Wednesday, July 24, 2024

WWE NXT 7/23/2024

WWE NXT 7/23/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see Trick Williams arrive. Cedric Alexnader tries to stop him from doing something. Trick says he wants Ethan Page. Ashante Adonis tells Ced he's wasting his time and he's not trying to hear him.

Trick Williams comes out. He says he hasn't been the same since losing his title. He says Ethan Page will see him again and he won't stop until he gets his title back.

Credric Alexander comes out. He says the advice Trick asked for is coming from a good place. Trick says his mind is made up. Ced says he knows what he is going through and is trying to stop him from making a mistake. Ashante Adonis comes out. He tells Ced that Trick isn't trying to hear him.

Ashante says he's trying to pick up the ball Trick dropped. Trick says he couldn't even carry the ball when he had a group behind him and yells, "Hit Row". Ced says Trick is letting his emotions get the better of him. Ashante says the wisdom Ced wants to give Trick will not click. Ced says he hear Trick is saying he's better than him. He says Trick is mistaking his kindness for weakness and says he will show him the difference. They agree to a match tonight. Ashante calls it another Trick mistake. Trick hits shots on Ashante and knocks him out of the ring.

It's been a long week. But I have no recollection of these guys ever being together on camera. And looking through my history, I have no notes about it either. This really could have been better with a simple segment from last week and then this would have made better sense. It was just kind of thrown out there. However, it's more character work than Ced or Ashante have ever had and it did work.

We see Ethan Page arrive. Dupont and Igwe talk about Oro Mensah pinning him. Page says the match wasn't official and it didn't bother him. He says it's wild to him that Dupont is okay with the champ thinking he's not that bright. Page says he's not worth their time.

Josh Briggs vs Brooks Jensen

BJ nails Briggs before he even comes out. BJ is back body dropped over the top rope. BJ is thrown over the rails and Josh pounds on him there. Josh throws him over the rails into ringside then Josh is tripped into the commentary table era (the rail was not fixed from last time). BJ is sent into the post and chokeslammed on the commentary table. 

We go to PiP break and return. Josh is lariated, hitting his edge of the commentary table top in the corner. Josh is catapulted into the commentary table top. BJ cane shots Josh. Josh lariats him in the back of the neck then backdrops him on the steps.

They trade forearms and hockey fight. They facekick each other then do it at the same time. They hit each other with cane shots at the same time. Shawn Spears gets on the apron then BJ chairs Josh. BJ hits more chair shots. BJ ddt's him on a chair and wins.

This was a good brawl here. The crowd loved it and was hot throughout. It hate filled and while it wasn't that crazy, they got the most out of it. Spears and BJ joining together at the end was also a nice touch as Spears has been trying to find people to teach. 

Nathan Frazer, Axiom and The Rascalz talk in the back. Trey Miguel brings up how MSK never lost the tag titles. Trey says it would be an insane match and said it would be nice to do it again. NF asks who will sit out in a tag match since they have 3 men. They agree to a 6-man tag.

Axiom tells NF that he's competing in the WWE Speed Tournament. NF says Ax told him it was a distraction when he did it. Ax says it worked out well when he did it.

We see clips of girls watching Stephanie Vaquer vs Isla Dawn. They put her over. Karmen Petrovice, Sol Ruca (with straight hair that makes her look like another person) and someone else are watching. They ask if Isla and Alba ever defended the tag titles here. Lash and Jakara come in and say the tag titles will be defended against them if they come here. Karmen makes her case about why she should get the shot. Lash and Jakara say they will put them in their place.

Lexis King vs Eddy Thorpe

They trade chops. King lariats him then hits mounted punches. King backbreakers him. Eddy shoulders him over. Eddy hits chops and spin kicks him. Eddy kicks him in the back of the neck.

Eddy PK's him then King superkicks him. King running knees him in the back of the head. Eddy blocks a coronation neckbreaker and hits an implant ddt to win.

These guys are average workers and this was an average match. It was short though and it hid some of their weaknesses.

King nails Eddy from behind after. Eddy takes a nice bump out then is thrown into the steps. Eddy's arm is trapped between the post and steps and King hits the steps with his cane.

Trick Williams is interviewed. He said he will beat anyone to get to the NXT Title. He said he will fight anyone and isn't waiting for Page to give him a title shot. He said he will fight anyone. Pete Dunne watches from behind and says, "you think so?" when Trick says no one will stop him. Pete tells him to just figure it out.

Oro Mensah vs Ashante "Thee" Adonis

Oro topes AA as he says something to Lash and Jakara. They trade shots and Oro hits shots to the gut. Oro throws him into the ropes and catches him with an exploder. Oro springboards, gets dropkicked and takes a rough looking bump to the floor.

AA pounds on Oro. AA running boots him. AA pendulum kicks him. AA hits a big slam then elbow drops him. They trade shots and Oro flipping koppo kicks him. AA running back elbows him. AA lariats him from behind.

AA is crotched up top then thrown down. Oro springboard rider kicks him. Oro legdrops him over the neck then asai moonsaults him. AA spinebusters him for 2. Oro spin kicks him then spinning forearms him in the back of the neck. Oro spinning heel kicks him in the corner and wins.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with Oro doing his usual flashy offense. I don't know if either guy really needed a loss here though.

Oro talks about beating Page last week and chants "1-2-3" to remind him of last week.

NQCC and The D'Angelo's talk. Charlie is given a ransom letter. Wren Sinclair comes in and said she sent it. Tony laughs and CD says he needs this dealt with. Tony tells them to deal with it and they say they can't. Wren says she has a match tonight and says she better not lose as who knows what she will do or say. The D'Angelo's are loving this and want to see what will happen.

Thoughts: This is already better than anything NQCC has ever done.

Carlee Bright vs Wren Sinclair

Kendal Grey is with CB. NQCC is with Wren and The D'Angelo's are watching on the riser with popcorn. Wren has new gear on that looks much better than her previous outfits.

The girls lock up. Wren side headlocks her and shoulders her over. Wren rolls her with the arm. CB flips out of an armlock using the ropes. Wren headscissors her. Wren grabs the ankle and CB side headlocks her. CB leapfrogs but is pulled down.

Wren pulls on her chin. CB flips back and tries to bridge pin her. CB dropkicks Wren then armdrags her.  CB crossbodies her then armdrags her. Wren shoulders her over then does a facebuster for 2.

CB 2nd rope dropkicks her and Dempsey puts Wren's foot on the ropes. Grey asks what they are doing then she suplexes Borne. CB backrolls Wren for 2. Wren rolls up CB and Dempsey holds thme down to secure the Wren win.

Thoughts: This was a good segment/match. I didn't like Grey throwing Borne as we see this women beating up men garbage every week. But if it leads to Borne enlisting Wren to get revenge for him, I'm okay with it. They stuck to the basics here and had a solid match. I liked the finish as this continues this unusual storyline and I think it was a win for everyone involved. CB's going to be one of those people who are really good in a year but nobody notices because she isn't getting featured much. 

Hank and Tank talk in the back about NXT being on Syfy for the next 2 weeks with The Great American Bash. I think Hank says they should host the show. He tells him to "walk with Walker" as he has ideas on how to make it happen.

Frazer and Axiom argue in the back about the WWE Speed Tournament. Je'Von Evans interrupts. He offers to be their partner tonight.

Chase U talk in the back. Chase says they will bring back championship gold. Duke sulks about not beating Oba. Chase says Thea will make them proud and beat Perez next week. Ridge walks in with new Chase U shirts as Chase sees Thea wear one on the monitor.

Thea Hail is interviewed. She says Chase U has given her confidence and she says she has grown up. She said they trust her to make a decision for herself now. They talk about Ridge. Thea says Ridge is human and people judge him if he's not perfect for one second. She said Ridge empowers her to be herself. Thea says has a mountain to climb and wants to beat Roxanne. She says she's focused on winning the NXT Women's Title.

Trick Williams vs Cedric Alexander

Trick shoves him. Ced throws him down off the waistlock. Ced headflips out of a wristlock. Ced throws him down and pushes him in the back of the head. Trick slams him then Ced shoulders him over. Trick back elbows him.

Trick hits a bunch of chops in the corner. Ced back flips for no real reason and does a bad roll-up. Trick dropkicks him. Ced handspring enzugiri's him. Ced knocks Trick down on the apron twice.

We go to break and return. They trade forearms and flying kick each other at the same time. They trade shots. Ced euros him then is popped up and take an uppercut. Ced spin kicks him in the gut then forearms him. Trick flapjacks him then spinning facekicks him for 2.

Trick is armdragged. Ced michinoku drivers him for 2. Trick hits jumping side kicks then flying lariats him. Ced comes off the ropes and is slammed down. Ced suplexes him then goes for the armbar. Trick flying knees him and gets the win.

Thoughts: This wasn't good. They did all kinds of stupid looking spin moves and Ced had a few botches even though he was supposed to be the vet here. 

Trick holds up Ced's arm after. Pete Dunne then nails Trick from behind. Pete stomps on him.

Ethan Page, Stevie Turner and Robert Stone talk in front of Ava's office. Page wants to get rid of Oro Mensah. They talk about NXT trending on Twitter. Stone says Page should feel lucky he's champ and Stevie/Stone keep trying to correct the other as they say stupid things. Page walks away as the two argue.

Kelani Jordan and two unnamed girls talk in the back. The one is Olena Sadovska, who hasn't debuted on TV yet. KJ is shown a video of Tatum Paxley playing with dolls on Instagram. KJ says she's starting to creep her out. Ashante Adonis comes in and is hurt. The girls help him but he winks at the camera.

Sol Ruca and Karmen Petrovic vs Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson

JJ dropkicks KP. JJ jumps over a legsweep. Sol standing moonsaults JJ then chinlocks her. Sol misse a lariat and takes a headbuster. Lash goes for a pop-up powerbomb but Sol hurricanrana's her. Sol slingshot facebusers Lash. Sol helps KP springboard kick Lash for 2. Sol flies at Lash and is pump kicked down.

JJ flying forearms Sol. Sol rolls up Lash then superkicks her. KP high kicks Lash. Lash takes adouble superkick for 2. KP lariats JJ then tornado ddt's Lash for 2. Bol backflips, holds JJ with a headscissors and KP high kicks her. Sol moonsaults on JJ off the apron.

Lash forearms KP then does a buckingham drop/over the back drop without the spin to win.

Thoughts: It was a decent tag here. I feel Sol has super high potential so I don't want her to be doing anything but singles, but her and KP are a fun team that I'd like to see again. They did some fun stuff together here. Lash and JJ had a good showing and I think it's safe to say after about 2 years that Lash has gone from being awful to being a passable worker. 

Lash and JJ talk after. Lash says Isla and Alba said they didn't mind defending their tag titles anywhere. Lash says the yshould defend them against the brightest starts in the galaxy next week at The Great American Bash.

Trick yells at Shawn Michaels in the back. He says he will drop Pete Dunne if he attacks him again. Roxanne Perez complains that Thea Hail got a sit-down interview and she didn't. She said she's sick of not getting what she deserves as champ.

We see a video on Joe Hendry. He says more of the planet starts to believe in him week after week. He says becoming a social media sensation doesn't happen overnight. We see people react to him. He says he's been wrestling for 11 years and waiting for his time to shine. He says you succeed in 2024 by creating an image that's impossible to escape. He says there's no one left on earth who hasn't seen him (that's wrong). We see clips of his song getting on the music charts. He said the entire world is waving their arms from side to side. He says it has been his life's work to become the answer to all of life's problems. He says next week we will see one of his worldwide concerts. He says let's show the world why we all believe in Joe Hendry.

Thoughts: It was a good and much needed package to explain who Joe is and why we should care. They really did a nice job putting it together and made him come off like a big star.

We see Gallus leave and get interviewed. They say they don't like Joe Hendry. Joe Coffey challenges Hendry to a match at the GAB. They then see there's Joe Hendry flyers for his concert on cars and they lose their minds.

Ethan Page tries to get into Ava's office. Page grabs a ref and said what happened with Oro doesn't count, right? The ref agrees and Page says the ref is coming with him.

Isla/Alba vs Lash/JJ is set for next week.

Ethan Page comes out with a ref. Page says what Oro did didn't count and is null and void. Page says he wants to make it clear that none of this bothers him. The ref confirms that the count was not official. Oro comes out as Page puts over the ref. Oro then pins Page and the ref makes the count. Page flips out as the crowd chants "1-2-3".

Thoughts: This was a great little angle here.

NQCC and The D'Angelo's talk in the back. Dempsey says he's still coming after The Heritage Cup. Tony says The Olympics are coming up so he will give the olympian - Tavion a shot. Tony says it's not the one who got his @ss whooped by a girl (taking a shot at Borne). He says he will see him next week.

Vic tells Booker he saw him doing Hendry's song on the internet this week. There was some AI clip made of Booker's face on Joe's body and Booker said, "oh hell no" to it.

Je'Von Evans, Nathan Frazer and Axiom vs The Rascalz (Zachary Wentz, Wes Lee and Trey Miguel)

It really should be a great one if they let them go all out. It's a big one for The Rascalz to nail here. 
Ax takes Trey down by the arm. Trey side headlocks him. Ax rolls over his back and stranglehold chokes him. Trey bodyscissors Ax. Ax armdrags him but Trey flips out. Ax hits a nice dropkick. Trey is put in an octopus and NF dropkicks him.

NF goes up and over in the corner and then is taken down by Trey. NF is held and takes a double baseball slide. Evans and Wes go at it. Wes flips over him when he's down. Evans does a seated springboard headscissors on Wes then dropkicks him. They trade shots and Evans does a superman style punch.

Wes spin kicks him. Evans takes a bronco buster from Wentz. NF spin kicks Wes. Trey is chopped, kips down and enzugiri's NF. Ax and Trey high kick each other at the same time. Evans cradles Wentz. Wentz ducks Evans and Evans dives out off of it. Wentz 2nd rope moonsaults outside.

We go to PiP break. Wes running corner euros Evans in the corner. Trey slingshot swantons Evans then Wentz does as well. Wes kneeling springboard swantons Evans. Wes running back elbows Evans hard. Evans gets his legs split and takes a double basement dropkick. We return from PiP break.

Evans rolls out of Wentz's 2nd rope crossbody. Evans slams him. NF running ssp's Wentz. Ax cobra clutches Wentz then sleepers him. Wentz takes a german then a triple superkicks for 2. Evans straightjacket chokes Wentz.

Ax ankle locks Wentz but is rolled into the buckles. NF springboards and takes a jumping knee from Wentz. Wes trips Evans then hits a combo on him. Wes basement dropkicks Evans. Ax tsakes a double team combo that ends with a double stomp on the back. Trey lighting spirals Evans. Trey backflips, lands and double stomps NF's back.

The Rascalz flip Trey and hit a triple basement dropkick. Evans springboard crossbodies Trey then spinning enzugiri's Wentz. Evans does a wild corkscrew kick on Wes. Evans does a double jump os cutter on Trey.

Trey is on the top. Evans dropkicks him then Ax top rope spanish flies Trey. NF phoenix splashes off the top. All 6 men are down. Wes flipping koppo kicks NF. Wentz does a springboard cutter on Evans.

Trey and Ax trade shots. Ax is catapulted into a superkick then Trey 2nd rope double stomps Ax. Wentz is pushed into an ssp on Ax as Wes tope con hilos outside. Wentz gets the pin on Ax and the camera's miss it.

Thoughts: It was a fast paced, high flying match as expected. It wasn't as crazy as it could have been but it was entertaining and The Rascalz winning was a smart move.

They all shake hands after and hug.

Ava talks to a ref in the back. Ethan Page comes in and says he wants Oro Mensah. Ava said what changed his mind. Page says he's had it with Oro and said he shouldn't have to deal with something like this. Page says he will put his NXT Title on the line to get this over with. Ava says they will sign the contract for it next week and do it at Week 2 of the The Bash.

Thoughts: It's something but this isn't helping make Page feel like a big star.

Overall thoughts: It was a really good episode of NXT. Things are clicking right now and we had a nice mix of storylines and wrestling. The TNA crew are really helping out NXT at the moment, giving them the kick they needed during a time when the NXT roster is week.

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