho. Ken comes in and hits knees to Sho's gut. Sho running euros him over. Dan corner shoulderblocks Ken then suplexes him. Ken ddt's Dan and tags Sek in. Sek machine gun chops Dan. Sek shoulderbreakers Dan then running crossbodies him for 2. Sek crabs Dan. Sho breaks it up by hitting a karelin's lift on Sek.

Sek is dropped gut first on the top rope. Dan samoan drops Sek for 2. Ken gamenigiri's Dan and head kicks Sho. Sho release germans Ken. Dan and Sek trade forearms. Dan lariat flurries him then him and Sek lariat each other at the same time. Dan running lariats Seki then death valley drivers him.

Sek germans Dan then hits a big lariat for 2. Sek does an AA and splashes him on the landing. Sek then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a condensed version of the match they should have had. What we got was a good hard hitting match but we didn't get a ton of it. I was excited for Sekimoto in this tournament but every match he has been in has been short and not as good as it should have been.

Real World Tag League 2024 Block B Match - Evolution (Hideki Suzuki & Suwama) vs. Hokuto-gun (Cyrus & Hartley Jackson)

Hart runs through the crowd and Cy tries to throw the ring steps during his entrance. Suwama and Cy lock up. Cy clean breaks him in the corner. Suwama side headlocks him. They shoulder battle and Cy shoulders him over.

Hart and Suzuki go at it. Hart rope breaks to avoid a suplex. Suzuki armbreakers him on the shoulder and Hart death valley drivers him. Hart sentons him. Suzuki takes a double shoulderblock. Cy knees Suzuki in the back then walks on his back. Suzuki hits him in the gut and Cy chokes him with his hands and feet. 

Cy suplexes Suzuki for 2. Cy cobra clutches Suzuki. Suzuki flying shoulders him then Cy superkicks him. Hart and Suzuki trade forearms. Hart slams him down and Cy butt drops Suzuki. Cy cranks on Suzuki's head. Hart sits on Suzuki's back and chinlocks him. Cy legdrops Suzuki over the middle rope. Suzuki is then whipped into Cy outside.

Cy corner cannonballs Suzuki for 2. Cy misses a senton on Suzuki and Suwama tags in. Suwama flying lariats Cy. Cy spinning heel kicks Suwama. Hart corner lariats Suwama then corner splashes him. Hart russian legsweeps Suwama for 2.

Suwama takes a double chokeslam then a splash and legdrop for 2. Suwama hits double chops and lariats on his opponents. Hart takes enzugiri's from both opponents. Suwama lariats over Hart. Cy splashes Hart on accident. Suwama backdrops Hart then puts him in a sleeper. Suzuki then puts Cy in a sleeper at the same time. Hart is out and Suwama picks up the win.

Thoughts: They had an easy story here with the bigger guys picking on the smaller guys and it didn't quite go that way. The heels did get the offense in during the first half but Suwama's and Suzuki's comeback wasn't good and they just didn't work it well.

The wrestlers are interviewed after. Cy is mad they lost and asks Hart what happened. Hart says he's dead and a walking corpse. He said they didn't kill them though. Hart says Suwama has that "legend power" and says they won't lose the next one. He says they will dominate and destroy. Cy said he will do everything in his power to break that ring.

Real World Tag League 2024 Block A Match - Saito Brothers (Jun Saito & Rei Saito) vs. Hokuto-gun (Hokuto Omori & Kuma Arashi)

Kuma and Jun start us off. Kuma clean breaks Jun on the ropes. He does his yell and Jun boots him. Jun side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Kuma takes an armdrag then shoulders him over.

Rei and Omori go at it. Rei blows a kiss at him on the ropes. Rei side headlocks him. Rei shoulders him over. Omori goes under the ring, comes out the other side and hits Rei from behind. The four fight outside. Omori gets sent into the rails and we can't see Rei or Kuma due to the camera.

Kuma is held for chops then he is sent into the post. Omori and Rei fight in the ring. Omori hits punches to the gut and gets slammed. Rei and Jun stand on Omori's gut. Jun delay suplexes Omori for 2. Omori dropkicks Jun in the knee, enzugiri's him and tags out. Kuma comes in. He slams and legdrops Omori for 2. Kuma racks Jun then throws him at Rei when Rei tries to make the save.

Jun facekicks Kuma. Rei hits a chop flurry and a corner lariat on Kuma. Rei lariats Kuma over. Kuma dropkicks him. Omori comes in and top rope dropkicks Rei. Omori slams him Rei takes a samoan drop and splash from Kuma then Omori 2nd rope splashes Rei.

Rei and Jun hit stereo suplexes. Omori takes corner attacks a double hip attack for 2. Omori hurricanrana's Rei then Kuma crossbodies Rei. Kuma 2nd rope sentons Rei and Omori 2nd rope splashes Rei. Omori top rope splashes Rei.

Kuma and Just trade shots and Jun hits a big spear on him. Kum no sells it and suplexes him. Rei superplexes Omori. Omori and Rei trade forearms. Omori koppo kicks him. Rei hits a big slap then chokeslams him for 2. Rei powerbombs Omori and wins.

They wasted time early with weak brawling outside. I don't know if they really got the spirit of this one down. Omori should have been picked on, Kuma should have hot tagged in to save him and then they should have gone from there. They didn't quite follow that format and didn't get the most heat possible because of it. It was just an average match.

The Saito's talk on the mic after and Jun drinks beer.

The wrestlers then talk in the back into the camera after.

Overall thoughts: It was an average show with no one really giving their best. There was nothing must see on this. I liked the Jiro match best here but it was mostly comedy. The main could have been better if it was done right and Sekimoto's match didn't get enough time, which has been the theme of this tournament. I'd give it a 5 out of 10 and wouldn't recommend it.

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