Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Marigold 9/21/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 6

Marigold 9/21/2024 Dream Star Grand Prix Day 6

The last show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/09/marigold-9202024-dream-star-grand-prix.html

Handicap Match - Chika Goto, Komomo Minami & Nao Ishikawa vs. Bozilla & Myla Grace

KM = Komomo Minami

Nao wants a handshake. Boz flips her off then Nao flips her off. Boz wants a test of strength but Nao can't reach. Nao gets on her partners knees and is then taller than Boz. Boz grabs her and throws her then nails Nao's partners.

Boz gordbusters and sentons Nao for 2. Boz lariats Nao on the ropes then Nao gets dropped on her on a dominator. Nao cartwheel headscissors her and low dropkicks her. Myla and KM go at it. Myla splits out of a shot, leg sweeps her and basement dropkicks her. Myla hits a nice twisting suplex for 2.

KM cradles Myla for 2 and backrolls her. KM rolls her up for 2. KM dropkicks her. Chika corner hip attacks Myla then Myla basement dropkicks her through the ropes. Chika giant swings Myla. Boz catches Myla to break it up and then slams Myla onto her.

Boz then slams Nao onto Myla and Chika for some reason. Boz giant swings KM when KM jumps on her and throws KM onto her partners. Myla corner euros Chika then backdrops her for 2. Myla hits a michinoku driver on her for 2.

Boz gets pushed into Myla, knocking her over. Boz is pulled over the top to the floor. Myla spin kicks Chika then Chika uranages her for the win.

Thoughts: Like the last show, it was a handicap match that didn't really play into the handicap part at all. It was just a 3 on 2 tag. They made it watchable but there were some issues with it like Nao getting dropped on her head and Boz doing damage to her own partner.

Chika poses at Boz after then Boz and Myla beat up their opponents and some ring girls too who try to break it up. Chika gives the heels the finger as she leaves.

Miku Aono & Utami Hayashishita vs. Misa Matsui & Natsumi Showzuki

Nat = Natsumi Showzuki

Misa crossbodies Miku and is caught. Miku dropkicks her then Misa suplexes Miku. Nat gets in and armbars Miku, forcing a ropebreak. Miku dropkicks Nat in the corner and goes for another but Misa intercepts with a dropkick. Utami and Miku shoulder over their opponents.

Nat fisherman suplexes Miku then Miku does her swinging, twisting slam to her. Miku kicks her in the back of the head. Utami dropkicks Nat for 2. Nat guillotines her in the air and ends up hitting a ddt off of it.

Nat step up enzugiri's Utami hard then meteora's her against the ropes. Utami samoan drops Misa then sliding lariats her. Misa rolls Utmai into a double stomp then sliding knees her for 2. Misa top rope dropkicks Utami for 2. Utami pop-up forearms Misa then hits an air raid crash. Misa takes a sliding lariat/forearm combo from her opponents.

Misa rolls Utami into a bridge for 2. Utami lariats Misa for 2. Utami delay germans Misa and wins.

Thoughts: It was shorter than it should have been. They made okay use of the time though. It looked like it was on the verge of being good but ended before it really got there. 

We have another Grand Prix ceremony with Mai Sakurai talking.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Mai Sakurai vs. CHIAKI

Mai gets his as she poses on the ropes and is sent out. Mai gets sent into the post and the rails. Chi chairs Mai then slams her on a stack of chairs. Mai is then thrown into the post again.

Chi boots Mai as she gets back in. Mai kicks the rope into Chi's leg then wraps her leg around the rope. Mai stomps on Chi and pulls on her leg. Chi's head is banged off the buckles and Mai boots her in the head. 

Chi moves the ref out of the way and chairs Mai. Chi then hits the ref from behind. Chi basement dropkicks a chair into Mai's face. Chi facewash kicks her on the ropes. Chi then dumps water on Mai's head and face. Chi slaps Mai with the water bottle.

Chi eye rakes and cradles her for 2 then basement dropkicks her. Chi sits on her and slaps her. Chi hits a claw slam and Mai shining wizards her. Mai leg slices Chi for 2. Mai fisherman suplexes her for 2 then flying knees her.

Mai running facekicks her for 2. Chi rolling spears Mai and Mai crucifix bombs her for 2. Mai pump kicks Chi for 2. Mai STF's her and taps her out.

Thoughts: It was limited as usual by some of the heel tactics of Chi. I didn't think it got enough time here to really develop into something great.

Chi grabs Mai's leg after and they fight. 

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - Nagisa Nozaki vs. Kouki Amarei

They facekick each other at the same time to start then trade facekicks. NN double chop flurries her and facekicks her in the corner. NN suplexes her then facekicks her on the ropes.

NN boots Kouki then they trade facekicks on the apron. Kouki hangs over the apron and NN does her reverse pendulum kick on her. NN meteora's her for 2. NN sleepers her and Kouki ropebreaks. NN pendulum kicks her in the gut and they fight on the buckles. NN takes a facekick off the buckles to the floor.

Kouki boots her outside and then NN sends Kouki into the seats. NN beats Kouki with an umbrella. Kouki powerslams NN on the floor. Kouki facekicks NN on the ropes then does a jumping facekick for 2. Kouki backdrops her.

Kouki misses a top rope 180 splash then NN basement dropkicks her. NN goes for the pin and Kouki reverses it. NN ripcord facekicks her for 2. Kouki flying facekicks NN and wins.

Thoughts: As usual, Kouki did nothing but facekicks here. Some of them looked okay but how many facekicks do you really need to see? It wasn't that good as expected and this should have maybe worked better than it did.

They continue to fight after.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix STAR League Match - Sareee vs. Kizuna Tanaka

Kiz = Kizuna Tanaka

Kiz hits chest forearms then hits a big dropkick. Kiz hits more dropkicks then Sare hits some hard dropkicks back. Sare hair throws her then foot chokes her on the ropes. Sare slams her then does a high crab. Sare moves to a single leg crab then pulls on Kiz's legs.

Sare stomps on Kiz and they trade forearms. Kiz flying lariats her for 2 then Sare forearms her down. Sare slams her and Kiz sliding knees her. Kiz hits mounted forearms then Sare hits mounted forearms.

They trade forearms and Kiz goes down twice. Kiz hits a forearm flurry then Sare forearms her down. Kiz armbars her and hits a top rope dropkick. Sare suplexes her then hits a nice top rope dropkick for 2. Kiz throws Sare down from the top rope and fisherman suplexes her.

Sare dropkicks Kiz on the ropes then dropkicks her through the ropes. Sare fisherman suplexes Kiz for 2. They try pins on each other and Kiz rolls her back for 2. Kiz rolling armbars her. 

Sare spin kicks her and forearms her down. Sare hits a high angle suplex on her and wins.

Thoughts: It was your usual rookie vs vet match. Sareee's offense looked great here and she stiffed Kizuna good. Kizuna did what she was supposed to and it was fine but she didn't take this one to the next level.

DREAM STAR Grand Prix DREAM League Match - MIRAI vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Yuz = Victoria Yuzuki

They go to the mat and trade basic holds. Yuz hits a dropkick after a criss cross and boots her arms on the ropes. Mirai chop flurries her then shoulders her over. Yuz flying headscissors her then basement dropkicks her. Yuz walks up the buckles and facebusters Mirai. Yuz then lightning spirals her.

Yuz hits a northern lights bomb for 2. Mirai hits a nice drop on her then half-nelson suplees her off the wheelbarrow. Yuz rolls her into a crucifix for a close 2. Mirai lariats her then Yuz dropkicks her.

Yuz sleepers her then dropkicks her through the ropes. Yuz hip throws her for 2. Mirai goes for an armbar and backdrops Yuz. Mirai hits a big lariat making Yuz land on her head. Mirai hammerlocks her and ends up submititng her.

Thoughts: This was unusual. They went fast and hard and Yuz brought the fight to Mirai. They went to the mat and you'd think it's just the middle of the match but then Mirai taps her out. It's a shame as the little we got of this looked good. I would have liked to have seen more.

Both talk on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: The semi main was the best thing on here and it was a rookie vs vet match. The main was looking good then ended abruptly. It was an average show and not one of Marigold's best efforts. I wouldn't recommend this.

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