Monday, July 29, 2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 7/28/2024

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling 7/28/2024

Last week's show is here:


Drew Abenhaus and Mauler McDarby are on commentary. Drew talks about Lucky P. Larson being injured and Mauler says Larson is going to sue SICW.

"Big Nasty" Glenn Williams vs Billy McNeil

Glenn misses a shot and takes forearms from Billy. Billy bangs Glenn's head off the buckles then boots him out of the corner for 2. Billy is sent into the buckles and Glenn pump kicks him. Glenn camel clutches Billy on the ropes.

Glenn sleepers him and Billy jawbreakers him out of it. Glenn does a nice running shoulder. Glenn rakes Billy's eyes on the ropes then foot chokes him. Glenn single arm ddt's him for 2. Glenn does a nasty looking armlock. Billy trips him to escape.

Glenn throws Billy's shoulder into the buckles then Glenn hits punches. Billy hits some big forearms. Billy kind of thesz presses him in a botch. Billy comes off the top and misses a dive. Billy hits a big knee to the face. Glenn back elbows him in the corner then pins him with his feet on the ropes.

Thoughts: Glenn was pretty good here but Billy had a rough night here as he sometimes does. I liked Glenn's pump kick and armlock here as it really looked like it hurt. It wasn't that great though.

Billy McNeil gets on the mic after. He says Glenn is due for a lesson in respect and humility. He says he's the one to give it to him. He says he wants a rematch where if he wins, Glenn will be his butler for 60 days. He says Glenn can cut his hair if he loses and tells him to say yes.

Drew says he has never seen that side of Billy and said Glenn must have touched a nerve. 

Thoughts: This is one of the first stips I've seen on this show. I could see it going either way.

We see clips from last week's 6-man tag with Atila Khan and The LA Hustlers vs Billy, Gary Jackson and Curtis Wylde. We see it break down into a wild brawl. We then see Gary Jackson work on Lucky P. Larson's arm and injure him.

Promoter's Corner - Rocky Johnson vs Max Blue

We see clips of this. Rocky avoids a back elbow and hits dropkicks. Rocky sunset flips him for 2. Rocky snapmares him then backbreakers him for the submission victory.

Promoter's Corner - Rocky Johnson vs Bruce Langford

Bruce hits some elbows. Rocky goes up and over then botches a suplex throw. Rocky hits some dropkicks, picks him up like a powerbomb but suplexes him. 

Drew interviews Big Joe Helms. He says he's mad Gary Jackson got to Larson before he did. He said a broken arm is a broken arm and it's a win. Joe says Gary has had issues with Larson longer than him though and that's some redemption for him.

Stephen E and Lilith Khan come down. E says how the mighty have fallen to Joe. He tells him to look where he is since he turned his back on Larson and Devastation Inc. He says it makes him sick to his stomach that Joe is laughing about it. E says he has Saudi money and wants to give him a chance to come back to Devastation Inc. He offers him $1,000 for his contract. Joe says to make it $5,000. E says neither of them are fools and he says he has $5,000 for him. He says he wants his contract and tells him to take the money. Joe takes the money.

E says Joe has always been a great businessman and he says he will take him back to the top of this business. E hugs him and Joe says to follow smart money. Drew is disgusted and says "noooo". Drew said he never thought this would happen.

Thoughts: That's a surprise turn here. I didn't see that coming. That will definitely make things more interesting around here. 

The LA Hustlers vs Richard Shaw and Max Archer

No Larson here as he's out due to his injury. Potts piefaces Shaw. Shaw hits a punch then slams him. Max legdrops Potts then Potts release northern lights suplexes him. The Hustlers double shoulder Max. Max takes a facekick + russian legsweep and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash. One of these days Shaw's going to get a full match on here...

Stephen E is interviewed by Drew. He says he's not the leader of Devastation Inc because he's a bum. He says he makes smart monkey moves. He says he will be in the Middle East during one of their next shows and will be showered with gifts there. He says he needs to make sure Devastation Inc business is handled here. He said a contract was written up for someone to run Devastation Inc for a night. That someone turns out to be Travis Cook. He says he's not supposed to be here on SICW TV but says his power of attorney role overrides his loser leaves SICW stipulation.

He says his lawyers will tie things up in court if Herb Simmons disagrees. He says he's here for one week only as he heard it's as corrupt and crooked as always. He rips Ron Powers and Davey Boy and Gary Jackson. He says he has a way of making things right and will do so on August 3rd. He says August 3rd will be his masterpiece and says he will get what he wants.

Herb Simmons comes out. He says Cook thinks he has tricks up his sleeve. Herb says he doesn't know about any power of attorney rules. He says court might take too long and August 3rd is soon. He says maybe he will have his own surprise on August 3rd. Cook says he doesn't care nor does he care about Haku. He says Haku equaled the odds last time he was here and that's all he will say.

This is my first time seeing Travis Cook. They really put him over like a big deal and the crowd got into it. He did a great job in this interview here and got me hyped for August 3rd. 

Big Texan vs Rob Stardom

Texan gets hit during his intro. Rob hits punches on him. Texan fires back and throws him into the buckles. Rob hits forearms then Texan side slams him for 2. Texan hits chest chops and misses a corner cgarge.

Rob hits corner euros and bites him. Texan atomic drops him then hits a big lariat for the win.

Thoughts: It was a short one here. Texan's lariat looked good as it always does.

Bobby D vs Kowalski

They lock up. Stephen E. and Big Joe Helms are with Kowalski. Kowalski backs him up in the corner. Bobby side headlocks him then armlocks him. Bobby hits running back elbows then Kowalski lariats him. Kowalski hits open hand shots and chokes Bobby in the corner.

Bobby goes out and Stephen E stomps him. Kowalski chops Bobby against the post. Kowalski charges him, Bobby moves and Kowalski gets the post. Bobby legdrops him on the apron for 2. Kowalski foot chokes him on the ropes. Kowalski slams Bobby and hits the ref on accident.

Kowalski drives Bobby in the corner then corner splashes him. Kowalski gets on the 2nd rope and Bobby D germans him down. Big Joe Helms gets in the ring and gets brass knucks from Stephen E. Joe then nails Kowalski with the knucks. Mauler McDarby complains about a lack of integrity. Bobby helps the ref up then pins Kowalski.

Thoughts: Well, this will add some juice to the Devastation Inc vs Big Joe Helms feud. Kowalski moved around well for a big man here.

Joe and Bobby get in the ring after. Kowalski thinks about fighting them but slides out.

Drew interviews Big Joe Helms and Bobby D. Joe says Stephen E and Larson aren't the only people who can outsmart others. Joe says he's no big dumb gorilla. He says he's taking the cash to the local bar and tells Stephen E. to try and pry the money from his dead body. Bobby says they will take care of Stephen E's and Larson's crew on August 3rd. Joe says he hasn't dealt much with Travis Cook but says he sounds like a turd that won't flush.

Overall thoughts:
This was one of the better SICW shows I have seen. The Big Joe Helms angle was fun and the Travis Cook segment was good. There was a lot happening on this one. I thought they did a good job hyping up the August 3rd show and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next.

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