Wednesday, July 17, 2024

WWE NXT 7/16/2024

WWE NXT 7/16/2024

Last week's show is here:

The Rascalz talk. They say they are on NXT and it's time to blow everyone's mind. Gallus says it'll be the shortest reunion in history. Wolf says he hates everyone from NXT. Joe says he will send them back.

The Rascalz (Trey Miguel, Wes Lee and Zachary Wentz) vs Gallus

Mark throws Trey. Trey works Mark's arm and kips up into a hurricanrana. Mark takes a double team sequence ending in a baseball slide. Wolf stomps on Wentz and suplexes him. Wentz 2nd opre diving hurricanrana's Joe. Wes kneeling springboard swantons Joe. Wes backrolls into a spinning headscissors on Joe.

Wes hurricanrana's Joe. Wes ducks a shot from Joe then is lariated by Wolf. Wolf slams Wes. Wes is dropped on the ropes throat first. Wolf knees Wes in the gut. Wes takes a double chop. Everyone gets in and gets a move in. Joe Hendry then appears in the entrance way in a suit.

Joe Hendry heads to commentary during PiP break. Wes is dropped on the ropes throat first. Joe backbreakers Wes then vader bomb style elbow drops him. Mark stomps on Wes then trades forearms with him. Wes hits punches on Joe then Joe throws him down body first.

Joe waistlocks Wes as we return. Wes gets out of the corner and tags in Wentz. Wentz hits superkicks then hits a top rope double dropkick. Wentz germans Joe then Wentz is lifted for dropkicks on The Coffey's. Trey lightning spirals Mark for 2. Trey dropkicks Wolf. The Rascalz do a triple basement dropkick with a flip. Trey knee slides out to do a ddt.

Wes and Wentz do double stomps. Wentz is pushed off the apron into an ssp on Gallus. Wes tope con hilos all of Gallus outside. Mark takes a double superkick into the buckles. Mark is lifted for a double stomp then takes a burning hammer off of it. The Rascalz win.

Thoughts: It was a good opener and was what it needed to be. We got some flying, some creative moves and The Rascalz were clearly thrilled to be there. They also squeezed Joe Hendry in there. 

Joe Hendry narrates a video on his appearance last week on NXT.

Chase U is interviewed. Thea and Ridge run off immediately. Chase says when Duke is on his A-Game, few wrestlers can touch him. He said Duke knows he has to cash in tonight and says Duke will become the new NXT champ. Riley says Duke spent the last few years proving haters wrong and will bring home the N-A title. 

Ethan Page and Ava talk. Page complains about NXT being an unsafe work environment. Oro Mensah comes in and yells at Page. Oro ask him to defend his title against him. Page mocks him for suggesting he reward bad behavior. Ava says not to the title match. Oro says the longer Page runs, the worse it will get for him. Ava tells Page to defend his title tonight. Page says he will defend it against Dante Chen, who he says has honor unlike Oro.

Roxanne Perez comes out. RP asks what it will take for everyone to treat her like the champ she is. She said she beat the the biggest bad @ss NXT has and should be getting her flows. She complains that Lola Vice got a standing ovation and said it should have been her. RP says we don't deserve to watch a performer like her. She say she's not competing against anyone, just the history books.

She said Charlotte Flair had her first NXT match 13 years ago and is a 14 time champ now. She says she's on pace to shatter all of her records, along with Asuka's, Bayley's and Rhea's. RP says the talk online is about how Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer will come and put her in trouble. RP says to bring the talent from all around the world and says no one compares to the prodigy. She says it's laughable that Thea Hail is her next opponent.

Thea Hail comes out. The says Perez acts like everyone owes her respect. Thea says no one owes her anything. She says she used to look up to her and say they are not that different. She said RP of all people knows what it's like to be underestimated. She tells her to doubt her as she has broken doubters noses and fractured their arms. She said she beat doubters she wasn't supposed to be. She tells her to open up the history book she wants to re-write, so she can write her name in it.

RP says she isn't underestimating her but says it won't be her time or anyone else's time as long as she holds the title. She says Thea isn't ready. She says the title is for big girls, not children. She says she's not thing but a little girl. Thea goes to hit her, RP beats her to the punch. They get on the mat and go for submissions. Thea catches her with the kimura. Ridge pulls Thea off. 

Thoughts: I liked her calling Thea a little girl and name dropping Vaquer and Giulia.

Kelani Jordan is interviewed in the locker room. She said Sol Ruca is incredible and she had to dig down to beat her. She said when one challenge ends, another is around the corner. She says she heard about Vaquer and Giulia. Wendy Choo then pops up behind her and says nothing.

We see clips of Brooks Jensen appearing when he's not supposed to. 

Lol Vice is interviewed. She said she left everything she had in the ring and broke her hand yet Perez could not beat her. Fallon, Jacy and Nyx walk in. Jacy says she should go back to MMA and says American Top Team would welcome her back. Fallon calls her a rookie and Lola says isn't Nyx a rookie. Jacy tells her she's a fighter and to go fight. Lola says she's looking at her opponent in Jacy.

Brooks Jensen vs Je'Von Evans

BJ has long hair now, a longer beard and new pants. Briggs tells him not to do anything stupid.

BJ drives Evans into the corner and hits corner spears. Evans goes up and over then hits punches. Evans flying headscissors him and dropkicks him out. Evans is dropped on the rails then he superkicks BJ.

Evans jumps from the floor to the bottom rope and asai moonsaults BJ. Evans handspring corkscrew kicks BJ. BJ hits mounted shots then gordbusters him on the commentary table. BJ then jumps off the arpon and sentons him on the commentary table.

We go to break and return. Jensen is on his back with a chinlock. Evans jumps up to the top and hurricanrana's him. 

Evans springboard crossbodies him for 2. BJ hits a forward falling piledriver. Shawn Spears comes out. Briggs goes up to him. BJ tells Briggs not to worry about him. Evans suicide dives him. Evans hits a double jump diving cutter and wins.

Thoughts: I thought it needed more time and didn't like Jensen losing on his return. Evans' new springboard asai moonsault was really cool.

BJ stomps on Evans after. Briggs interrupts and asks him what he's doing, saying his job is on the line. BJ walks away.

Charlie Dempsey walks in on The D'Angelo Family playing cards. Dempsey talking about putting someone in the trunk. Tony jokes about Myles telling him. Dempsey says he has found himself in a situation and needs advice. He says a witness saw him put Kemp in the trunk. Tony says to take that person for a swim. Dempsey says it was a girl. Tony tells him he has to take care of it on his own.

Dante Chen is interviewed. He says he was surprised by Page's announcement, but this is why he trains. He says he knows Page thinks he's an easy challenger, but he says when you have your moment, you have to capitalize on it.

Trick Williams complains about not having the title on the phone. He says he needs to do his own thing. Ilja Dragunov turns out to be on the phone. Ilja says he seeks to conquer new worlds and asks what Trick wants. Trick says he wants his title back. Ilja says these are two different situations and he can't help. Trick asks Pete Dunne and Pete says figure it out.

NXT Title - Ethan Page (c) vs Dante Chen

Page side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Page pats him on the head and is rolled up. Page side headlocks him. Chen back elbows him into a back fist. Chen is sent out and takes a shoulder off the apron. Page slams him for 2.

Chen hits shots then step up enzugiri's him. Chen slingshot sunset flips him. Chne hits lariats and atomic drops him. Chen cradles him for 2. Chen backslides him. Chen misses a springboard and takes a pump kick. Page hits a razor's edge and wins.

Thoughts: It was for what it was and made sense. I might have had Chen win just for the pop though.

Oro Mensah jumps Page after and is ddt'd. They then fight outside. They go back in and Oro hits shots on Page. Oro flipping koppo kicks him then koppo kicks him in the corner. Oro then counts his own pin on Page.

We get a video on Duke Hudson, showing his history.

Gallus talks in the back. They complain about The Rascalz and Joe Hendry. Joe Hendry appears and his music hits. Wolf tells him to go back to Scotland. Joe said he'd be mad too if he were them. Joe says he's sticking around and he likes it here in NXT. Joe says no one likes him in NXT. He says when they think Scotland, they think Drew McIntyre and Gallus. Joe says maybe things would be better if they believed in Joe Hendry.

Izzi Dame vs Tatum Paxley

Izzi poses and TP slides under her. TP 2nd rope dropkicks her then splashes her back in the corner. TP gets her crossbody blocked then is backbreakered and slammed. Izzi stomps on her. Izzi wraps TP's body around the post then she bckbreakers her.

Izzi racks her over her shoulder. Wendy Choo comes out. TP dragon screws her then spears her in the knee. TP step up enzugiri's her then hits an elbow drop.

Izzi leg lariats her for 2. Izzi misses a crossbody in the corner then TP hits the psycho trap and wins.

Thoughts: It was just average here and nothing too memorable as expected.   

TP and Wendy stare down after and Wendy gives her a doll without its head and TP puts the head on it.

Thea Hail and Ridge Holland talk in the back. The rest of Chase U walk in. Duke thanks Ridge for getting him a shot. Ridge says to win the gold. They then do a cheer.

Ashante "Thee" Adonis and Cedric Alexander talk in the back. Ashante keeps looking at girls as Ced talks. He goes up to Lash Legend. Lash says she's not interested. He then says he wants to talk to Jakara. Oro Mensah tries to stop this and Ashante flirts with Jakara. Lash then breaks it all up.

Lola Vice vs Jacy Jayne

Lola side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Lola throws her down and then dances. Lola hits kicks and is rolled into a superkick. Jacy stomps Lola's hand then throws her down by the arm. Jacy bangs Lola's hand off the mat.

Jacy pulls on Lola's hand. Lola hits chest kicks then axe kicks her back. Lola hip attacks her and Jacy pump kicks her. Lola backfists her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick one and I was surprised they had Jacy lose like that.

Fallon nails Lola after. Jacy nails Lola from behind. Lola takes the 3v1 then Sol and Karmen come out to save Lola.

Kelani Jordan talks to Tatum Paxley in the back. She said it looks like she found the rest of Wendy's doll. Tatum says it's her doll. Tatum asks if she wants to play and Kelani says they are too old to play. Tatum then grabs a doll that looks like Kelani.

Ethan Page is interviewed. He said he defended his title then the maniac Mensah tried to ruin it. He said Oro didn't pin him and it didn't count. He says none of this bothers him.

Mixed Tag Match - The OC (Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson and Michin) vs OTM (Lucien Price, Bronco Nima and Jaida Parker)

They all fight and Michin hits corner spears on JP. Michin spears the post when JP moves. JP buttpresses her while she's on the middle rope. JP misses a legdrop then spinebusters Michin. Michin dropkicks her.

Price and Luke get in. Luke hits punches and running facekicks him. Price deadlift uranages him. Price corner lariats Karl and Karl takes a nice bump for it. Price corner lariats Luke. Luke and Nima trade. Nima headbutts him then leg lariats him on the ropes. 

Price hits corner spears on Luke. Nima cranks Luke's head then Luke does something like a samoan drop. Micin and JP get in. Michin lariats and dropkicks her. Michin suplexes her then hits a strike combo. JP is dropped with a pele kick.

JP germans Michin. Karl and Nima go at it. Karl uppercuts him. Karl diving 2nd rope neckbreakers him. Nima takes a neckbreaker + backdrop combo. Karl spinebusters Price. JP hi pattacks Karl which should be an immediate DQ. Michin hits a single leg codebreaker on Nima. Nima takes a magic killer and is pinned.

Thoughts: I'm not watching mixed tags anymore. The rules are blatantly ignored as the girls are allowed to hit the boys in front of the ref and the boys never see it coming in advance nor do they do anything about it. It's embarrassing and it's not entertaining. I'm sick of it.

NQCC talk in the back. Wren Sinclair comes up to them and says she wants to be part of the group. She says she will tell everyone about the trunk thing. Borne says no one will believe her. Dempsey says she's not joining the group. Wren says she's not the only one who saw what happened and said she is joking. She then tries to wrestle with Myles and says she will wrestle her way in to the NQCC.

I'm going to throw a curve ball here and say this is a good idea. The NQCC have the serious wrestling thing down. It has a ceiling to it though and since personalities are what draw, I don't think it's particularly helpful. If Wren can get some personality out of the NQCC, I think it'll do them a lot of good.

Eddy Thorpe is DJ'ing at a club. Lexis King comes up to him and interrupts him then they fight. 

WWE NXT North American Title - Oba Femi (c) vs Duke Hudson

Oba side headlocks him and hits shots. Oba shoulders him over. Duke takes off his shirt and flying headscissors him. Duke shoulders him over then ddt's him. Duke lariats him over the top.

We go to PiP break and return. Oba hits some shots on Duke. Oba side slams him then chinlocks him. Oba uranage backbreakers him. Duke takes snake eyes then Oba running euros him. Duke hits a running big boot. 

Duke hits a nice running lariat. Duke knocks him over then plancha's him. Duke slingshot germans him for 2. Duke handstand hurricanrana's Oba in the corner. Duke crucifixes him for 2 then Oba chokeslams him. Duke sunset bombs him off the buckles or 2. Oba backdrops Duke on the commentary table. Oba pop-up powerbombs Duke and wins.

Thoughts: It was fine but didn't get enough time and therefore wasn't going to be a classic. I was hoping we'd get some shenanigans with Chase U here or something else and was surprised we didn't. The result here was no surprise as Duke had no chance of winning this.

Briggs and Jensen argue in the parking lot with other people like the NQCC, Adonis and Oro visible. Briggs says Jensen is lost. He says he needs to get through to him and said last time, he beat him up pretty good. Jensen says "no disqualification" and rides off.

Overall thoughts: As I've been saying, NXT's roster isn't the best it has ever been and that limits how good this show will be. The main and opener were the best thing on here. The mixed tag was the worst thing on here. I'm not feeling Jensen's new gimmick but I think Wren hanging out with the NQCC is exactly what they need. I was surprised we didn't get any shenanigans from Chase U in the main as it was a random match and felt like Duke and Riley could have turned here. It was a longer NXT show as usual with 7 matches and tons of backstage segments.

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