Thursday, June 20, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 2/2/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 2/2/1991

Last week's show is here:

Notes - This, like some of the previous episodes, are not original recordings from 1991. These are WWE versions that were probably released in the late 2000's. It really only makes a difference when it comes to promos as they have generic Event Center promos not geared towards any specific market. That changes how the interviews are done.

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper are our hosts. They immediately make a war reference. They say Hulk Hogan will defend us from the forces of tyranny. The Honky Tonk Man is again nowhere to be found and seems to out as a commentator.

Bobby Heenan fans Mr. Perfect with a towel in the back. Perfect tells him he's perfect. Texas Tornado works out with weights. He says the title belongs to him and nobody is perfect.

The Big Boss Man vs Jeff Sword

Boss drops him with an uppercut and throws him out. Boss chops him and sends him back in. Boss misses a big boot but Jeff swells it anyway. Boss does an inset promo. He says to destroy The Heenan Family, you have to destroy it's members. He said he destroyed them all but Mr. Perfect and says it's time Perfect serves hard time.

Boss decks Jeff then leg lariats him on the ropes. Boss hits a sidewalk slam and wins.

Thoughts: It was a quick one with Sword getting nothing in. At least they set up Boss vs Perfect here.

Boss handcuffs Jeff to the ropes after.

We see Jack Tunney announce Hulk as the next contender for the WWF Title from The Main Event. We then see the Sgt. Slaughter interview that followed.

Demolition vs Mike Wallace and Pez Whatley

Crush knees him and clubs on him. Pez jumps on his back and sleepers him. Crush backbreakers him and they shill the Bodybuilding Lifestyles magazine. Crush belly to belly suplexes Mike then Smash double axe handles Mike. Mike takes demolition decapitation and is pinned.

Thoughts: The jobbers got nothing in here. Demolition feels like all the life got sucked out of them by going back to Fuji and losing Ax.

WWF Event Center

The British Bulldog does a promo. He says he's been in the WWF for 5 months and is looking for big challenges. He says the WWF is throwing the big guns at him like Dino Bravo and The Warlord. Bulldog says he will match them in wrestling and strength. He tells them he's in shape.

Dino Bravo and Jimmy Hart do a promo. Dino says he's the world's strongest man and says you cannot overpower Dino Bravo. Dino says he's got a secret and said you will soon find out what he can do. 

The Undertaker vs William Ford

Taker boots and clubs on Ford. Taker hits a big slam then jumping elbow drops him. Brother Love and The Undertaker do a promo. Love says death is a subject that is ignored and denied but inevitable. Taker says the tombstone is also inevitable. This was directed at Tugboat.

Taker chokes Ford then walks the top rope and clubs Ford. Taker tombstones Ford and wins.

It was another quick and one-sided squash with the jobber getting nothing in. Taker continues to look good.

Taker crumbles roses on Ford after. 

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks about The Undertaker and The Legion of Doom. The LOD are interviewed. Animal says they faced all competition and back down from nobody. Hawk talks about going to the dump where they can look down on everyone else.

Slick and The Warlord do a promo. Slick says Warlord is destined to become champ. He says Wardlord wears his armor so people don't get intimidated until he comes to the ring. Slick says Wardlord's physique strikes fear and terror into people around the world.

We see clips of Sarge beating up Duggan with a chair until Hulk makes the save at The Main Event V. We then see clips of the Hulk/Mean Gene interview after.

Shane Douglas vs Dale Wolfe

Dale pushes him into the ropes then Shane hits a nice dropkick and armdrag. Shane Douglas did an inset promo. He said he's proud of the way he performed in The Rumble. He said he proved he's here to stay. He says Mania is on the way and he's ready.

Dale eye rakes Shane and then is back body dropped. Shane top rope crossbodies Dale and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short squash here and nothing of note.

We see clips of Virgil turning on Ted Dibiase at The 1991 Royal Rumble.

Ted Dibiase does a promo. He says Virgil is nothing but a low-life. He says Piper is a low-life too. He says they will find Piper and Virgil in the gutter when he is done with them.

WWF Intercontinental Title - Mr. Perfect (c) vs The Texas Tornado

Tornado pushes Heenan out of he ring as he enters. He nails Perfect from behind and Perfect goes out. Tornado drops him with a punch. Tornado discus punches him in the gut then chokes him on the ropes.

Tornado misses a corner charge then Perfect removes a turnbuckle pad. Perfect's head is banged off the exposed buckle and Heenan heads to the back. Tornado discus punches Perfect. The Big Boss Man grabs Heenan when Heenan goes to the back. Boss handcuffs Heenan and Tornado iron claws Perfect.

Perfect boots Tornado out of the corner then slides out to argue with Boss. Perfect dropkicks Boss from behind into the steps. Tornado hits Perfect then sends him into the post. Tornado then gets into the ring before the 10-count and wins via count-out.

Thoughts: We only got a few minutes of action here and it wasn't much. Perfect did a ton of bumping around as usual.  It looks like Boss Man vs Perfect is on now. 

WWF Event Center

The Orient Express and Mr. Fuji do a promo. Fuji says his men train hard or get hit with the cane. He says they love pain and can take it. Tanaka says its the year of 1991 and The Orient Express year. Tanaka says they mean business out there and will make you suffer.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts does a promo. He says men lie to get people to remember them when they die. Jake says the only thing harder than being him is being Rick Martel. He says Rick left his mark on him and better accept the scar he will give him. Jake says he hopes he likes surprises in regards to what he will do to him.

Vince says we have late breaking news and we cut to Mean Gene Okerlund, who isn't wearing a suit jacket. Gene says The Ultimate Warrior has challenged "Macho King" Randy Savage. Gene says Macho challenged him back. He says it will be a career ending match and says it is unconfirmed. He says they will pass over the information when they find out anything at all.

Earthquake vs Tugboat is next week. They do promos on this. Earthquake says after he gives Tugboat the earthquake, he will be buried under a title wave and sent out on a stretcher. Tugboat says Quake will meet a destroyer. He says he will send him out to the middle of the ocean and sink him. He says he will drown Jimmy Hart like a rat.

Overall thoughts: Tornado/Perfect was only a few minutes long and disappointing. Other than that, they set up Boss Man vs Perfect and gave us a scoop on Macho vs Warrior Career vs Career.  The squashes were all very one-sided with the jobbers getting nothing in though the show did move fast. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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