Sunday, July 28, 2024

STARDOM 7/28/2024 Sapporo World Rendezvous

STARDOM 7/28/2024 Sapporo World Rendezvous

High Speed Championship - Saya Kamitani (c) vs. Mei Seira 

They run at each other and miss shots. Saya stomps Mei's foot and they forward cartwheel over each other. Saya leapfrogs and is dropkicked. They run the ropes together and Mei flying crossbodies her. Saya hits a pumping knee then springboard plancha's her outside.

Saya slingshot splashes her then slams her. Saya does a leg and arm hold. Mei hits chest forearms then is chest forearmed down. Mei rolls her up then does a jumping spin kick.

Mei lariats her on the ropes then 2nd rope dropkicks her. Saya missses spinning high kicks. Mei slides under her and gets double stomped. Saya top rope dropkicks her. Saya suplexes her. Mei release germans Saya and Saya spinning heel kicks her. Mei dropkicks her.

They kip up at  the same time and trade forearms. Mei slides under her in a pin attempt  then Saya sunset flips her for 2. Mei trips her and rolls her into a pin but Saya reverses it for her own pin attempt. Mei superkicks her then Saya hurricanrana's her. Saya pump kicks Mei then spinning high kicks her. Mei does a cool backflip crucifix bomb and wins.

: It indeed was a high speed and fast paced match here. It took a little to get going but it was fun athletic contest. I'd really like to see this again on a bigger stage. Mei's finisher was awesome and the two really are good opponents from each other.

5STAR Grand Prix Blue Stars A Block Qualifier Final - Miyu Amasaki vs. Lady C 

They lock up and C cleanbreaks her. Miyu side headlocks her then dropkicks her. C shoulders her over. C slams her twice then Miyu ropebreaks on a triangle. Myiu hits chest forearms on C then C knocks her down with one. C giant swings her then hits foot slaps. Miyu ddt's C while C kneels.

Miyu does a head and armlock on her. C stands up and rams her backwards to break it. Miyu back elbows her then basement dropkicks her in the back of the head. Miyu does another head and arm lock and C ropebreaks.

Miyu dropkicks her against the ropes. C shoulders her over then flapjacks her. C triangles her. they hit each other on the ropes and Miyu pendulum ddt's her. They trade chest forearms. C flurries her then Miyu chest forearm flurries her. Miyu tornado ddt's her then C flying neckbreakers her. C chokeslams her. Miyu escapes a dominator and bridge pins her to win.

It wasn't that good. C just doesn't have a lot of personality in the ring which hurts things and Miyu isn't good enough to carry her. 

Aya Sakura vs HANAKO

Hana takes her down and goes for the armbar. Aya snapmares her then does a triangle. Hana deadlift powerbombs her out of it. Aya runs at her and gets shouldered over. Hana hits corner spears to the back. Hana splashes her for 2.

Hana splashes her then slams her. Aya hits chest kicks. Hana catches her spinning heel keel and backbreakers her. Hana corner splashes her and misses a running facekick. Aya spinning heel kicks her in the corner.

Hana slams her then crabs her. Aya rope breaks. Hana double knees her on the ropes for 2. Aya hits a chest forearm flurry then Hana drops her with one. Aya triangles her. Aya knee presses her off the 2nd rope and high kicks her for 2. Hana slams her then running facekicks her in the corner. Aya cradles her off a suplex attempt for 2.

Aya rolls her up for 2 and Hana facekicks her. Hana suplexes her then does a sitout torture rack bomb for the win.

It went too long for these two and just wasn't super exciting. I think it could have been good a few years from now but just not at this stage. Aya arguably showed more than Hana did here even though Hana's the one going on an excursion to the US after this.  

Hana talks on the mic after. They shake hands, Aya taunts her and Hana bullies her around a bit.

Trios Gauntlet Match

Leg 1 - STARS (Saya Iida, Koguma & Hazuki) vs. EXV (Waka Tsukiyama, Xena & Mina Shirakawa)

Mina and Kog try pin attempts then Kog does her pose at Mina. Mina basement dropkicks her. Waka gets in, snapmares Kog and does hip attacks. Waka gets triple teamed ending in a Kog splash. Saya is double hiptossed onto Waka.

Kog stomps on Waka's back then Haz double spanks Waka. Haz's team does triple stereo facewash kicks on the ropes. Saya hits chops on Waka. Waka lariats Haz on the ropes then STO's her from there. Xena flying headscissors Haz. Haz top rope rdropkicks Xena then Kog 2nd rope crossbodies Xena. Saya 2nd rope shoulders Xena for 2.

Xena and Saya trade chops. Saya chop flurries her. They fight and Waka rolls Saya up for a pin out of nowhere to win the leg. 

Leg 2 -  EXV (Waka Tsukiyama, Xena & Mina Shirakawa) vs Oedo Tai (Rina, Thekla & Momo Watanabe)

OT attacks as they get in. Waka goes for another pin attempt then gets triple stomped for it. Rina hair throws Waka then foot chokes her on the ropes. Waka crossbodies Rina. Mina and Thekla go at it. Mina kicks her while on the top rope then she does a ddt + a move on Momo's leg. Mina slides out of Thekla's shot and poses.

Mina kicks Thekla in the back. Mina gets kicked while she's over the 2nd rope and Thekla suplexes her. Thekla takes a double knee to the face for 2. Momo hits Mina with her bat on the outside then Mina takes a sandwich high kick to the head. Thekla hits a double underhook spinning ddt to Mina and pins her.

Leg 3 - Oedo Tai (Rina, Thekla & Momo Watanabe) vs NEO GENESIS (Suzu Suzuki, AZM & Starlight Kid)

Neo Genesis attacks the heels to start. Momo takes a double team then Kid is dropped onto her with a splash. AZM christo's Momo. Suzu  and Kid do stereo standing moonsaults on their opponents. Momo suplexes AZM.

Momo takes corner attacks then a triple basement dropkick in the corner. AZM gets her christo turned into a b-driver by Momo for 2. Suzu hits a rolling spear on Thekla. AZM and Momo trade forearms then AZM does a la mistica drop to her. AZM goes for the pin but Momo reverses it and pins her.  

Leg 4 - Oedo Tai (Rina, Thekla & Momo Watanabe) vs God's Eye (Ranna Yagami, Hina & Saki Kashima)

Saki's team attacks as they enter then Saki flying headscissors Momo. Hina dropkicks Momo. Thekla ducks Hina's lariat. Momo suplexes Hina and Thekla facekicks Hina on the ropes. Momo PK's Hina for 2.

Rina flying double knees Hina in the corner then northern lights suplexes her. They trade chest forearms. Hina flying neckbreakers her then Rina does a grounded octopus on her that is broken up. Rina flying facekicks Hina then Hina hip throws her.

Hina takes corner attacks. Thekla hits a big forearm on Hina and Momo uranage's Hina. Rina 2nd rope double knee drops Hina. Hina rolls up Rina and gets the pin.

Thoughts: Neo Genesis looked like idiots here as they lost after just getting set-up as a faction here. It was your usual gauntlet match. They just didn't have enough time to do anything great and the matches all ended before they should have. 

Syuri vs Konami

Syuri gets nailed as she walks down the ramp. Syuri hits knees on Konami and they get in the ring. Syuri kicks her in the back. Syuri stomps on Konami. Momo pulls Syuri out of the ring  and Syuri is double teamed outside.

Syuri is thrown into the seats and Konami throws chairs on her. Syuri is stomped on outside. Momo beats up Syuri in front of the ref then Syuri tornado ddt's her using the apron.

Konami sliding kicks Syuri from the apron. Syuri stunners her over the top rope. Konami eye rakes her then foot chokes her. Konami hits kicks on Syuri's head. They trade forearms and Syuri forearm flurries her. Syuri shotgun dropkicks her then knees her in the corner. Syuri underhook suplexes her.

Konami throws Syuri off the top then throws her down backwards. Syuri backcrackers her then hits kicks to the front and the back. OT gets in the ring and Syuri stops their triple team. Syuri germans Konami for 2. Syuri stretch mufflers her then Momo breaks it up with a bat shot.

Konami germans Syuri then buzzsaw kicks her. Konami hits a kamigoye for 2. Syuri high kicks her then buzzsaw kicks her. Syuri hits an emerald flowsion variation for 2. Konami sprays her and the ref in the eyes with something and is DQ'd.

Thoughts: It was pretty much a joke of a match with constant interference right in front of the ref.

Syuri is beaten up after and hit with a chair.

meltear (Tam Nakano & Natsupoi) vs. Eye Contact(Hanan & Mayu Iwatani) 

Poi and Hanan trade wristlocks. They trade chest forearms and Hanan dropkicks her. Poi dropkicks her on the ropes then through the ropes. Hanan gets indian deathlocked and both of her arms are pulled on by Tam and Poi. Tam footchokes Hanan in the corner.

Tam and Poi do stereo cartwheels and double dropkick Hanan. Tam kicks Hanan in the back. Poi hair throws Hanan. Hanan 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Mayu is tagged in and dropkicks Poi. Mayu backrolls her and basement dropkicks her. Mayu uses the ropes and double armdrags her opponents. She then double dropkicks then against the ropes.

Mayu kicks Poi in the back. Poi cartwheels on Mayu, armdrags her and basement dropkicks her. Tam rolls Mayu and hits kicks on her. Tam and Mayu fight up top then Mayu top rope hurricanrana's her. Tam hits a high angle german on Mayu then Mayu germans Tam.

Mayu superkicks Tam. Hanan comes in and fameassers Tam for 2. Hanan release cuty specials Tam for 2. Mayu and Hanan get on the buckles and are kicked off. Poi and Tam climb the top together and then slip and fall together down in a funny moment.

Tam top rope destiny hammers Hanan then Poi 180 splashes Hanan. Hanan backdrops Tam. Tam backdrops Mayu then takes a running back elbow from Hanan. Poi top rope crossbodies Hanana. Tam spinning high kicks Mayu then Mayu superkicks Tam. Tam spinning high kicks Hanan then germans her for 2.

Hanan rolls up Tam for 2. Tam takes like a double pedigree then Hanan cuty specials her for 2. Mayu dragon suplexes Tam then Hanan backdrops Tam. Hanan backdrops Tam again and wins.

Thoughts: Big upset here with Hanan pinning Tam. I don't see her as a main event act but Stardom really is trying. It was a fun tag here with lots of high kicks. Tam and Poi falling off the top rope together really wasn't that shocking and was a bad idea even on paper.

Hanan talks to Tam after. Tam grabs her by the hair. Mayu then talks on the mic.

World of Stardom Championship - Maika (c) vs Natsuko Tora

Tora comes out with a shaved head. See, this is one of the things I hate about Joshi. Tora was a decent looking girl at one point. They forced her to gain weight and now got her to shave her head.

They shoulder battle to start then Tora crossbodies her. Tora throws her over. Tora stands on her arm. Tora is pulled over the top then thrown into the seats twice. Tora spits liquid in Maika's face then misses a cannonball off the apron. Tora lands on the floor from it. Maika suplexes her on the floor.

Maika corner lariats her then Tora rolling armbars her. Tora samoan drops her then sentons her. Tora armbars her. Tora corner cannonballs her for 2. Tora misses a top rope splash. Tora back body drops her off the top rope.

Maika superplexes her and holds on for more suplexes. Maika powerslams her. Maika hits a cross-arm STO for 2. Tora headbutts her then Maika shoulders her over. Maika enka-otoshi's her for 2. Maika powerbombs her but Tora triangles her as soon as she lands. Tora switches to an armbar and Maika ropebreaks.

Tora top rope splashes her for 2. Tora cradle shocks her for 2. Tora top rope swantons her for 2. Maika hits a big forearm. Tora grabs a stick and tries to hit her with it but is lariated instead. Maika spinning lariats her. Maika top rope diving lariats her for 2.

Maika michinoku drivers her for 2. Maika hits another michinoku driver and Saya Kamitani pulls the ref out on the count. She shrugs at Maika then gets on the apron. They stare down and Tora blue mists Maika. Tora death valley drivers Maika for 2. Tora top rope swantons her and pins her in an upset.

Thoughts: The arm work really didn't lead anywhere which hurt things. I just don't think this ever got to the level of being great though it definitely could have been since these two are heavyweight style wrestlers. Saya turning heel and joining with Tora was an unexpected twist.

Tora gets on the mic after then Saya has words for Maika. Saya joins Oedo Tai after. I don't know if they announced it here but they are going to be called "HATE now. This, Saya's turn and Queen's Quest losing at the last PPV before this weekend all seem to be part of a re-branding of Stardom now that Rossy is gone.

Overall thoughts: I didn't like this show that much. The Tam Nakano tag was probably my favorite thing on here next to the Mei/Saya tag. The main could have been great but they just didn't put the pieces together in the right order. The Syuri/Konami match was basically a 2v1 on Syuri and I didn't care for the other matches. I wouldn't recommend this.

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