Saturday, June 1, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/2/1989

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/2/1989

Last week's show is here:

They are in Topeka, Kansas. Vince says it's the home of the Topeka Sizzlers basketball team. Jesse guesses that it's the home of the steakhouse because when The Sizzler's win, it's rare. He then says the joke was well done.

The Ultimate Warrior vs Lynn Wagner

Warrior runs in and runs over Lynn. Dino Bravo, Earthquake and Jimmy Hart do an inset promo. Dino says Warrior is a sucker and said he couldn't do the push-ups he did. Dino says he will take his title when they meet in the ring.

Warrior bangs Lynn's head against his (Warrior's) chest. Warrior hits a nice clothesline and gorilla press slams him. Warrior the splashes his back with the title on and Warrior wins it. Jesse says he should be DQ'd for it and I agree.

Warrior puts red lipstick or make-up on Lynn after then pulls on his mouth. Warrior then throws him out, puts him on his shoulder and walks him up the aisle before dropping him.

Thoughts: This was pretty poor babyface work from Warrior here as he attacked Lynn before the bell and splashed him with a title belt. Then he put paint on him after and dropped him in the aisle way for no good reason.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

We see clips of Hulk Hogan vs The Genius from Saturday Night's Main Event. We then see Perfect and Genius destroy the WWF Title with a hammer. We then see Hulk's promo after.

Bad News Brown vs Chuck Coates

Chuck is nailed from behind and pounded on. Chuck's head is banged off the buckle then Brown drops him with a punch. Brown chokes him and hits punches on him in the corner. Brown chokes him with his hands and feet in the corner. Brown pounds on Chuck then falling punches him.

Brown does an inset promo. He said he has the face of a desperate man as he can't find an opponent. He said desperate men do desperate things. He calls people sharecroppers and Jesse says it reminds him of Vince. Brown enzugiri's him and wins it.

Brown hits shots on Chuck after and throws him out.

It was a quick win for Brown here. I was surprised that Jesse called Vince a sharecropper, even in joking form.

We get an ad for No Holds Barred: The Match/The Movie.

The Rockers vs Barry Horowitz and Conquistador #1

Jesse asks how he knows whether it is Conquistador #1 or #2. Vince asks him what happened to #2. Jesse said it could be him in the ring or #1. Vince says he can't be #1 and #2, right?

Barry hits some punches and a kneelift on Shawn. Barry side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Shawn boots him in the gut and neckbreakers him. Marty monkey flips Barry then nails Conquistador on the apron.

Barry punches Marty for it, which was justified. Conquistador holds Marty for a double team and Barry nails Conquistador on accident. The Rockers do an inset promo. They said they were undefeated on the European tour and are ready for all competition the WWF has to offer.

Marty wristlocks Barry then armdrags Conquistador. Conquistador back body drops Marty then Marty armdrags him. Conquistador takes a double back elbow then Shawn suplexes him Conquistador. The Rockers hit a double punch.

Marty snapmares Conquistador then Marty is held for punches from Barry. Barry is on the apron facing the crowd and Marty knocks him off the apron. Marty hits a powerslam on Conquistador. The Rockers hit double punches from the top and get the win.

Thoughts: The jobbers actually got a little in here and it's always fun to see a Conquistador. It was short but fine for what it was.

The Bushwhackers play WWF Wrestlemania on Nintendo.

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Mark Regan

Virgil goes up to Mark and seems to offer him money. Mark slaps the money away, knocking it out of the ring. Mark then rolls up Ted from behind for 2. Mark armdrags, back body drops and dropkicks Ted. Mark hits a shot to the gut then does a wild sell for a lariat. Ted back elbows Mark then suplexes him. Ted stomps him and sends him out to the floor.

Ted bangs Mark's head off the apron then slams him on the floor. Ted tells Virgil to throw Mark in. We see an inset promo with Ted Dibiase who is on the phone. He says he wants his furniture shipped to his winter residence and wants it done ASAP.

Ted hits shots on Mark then chops him. Ted hits a nice back body drop and punches Mark in the face. Ted gutwrenches Mark then powerslams him. Ted then million dollar dreams him for the win.

Thoughts: This was a real fun squash with Mark looking great here and getting some good offense in. This easily one of the better squashes I saw in this time frame.

Ted puts Money in Mark's mouth after.

Rick "The Model" Martel models some clothing on the stage with Lord Alfred Hayes talking about it. Rick says the beauty is in your eyes right now, so behold.

The Red Rooster vs Gene Ligon

Gene hits some shots on Red's gut. Red armdrags him and hits a Japanese armdrag. The Honky Tonk Man does an inset promo. He said he's not in there but Red Rooster is. He says he doesn't want any of his fans to buy one of these and says to leave it alone.

Gene back elbows and shoulders Red over. Red trips Gene and armlocks him. Gene hits shots to the chest then back elbows him. Red slams Gene and takes him down by the arm. Red does a nasty single arm chickenwing and wins it.

Thoughts: Red's submission finisher was nasty here. I thought Gene got too much in here as he came off looking better than Red did.  

The Brother Love Show

Love brings out Jimmy Hart and Greg "The Hammer" Valentine. Love says they are two of the most loving individuals ever as they retired Ron Garvin and reinstated him. Hart says Greg is a kind and loving man. Greg says people thought he was foolish for reinstating Ronnie Garvin. He says he's back so he can have him in the ring and put the figure four leglock on him. He says Garvin's leg will go snap, crackle and pop. Love says Greg has an injury to his shin but can still put the figure four on. Greg says his figure four is more powerful than ever.

Ronnie Garvin comes out. He says Greg's a lucky and stupid man. Ronnie says the figure four is painful and dangerous, but he made two mistakes. He says he let his ego take control of him and put the figure four on him. Ronnie says he went to Jack Tunney and for permission to wear a leg pad. He says now he can protect his leg from Greg. Ronnie says it's an equalizer and it will be hold vs hold. He says he has a hold of his own and it will be Greg's destruction.

Thoughts: Maybe it's just me, but I never understood the physics behind Ronnie being able to stop the figure four with the hammer jammer.

The Big Boss Man and Slick do a promo. Boss says Dusty is a scum and a thief. He says it's time for him to serve time with a ball and chain. He says he will hurt him.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan vs Scott Colton

Jim grabs Scott by the hair and clubs him. Scott's head is banged off the buckles then Jim lariats him. Jim throws him out and Scott hits someone on his way out. Jim Duggan does an inset promo. He says the happy go lucky Duggan is gone and he's coming to get Savage.

Jim bangs Scott's head off the post. Jim clubs him  then slams him. Jim does a big kneedrop for 2. He then yells out, "Savage!". Jim back elbows Scott and three point stance lariats him to win.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash for Jim with him looking aggressive and mean here.

Zeus, Macho King Randy Savage and Sensational Sherri do a promo behind a cage. Macho says to let the imagination run wild and says there's no rules in here. He said they can run Brutus and Hulk into the steel cage many times. Zeus says he will not let go when he has his hands around Hulk's neck. He says he will destroy him. Macho says there's no Merry Christmas and no Happy Holidays for Hulk. 

The Powers of Pain vs Tom Fuller and Brian Johnson

Warlord boots and clubs one of them. Warlord hits a flying shoulder tackle then hits a stiff short arm clothesline. the Powers of Pain and Mr. Fuji do an inset promo. He asks if The Rokers ever saw anyone bigger and better than them.

A jobber takes a facekick from Barb and a chop. Barb hits nice stomps and War hits a double axe handle. Jesse doesn't think The Rockers can beat The Powers of Pain. War hits a slam and a fist drop. The Powers hit a doomsday device move and get the win.

Thoughts: It was a good squash with Barb and Warlord looking big and bad.

Overall thoughts: This version of the show was missing the Event Center segments and the closing, going about 35 minutes total. It wasn't must see but there were 3 fun squashes here that I liked.

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