Sunday, July 14, 2024

Marigold 7/13/2024 Summer Destiny 2024

Marigold 7/13/2024 Summer Destiny 2024

The last show is here:

Rea Seto vs. Komomo Minami

This is Rea's first match with Marigold after leaving Sendai Girls, which I thought was wrong. Yuuki Minami from Ice Ribbon still hasn't debuted and doesn't seem like she ever will. KM slaps Rea's hand away and dropkicks her. KM hits more dropkicks then Rea dropkicks her back. Rea stomps on her then hits a corner dropkick. Rea facebusters her for 2 then fujiwara armbars her. Rea pulls on both of her arms and cattle mutilations her.

They trade chest forearms and KM does a bad slam. Rea slams her then KM slams her. They trade chest forearms and slap each other. KM dropkicks her several times. KM armbars her and Rea ropebreaks.

KM dropkicks Rea's arm against the ropes then KM backslides her. KM cradles her for 2 then hits some stomps. Rea dropkicks her again and hits chest forearms. Rea hits more dropkicks for 2. Rea then pins her after several attempts.

Thoughts: This was probably KM's weakest match yet as her dropkicks didn't it that well and there were some odd moments like her just running into Rea. Rea had a good showing though. She has great facials and physically comes off like a heel. 

Chika Goto & Kouki Amarei vs. Kizuna Tanaka & Victoria Yuzuki

Kiz and Kouki go at it. They trade wristlocks and Kiz snapmares her. Kiz bodyscissors her and they trade facelocks on the mat. Kouki side headlock takeovers her. Kiz flying lariats her then Yuz gets in. Yuz dropkicks Kouki then flying headscissors her. Yuz dropkicks her.

Kouki takes a double team that ends in a double basement dropkick. Kouki facekicks her on the ropes and chika hip attacks Yuz on the ropes. Yuz takes a double boot for 2. Chika giant swings Yuz then hip attacks her on the ropes.

They trade chest forearms then Chika takes a double facebuster. Yuz dropkicks Chika against the bottom rope for 2. Kiz dropkicks Chika multiple times. Chika swats one away then slams Kiz off a crossbody attempt. Chika reverse giant swings her then drops her on the mat chest first.

Kouki jumping facekicks Kiz then does it on the ropes. Kouki splashes her for 2. Kiz hits forearms and is forearmed over. Kiz fires up with more chest forearms then Kouki dropkicks her. Kouki hits a dominator on Kiz for 2. Kiz fujiwara armbars her then Yuz grounded octopuses Chika at the same time.

Kouki takes a double suplex thne Kiz top rope dropkicks Kouki. Kiz spin kicks Kouki and we go to a draw.

Thoughts: Yuz was the best girl in this which wasn't surprising. Kizuna could have hit some of her shots cleaner but she showed some good fire and energy here. Kouki and Chika didn't bring much to this one and it was just average overall.

Someone named Princess Tenko came out to dance with ActWresGirl'Z wrestlers. They wrestled around and danced. Commentary didn't talk about this one and I have no idea what this was about or why AWG is doing this considering Marigold just wrecked their roster.

Michiko Omukai came out and she's still hot. She brings out her daughter, Shinno Omukai, who is 15 and will be wrestling for Marigold. Shinno says she will train while she studies. 

CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki vs. Myla Grace & Zayda Steel

Zay is hit from behind by Chi then Zay is tripped into an NN baseball slide. Zay takes attacks on the ropes and NN reverse pendulum kicks her. Chi hits a bad chairshot on Zay. NN takes a facebuster then Chi takes a double superkick. Zay topes out onto Chi and Zay 2nd rope dives on NN.

Myla hits forearms on NN. Myla basement dropkicks her. NN double chops her then double chop flurries her. NN running facekicks Myla in the corner. chi running facekicks Myla. Chi cartwheel double knees Myla's back. Myla rolls Chi into a crossface.

Myla backdrops Chi then fisherman's neckbreakers her for 2. Zay running euros Chi then backrolls her into a ddt for 2. Chi powerslams her then fisherman suplexes her. Myla superkicks NN. Zay hits a bad unprettier on Chi for 2. NN chairs her opponents. Zay codebreakers a chair into NN. Zay and Myla get sent into each other with a chair in between. Chi then hits an interesting pendulum slam on Zay and gets the win.

Thoughts: This wasn't any good. The crowd was totally dead for this and it went too long. They had some sloppy moments here as well.

Zay and Myla argue then fight after.

Marigold Super Flyweight Title Tournament Final Match - Natsumi Showzuki vs. Misa Matsui

Misa boots her then NS armdrags her. Misa dropkicks her and rolls her up. Misa goes up and over then NS knees her in the gut. They get up and grab each other by the hair. NS hits knees to the gut and goes for an armbar.

NS does an octopus stretch. NS stomps her. Misa bangs NS' foot off the post. They fight on the apron and Misa does a weird northern lights suplex with the leg and arm hooked. Misa then top rope dives her. Misa goes for the suplex on the floor but NS ddt's her. NS stomps her then does a hard meteora on the floor.

NS corner dropkicks her and corner meteora's her. Misa may have lost a tooth as her mouth is bleeding. Misa flying knees her. Misa stretch mufflers her. Misa crossbodies her against the bottom rope then bridging ddt's her for 2. Misa top rope dropkicks NS for 2.  

They trade chest forearms then chest forearm flurry each other. NS knees her and high kicks her. NS meteora's her for 2. NS top rope double knee drops her for 2. Misa rolls her into a double stomp then hits two more double stomps.

Misa flying knees her for 2. Misa does a ki krusher for 2. NS high kicks her and both go down. They roll each other up. Misa backslides her and does a bridge pin for 2. Misa urakens her and cradles her for 2. NS rolls her up for 2 and pins her.

It went long and was in front of the quiet crowd. It picked up some near the end but it just wasn't enough. It was a slog to get through and they didn't click the way they should have.

NORI, Shinobu Kandori & Takako Inoue vs. Mai Sakurai, Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa

They had an angle prior to this that wasn't on a show. Marigold was using LLPW's dojo and this match was for ownership of the dojo. 

Nori grabs Mai by the hair then all 6 brawl outside. NT throws Nori into the rails then Takako bangs Nao's head off the commentary table. Takako tombstones Nao then ddt's her. Takako double underhook suplexes her for 2.

Nori rope walk armdrags Nao. Nao hits chest forearms on her then Nao crossbodies her. Mai top rope dropkicks Nori. Nori takes corner attacks then a triple chop flurry from her opponents. Nori takes a triple elbow drop. Mai rolls Nori into a paradise lock variation then does it to Kandori. 

Mai suplexes Nori then sitout gordbusters her. Mai suplexes her for 2. Nori and Mai trade shots. Nori hits knees to the head and Kandori headkicks Mai. Kandori lariats Mai.

Mai is out and Nori gets 2 counts on her. Nori walks on Mai. NT corner lariats Takako then shoulders her over. Takako high kicks NT then Takako nodowa otoshi's her off the 2nd rope for 2.

Kandori sleepers NT. NT hits lariats on 2 opponents then Kandori fujiwara armbars her. NT lariats Kandori then Kandori takes a legsweep + running STO.  NT is high kicked while sitting up top then Kandori grounded sleepers NT.

NT and Kandori slap each other. Kandori headbutts her. NT hits slaps and a punch. Kando palm strike flurries her then Takako urakens NT. Nao and Nori trade shots. Nori hits kicks and drops her. Nao rolls her into a pin attempt for 2.

Nori dropkicks Nao then suplex holds her for 2. Nori double chops her. NT superplexes Nori then Mai top rope elbow drops Nori. Nao hits an angel's wings on Nori for 2. Nori armbars Nao and Nao armbars her. Nao rolls up Nori for 2. Everyone starts hitting a shot on someone and Kandori lariats Nao over after a slap. Nori spin kicks Nao and step up enzugiri's her for 2. Nori high kiks and spinning high kicks Nao to win.

Thoughts: Some people didn't like this but I thought it was a fine trios match. Yeah, Kandori and Takako are limited, but they had Nori do all of the work and Nori had a good performance here with her kicks. I do think they should have had Nanae be in a bigger role on this show though considering she's maybe their best worker. Takako is sadly starting to show her age facially.

Nanae slaps Takako after.

Marigold United National Title Tournament Semi Final Match - Miku Aono vs. MIRAI

They go to the mat and trade waistlocks. Mirai goes for the armbar. Mirai ducks a high kick and they stand off. They grab each other by the hair. Mirai chops her then Miku corner dropkicks her. Miku hits another corner dropkick then pulls on Mirai's arm around the ropes.

Miku armbars her. Miku hits some boots and Mirai dropkicks her. Mirai running back elbows her and corner lariats her. Mirai 2nd rope vader bomb style elbow drops her. Mirai pulls on her leg and they roll on the mat.

Mirai stomps her outside and bangs her leg off the post. They fight on the apron and Mirai is thrown from the ropes to the apron. Miku running PK's her from the apron. Miku's leg is lariated while she is on the apron and she goes down.

Mirai dropkicks Miku in the knee then throws her down. Mirai hits boots on her then Miku kicks her in the chest. Miku spinning slams her. Miku works Mirai's arms. Miku lariats her against the ropes then double underhook suplexes her for 2. Mirai rolls her into a leglock.

They trade chest forearms. Mirai kicks her then wheel barrow half-nelson suplexes her. Miku germans Mirai then Mirai backdrops her. Miku backdrops her then Mirai death valley drivers her.

They lariat battle and Miku rainmakers her. Miku lariats her on the ropes then takes more lariats for 2. Mirai running lariats her for 2. Mirai comes off the top and is high kicked. Miku double underhook suplexes Mirai then head kicks her. Mikue hits a styles clash and wins.

Like their 6/23/24 match, they spent a long time working limbs then gave it up and just started trading bombs. Had they traded bombs the whole time, it would have been a lot better. I didn't like this match the first time they did it and I didn't like it much the second time either.

Marigold United National Title Tournament Final Match - Miku Aono vs. Bozilla

Miku runs at her and hits forearms. Boz hits corner spears then throws her. Boz 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Boz does a fireman's carry throw and does a high slam. Boz vader bombs her for 2. Boz running shoulders her out of the ring.

Boz suplexes her off the bottom rope for 2. Boz misses a splash and takes a corner dropkick. Miku snapmares her and kicks her in the back. Miku single leg crabs her. Boz back elbows her.

Miku is knocked over with a chest forearm. Miku hits leg kicks then Boz spinning jack knife powerbombs her for 2. Boz misses a 2nd rope dropkick and Miku sliding lariats her. Boz lariats her then suplexes her for 2.

Miku dropkicks her in the leg and leglocks her. Miku cradles her out of a slam attempt. Miku dropkicks her in the knee and running kicks her in the ribs. Miku goes for a styles clash, Boz back body drops her and Miku gets the pin.

Thoughts: I didn't like Boz losing here, especially after Miku had already wrestled. Yes, it was a fluke but Boz was put over hard prior to this. It was okay with Miku being the underdog and getting the upset win. It wasn't the best match they could have had though.

Iyo Sky vs. Utami Hayashishita

They break on the ropes. Iyo wristlocks her then Utami reverses it. Iyo side headlocks her and Iyo hits a dropkick off a cartwheel and backflip. Utami shoulders Iyo over. Utami running back elbows her and basement dropkicks her in the back.

Iyo pulls her out then crossbody tope's her. Iyo boots her in the corner then double pendulum knees her in the corner. Iyo stomps Utami in tree of woe. Iyo throws her down by the hair. Iyo hits boots then Utami hits forearms. Iyo hurricanrana's her and buzzsaw kicks her. 

Utami hits a big spinebuster. Utami torture rack slams her then sliding lariats her for 2. Utami 2nd rope dropkicks her. Iyo hits kicks to the chest then Iyo crossfaces her. Iyo springboard dropkicks her then 619's her. Iyo top rope dropkicks her then top rope moonsaults her outside.

Utami's rope is pulled down on the rope connector. Iyo hits a wild 2nd rope poisonrana for 2. Utami air raid crashes her. Utami lariats her over the top and Iyo really flips down hard. Utami swinging sleepers her. Utami throws her over the side with it. Utami germans her for 2.

Utami goes for a spinning razor's edge but is hurricanrana'd. Utami running lariats her. They hit palmstrikes on each other and Iyo hits an angel's wings. Iyo corner meteora's her. Utami 2nd rope germansher for 2. 

Utami hits forearms then hits a spinning razor's edge for 2. Iyo crossfaces her. Iyo tombstones her then hits a top rope moonsault to win.

Thoughts: They did too much here as expected with 2nd rope poisonrana's and 2nd rope german not being enough to finish off either girl. Iyo also took a really nasty bump outside that should have counted for more. They matched up well together and but I wasn't really surprised with how things went down. This is what Utmai does. Iyo won this one as expected. 

Iyo thanks WWE and Utami after. She says to believe in yourself and everyone around you. She says she will return and says to fight on.

Marigold World Title Match - Sareee vs. Giulia

They lock up and G misses a shot. They headlock teach other and Sare side headlock takeovers her. Sare hits mounted forearms. They trade forearms and G flying dropkicks her. G boots her against the ropes then bridging neckbreakers her from the apron to the floor.

They fight in the seats and G is thrown into the seats. Sare throws chairs at her then Sare is suplexed on the floor. G basement dropkicks her. G ties her legs up and they trade slaps. Sare ropebreaks and G stomps her. 

Sare rolls her into a double stomp. Sare kicks her in the back then indian deathlocks her. Sare stomps on G's back. G top rope butterfly suplexes her then holds on for another butterfly suplex at 10 minutes. G top rope dropkicks her. G STF's her then rolls her into another STF.

Sare 2nd rope fisherman suplexes her then top rope double stomps her twice. Sare armbreakers her. G does a suplex then Sare germans her. G germans her back. Neither sell the suplexes then they each hit another.

They trade forearms. G hits a forearm flurry then Sare dropkicks her against the ropes twice. G backdrops her. They go outside and G does a sitout piledriver on Sare on a table. They fight on the buckles. G hits headbutts then sunset bombs her off the ropes for 2. 

Sare crucifixes her and they trade forearms. Sare lariats her. G forearms her then backdrops her. Sare does a wrist clutch backdrop then takes a running knee for 2. G hits a glorious driver then Sare exploders her for 2. Sare armbars her and takes off her wristpad. Sare hits another exploder for 2.

G northern lights bombs her for 2. Sare wrist clutch exploders her for 2. G rolls her up for 2 then Sare fujiwara armbars her. The ref then stops the match.

Thoughts: This was a lame ending here. You just can't do stuff like this on a big show like this one. Giulia was injured. It wouldn't have been a big problem if she submitted. They didn't work the arm much at all here even though an armbar ended up being the finish. I didn't like the piledriver through the table not meaning much either. I do think Sareee winning the right call though. She'll be around more, she's going to make the roster look better and she's just a lot better of a worker. I thought this as so-so overall.

G and Saree talk after. G says Sareee is the ace now and says lots of people will come for her belt. She says she is coming to beat her next time. 

Everyone gets in the ring after. Giulia, Miku and Showzuki thank the crowd and put the show over. 

Overall thoughts: I wasn't a big fan of this one. Giulia/Saree had a bad ending and the match didn't build well to it. Utami/Iyo was the usual match where Utami does too much. I liked Miku/Boz, but I didn't like Boz losing. Miku/Mirai was a repeat of their bad match from 6/23. The LLPW vs Marigold trios match was okay. The crowd wasn't into Misa/Showzuki and they didn't click as well as they should have. The Zayda/Myla tag wasn't good. Rea Seto, Kizuna Tanaka and Yuzuki had good showings though in their matches.  The show didn't do a real great job of building to anything in the future either. The only obvious matches coming out of this are rematches in Giulia/Sareee (though depending on when Giulia leaves for WWE, it may not happen) and maybe Bozilla/Miku.

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