Friday, August 30, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 8/30/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 8/30/2024

Last week's show is here:

Tank Ledger and Hank Walker vs Kale Dixon and Uriah Connors

Kale's dance is now called "The Dixon Dance". UC side headlocks Hank and grabs him by the hair before being slammed. Kale side headlocks Tank then Tank reverses it on him. Kale dropkicks Tank then Tank shoulders him over. Tank atomic drops Kale then 2nd rope twisting shoulderblocks him.

Hank corner splashes Kale then he lifts Tank into a butt drop on Kale. UC pounds on Tank then sentons him. Kale chops Tank in the corner then short arm clotheslines him for 2. Kale clubs on Hank's back then chinlocks him.

Kale kicks Tank in the arm for 1. UC slingshot swantons Tank then UC hits boots and kicks on Tank. Hank blocks Tank from going into the buckles and Tank lariats UC. Hank is hot tagged in and cleans house. Hanks hits shots to the gut of Kale then corner splashes him and UC. Hank throws UC into Kale then flying back elbows him for 2.

UC slingshots in and takes Hank's boot. Hank hits a nice blackhole slam on Kale. Kale takes a powerslam + body block and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag here. Hank was more fired up than usual and the heels did their job, bumping around for the faces. There was nothing wrong with this one. 

Gallus talk in the back. Cutler James goes up to Mark. He says his match last week was great. He says it wasn't the outcome he wanted but it's the story of his life. He said he watched film of their match and said he learned a lot. He asks for a rematch. Mark says he beat him and says to move on. Wolf says he will teach CJ a lesson and says if he beats him, he gets Mark. Wolf offers a handshake then pulls back. Gallus laughs and leaves. 

Uriah Connors says he isn't going to be interviewed tonight. Two unknown people go up to UC and offer their help. They say he knows their terms and tells him to think about it. 

Cutler James vs Wolfgang

CJ blocks a hiptoss with an armlock early. CJ armdrags him and keeps the armlock on. Wolf hits some forearms and CJ hits short-arm clotheslines. CJ has him in a wheelbarrow, does a lawnmower motion and drops him.

CJ works Wolf's fingers and Wolf rolls to the apron. CJ pulls Wolf's throat down over the top rope. Wolf rams CJ's back into the apron edge. Wolf slams CJ on the floor.

Wolf hits mounted punches and backbreakers him. Wolf chinlocks CJ then CJ suplexes him. CJ hits punches and back elbows him. CJ hits a corner spear then running lariats him. CJ slams Wolf for 2. Wolf hits a big spear then top rope swantons CJ's back. Wolf then gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't good. It really does feel like James is intentionally being trolled and set-up to fail. His gimmick is just awful and there is no saving it. It's not like he botches or anything, he's just way too green right now and is not ready for TV.

Overall thoughts: We only got two new matches here. One of them was good and Cutler James' match wasn't, which isn't surprising. They have to be intentionally trolling James at this point because the gimmick is awful and he's just not ready to be on TV. I wouldn't recommend this one.


  1. I actually like Cutler James. Good looking guy, great height and size, and has the background to do well, but like you said he still feels very raw. He must be well liked my the coaches at the PC because he probably got put on tv earlier than he should have been. Now the gimmick almost does seem like it’s a rib, but he’s still really new so that can be changed anytime.

    1. I hope it works out for him. He's got good size and is a decent looking guy. I'm sure he will be better in time and hopefully have a better gimmick.

      - ProWresBlog
