Tuesday, July 9, 2024

NWA Powerrr 7/9/2024

NWA Powerrr 7/9/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/07/nwa-powerrr-722024.html

Crockett Cup 2024 Semifinals - Blunt Force Trauma vs The Immortals

Kratos flying dropkicks and spears Carnage. Carnage hits a nice dropkick on Kratos for 2. Damage hits forearms on Kratos and Kratos fires back. They trade facekicks and double clothesline each other down. Odin and Carnage shoulder battle then trade forearms. Odin suplexes him. Carnage suplexes him back.

Odin criss crosses him and is powerslammed. We go to break and return. Aaron Stevenson punches Damage with a loaded glove when Odin moves. Kratos lariats Carnage and powerslams him. Kratos misses a corner splash then flying forearms Carnage. Kratos back enzugiri's him on the ropes then falcon arrows him for 2.

Carnage hits a double neckbreaker off a double suplex attempt. Carnage wants to tag out but Damage is still out of it. Carnage misses a dropkick then Odin pounces Carnage. Kratos then pins Carnage and wins.

Thoughts: It was disappointing as Damage was mostly out of it for this match. It ended up just being a longer 2v1 and was not what it could have been done. 

The Immortals are interviewed by Kyle Davis after. He says things are looking good for The Immortals. Kratos says you heard everyone in the arena and does his "awooo" chant.

Kyle Davis interviews Ella Envy and Ms. Starr. Ella is asked about her new attitude. She said it was a matter of time until she fought Kenzie Page for the Women's Title. She said she was babysitting Kylie Page while Kenzie looked out for herself. She said Kenzie has someone in her corner but she has someone in hers. Starr says Ella is the next women's champ. She said her mom Babydoll was the manager of champs so she's the daughter of the manager of champs.

Mims vs Baron Von Storm

This is Tim Storm's debut under the new gimmick. The vignette for it was dumb. Storm is wearing a Baron Von Raschke robe and has black tights with red lines. Jax Dane is with Storm and Blk Jeez is with Mims.

Storm looks serious and teases the claw. Storm shoulders him over. Mis runs form the claw. Mims tries to leave and Jax Dane gets in the way. Storm hits chops on Mims and Mims eye pokes him. Mims hits shots to the gut. Jeez pulls on Storm's boot and Mims hits corner splashes and spears on Storm.

Mims hits headbutts and Storm clubs on him. Mims eye rakes him again. Mims trapezius holds him then spinning slams him. Storm goes for the claw then lariats him. Jeez gets on the apron. Storm goes for him and Mims rolls him up for 2. Storm claws Mims and Mims taps out.

Thoughts: The crowd seemed to like it but it's hard to buy Storm as someone else when he had been Tim Storm for so long. This match was mostly just Storm threatening the claw and acting like The Undertaker until he won.

NWA Women's Title - Kenzie Page (c) vs Ella Envy

Ms. Starr is with Ella and Kylie Page is with Kenzie. They lock up and pull each other by the hair. KP takes her down and chest bumps her back. They shove each other and KP shoulders her over. KP flying headscissors her out. KP dropkicks Ella between the ropes. Ella facekicks KP outside.

We go to break and return. Ella stomps on KP and camel clutches her. Ella chokes her on the ropes and stomps on her more. Ella knees her on the ropes then foot chokes her.

Ella kicks her in the back. KP's head is banged off the buckles. Ella corner lariats KP then hip attacks her for 2. Ella back elbow2s her and backbreakers her. KP misses a spinning high kick but it is sold anyway.

They trade forearms on their knees. KP stomps her foot and they trade chops. KP lariats her then slingblades her. Ella rolls her up for 2 then KP superkicks her for 2. Ella TKO's her and running knees her for 2. Kylie Page gets on the apron. Starr pulls Kylie down. KP rolls up Ella for 2 then cutters her. KP then wins.

Thoughts: It was an average match. They had the right idea with them getting snippy with each other early but kind of backed off some as it went on. I would have liked to have seen them continue to get nasty with the other. Kenzie winning defeats the whole purpose of Ella turning and leaves both without a clear path while Ella winning would have set up more creative opportunities.

Overall thoughts: It was an average episode. BFT vs The Immortals was mostly a 2v1 and not as good as it could have been. Baron Von Storm's debut wasn't that great and the main was average. I wouldn't recommend this one and would probably only give it a 5 out of 10.

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