Monday, August 5, 2024

Reality of Wrestling 7/28/2024 Episode #406

Reality of Wrestling 7/28/2024 Episode #406

Note - This is my first time watching this promotion. I'm not familiar with everyone yet, so bare with me during this.

Edge Stone does a promo. He says he bets Gaspar is mad because he's not there tonight. He said a replacement was found.

Handicap match - Gaspar Hernandez vs The Nature Boyz (Dylan Fliehr & Jonny Lyons)

Gas hits The Boyz then is pounded on by both. Gas shoulders them both over. Gas is clipped then double clubbed on. Gas takes a lariat to the back of the head. Gas is booted by both in the corner then hits a double clothesline. Gas goes for a double clothesline then is hit by Edge Stone from behind for the DQ.

Edge boots Gas then does a nice headhunter on him.

Thoughts: It was a handicap match and it was on the shorter end with a dirty finish. What can you really say about it?

RCW Tag Titles - The Highway Men (JP Harlow and Joey Hyder) vs The Remote Controls (Jay Knight and Dante Markaysi)

JP boots and clubs on an opponent. Joey takes a high kick and a dropkick. Joey takes a double kick in the corner then an RC member is lifted into a dropkick on him. Joey takes a standing moonsault from Dante (thin with the afro). JP elbows Dante's neck.

Dante backrolls him and gets nailed by Joey. Joe clubs on Dante and flurries him. Joey slams Dante then sliding lariats him. JP sentons Dante for 2. JP frontfacelocks Dante. JP goes into the post then Dante goes over him. Dante step up enzugiri's Joey. Dante goes for the tag but Jay is pulled off the apron.

Jay gets tagged in and springboard lariats Joey. Jay hits a dropkick then springboards into a diving cutter on him for 2. 

Dante hits shots on JP then throws him out. Joey is pulled over the top. The Controls do stereo topes outside. Dante misses a top rope splash. Joey release suplexes Dante. Dante takes a sandwich forearm and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a solid tag match here with both teams playing their roles well. The faces flew around and the heels threw them around.

Miranda Alize is interviewed. She pushes the interviewer away. She says she's here to become the ROW Diamond champ.

ROW Diamond Title - Mia Friday (c) vs Miranda Alize

Alize kicks her then clubs on her neck. Alize hits chest chops. Mia goes over her in the corner then does a neat armdrag. Mia springboard armdrags her then neckbreakers her. Alize slides out and stalls.

Mia chases her around the ring then Alize baseball slides her off the apron. Mia is sent into the rail. Alize hits shots to the gut inside and bites her fingers. Alize snapmares her then slaps her.

Mia slaps her and clubs on her back. Alize back elbows her for 2. Alize facewash kicks her in the corner then corner dropkicks her for 2. Mia cradles her then backrolls her for 2. Alize kicks her in the gut then release suplexes her. Alize then puts a crossface on. Mia step up enzugiri's her then hits lariats. Mia pumping knees her for 2.

Alize sunset flips her for 2 then hits a cutter. Alize gets distracted by Rachelle Chanel at commentary. Mia then rolls up Alize and wins.

Thoughts: It was average. Mia isn't a bad face. The finish built to something here at least.

ROW Television Title - Erick Lockhart (c) vs Clay Roberts

Erick hits him by surprise and knees him in the gut. Erick sends him headfirst into the buckles and throws him out. Clay hits chops outside. Clay pushes him into the commentary then armdrags him.

Clay armdrags Erick then flying headscissors him. Erick hits a dropkick then armlocks him. Erick chinlocks him the running knees him for 2. Erick running neckbreakers him. Erick elbow drops him.

Erick is thrown out but holds onto the ropes and slides in. Erick codebreakers him and Clay's foot is under the ropes on the pin attempt. Erick argues with the ref about this then Clay rolls him up for 2. Clay running knees him then flying kicks him for 2.

Clay takes a rough bump in the corner. They fight on the buckles. Clay hits elbows to the head. Ivory Robyn low blows Clay while he's on the buckles then Erick 2nd rope backdrops him for the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't awful or anything but it was an average match. The finish was dirty here which didn't help things. At least it wasn't for no reason though as it looks like Ivory and Erick are now aligned out of this.

Overall thoughts:
The show has pretty good production values. The wrestlers are not typical indy wrestlers and there were some angles going on here. I really only liked one match here, but the format is good and I think I would watch this promotion again. The show wasn't great but it's not like it was bad or anything, just average.

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