Saturday, July 6, 2024

AEW Collision 7/6/2024

AEW Collision 7/6/2024

Last week's show is here:

We get a video on the Daniel Garcia/MJF angle to start. We see Matt Menard yelling about it while he's all bloody saying MJF better hope he finished the job.

MJF comes out. He says he knows everyone in the building is inbred and stupid but hopes they will keep their mouths shut. He says Daniel Garcia is nothing more than a pawn. He says he was never going to give him a match at All In and was always going to stab him in the back. He says Garcia is a make a wish kid at best. He said he offered him a match at Wembley against the best wrestler who ever lived and he didn't answer. He said he won't wrestle again.

He plays a clip on the tron of him saying he has ADHD and can't regulate rejection. He says he opened up to the people and said it would tear his heart out if they turned his back on him. He said they didn't care. He said he did everything for them and changed for them.

He said he got mad at people chanting, "Thank You Joe" after he got hurt. He said fans discarded him for Joe, Swerve, Okada and Will. He said Garcia is the tip of the iceberg and said he will take away everything people love in this company. He said the people have ruined the company with their garbage taste and said the only way to fix it is with him up top.

MJF says Will can't help this company like him. He says Will is a child and doesn't care about money. All he cares about is putting on good ratings and says the only ratings he cares about are from a guy named "Meltzer". He said he only cares about ratings from a guy named "Neilson". He says let's pop a rating now. He tells Will to come out here so he can sacrifice him like a billy goat.

Will Ospreay's music hits and MJF says he's not coming because he's a gutless coward. He says we can thank him later.

I didn't like the shoot stuff here with him bringing up Meltzer. I'm still not really sure how beating up Garcia helped out MJF though or what it has to do with Will Ospreay.

The Conglomeration talk. Kyle says he's bummed out after Forbidden Door. Mark Briscoe says he's not. He says the word of the day is epiphany and says failure is a figment of your imagination. He says they will put a historical whooping on The Iron Savages tonight. Orange Cassidy says he doesn't care.

The Conglomeration (Mark Briscoe, Kyle O'Reilly and Orange Cassidy) vs The Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson

Jacked tells the people ot shut up and calls the faces losers. He says they are anorexic and don't stand a chance. He says Mark's bones are brittle and said OC/Kyle belong at the bottom of our evolutionary chart. The Undisputed Kingdom come out before it starts and join the commentary booth.

Kyle side headlocks Jacked then Jacked shoulders him over. Jacked then grabs savage sauce. Mark drinks out of it then hits hard shoulderblocks on Jacked and Bronson. Boulder takes a double shoulder then is enzugiri'd. Kyle hits kicks on Bronson then is back elbowed by Boulder.

Kyle jawbreakers Bronson. Kyle takes a double shoulder then Bronson sentons him. Bronson short arm lariats Kyle and we go to PiP break. We return and KOR hits a shot to Jacked's nuts. Mark 1v2's The Savages and spinning forearms Bronson. Boulder misses a splash. OC is tagged in and he hits a tope outside. OC top rope crossbodies Bronon then ddt's Boulder.

Bronson hits knees to the gut. Mark jumps off of Bronson's back and flip dives to the outside. Bronson takes a dropkick + legsweep then Mark cannonballs Boulder off the apron. OC orange punches Bronson and wins.

Thoughts: OC's team won here as expected. It was too short to really be as good as it could have been and was just average.

Jack Perry talks. He says the true cost of anything is what you will sacrifice for it. He says he challenged for the TNT Title a long time ago but said he didn't realize the cost. He said he paid in full though now. He says he will give someone the opportunity to sacrifice and take the title away from him. He says if you don't sacrifice, he will sacrifice you.

Adam Page is interviewed. He said The Bucks brought him back as soon as they thought they could use him. Adam says he will burn through the tournament, win at Wembley and right a wrong. He says he will then burn a hole through the ground. He's asked about Jay White then he gets mad and leaves.

Toni Storm vs Trish Adora

Trish side headlocks her. They shoulder battle and Trish knocks her over. May rolls her up then Trish tries a pin. Trish puts her in a submission then pulls both of her arms back. She then sits on her shoulders while doing it. Trish takes a shotgun dropkick then is hip attacked off the apron.

We go to PiP break as Toni goofs off on the mic. We return and Toni backcrackers her off the 2nd rope. Toni fisherman suplexes her for 2. Trish black hole backbreakers her. Toni hits punches and Trish kneeling germans her. Trish misses a corner charge and takes a hip attack for 2.

They trade forearms and Trish pump kicks her. Toni hits a short piledriver and wins.

It was another shorter one and ended before it really reached its peak. There was nothing wrong with it but there was nothing memorable about it. Toni won as expected here.

Willow Nightingale does an interview. She said Mariah may is where she was last year.  May says Toni believes in her and wants to win at home in Wembley. May says she will stop at nothing to take the cup home and says it's for Toni.

The Patriarchy do a promo. Christian said people were left in awe that he let Jay White get away with saying things to him. Christian said he didn't know he was a trios champ and doesn't think his head is in the game. He asks why he put himself in The Owen Hart Tournament. He says Juice Robinson in a child and calls The Gunn's genetic wastes. He said Colten has some promise though. He says he will take the trios titles off Jay's hand and revive them. He says he will make them prestigious and pave his road to the title. He says people are tired of seeing Jay tread water and want to see The Switchblade they were promised.

Kip Sabian of all people walks near. Kip says he lost his father. Christian says his dad was probably a loser but he won't see the disgrace he has become. He says his day will get a lot worse and tells Killswitch to take care of him. We then hear Killswitch yelling and stuff being thrown.  

AEW TNT Title - Jack Perry (c) vs Marko Stunt

This is an open challenge. MS headbutts him and hits shots. Jack lariats him. Jack hits punches and kicks on him.

MS is lawn darted in the middle buckle and of course he kicks out at 2. Jack stomps on him. Marko slaps him and hurricanrana's him. Marko codebreakers him. Marko flips off the top and is bucklebombed. Jack running knees him and wins.

Thoughts: Marko Stunt is the last person AEW needs. I don't know why they brought him back. 

The House of Black do a promo. Black says they don't feel anything and don't feel for Buddy Matthews. Black says revenge isn't a straight line. It's an unbalanced scale waiting to be balanced. Brody says they feel nothing but says Christian will feel everything.

Claudio Castagnoli vs The Beast Mortos

Here's another random one. CC takes him down. CC rolls out of a wristlock and kips up. CC wristlocks him. Mort flips off the ropes to get out. CC tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Mort then double stomps him. Mort hits shots in the corner and powerslams him. Mort misses a flying knee in the corner, goes over the top and knocks over the camera man. Mort tornillo topes him.

Mort flying headscissors him in the ring then CC throws him shoulder first into the post. CC backdrops him. We go to PiP break and return. They trade shots. Mort slingblade bulldogs him then pop-up samoan drops him.  

Mort is thrown into the corner, jumps up to the top and flies into CC with a headbutt. Mort spears CC. CC sends Mort over the top to the floor. CC running euros Mort against the rails. Mort headbutts him and rolls him up. Mort backbreakers him. Mort comes off the 2nd rope and takes a euro. CC giant swings Mort. CC running lariats Mort and wins it.

Thoughts: Mort seemed to have gotten hurt after landing on the camera man and that hurt this one here some. It was a hard hitting match and despite Mort not being that big, he came across a power guy here so this helped him out some. This was totally random though.

Matt Menard is interviewed. He says he's not feeling great. He says Daniel Garcia is at home and lost strength in the left side of his body. He says he will make a full recovery. He says he made a promise to Garcia that Garcia will get the satisfaction of putting his hands on him. He said MJF doesn't know when that will happen and said he won't get "Dick Dancing Danny Garcia". He says he will get "Red Death".

Thoughts: It was a short and decent promo here, doing exactly what it was supposed to. I would have let this wait a week though with how much of a beating Matt took. 

We get some kind of video of someone running down a tunnel and disappearing after typing in text in a command prompt. Deeb said she made history with Riho in 2021. She says she's not the same wrestler or woman she was then. She says she's not on the same level as her.

Riho vs Lady Frost

Riho is back. I wonder how long she will be back this time. Lady shoulders her over and Riho bridges out of the pin. Riho armdrags her. Lady goes up and over then hits a flipping neckbreaker for 2.

Lady is tripped into the ropes and Riho 619's her. Riho top rope crossbodies her. We go to PiP break and return. Riho does a really weird takeover by armdragged her with her legs. Riho top rope crossbodies her outside.

Riho misses a top rope double stomp. Lady spinning high kicks her then spinning air raid crashes her for 2. Lady hits a forearm and overhead belly to belly suplexes her. Lady hits a top rope moonsault for 2. Riho dragon suplexes her then ranhei's her for the win.

Thoughts: It was okay but not as good as it could have been. The finishing stretch was a little awkward. Someone got busted open somewhere here as Riho had some blood on here. I thought they would have matched up a bit better than they did though to be honest as they both do flying. This was another random one.

Shane Taylor Promotions, Top Flight and Action Andretti talk in the back. They fight next week. Shane said they should have beaten them a few weeks ago for getting involved. Action says the wait is over and they will settle this on Rampage next week. Darius says if they want to rumble, let's go. Dante talks about beating Lee last time they fought and Lee wants to fight now. Ogogo says this isn't Chuck E Cheese. He says this is a fight game and they will mess him up.

Men's Owen Hart Tournament Semifinals - "Hangman" Adam Page vs Jay White

We are told The Young Bucks said The Bang Bang Gang can't be out there with Jay. Page shoulders him over and puts the boots to him. They go outside and Jay hits boots and corner spears. Jay gets dropped with a shot then Page fallaway slams him.

Jay hits spears to the gut and chops him. Page boots him then springboard lariats him off the apron. Page throws Jay into the rails. Page swings Jay in the sleeper position and pounds on him. Page boots him. We go to PiP break and return. During the break, Page is pushed backwards over the stairs then lariats Jay over the rails, going with him. This spot got Page busted open somehow.

We return and Page is bloodied. Jay dragon screws Page then hits punches and chops. Jay ddt's Page for 2. Jay chops him and takes a spinning forearm. Jay hits a nice bladerunner then germans him.

They fight on the apron and Page flatliners him on it. Jay is powerbombed on the apron edge. Jay dragon screws him over the middle rope. Page pop up powerbombs him for 2. Page goes for a buckshot lariat and is uranage'd. Jay does a suplex and Jay is thrown into the ref. Page hits dead eye then chokes Jay with his belt. Page whips him with it. Jeff Jarrett comes down with a belt. Page argues with him and is suplexed. The ref kicks Jeff out then Christian Cage spears Jay. Page hits a buckshot lariat and wins.

Thoughts: It wasn't what you would expect and was a slower match with a lot of strikes. I didn't like it too much. The interference at the end furthered storylines a little here. I don't like Jay losing as he's already basically a midcard guy now and this further makes him one. I also don't like The Patriarchy and The Bullet Club feuding as neither are faces and another turn is going to hurt The Club further.

Overall thoughts: It was your usual odd Collision show with random matches and appearances. Yeah, sometimes the matches are fun but they don't help the company. I didn't really like the main that much and I was not happy to see Marko Stunt return. Riho/Frost had some good parts to it and CC/Mortos was fun. It was about average overall.

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