Monday, September 30, 2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/29/2024

CMLL on Televisa Puebla 9/29/2024

Last week's show is here:

Akuma, Los Gemelos Diablos I and II vs Hijo de Villano III, Villano III Jr and Zandokan Jr.

Hijo = Hijo de Villano III, V3 = Villano 3 Jr., Gem = Either Gemelos Diablos as they look the same

1st Fall - V3 has tattoos and Hijo doesn't. Zand and Akuma go at it. Akuma bites the hand and Zand pulls the hair. Akuma trips him and bangs Zand's head off the mat. They then get up and stand off. Zand, snapmares and armdrags him out. The 6 men stand off outside. Hijo and a Gem go at it. Hijo has new tights.

Gem side headlocks him and is tripped and taken down. Hijo rolls out of a wristlock and armdrags him. Hijo flying headscissors him then Hijo chops him. Gem misses a corner charge and takes a lariat. Hijo flying elbows him off the top.

V3 gets in. He flips over Gem's back, ducks a crossbody and running knees him. V3 goes to springboard but gets swept by a Gem. All 6 fight outside and Hijo gets sent into the post. Gem pulls V3's arms back and Akuma chokes Zand on the ramp.

V3 is catapulted into Akuma's spear and pinned. Akuma's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Akuma boots V3. V3 is double hiptossed into the ropes and thrown down, then he takes a basement dropkick. Zand is kicked in the leg on a double team then is abused on the ropes. Zand takes a corner lariat then a Gem and Akuma are popped up onto him as he lays on the top rope rope. Hijo gets triple teamed and takes a triple basement dropkick from the reverse tree of woe position.

Zand takes corner lariats. Zand lifts Hijo into a headscissors on a Gem then Zand double lariats Akum and a Gem. V3 springboard dropkicks Gem and Zand crossbodies a Gem off the apron. V3 step up knees Akuma in the corner then is popped up into a basement dropkcik on a Gem. Hijo does his 2nd rope drop down moonsault and V3 does a seated springboard moonsault off the handstand. Hijo and V3 pick up pins to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Akuma takes corner attacks and a spin kick to the gut. Akuma takes a triple basement dropkick. A Gem takes a step up knee then Hijo top rope splashes Gem on the apron. Zand chops up a Gem. A Gem is held in the air and takes a springboard double stomp from V3.

Akuma takes a running triple gorilla press slam into the ring for 2. A gem cradle shocks Zand for 2. A Gem takes a bronco buster then V3 is flipped into a cannonball on a Gem. Hijo is held for a codebreaker from Akuma. Hijo then takes a double team powerbomb for 2. All 6 men pair off and fight.

A Gem and Akuma are pulled over the top then take asai moonsaults from The Villanos. A Gem suplexes Zand for 2. Zand powerslams a Gem then The Villanos hit stereo tope con hilos outside. Zand back body drops a Gem into a sitout bomb and pins him. Zandokan's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: The first fall was a little slow here. The Villanos did a lot more flying than usual since they were faced. I liked this one.

Euforia, Averno and Valiente vs Atlantis Jr., Esfinge and Hechicero

1st Fall - Euf beats up Hech on the ramp before it starts. Val's team beats up on the faces and Euf facekicks Hech outside. Euforia is maskless here after losing it against Hechicero. Euf lariats Hech and Val bites Esf's foot. Hech is triple teamed and Av bites his hand. Euf hits punches on Hech.

Esf takes a kick to the leg and Val boots Esf's leg. Atlantis is triple teamed and takes corner attacks. Atlantis then takes a facekick from Euf and is pinned. Hech has his mask pulled on and untied. Euf rips off Hech's mask and Val joins in. Esf takes an elevatd pedigree and is pinned by Val. Valiente's team wins the fall.

2nd Fall - Av beats up Atlantis in the ring and Esf is crotched into the post. Atlantis gets triple teamed and kicked in the leg. Val back elbows Hech then elbow drops him. Av knee chokes Esf. Esf is triple stomped on.

Esf corkscrew kicks Euf and Hech step up knees Euf. Atlantis hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on 2 opponents and Hech headscissors drops Av.  Esf springboard splashes Val and pins him. Esfinge's team wins the fall. 

3rd Fall - Esf and Hech argue and Atlantis and the ref try to play peacemaker. Hech and Euf chop each other. Hech dropkicks him then they lariat each other down. Val helps out Euf and bangs Hech's arm over the top rope. Hech powerslams Val then flapjacks Av on top of him. Hech then rolls Av around the ring. Euf breaks it up.

Atlantis takes double team stomps from Av and Val. Atlantis flying headscissors Av then step up enzugiri's Euf. Atlantis monkey flips Val then hits triple tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on the heels. Av corner lariats Esf then Esf does it to him. Esf supekricks Av. Esf superkicks Val and Euf dropkicks Val on accident. Esf springboard dropkicks Euf out then hits a tope con hilo. Val runs the ropes and is superkicked by Atlantis. Atlantis topes his partner Esfinge when Val moves. Hech headscissors drops  Av. Euf pulls the ref out on the pin then Val pulls off Hech's mask. Val then pins Hech to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: I didn't like the finish. It should be a DQ to mess with the ref period, yet alone on a pin. It was okay otherwise with them continuing the four-way Hech vs Euf vs Val vs Esf feud. They made sure you knew these guys are rivals and don't like each other.

Templario, Flip Gordon and Volador Jr. vs Soberano Jr, Angel de Oro and Niebla Roja

1st Fall - Roja is the heavier and lighter skinned one compared to Oro. Sob and Flip go at it. They do some mat wrestling and Flip front facelocks him. Flip headflips out of a wristlock and Sob ties his leg up. Flip does a headlock takeover and is put in a headscissors. Sob trips him and rolls him. Sob rolls him while tying upthe legs and Flip goes for a pin.

Sob trips Flip then Flip leglocks him. They then roll into the ropes. Sob trips Flip then bow and arrows him. Sob offers a handshake but pulls his hand away. vol and Oro go at it. Vol counters a double team and flying headscissors Oro. Vol then flying headscissors Sob out. Flip topes Sob and Oro boots Vol. Roja hits leg kicks on Temp.

Temp 2nd rope powerbombs Roja and pins him to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Oro and Temp go at it. Temp flying shoulderblocks him. Temp gets kicked by Roja while running the ropes then is double stomped on. Temp superkicks Oro then powerslams Roja. Temp powerbombs Oro on Roja. Sob is caught by Temp off a crossbody. Temp flying headscissors Sob out.

Flip moonsaults in. Oro and Flip trade chest chops. Flip moonsaults over him then 2nd rope corkscrew slingblades him. Flip springboard dropkicks Roja off the apron and corkscrew kicks Sob. Flip moonsaults over Sob then Flip springboard headscissors Sob out. Flip topes Sob.

Temp top rope double crossbodies Oro and Roja. Temp then powerbombs Oro while Vol backcrackers Roja. Temp and Vol then get double pins and win the match in 2 straight falls.

I was surprised the match was won in 2 straight falls but it ends up leading to a title match I believe so that's why it happened. It wasn't a great main and everyone clearly took a night off here as they often do in these mains. Vol + Sob + Arena Puebla is a recipe for laziness most weeks.

Overall thoughts: The opener or the 2nd match was the best match on here but neither was perfect. The main was a lazy waste of time and far from anyone's best efforts. I wouldn't recommend this.

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