Wednesday, October 2, 2024

CMLL 9/27/2024 Noche de Campeones

CMLL 9/27/2024 Noche de Campeones

CMLL Trios Titles - Mascara Dorada, Neon and Star Jr. (c) vs Euforia, Mephisto and Averno 

Euf and Star go at it. Star hammerlocks him then Euf side headlock takeovers him. Star headscissors him. Euf trips him and they stand off. Star goes up and over in the corner. Star top rope 450 hurricanrana's him. MD tornillo armdrags Meph off the top and Neon top rope diving headscssors Av. Neon topes outside, gets caught and takes a double team powerbomb on the floor. Neon then gets stomped and they all fight out there.

Star is sent into the rails. MD takes corner attacks and a running facekick from Euf. Star takes a back elbow then is pulled out to the floor. MD is triple stomped on. MD 2nd rope diving headscissors Euf then the faces hit triple stereo dives on opposite sides. Neon flips over Meph then flying headscissors him. Neon jumps up to the top and diving headscissors Av.

Neon double jump springboard moonsault armdrags Euf. MD flips off of Meph's shoulders and headscissors him. MD walks up the buckles, flips on them and armdrags Av. Euf monkey flips MD and he armdrags Av on the floor off of it. 

MD flying corkscrew headscissors Euf out. Euf and Star stare down and trade chops. Euf gets nailed by his partners on a failed double team. star walks up the ropes and does an armdrag + headscissors combo on Av and Meph. Star is popped up and headscissors Euf down.

Neon jumps up to the top and odes a no hand sswanton. Star walks up the ropes form the ramp and does a double jump tope con hilo. MD does a top rope corkscrew moonsault on Euf.

Av is stuck on the 2nd rope and Neon does a springboard moonsault armdrag on him. Star top rope crossbodies Meph. Star runs the ramp and does a springboard 450 from the outside rope on Meph. MD hits a flying ddt. Neon does a top rope hurricanrana then Star does a springboard crossbody. MD toyota roll code red's Av and pins him. Star and Neon then get 2 counts on their opponents.

Euf takes a triple superkick in the corner. Neon and Star do top rope moonsaults and MD does a top rope 450 on Euf for 2. Euf does a double lariat on his opponents over the top. Star is double hiptossed into a triple powerbomb, then it happens again and Av sits down on it. Av pins Star.

MD superkicks Meph out. Av takes an electric chair neckbreaker from MD. MD does a top rope SSP on Av and gets the pin to eliminate him.

MD springbords and takes a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker from Euf. Neon runs the ramp and does a double jump blind moonsault outside. MD misses a top rope 450. Meph 2nd rope double underhook drops MD then does a la rosa driver on MD and taps him out with the submission off of it.

Thoughts: This had unusual rules here with seemingly all 3 men on the team having to be beaten for this to end. It got weird because people would get pinned or submitted but then stay in the match. I don't know if they thought about it but what would happen if someone got pinned twice? Aside from that, they went all out here and had a main event match in the opener. The faces did all of their best stuff here and did every kind of flip you could really imagine. It was a great high flying match and was more than you could really ask for here. I'm not sure how that one is going to be followed though.

CMLL World Mini Estrella Title Match - Ultimo Dragoncito (c) vs. Pierrothito

 They shake hands and trade waistlocks. UD armdrags him. Pier hits an attitude adjustment then UD hits wasteland. UD flips Pier then armdrags him. UD snapmares him then crucifixes him. Pier takes an armdrag.

Pier trips him then takes an armdrag. Pier tries some pins and UD goes around his back and armdrags him. UD tope con hilos him through the ropes. They get back in and Pier elbow drops him for 2. Pier pulls UD's arms back.

Piero corner lariats him. Pier kicks him off the apron and 2nd rope plancha's him outside. UD slingshot sunset flips him for 2. UD rolls him up off the tilt-a-whirl for 2. Pier does a pin for 2. Pier spears the post when UD moves. UD then does a top rope moonsault outside.

UD rolls him up off the casadora. Pier pops him up, UD hurricanrana's him and Pier rolls him up off of it. UD then rolls him up and gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't that good. They didn't flow that well together and didn't move around that well together. Something went wrong with the finish here and it fell flat.

Mexican National Tag Team Title Match - Los Depredadores (Magnus & Rugido) (c) vs. El Hijo del Villano III & Villano III Jr.

Hijo = Hijo de Villano III, V3 = Villano 3 Jr.

V3 has the tattoos and Hijo doesn't. Rug and Hijo go at it. They take each other down and so some hard mat wrestling. Hijo handsatnd headscissors him from the mat. Rug works the leg and they double clothesline each other.

V3 and Mag go at it. They armdrag each other and V3 wristlocks him. Hijo moonsaults over Mag then Mag takes a double team kick on the ropes. V3 slingshot splashes Mag for 2.Rug takes V3 down by the arm twice then armbars him. V3 takes a double team back elbow, double team elbow drop and stomps from both opponents.

Rug and Mag take headscissors out then The Villano's are sent into the rail outside. V3 takes a double gorilla press slam and a double team dropkick in the butt.

Hijo gets double teamed. Hijo is pulled off the top rope and takes a basement dropkick from Rug. V3 blocks a 619 and is dropkicked of the apron fro it. Rug planchas The V's and gets caught and thrown onto Mag. The V's then do asai moonsaults outside.

Rug takes a top rope splash while layng on the apron. Hijo top rope sunset flips Mag then holds him in the air for a springboard double stomp from V3. Rug legdrags Hijo. Mag cradle shocks Hijo for 2.

Rug takes a springboard la silla + powerbomb combo for 2. The Villanos miss moonsaults but land on their feet. Rug and Mag get armbars on The V's and get double submissions to win the match.

Thoughts: It was an entertaining tag but I like The Villano's more as heels. This basically had tornado rules as most lucha tags go. 

Mexican National Women's Title Match - Reyna Isis vs. Sanely

Mano Negra came out with Sanely (that's her dad). I believe Niebla Roja is out here with Reyna. They lock up. Sane headlocks her then armdrags her. Reyna armdrags her and side headlocks her. Reyna does another armdrag. Sane wristlocks her then Reyna does the same.

Sane cartwheels over her then armdrags her. Reyna crossbodies her for 2. Reyna pulls her into the buckles with her feet and running knees her in the back of the neck there. Reyna topes her then hits a secone tope.

Sane throws her hard into the rails outside and stands on her. Sane lays her on the rails and facekicks her. Sane foot chokes her then crossbodies her against the 2nd rope. Sane then plancha's her off the 2nd rope outside.

Sane throws her into the post then foot chokes her. Sane lariats her and trips her. Sane then basement dropkicks her for 2. Sane chokes her on the ropes then hits a corner splash. Reyna corner lariats then then top rope crossbodies her. Reyna hits flying double chops for 2.

Reyna headbutts her then corner lariats her. Reyna hits chops then corner dropkicks her lock while she sits on the 2nd rope. Sane hits a top rope dropkick then does a grounded dragon sleeper. Reyna ropebreaks. Reyna lariats her then slingblades her. Reyna spins her and throws her down.

Reyna goes up top and gets hit. Sane hits a hard superplex then does a grounded dragon sleeper and taps her out.

Thoughts: It was fine. Obviously isn't wasn't on the athletic level of the other matches but Sanely got a lot of offense in, Reyna made her comeback then got submitted. There were no botches here and it was a decent effort from the girls.

CMLL World Middleweight Title Match - Templario (c) vs. Volador Jr.

Temp takes him down and cartwheels out of an armdrag. Temp takes a headscissors then spinarooni's up. They botch a flying headscissors spot then Temp topes him into the rails. Vol flying headscissors Temp then topes him outside.

Vol is tripped into the 2nd buckle then Temp throws him backwards off a wheelbarrow. Vol then hits a canadian destroyer. Vol is caught on a handspring and dropped on his chest and gut.

Temp does a flying space tiger drop into the ring and lands on Vol's knees. Vol backcrackers him for 2. Vol is thrown over the top and Temp flying space tiger drops him. Temp hits forearms and walks up the ropes, hitting a springboard dropkick.

Temp hits a wheelbarrow german for 2. Vol canadian destroyers him. Vol slingshots outside into a headsicssors on Temp. KeMonito gets in Vol's way and he boots him outside.

Vol takes an overhead belly to belly suplex into the buckles. Temp 2nd rope powerbombs him for 2. Temp does a sharpshooter variation then a figure four. Vol ropebreaks. Temp is kicked while seated up top then Vol hurricanrana's him off a 2nd rope powerbomb attempt.

Temp powerbomb backbreakers him for the win.

It was an indy style match and I wasn't a fan of it. They botched some stuff early and didn't sell their big spots match as they just moved onto the next thing.

World Historic Light Heavyweight Title Match - Atlantis Jr. (c) vs. Soberano Jr.

They lock up. Sob side headlocks him. Atlantis front facelocks him. Sob side headlocks him. Atlantis shoulders him over. Atlantis chops him then hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Atlantis tries to tope him but Sob turns to the side and sends him into the rails.

Sob sends him into the rails. Euforia is with Sob and stomps on him outside. Sob unties his mask then elbow slices him down as he hangs off the top rope. Atlantis superkicks him after taking some offense then Atlantis monkey flips him. Atlantis then hits a tope con hilo outside.

They get back in and Atlantis hits a top rope crossbody. Sob rolls him up out of his hurricanrana. Atlantis hits a cutter for 2. Sob 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him then asai moonsaults him for 2. Atlantis wheelbarrow germans him for 2.

Sob b-drivers him on the apron. Sob hits a fosbury flop on the outside. They go back in and Sob top rope tornillos him. Atlantis puts him in la atlantida and submits him.

Thoughts: This was the best effort Sob had put in for a while here. It was a slower match than the other matches on this show and Atlantis did a lot of selling. The finish could have been better here as there was no real build-up to it. I also didn't think Atlantis got enough in during this one. It was about average.

Mexican National Lightweight Title Match - Futuro (c) vs. Rayo Metalico

This one could have been the opener but is the main, which is surprising. They lock up and trade armdrags. Rayo spinning headscissors him out then triangle flip dives him outside. Rayo is flipped then diving headscisosrs him off the 2nd rope.

Rayo top rope dropkicks him. Fut hits a nice tope on the outside. Fut does a springboard armdrag then Rayo flying headscissors him. Rayo headscissors him into the rails. Rayo hits a tope con hilo. Rayo tries for a diving hurricanrana from the apron but is caught and driven into the rails.

Fut springboards and is caught with a powerbomb. Rayo does a springboard codebreaker for 2. Fut spinebusters him. Rayo goes up top and is pushed downto the floor and rails. Fut walks up the buckles and tornillos outside.

They crossbody each other at the same time inside. Rayo hits a standing spanish fly for 2. Fut tiger suplexes him for 2. Ray takes hi mdown by the legs and crossfaces him. Fut asai moonsaults him. Rayo does a top rope diving crucifix bomb and wins.

Thoughts: It was all high flying here as expected. It probably would have worked better if the card hadn't had so much of it. There was a decent amount of breaks between the various spots here and there wasn't much else but the cool moves. I didn't like this that much.

Futuro is stretchered out after.

Overall thoughts: It was a long show. Every match had a bunch of flying for the most part. It was a pretty goof offering overall with every match being a title match. The opener was the best thing on the show (and should have been the main) and for the most part, everything dipped some in quality after.

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