Saturday, July 27, 2024

STARDOM 7/27/2024 Sapporo Wonder Rendezvous

STARDOM 7/27/2024 Sapporo Wonder Rendezvous

Mayu Iwatani vs HANAKO

They test strength and Hana wins that. They roll on the ropes and Hana backdrops her. Hana slams her then stomps on her. Hana hits another slam for 2. Hana hits spears to the back and hits another slam. Hana crabs her. Hana hits a hard forearm in the corner. Mayu spin kicks her in the gut then rolls her up out of the corner into a basement dropkick.

Mayu dropkicks her against the bottom rope then topes her outside. Mayu top rope dropkicks her for 2. They trade forearms and Hana boots her. Hana corner splashes her then backbreakers her for 2.

Hana half-crabs her. Mayu is laid on the top rope. Hana facekicks her then suplexes her. Hana then puts Mayu on one of her shoulders and drops her backwards. Mayu crucifix bombs her then hits a superkick. Mayu release germans her.

Mayu hits a top rope splash for 2. Mayu misses a top rope moonsault and takes a facekick. Hana hits a torture rack sitout bomb for 2. Mayu superkicks her then corner dropkicks her. Mayu hits more superkicks then top rope moonsaults her for the win.

Thoughts: I didn't like the sitout torture rack bomb kick out or the lack of selling after, but I liked the match overall. Hana got a decent amount of offense in and got to look like a threat. Mayu was thrown around and worked as the underdog. It really went about as well as it was going to go. It was a little long for an opener though. 

Aya Sakura vs. Saki Kashima

Saki refuses a handshake then Aya attacks her as the bell rings. Aay dropkicks her then hits kicks. Saki rolls her into a crucifix and pins her.

Thoughts: This lasted under a minute. I was disappointed we didn't get a real match here.

5STAR Grand Prix Red Stars A Block Qualifer Final - Waka Tsukiyama vs. Yuna Mizumori 

They charge at each other and trade forearms. Waka rolls at her legs to try and trip her then basement dropkicks her. Yuna snapmares her and misses a legdrop. Waka basement dropkicks her in the back of the head then hits hip attacks. Waka does a sliding hip attack and sends Yuna out.

Waka double axe handles her off the apron then hits forearms on her outside. Waka gets on her back and pulls her arms back into a nelson. Yuna rams her into the apron to escape. Yuna runs around the ring and shoulders her over.

Yuna 2nd rope shoulders her then hits a legdrop. Yuna does a rocking chair type of submission and pulls on her leg. Waka ropebreaks. Yuna hits forearms on the ropes then Waka flying dropkicks her. Yuna has her in the alabama slam and rams her into the buckles. Waka flying hip attacks her in the corner then crossbodies her. Waka hip attacks her on the ropes. Waka misses a dropkick off the ropes then Yuna sliding lariats her. Waka flying hip attacks her then top rope dropkicks her. Waka does a straightjacket on Yuna and pulls her down backwards.

Yuna cradle shocks her. Waka hits slaps then does a diving straightjacket drop from the 2nd rope. Yuna lariats Waka. Waka backrolls her then Yuna sliding lariats her in the back of the head. Yuna cradle shocks Waka for a real close 2. Yuna plants off the buckles into a splash. Yuna hits a big lariat and wins.

Thoughts: It went on a little longer than it needed to, but I liked it. It was a spirited match with both girls hitting some explosive attacks.  It really couldn't have gone any better than it did and it was one of the best Waka matches I have seen.

Yuna offers a handshake after and Waka bites her. 

Sayaka Kurara vs. Tam Nakano

SK shoots in and is blocked. Tam front facelocks her and rolls with her. SK side headlocks her then Tam side headlocks her. Tam shoulders her over. Tam rolls her and hits an axe kick. Tam slams SK then stands on her while she's down. Tam double knee drops her. Tam spin kicks her then SK hits a nice dropkick.

SK slams Tam for 2 then sleepers her. SK gets on her back with the sleeper. Tam sleepers her then SK ropebreaks. Tam is on the ropes and SK throws her down. SK dropkicks her off the buckles several times. SK goes for a spear and is blocked. Tam headscissors her with an arm hold.

Tam flying knees her on the buckles. SK rolls her up for 2 then slaps her. SK hits forearms then Tam hits a big forearm on her. SK spears her then hits a shiranui for 2. SK mounts her and hits a forearm flurry. Tam superkicks her and spinning high kicks her for 2. Tam flying knees her for 2. Tam tiger suplexes her and wins.

Thoughts: I liked this one. Kurara had a great showing here for someone who is only about a year in. She went toe to toe with Tam and didn't look out of place. It had some rookie vs vet vibes to it and they had some close nearfalls. This was good.

Tam hugs her and helps her up and out after.

Miyu Amasaki, Mei Seira, Suzu Suzuki, AZM & Starlight Kid vs. STARS (Momo Kohgo, Saya Iida, Hanan, Koguma & Hazuki) 

Haz = Hazuki, Kog = Koguma

Miyu has green hair now. Kog points it out and wonders if it's her. Miyu does Kog's dance with her. they shake hands and she hits her. Kog dropkicks Miyu. Miyu bridges out then they trade armdrags.

Hanan and Suzu go at it. Suzu takes attacks from the other team then takes a 5 person basement dropkick. Hanan leg lariats Suzu on the ropes. Haz gets in and facewash kicks Suzu. Suzu's head is banged off the buckles. Saya gets in and chops Suzu, pulling her top down some to do it.

Momo gets in. Suzu springboard dropkicks her. Suzu running back elbows Momo then corner meteora's her. Suzu runs through a double team then hits a double rolling spear on Saya and Momo. Momo is held on the ropes for a drive by dropkick from Suzu. 

Momo flying headscissors Suzu. Momo springboard dropkicks Suzu. Haz gets in and codebreakers Suzu. Haz crossfaces her and Suzu ropebreaks. Haz takes a double team where she gets sunset flipped into a basement dropkick. Haz then takes a double basement dropkick.

Kid gets in and footslaps Haz. They trade forearms and Kid single leg dropkicks her. Kid springboard twisting crossbodies her then basement dropkicks her. Kid stand on her then standing moonsaults her for 2.

Kog cornber splashes Kid then Kid takes flying attacks off the buckles. Haz suplexes Kid for 2. Kid armdrags Haz off the buckles. Kid fisherman suplexes her.

AZM gets in with Hanan. AZM dropkicks her then Hanan hits a hip throw. AZM suplexes her. All the girls get in the ring and Hanan's team is sent out. Hanan takes corner attacks. AZM top rope dropkicks Hanan then armbars her. AZM takes a cutter from Kog. AZM takes a triple team and Hanan cutie specials her for 2.

Miyu runs in and does a surprise tornado ddt to Hanan. AZM top rope double stomps Hanan for 2. AZM la mistica's Hanan. She goes for another armbar is rolled up for 2. AZM buzzsaw kicks her then rolls her up for 2. Miyu takes a double dropkick then Kid does a dive outside off the top onto multiple people. Hanan takes a double teamthen a canadian destroyer by AZM. AZM pins her.

Thoughts: It went longer than it needed to and was just people coming in and out randomly. It got old after a while. It was super hard to follow and transcribe.

Oedo Tai (Ruaka, Konami, Thekla & Momo Watanabe) vs. NEO GENESIS (Mina Shirakawa, Maika, Saya Kamitani & Syuri)

Syuri hits hard kicks and knees on Momo. Syuri side headlock takeovers her. Momo headscissors her and they stand off. They duck and block kicks. Syuri is pulled out. Mina gets thrown into the post outside and Syuri is sent into the chairs.

Momo and Syuri go back at it in the ring. Momo bullies her around. Konami gets in and hits a hard mule kicks to Syuri's face hen basement dropkicks her. Everyone gets in to fight for a second and Syuri is triple teamed on the ropes.

Syuri hits forearms on Konami then Konami throws her back. Syuri codebreakers her. Konami hits kicks on Syuri and stomps her head in. Thekla comes in and works on Syuri in the corner. Syuri running knees her then suplexes her. Saya springboards in.

Saya dropkicks Thekla. Thekla takes a spinning backdrop + dropkick. Saya and Maika hit stereo dropkicks and Saya gets a 2 count on Thekla. Thekla bridges out of a lariat. Saya cartwheels out of a hair throw and dropkicks Thekla.

Mina kicks Thekla off the buckles. Thekla forearms Mina then facekicks her on the ropes. Thekla boots her in the side of the head then suplexes her. Ruaka gets in and takes offense from Mina. Mina pulls back on Ruaka's legs while ddt'ing Momo.

Maika gets in and corner lariats Ruaka. Maika shoulders Konami over. Mina gets on Maika's shoulders then is dropped down on Ruaka. Maika takes corner attacks then is fisherman suplexed. Maika suplexes Ruaka then Ruaka double arm chokeslams Maika.

Syuri gets in and stops a double team. She pumping knees Konami. Maika lariats Ruaka over for 2. Ruaka rainmakers Maika. Ruaka takes a double powerbomb then Maika michinoku drivers Ruaka to win.

Thoughts: It was similar to the last match though was shorter and more digestable. It was hard to tell Momo/Konami/Ruaka apart from each other at times as all had black gear and dyed blonde hair here along with the fast pace and people coming in and out. I liked the Syuri vs Konami stuff here. 

Syuri has words for Konami after then Maika gets on the mic. 

Future of Stardom Championship - Rina (c) vs. Ranna Yagami

They trade basic holds early. Rina side headlocks her and is headscissored. Ranna forearms her on the ropes and is taken down. Rina hair throws her then foot chokes her on the ropes. Rina stands on her then Rana hits forearms. Rina boots her over then basement dropkicks her.

Ranna dropkicks her then kicks her in the back for 2. Ranna goes for the armbar and Rina ropebreaks. Ranna hits kicks to the chest and drops her. Rina does an octopus to her then rolls her up for 2.

Rina facekicks her through the ropes and STO's her for 2. Ranna armbars Rina then Rina northern lights suplexes her. Ranna hits a high kick and both fall down for some reason.

They trade forearms. Rina knees her on the ropes then Ranna does a nice roll into an armbar. Ranna stomps Rina's arm then Rina does a hip throw.

Ranna leg lariats her for 2. Ranna drops her while hooking her arm then does an armbar. Rina does an octopus to her and Ranna ropebreaks. Rina 2nd rope double kneedrops her for 2. Rina misses a double stomp off the top then Ranna pump kicks her for 2. Rina northern lights suplexes her then top rope double kneedrops her for 2. Rina then wins with a gori special drop.

Thoughts: It was fine with Ranna working the arm before being put down. It wasn't anything too special but Ranna looked good here, arguably better than Rina, who has a lot more experience than she does. This was a success.

They talk on the mic after and Hina seemingly challenges Rina.

Wonder of Stardom Championship - Saori Anou (c) vs. Natsupoi


They stare down. Anou turns away from Poi and gets german suplexed for it. Poi misses a 180 splash off the top then Anou misses a top rope dropkick. Poi dropkicks her then baseball slides her out. Anou walks away outside when Poi gets on top.

Poi armdrags and shotgun dropkicks Anou when they get back in. Poi footchokes her. Poi hits forearms and boots in the corner. Poi shotgun dropkicks her. Poi hammerlocks Anou while hooking the leg. Poi dropkicks Anou against the ropes then kicks her in the arm. 

Anou fisherman suplexes her then northern light suplexes her. Anou heavenly locks her then facekicks her through the ropes. Anou fisherman suplexes her on the apron. Anou goes up top and takes a terrible bump down on the apron that looks like it really hurts. Poi top rope plancha's her outside. Anou fisherman suplexes her on the floor and Poi facebusters her off the casadora. 

They trade forearms on their knees. They get up and trade. Anou spin kicks her in the face then Poi spin kicks her in the head. Poi does a rough spin kick to the face. Poi spin kicks her in the head.

Poi goes for a top rope 180 splash and Anou gets her knees up. Anou germans her. Anou hits top rope dropkicks then does Poi's 180 top rope splash. Anou flips her while she has a front facelock on. Poi release germans Anou then Anou release germans her. Poi release germans her six times more. Poi top rope 180 splashes her then straightjacket germans her for 2.

Anou dragon suplexes her for 2. Anou hooks Poi's legs behind her and germans her. Poi flying crossbodies then Anou running facekicks her. Anou germans her then Poi germans her back. Poi rolls out of a backslide and pins her.

Thoughts: I didn't like the no-selling or little selling from the various suplexes here. Those looked like they hurt and neither bothered to sell them. It was kind of nice to have a slower paced match after so many sprints here but I can't really defend this. This was real stiff as most Poi matches are. Anou getting thrown off the top onto the apron looked real nasty.

They talk to each other after and Poi talks on the mic after.

Overall thoughts: It was a mixed bag to me. I didn't like the main. I liked the semi main. The first, third and fourth matches were good but matches 5 and 6 weren't. The young girls had a good night here where they were featured a bit more than usual. I think I'd still put it above average and maybe slightly good, but it could have been better.

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