Saturday, July 13, 2024

AEW Rampage 7/12/2024

AEW Rampage 7/12/2024 

Last week's show is here:

House of Black (Malakai Black and Brody King) vs The Premier Athletes (Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese)

Black side headlocks him and Ari avoids a spine kick. Black back elbows Nese. King hits chops on Nese then does a big back body drop. King slams and sentons Nese for 2. Nese throws Black into King. Black rolls over King's back.

Black front kicks Nese then King lariats Nese for 2. Josh Woods pulls King over the top rope from the outside. King grabs Ari outside and Nese fosbury flops King outside. We go to PiP break and return.

Nese chops and punches King in the corner. King fights his way out of the corner. Nese uppercuts him then King uranage's him. Black is tagged in. He hits shots on Ari and legsweeps him. Black spinning back elbows Nese then flying headscissors Ari. Black jumping knees Nese then asai moonsaults Ari for 2.

Ari superkicks Black and Black spinning back elbows him. Black high kicks Nese. King lariats Woods' legs on the apron. Ari breaks a clipboard over Black's head. Ari plancha's King then Nese 450's Black for 2.

Ari is thrown into the rails and Brody chops him. King goes to attack Ari on the rails and Mark Sterling gets in the way. King crossbodies Mark into Ari. Black high knees Nese then brainbusters him. 

Nese uppercuts Black then Black gets his knees up on Nese's 450. Black spinning high kicks Nese while Brody hangs Ari with a sleeper from the apron. House of Black win.

Thoughts: I liked this one. It could have just been a lame squash but they actually had an even match here and it put The Premier Athletes over here. They even had me believe there was a small chance The Athletes could win. 

Roderick Strong vs Ben Bishop

Ben has atleast a foot on Strong and he's a former NHL goalie. Unless he's the worst wrestler ever, he should be signed already. Ben pushes Strong back and throws him off the lock up. Strong hits boots and chops.

Strong hits a forearm and elbow combo then flying dropkicks him. Strong olympic slams him then hits a flying knee for the win.

This was a joke and only AEW could book something like this. I swear this stuff is just Tony trying to get revenge on all the bullies who stuck his head in the toilet as a kid.

Deonna Purrazzo does a video. She said we haven't formally met yet. She asks if we know what it really means to be the virtuosa. She says wrestling isn't just a sport or an art form, it's both. She says she likes this place and says actions have consequences. She says she will burn this empire down and says it's the age of The Virtuosa.

Not to be snarky here, but Deonna just came off some losses and with Britt back, Mone around and maybe Jamie Hayter coming back soon, it's hard to see her getting any big wins soon.

Angelico vs. AR Fox vs. Rey Fenix vs. Komander

We are told Penta and Alex are on a tour and not here. AR and Ange grab holds at the same time. Ange and AR are pushed into each other. They try to get roll-up pins. Kom and AR headflip up.

AR dropkicks Fenix through the ropes then vaults off the post with a moonsault on Fexni. AR slingshot rolls in and spinning brainbusters Kom. Ange up kicks AR. Kom and Fenix trade forearms. Kom does a nice corksrew headscissors.

Kom is thrown into the post then Fenix rope walk kicks him. We go to PiP break, full break then return.

Fenix superkicks AR. Fenix rolls at Ange and is taken down by the arm. Ange does a tequila sunrise variation on him. He lets go and spinning figure fours AR with an anklelock. Kom rope walk SSP's Ange for 2. Kom spinning ddt's AR.

Kom crucifix bombs Fenix for 2. Fenix springboard spin kicks Kom. AR's thrown off the buckles as Kom and Fenix fight. Ange tries to german Kom to the floor but can't. Kom is flipped into a moonsault on Ange outside. Fenix top rope splashes AR for 2 then submits him with a crucifix submission.

It was a random spotfest as expected. It wasn't as wild as you would expect. I didn't like the finish here and it didn't fit this high flying match.

We see The Learning Tree get interviewed from Wednesday. Renee asks Jericho what was he thinking by driving Joe through the wall. Jericho says if you listen to them, good things happen. If you don't listen to them, bad things happen. He said Shibata, Joe and Hook didn't listen and paid for it. Jericho says Joe is in the hospital and recommends ginger and black pepper to heal up. He says there will be a special edition of TV Time with Chris Jericho this week.

Bill says the more TV time the better. He says they want as much TV time as possible and says they always maximize their minutes. Bryan Keith says if you don't respect Chris Jericho, we will make you respect Chris Jericho.

Thunder Rosa vs Rachael Ellering

RE shoves Rosa off the lock up. Rosa side headlocks her then dropkicks her. Rosa corner lariats her then flying back elbows her. Rosa hits leg kicks then running lariats her. Rosa hits chops. RE hits corner lariats and running euros Rosa. RE sentons her for 2.

RE corner lariats Rosa. Rosa flying lariats her and pendulum double knees her in the corner. Rosa dropkicks RE against the ropes. Rosa rolls her up into a bad stomp. Rosa sits on her back with a cobra clutch and taps her out.

Thoughts: It was random and not that good. The two didn't click and didn't hit their offense clean.

Deonna Purrazzo comes out and pushes RE into Rosa. DP hits mounted forearms on Rosa then running chest kicks RE. DP pump kicks Rosa. 

Action Andretti & Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) vs. Shane Taylor Promotions (Anthony Ogogo, Lee Moriarty & Shane Taylor)

Lee and Darius go at it. Darius escapes a full nelson and side headlocks him. Darius shoulders him over. Lee cartwheels over him and dances. Lee backsides Darius, armdrags him and dropkicks him.

Ogogo and Dante go at it. Dante rolls him up twice. Ogogo misses shots and Dante jumping knees him. AA tope rope blocksbuters AA. Shane gets in. AA hits punches to the gut and headscissors him over the ropes. Ogogo punches AA.

We go to break and return. Dante 2nd rope diving bulldogs Shane. Darius and Lee are tagged in. Darius hits shots on Lee then atomic drops him. Darius bulldogs him over the 2nd rope and bottom rope flatliners him. Lee takes a shotgun dropkick into a german. AA running ssp's Lee for 2.

Ogogo does an F-5 slam on AA. Darius plants off the buckles and pele kicks Ogogo. Shane lariats Darius then Dante flying knees Shane. Dante is pop up dropped by Lee then Lee lifting flatliners her.

AA gets his handspring double back elbow blocked. AA enzugiri's Shane out of a double team. AA topes Ogogo outside then springboard diving lariats Lee. AA superkicks Shane. Shane headbutts him then uranages him. Shane punches AA and gets the win.

It was a fast paced trios match as you expect. The second half was pretty much all people coming in, hitting a move and getting out. It was fine for what it was but nothing too memorable.

Overall thoughts: The main and the opener were good. Strong destroying Ben Bishop was just stupid and Ellering/Rosa wasn't good. It was a night of random matches as usual minus the main and I'd say it was average overall.

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