Saturday, September 28, 2024

NWA Shockwave Episode 4

NWA Shockwave Episode 4

NWA TV title - Zicky Dice vs Da Pope

"Uuuuuh, I'm the Pope. I'm the Pope" - Zicky Dice

This match has a time limit of 6:05. Pope gets jumped during his entrance and thrown off the ramp. Then he puts him through a table. Refs come out to attend to Pope and Zicky calls out NWA Owner Billy Corgan. He said Corgan's last music video was embarrassing and there would be no TV Title match. He then said his contract runs out on 12/31 and he may take the TV title elsewhere. He said as champion he was "undefeated and undefended". He mocked the Pope being down.

Pope got up and agreed to wrestle the match. Dice beat him up in the corner but Pope came back with some good punches. Pope tried to splash Dice, but Dice got his knees up. Dice tried to hit some lazy elbows but Pope moved. Dice tried to leapfrog Pope, but Pope powerslammed him. Pope hit triple german's then dropped an elbow from the top.

Dice put the ref in his way and low-blowed the Pope while he wasn't looking. Pope hit the running double knees in the corner and won the match, beating the time limit. 

Thoughts: This was pretty good with Dice being a great heel.

Pope thanked everybody. He talked about the struggles during the epidemic. He said we had a lot of uncertainty this year especially with Dice as champ and now tradition is back with him as champ. This was a good promo.

Nick Aldis vs Jordan Clearwater

Aldis headstands out of a headscissors and does a nice wristlock takedown. Nick catches his crossbody then suplexes him. Jordan made a comeback and hit a nearfall. Nick caught a missile dropkick from the top and put him in a cloverleaf for the win in a squash.

NWA Women's Title - Thunder Rosa (c) vs Serena Deeb

Rosa offers a handshake and Deeb accepts. They lock up and Rosa is backed up in the corner. They go to the mat. Rosa hammerlocks her and Deeb wristlocks her. Rosa rolls out of it and trips her, then puts on a leglock. Rosa then goes back to the hammerlock.

Deeb snapmares her then Rosa does a wristlock. Deeb snapmares her and Rosa does another wristlock. Deeb side headlock takeovers her and Rosa headscissors her. Rosa does a bad shoulderblock then Deeb armdrags her.

Deeb side headlocks her. Rosa armdrags her then slams her. Rosa hits a senton for 2. Rosa misses a corner charge. Deeb guillotines her over the middle rope on the ramp then neckbreakers her over the middle rope. Deeb then rolls her up for 2.

Deeb forearms her in the spine. Deeb hits euros then sliding shoulderblocks her for 2. Deeb straightjackets her and Rosa fights out. Rosa wraps her arm around the top rope and pulls. Deeb is sent into the buckles chest first. Rosa does a grounded dragon sleeper but lets her go.

Deeb neckbreakers her for 2 then straightjacket chokes her. Deeb codebreakers her with it then Rosa throws her down backwards. Rosa tries pin attempts and Deeb rolls her up for 2, then rolls into a head and double arm hold.

Rosa double stomps Deeb in the gut. Deeb is tripped into the 2nd rope and Rosa drops double knees on her there. Rosa dropkicks her against the ropes and northern lights suplexes her for 2. Deeb swinging neckbreakers her then does a normal neckbreaker for 2.

Rosa does an attitude adjustment style drop on her. Deeb boots her then elbow drops the knee. Deeb bangs Rosa's head off the buckles. Rosa hits forearms. Deeb ddt's the knee then does a double leg and double arm lock on her. She then tries to pin her with for 2.

Deeb figure fours her. Rosa reverses it and Deeb ropebreaks. Deeb does a forward drop piledriver on Rosa's chest and Deeb is pushed out of the ring. Rosa kicks her on the floor and sends her into the post. Rosa germans her then flying knees her. Rosa boots her in the head. Deeb gets a surprise roll-up and wins.

It was too long of a match when there was no crowd there. I thought the technical wrestling was great early on but the match kind of dragged after. The work was good but Deeb has so many submissions that she never really gets any targeted limb work going.

They shake hands after.

Deeb gets on the mic after. She said she told us it was coming. She said she came here to change and rewrite history. She says the title sits on her shoulders. She says she kept her promise and will defend the title with all the legacy, pride and honor because she's from the old school. She says she's the new NWA Women's champ.

Eli Drake and James Storm vs Aron Stevens and The Question Mark

Aron is dressed weird like Johnny Depp. He said he promised The Question Mark. He says he doesn't know where he is. Kratos then attacks Eli and Storm and Aron says you can't prove it's not him. 

NWA Tag Titles - Aron Stevens and JR Kratos (c) vs Eli Drake and James Storm

They fight outside. Aron's head is banged off the apron by Drake. Drake chokes Aron with a jacket. Kratos gets a bell rang on his head. Aron's head is banged off a table.

Storm foot chokes Aron on the ramp. Drake bangs Kratos' head off the commentary table. Aron and Storm fight to the  back of the arena then go back onto the stage. Aron takes a punch and wobbles down to the floor. Drake eye rakes Kratos and punches him. Aron running lariats Drake outside . The match then officially begins.

Drake flying lariats Aron then powerslams him for 2.  Aron takes corner attacks and has his neck pulled forward. Storm stomps on Aron then hits a coconut crush. Storm tries shots on Kratos and Kratos no sells them. Kratos is pushed into the buckles and takes a neckbreaker from Drake off of it.

Drake top rope asai moonsaults Kratos. Drake is pulled off the buckles and Kratos lariats him. Kratos boots Drake in the head. Aron boots Drake in the gut and Drake is double teamed in the corner. Aron knee drops him and Kratos stomps on Drake. Drake hits chops on Kratos then takes a lariat for 2.

Aron suplexes Drake for 2. Aron bulldog chokes him. Drake hits punches then Aron lariats him. Drake is held for a shot from Kratos. Kratos corner splashes Drake. Drake hits a knee out of the corner then hits a 2nd rope blockbuster.

Storm is tagged in and hits punches on Aron. Storm boots him out of the corner then lariats and atomic drops him. Storm flying forearms him for 2. Storm crossfaces Aron and Kratos breaks it up. Aron headutts him in the gut.

Kratos fights off Drake then Drake runs the ramp and flying clotheslines Kratos while Storm has him lifted. Storm single leg codebreakers Kratos and Aron uses a chair on Drake outside. Storm and Aron fight over the chair. Kratos low blows Storm and wins. 

We then immediately cut to the end of the show the second it is over.

Thoughts: It was rough without a crowd but it was an okay tag. There was nothing great here but the moves all looked okay and it made sense with clear and face and heels roles. The finish could have been a bit better.

Overall thoughts: The show was only an hour but felt a lot longer than that. Everything just had a slower pace to it and in front of no fans, everything felt longer. The announcing was really good here. I'd say it was above average overall and would have been better in front of fans.

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