Thursday, July 25, 2024

TNA Impact 7/25/2024

TNA Impact 7/25/2024

Last week's show is here:

Nic Nemeth comes out and gets a "You Deserve It" chant. He thanks everyone and says Moose is no longer the TNA champ. He said Moose was protected but he promised to be a fighting champ. He says he will fight anyone in any wrestling company any night. He says he will make it the greatest title in all of wrestling until it's pried from his hands.

Campaign Singh comes out and introduces Mustafa Ali. Mustafa Ali comes out. He says he means no disrespect and offers to shake Nic's hand. He said Nic winning the title is not more important than what happened to him.

He says what happened at Montreal was the biggest screwjob in Montreal history. He said the people cheered when he lost the title. Nic says he believes him and said he did a great job as champ. Nic says he wants to shake his hand. Nic says facts are facts and Mike Bailey beat him.

Ali said Mike screwed him real hard. Nic says we all saw Mike tap Ali out. Ali says he doesn't appreciate him or the idiots from Montreal. He says he will make a new initiative and that's to make the TNA Title great again. Nic says Ali doesn't need to make a campaign. He will put the title on the line right now. Ali says next week and says he will see him then. Ali charges at Nic and is thrown out. Singh gets a superkick.

Matt Hardy and ABC are interviewed. Bey says Matt knows how this goes. Bey says The System will get involved. Matt says Jeff is hurt and not here. He says The System have the numbers but someone we all believe in is willing to appear.

Nic and Ryan Nemeth talk in the back. Kaz goes up to them. Kaz says Nic was making proclamations like a king. He says he's the only kind. Kaz says Nic stole the title at Slammiversary. Nic says hepinned him at the PPV, so he can start at the back of the line. Ryan says he has business with Kaz. Santino walks in and says Kaz can fight Ryan next week.

We see The System arrive earlier in the day.

Steve Maclin comes out to talk. He says he's been trying to turn a new leaf and got caught and was eliminating during Slammiversary. He said he's putting his body on the line and the fans sang the hey hey goodbye song and he's tired of it.

Cody Deaner comes out. He says Steve needs to shut his mouth. He said Santino told him he could get in the ring and be the man to shut his mouth. Cody said that's the people's choice. He asks if he should punch this prick in the mouth. Deaner says the people have spoken and he hits him.

Deaner vs Steve Maclin

Deaner hits some shots and thesz presses him. Steve is lariated over the top then Deaner plancha's him. Deaner misses a move off the top and takes a flying knee. Steve uranage backbreakers him. Steve back elbows him for 2.

Deaner backbreakers him and stretches him over his knee. Steve armdrags him. Deaner hits punches then corner lariats him. Deaner bulldogs him then top rope crossbodies him for 2. Steve olympic slams him then lariats him from behind. Steve hits his crosshair spear in the corner then double underhook ddt's him for the win.

Thoughts: It was a short one with Cody getting some offense in before being put down. It was just average and mostly filler.

Deathmatch TV

Sami Callihan is being wild as usual. He says he can do what he wants and say what he wants. He sayys AJ a big dumb@ss and says Rich Swann is a little dumb@ss. He says Bishop looks like Sid. He pretends to be a weatherman and says there's a 98% chance that he will shoe his foot up AJ Francis' @ss. He says when he is done with them that they will be fully broke b!tches. He then says thumbs up, thumbs down. 

Sami Callihan vs AJ Francis

Sami knocks Swann off the apron to start then chest clubs AJ on the ropes. AJ knocks Sami over then stands on his head. They trade punches. Sami hits chops then is shouldered over. AJ knee chokes Sami over the ropes and Sami spits all over himself during it.

We go to PiP break and return. AJ goes over the top then Swann trips Sami from the outside. AJ running knees him and lands on the floor off of it. Sami is pulled against the post.

Sami eye rakes him and bites his hand. Sami hits punches then slams him. AJ facekicks him for 2. AJ misses a legdrop and takes a sliding lariat for 2. Swann tries to get in the ring. Josh Bishop then lariats Sami. AJ chokeslams Sami and gets the win.

It wasn't anything too interesting as expected. It's not like it was bad but it was nothing great. The finish didn't help things either.

Rosemary talks. She has a board up with all of her former Decay members. She said they don't deserve to speak for the hive and talks her usual nonsense.

Eric Young and Jordynne Grace vs Ash By Elegance and Hammerstone

I will not be covering this. Ash and Hammerstone won.

The System do a promo. Alisha says they are looking at the dream team of wrestling. The System looks down and doesn't react. Alisha says in the end, we will learn to trust The System.

Josh Alexander comes out to talk. Josh gets booed by the crowd and doesn't say much at all. He asks if we want an explanation for what he did at Slammiversary, then he walks off without giving one.

Mike Bailey is interviewed. He said he's still feeling the emotion of the biggest win of his career. He says TNA was built on the knockouts and the x-division. The Rascalz walk in and says they agree. They say they all would like to mix it up with Mike. They tell him to find a partner to go along with him and Trent Seven and let's have a match.

The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) and JDC vs ABC and Matt Hardy

Matt armbreakers Brian then Ace 2nd rope double axe handles Brian. Bey 2nd rope double stomps Brian's arm. Matt 2nd rope elbows Brian's arm. Matt hits a hiptoss then he other 4 fight. The heels are thrown out together. We go to PiP break and return.

Brian is double teamed in the corner. Ace beats up on Brian then suplexes him. Ace russian legsweeps Brian then legdrops him. Ace dropkicks Eddie then Bey hits punches on Eddie. Eddie takes a double japanese armdrag into a double basement dropkick. Moose comes out.

Eddie hits shots on Bey. JDC misses a flying knee off the buckles. JDC takes a double kick to the head for 2. The System surround Matt Hardy and Joe Hendry comes out. The match kind of stops and we go to PiP break.

We return and Brian sleepers Ace. Bey lariats Brian then neckbreakers him. Bey double stomps Brian's back then gets tripped up on the ropes. Eddie forearms over Bey. JDC slingshot elbow drops while Bey is on Eddie's knees. Bey's arms are pulled back by JDC. 

Brian chinlocks Bey and Eddie catapults Bey into the ropes throat first. Bey sunset flips Eddie. JDC suplexes Bey for 2. Bey hits shots on Eddie then is pop-up dropped by him. Bey kicks Eddie.

Matt gets in and hits shots on JDC. He pounds on him in the corner then pulls him off the ropes into a powerbomb. Matt hits a neckbreaker + ddt combo for 2. All 6 men get in the ring and the heels have their heads banged off the buckles.

Matt hits a side effect on JDC then Ace top rope twisting swantons JDC. Ace and Bey hit stereo topes outside. Moose spears JDC when Matt moves. Joe lariats Moose then Matt hits a twist of fate on JDC. Bey top rope splashes JDC and wins.

Thoughts: It ran long and was pretty average for the most part.  Both the heels and faces had long control segments here and the match had a slow pace all throughout. The System losing makes sense as they are all down and having issues but I wonder what the payoff to it is.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't a good Impact. The main was average. There was an intergender match I wasn't going to watch. Josh Alexander didn't explain his turn and they set up Mustafa Ali vs Nic Nemeth for the title next week. Joe Hendry may be one of the hottest stars in wrestling right now, but TNA opted not to have him wrestle here.


  1. Why don’t intergender and mixed tag matches get covered?

    1. I'm not interested in them and I don't enjoy them. I'll sometimes cover mixed tags but they almost always end up as an intergender match.
