Monday, July 22, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 7/22/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 7/22/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see CM Punk, Judgment Day, Ilja Dragunov and Bron Breakker arrive.

Gunther comes out to talk. He said he reflected on what he said to Damian Priest and says he meant every word he said. He said Damian Priest and everyone here is a bum. He said Priest doesn't live up his title and said he's a pretender and wannabe. He says show me your friends and I'll show you who you are. He says Judgment Day will be judged by The Ring General and he says he judges them as street trash. He tells Priest to come out and hand him the title.

Damian Priest comes out. They fight and the ref's break it up. Priest throws a guard out onto other guards. They then fight in the aisle way.

We go to break and return. They continue to fight backstage and continue to fight outside before getting broken up.

#1 Contender to the Intercontinental Title - Ilja Dragunov (c) vs Bron Breakker

Ilja hits a big chop then Bron takes him down and pounds on him. They go out and Bron pounds on him. They go back in, Ilja hits forearms then running knees him. Ilja running facekicks him. They fight on the buckles and Ilja is dropped ribs first on the post top.

We return from break. Ilja bearhugs him and hits slaps. Bron fireman's carry gutbusters him. Bron picks him up and gets ddt'd down. They trade shots. Ilja hit spinning shots then step up enzugiri's him.  Ilja hits a constantine special lariat.

Ilja facewash kicks him. Ilja slaps him and powerbombs him. Bron walks up the buckles and hurricanrana's him. Ilja superplexes him then h-bombs him. Ilja death valley drivers him on the apron. Ilja comes off the apron and is caught with a spear. The ref then stops the match.

Thoughts: It was what you would expect - a stiff and high impact match. These two always match up well and this was no different. I wish we could have gotten a finish here though. I didn't like the apron death valley driver not meaning much though. 

The Judgment Day talk in the back. Rhea talks about their status with the various titles and says she wants them to hold all the gold again. Dom talks to Rhea. He says he's worried about what he saw online with Jey asking for her number. Rhea says she's just messing around, unlike with what Dom was doing with Liv. Finn says they need to take out Jey Uso once and for all. Rhea says she doesn't see why they should do this and tells Dom to use his brains. Finn tells Dom that he knows what he has to do.

Drew and Pearce talk to refs in the back.

Lyra Valkyria vs Sonya Deville

Chance and Carter are with Lyra. I take it as a sign that her main event push is over.

SD hits knees to the body. Lyra slaps her from her mat then hits corner spears and boots. Lyra legsweeps her and basement dropkicks her for 2. Lyra goes out and is thrown into the rails.

We go to break and return. SD superplexes her. SD hits kicks and Lyra enzugiri's her. Lyra hits a strike combo and spinning high kicks her. Lyra suplexes her for 2. Lyra does a nasty looking sitout gutwrench powerbomb.

Shayna distracts the ref and Zoey knocks Lyra off the top. The girls fight outside. Lyra does a dropkick through the ropes and then takes a final cut for the loss.

Thoughts: I was really surprised to see Lyra lose here. She nearly won QOTR and is now losing to Sonya. This was too short but they had some interesting moments.

We get another Wyatt's video with Nikki Cross being featured this time. She keeps being told to look at herself then she screams.

CM Punk comes out to talk. He's wearing girly pink shoes for some reason. Punk says he's cleared to wrestle. He says that means he and Drew will fight. Punk calls Drew out.  Drew comes out and says he can't tell him how long he waited for this. Drew says nothing will stop him from tearing Punk apart except the fact that he doesn't want to. Punk says he wants to and goes after Drew. Ref's and officials stop him.

Drew wants to save this for the big money match. He tells Punk to chill out and says he relies on Punk's bracelet to cool him off. Adam Pearce comes out and says the Drew/Punk match is set for Summerslam. He said if they touch each other before then, the match is off and the first person to do it gets suspended. He says he has a big referee problem and then Seth Rollins comes out.

Seth is wearing girls clothes again. He says all the chaos Drew and Punk have caused has scared off people from getting between them. Seth says he will be the special guest ref.  

Thoughts: It seems like some kind of screwjob is coming as Seth is definitely getting involved in that match.  

The Judgment Day talk in the back. Carlito says to divide and conquer as they go looking for Jey Uso. Liv comes form the side and talks to Dom. Dom asks what she is doing. Liv says not to worry about last week and says everything is okay. Liv says that's the spirit. She then leaves as Finn comes in.

Sami Zayn is interviewed. He says Bron and Ilja went to war for a shot at his title. He says Bron earned the title shot. He says he takes Bron seriously. He tells him not to make the same mistake he made at MITB. He says to take him seriously as he will bring 100%.

We hear people fighting and Jey Uso is double teamed by JD and Carlito. Sami helps out Jey. JD's head is banged off a box. Carlito then runs away with JD. 

The Final Testament (Karrion Kross and Authors of Pain) vs Xavier Woods, Otis and Akira Tozawa

Razar chokes Woods. Woods hits chops. Akam hits boots on Woods. Woods flying forearms him and hits chops. Akam is sent out then Toz topes him. Toz rips his shirt as we go to break.

We return and Toz hits shots on Akam. Akam back elbows him. Toz moonsaults on Kross but is caught and F-5'd. Toz superkicks Kross. Kross misses a charge and Otis gets in. Otis hits lariats on Akam and Kross. Otis lariats Razar.

Otis corner splashes Akam. Otis caterpillar elbows Akam. Kross hits a big forearm on Otis. Woods top rop dropkicks Kross. Kross hits his slam into a ddt on Woods and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short one and wasn't as good as it could have been. It was fine just not great. Otis lost in his hometown here though he wasn't made to look dumb. 

Chad Gable comes out with The Creed's and we go to break. We return. Chad says he wants to help his former pupils. Chad says Otis teamed with Woods and lost. Chad offers his old crew a chance to rejoin the team. Chad says The Wyatt's are after everyone and says they get more protection if they join them.

Otis says when things get dangerous, Chad leaves the scene and will leave The Creed's in the ring. Otis says his answer is still no. Chad calls him an idiot. The Creed's go after Toz and Otis after Max turns down Chad. Otis is double teamed. Otis hits a double lariat on The Creed's. Otis grabs Chad then is hit from behind. Otis is triple teamed. Otis is sent into the post and lands hard on the apron off of it. Otis is then thrown into the LED board on the side of the ring. The heels grab chairs.

The lights go out for The Wyatt's. The Wyatt's come out. Uncle Howdy appears behind Chad then hits a sister abigail on him to end the segment.

Thoughts: It was a decent segment and it made sense here. They definitely got this Chad and The Creeds vs Otis and friends feud going and furthered Chad and The Creed's vs The Wyatts.

Pete Dunne vs Bronson Reed

Sheamus takes out Pete before it starts. Sheamus and Reed trade. Sheamus clubs on Pete's chest. Sheamus clears the ring and the segment ends with Pete/Sheamus staring down.

Judgment Day talk in the back. Rhea asks what happened and Carlito said it didn't go so well. Finn said him and JD are taking care of Sami and Jey. Finn says he will take on Gunther next week. Rhea interrupts and says no one touches Jey Uso. Rhea asks where Don was and Carlito says she should ask Liv. Rhea grabs Dom and says they are going to the ring.

Sheamus is interviewed by Jackie Redmond. He says he doesn't know what's going on with Pete but Reed wanted to take him down. Sheamus says the issues between him and Pete can be fixed in the pub or in the ring. He asks if Dunne is up for a banger. 

Rhea Ripley comes out with Dominik Mysterio. Rhea tells Liv to come get Dom if she wants him. Liv appears in the stands. She says she can wait for Rhea until Summerslam. Liv says she has feelings for Dom and says Dom has feelings for her too. Liv says Dom doesn't go for girls that look like Rhea. She says he goes for girls that look like her.

Dom tries to hold Rhea back. Rhea yells at him to let go. Liv says she knows what Dom will say and says she feels the same way too. She says Dom can say the three little words. We go to a split screen. Dom say she hates Liv. Dom says Liv ruined his life over and over again. He said she ruined everything for him. Liv cries and walks away. Rhea grabs Dom by the hair and licks him.

Thoughts: It was a fun segment as always with these three. I can't wait to see where this goes from here.

Zelina Vega does an interview on the ramp. She says her injured arm won't stop her. She says no one can keep her down and says it's time to shut people up.

Zelina Vega vs Zoey Stark

Vega rolls her up for 1. Zoey bangs Vega's injured arm off the mat. Vega kicks Zoey from the mat. Zoey pounds on her. Zoey hits corner spears on Vega. Vega spinning back elbows Zoey then bangs her head into the buckles. Zoey drops Vega's arm on the top rope.

We go to break and return. Vega cradles her. Zoey springboard dropkicks Vega. Vega hits leg kicks then step up enzugiri's Zoey. Vega tornado ddt's Zoey. Vega top rope moonsaults her for 2. Zoey superkicks her. Sony distracts the ref and Shayna trips Zoey. Chance, Carter and Lyra come down to help out. Vega gets powerbombed on accident then hits a forearm on Zoey. Vega code red's her and wins.

Thoughts: It was just a match here. They botched the finish some here as Vega got legit powerbombed when she wasn't supposed to. There was shenanigans with the heels and Zoey doesn't look good losing to a one armed opponent.

Xavier Woods tells Adam Pearce he needs Karrion Kross 1v1 next week. Adam agrees. Drew McIntyre comes up to Adam. He said Adam didn't tell him Seth would be the special ref. Drew says him and Seth have a history and asks how its fair. Adam says we will find out how fair Seth is when he gives Drew referee instructions. Adam says he needs a drink.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre are interviewed. They say they run the division and will have words for Jade and Bianca on SD. Shayna and friends come in. Shayna said they run this division. Isla asks if that's why Vega just beat them. Sonya says she will handle them later and says they are the team that will take the tag titles from them. They say they will see them soon.

Gunther does a video talking about the title. He says the WWE and the title needs him. He said Seth did a good job of elevating the title but says being the workhorse drove him into the ground. He said Drew was too concerned about Punk and couldn't hold onto the title for 5 minutes. Gunther says Priest's foundation is starting to crack with his title on his shoulders. Gunther says his cast of challengers is disgusting. He says he can't stand entertainers who are more worried about making crowds sing or say lines. He says he's the only one who can re-define the prestige of the title. He says the future of the sport is on the line at Summerslam. He says Priest will fail and he will showcase the power, dominance and prestige that this sport needs. He says he will become champ at Summerslam.

Sami and Jey walk through the concourse with the fans. They play with foam hands. 

Jey Uso and Sami Zayn vs Judgment Day (Finn Balor and JD McDonaugh)

Finn knocks Jey over and hits shots on him in the corner. Jey uppercuts Finn. Sami double axe handles Finn's arm. JD boots Sami in the corner. Sami lariats JD. JD pulls Sami into the buckles.

JD and Finn are sent out. Sami sitout moonsaults both. Dom distracts Sami and Sami is sent into the post.

We go to break and return. Sami takes boots in the corner. Sami back body drops JD. Finn elbow drops Sami. Sami tries to fight out of the corner then blue thunders JD. Jey hits punches on Finn. Jey superkicks Finn in the gut. Jey spinning enzugiri's him and Jd. Jey corner hip attacks JD then top rope crossbodies Finn for 2.

Finn final cluts Jey for 2. Finn comes off the 2nd rope and takes a superkick from Jey. Sami is tagged in. He exploders JD in the corner. Carlito distracts the ref and Dom grabs Sami's foot. JD hits a running spanish fly for 2. JD takes a 3D from Sami and Jey for 2.

Jey hits shots on JD then takes a slingblade form Finn. Jey superkicks Finn and fights off Judgment Day. Finn top rope double stomps Jey then JD top rope moonsaults him.

Finn is thrown over the top. Sami facekicks JD then tope con hilos Finn and Carlito. Jey top rope splashes JD and wins.

Thoughts: It was good little tag here and they gave a bit more effort than usual. I don't love makeshift teams beating established teams though. It wasn't the strongest main event here on paper.

Bron Breakker comes down and spears Sami after.

Overall thoughts: The show was good overall but not great. The Dom/Rhea/Liv stuff continues to the best part of the show. The main and the Ilja/Bron matches were the best things on here but I wouldn't call either of them must-see.

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