Thursday, July 25, 2024

WWE Main Event 7/24/2024

WWE Main Event 7/24/2024

Last week's show is here:

Jacy Jayne vs Brinley Reece

They shove each other and Jacy goes down. Jacy drags her down off the lock-up from the 2nd rope. Brin side headlocks her then shoulders her over. Brin forward cartwheels over her and armdrags her. Jacy throws her back by the hair.

Brin armdrags her then hits a forearm. Jacy boots her in the gut then sends her throat first into the ropes. Jacy hits mounted shots. Jacy snapmares her and hits kicks.

Brin's head is banged off the buckles. Brin backrolls Jacy then Jacy neckbreakers her for 2. Jacy cranks her head then Brin backdrops her. Brin shoulders her over and flying shoulders her. Brin bodyblocks her.

Brin goes up and pulls Jacy into the buckles with her feet. Brin forward cartwheel lariats her for 2. Jacy spinning forearms her and gets the win.

It wasn't a bad match. They did what they could here despite working a cold crowd who probably didn't know them. Jacy's finisher looked good here and Brin looked good against her. 

Ivy Nile vs Alba Fyre

Isla Dawn is with Alba. Alba throws her back by the hair. Ivy armdrags her then waistlock throws her. Ivy rolls her up and they trade pin attempts. Ivy does a jack knife pin then side headlocks her. Alba hits a knee to the gut then chops her. Ivy slams her then squats her before suplexing her.

We go to break and return. Isla Dawn trips Ivy. Alba and Isla both choke Ivy on the ropes. Alba suplexes Ivy for 2. Alba pulls on Ivy's arm and chinlocks her.

Alba chops Ivy and hits some shots. Alba knees her in the gut and Ivy backdrops her. Ivy hits running shots then headscissors her. Ivy flying kicks her in the corner then 2nd rope bulldogs her for 2. Ivy is distracted and rolled up for 2. Ivy dragon sleepers Alba.

Isla gets in the ring and Ivy high kicks her. Alba then pins Ivy with the tights.

Thoughts: The ending was total BS here. Other people should never be allowed in the ring and a pin off of that shouldn't even be counted. The match went a little longer than it needed to and I thought it was boring. Ivy sadly really has not developed much since her NXT days.

Overall thoughts: Only two new matches here as usual. Jacy/Brin was okay. The main had a lame finish and was boring.

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