Thursday, June 13, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/12/1991

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 1/12/1991

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and Honky Tonk Man are our commentators. Piper takes a shot at Honky and Honky says Warrior will lose his title to Slaughter. Piper disagrees. They make a vegetable pun.

The Big Boss Man vs Kent Carlson

Boss backs him up on the ropes. Kent goes for a shot and is nailed. Boss clubs on Kent then big boots him. Boss leg lariats Kent on the ropes then double throat thrusts him. Boss spinebusters him and gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't the prettiest squash ever as the two just didn't work well together.

Boss legcuffs Kent to the ball and chain after. Boss then drops the ball on him for no real reason.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene hypes up The Royal Rumble. Gene says all eyes will be on The Persian Gulf on Tuesday. Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan do a promo. Sarge says Saddam's deadline is Tuesday. Sarge says Saddam will never leave Kuwait. He said when he wanted something, he reached down and took it. Sarge says Warrior's deadline is up. He says he will reach out and take what he wants - the WWF Title. He says they will take the title to Baghdad in celebration then stand side by side with Saddam Hussein. Sarge says Warrior is dismissed from his post sooner than he wanted.

"The Model" Rick Martel vs Jim Evans

Honky says he believes Rick is a model and says he models Arrogance. Rick side headlock takeovers Jim then twists his foot. Rick cartwheels off the post and poses. Rick does an inset promo. He says Jake will have to have help to pick a number for The Rumble and says he will guide him along in The Rumble - right over the top.

Rick nodowa otoshi's Jim then eye rakes him. Honky says what Rick did to Jake was an accident. Jim's selling his eyes and can't see and Honky says it reminds him of Jake. Rick gutwrench and double underhook suplexes Jim. He then boston crabs him to win.

Thoughts: I thought it was effective. Jake/Rick has kind of cooled off some and Rick/Honky were effective in stirring things up. 

The British Bulldog vs Tom Bennett

I don't think we've seen much of Tom here. Davey shoves him back. Tom eye rakes him then takes a big back body drop. Davey suplexes him then lariats him. Vince tries to get Honky's Rumble strategy out of him. Davey does an inset about the Rumble. He says Warlord will run into him sooner or later and won't stop him from winning it. Tom misses a corner charge and Bulldog powerslams him for the win.

Thoughts: It was pretty much all squash here aside from Tom getting an eye rake in.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney talks about The Rumble next week. Earthquake talks about The Rumble. He said he doesn't care what number he gets because he will win. Bushwhacker Luke says it's the most dangerous match in the world and says he will beat his opponents 1v1 in The Rumble and throw Butch out in the final two. Greg Valetine says he can only count on himself in The Rumble. He says he will go through whoever he has to in order to win it. Shane Douglas says it's his first Rumble and he wants to be in a lot more. Shane says he was told he's an underdog and he's poised for an upset. Demolition Smash and Mr. Fuji do a promo. Smash says he's throwing everyone out of the ring. He says it could end up being him and Crush and he says he will win. 

The Undertaker vs Ray Hammer

Taker has dropped the "Kane" part of his name. Taker boots Ray and facekicks him. Taker hits a jumping stomp. Brother Love and Taker do an inset promo. Love says Taker will stand alone in the cemetery after this looking at 29 plots.

Taker chokes Ray and slams him. Taker elbow drops him over the back of the neck and chokes him. Taker hits a rare dropkick then walks the rope with Ray's arm and nails him. Taker then hits a tombstone and wins.

Thoughts: Taker looked good here as usual en route to an easy victory.

Love gives Taker a rose after and he crumbles it onto Ray.

We see an interview from last week's Wrestling Challenge. Mean Gene interviews The Ultimate Warrior on the stage. Warrior says if Macho looks into the crystal ball of his scepter and will see the hour glass. He says as the sand empties into the hourglass, so does Macho's hopes of regaining the WWF Title. Warrior says the sands of time haven't judged Sarge, but Royal Rumble will be his judgment day.

Warrior says the boots Saddam gave Sarge offer no protection. He says Sarge doesn't enter a ring but a minefield at The Rumble that is surrounded by his warriors. He says Sarge enters the path to ultimate destruction and tells him to get out of his way at The Rumble. He says no one kicks sand into the eyes of The Warrior.

This endless Gulf War stuff isn't very entertaining.

"The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase vs Danny Brazil

Dan bends over and is elbowed. Ted back elbows him then kneedrops him. Ted suplexes him and fist drops him. Ted lariats him then powerslams him. Ted puts the million dollar dream on him and wins it.

Thoughts: It was your usual Ted squash here. Ted had a really underrated powerslam.

Virgil puts money in Dan's mouth after. Ted says we are one week away from the match with The Rhodes'. Ted says blood may be thicker than water but says he has a bond thicker than blood and it's cold hard cash. Ted says he can do anything he wants with his money. He throws the money down and slaps Virgil. Virgil gets mad and Ted says to pick it up. Virgil says no. Ted says something in his ear and asks if he needs to remind him of it. Virgil then picks up the money as Ted laughs. Ted says everybody has a price and says Dusty and Dustin will have the biggest price of all.

Piper says he's going down to talk to Virgil now. Honky says to stay out of it.

WWF Event Center

Sean Mooney hypes up The Royal Rumble. The Orient Express do a promo with Mr. Fuji. He says The Rockers know him well and says they are in big trouble for their lives. The Rockers say it's time to bring in the new year and say The Orient Express will do battle with the tag team of the 90's. Shawn says they are starting the new year with a bang. Marty says Mr. Fuji always has new members of his team but they will take them down.

Macho King Randy Savage and Queen Sherri do a promo. Macho says he will be famous and infamous in the same night.

Royal Rumble Report

Mean Gene hypes up The Rumble. He runs down the card. Dusty and Dustin say the bond between a father and son can't be bought. Dustin says the blood of Dusty runs deep in his veins and says it's hotter than water. He says they are coming for Ted and Virgil.

We see clips from last years Rumble. 

Tugboat does a promo. He says he has a load of life preservers when he gets in the ring as it's every man for himself. He say sorry Hulk as that's the way it has to be. Hulk says he thought him and his friends would band together at The Rumble but said Tugboat told him its every man for himself. Hulk asks whatcha gonna do when he runs wild on you?

The Hart Foundation do a promo. Jim says it would be interesting if they faced each other. Bret says they will still be the champs after The Rumble.

Power and Glory vs Sonny Blaze and Scotty Williams

Herc throws down and lariats Sonny. Herc does an inset promo. He says the power makes Power and Glory great and says The Power gets all the Glory. Roma says he will have all the glory at The Rumble and doesn't need anybodies help.

Sonny's head is banged off of Roma's foot. Roma top rope double axe handles Sonny. Roma hits a nice dropkick on Sonny then throws him on a slam.

Roma hits forearms on Scotty then Herc hits shots on Scotty. Scotty then takes a powerplex. Roma pins him with one foot on the chest.

Thoughts: It was your usual decent squash by P&G. I liked them doing singles inset promos here.

WWF Event Center

Sean talks about The Royal Rumble. Kerry says it's his first Rumble. He said everyone is there to prove there is only one and one is the best. Warlord says he will draw #30 and eliminate everyone remaining in the ring. Hacksaw Jim Duggan says it depends on the luck of the draw but his plan is to attack, attack, attack and come out on top.

Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan say it's every man for themselves. Perfect asks what happens if other Heenan Family members are in the ring with him. Heenan says it's between you guys and he's washing his hands of it. Jake Roberts says Rick Martel could get a bad number. He said he could behind him or waiting for him and says he will be his.

Honky Tonk Man says the UN is in a quandary but it's not about the war, it's about Sarge vs Warrior.

Overall thoughts: This was all about The Royal Rumble and nothing else. It's a go home show though and it should be though. They did a good job of hyping The Rumble but we didn't really learn anything new here. I liked it though.

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