Sunday, June 9, 2024

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #25 1/27/1989

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event #25 1/27/1989

Saturday Night's Main Event #24 is here:

We're 6 days gone from The 1990 Royal Rumble here where Hulk won and Warrior/Hulk was teased.

Vince McMahon and Jesse Ventura are our hosts. Jesse says Tennessee is the volunteer state because everyone volunteers to get out of here. Jesse says Hulk and Warrior are two of the biggest egos in the world and says they won't get along well in their tag match tonight. Jesse asks if Greg Valentine is afraid of snakes. Jesse says Ronnie Garvin bit off more than he can chew with Dino Bravo. Jesse says Macho defends his crown against Jim Duggan.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan. Jim says he's ready for the 90's and the low-down king and queen (Macho and Sherri). Jim says Macho stole his crown and we see a clip from their September 23, 1989 match. Macho nails Jim with I think the ring bell then pins him to win the King title. Jim says he wants revenge for the people aka the peasants. He says the peasants knew what to do in Eastern Europe and says this peasant knows what to do in USA. He said if Sherri gets in the way, he will crack her like The Berlin Wall.

Macho King Randy Savage and Queen Sherri are interviewed. He calls the people peasant and says Louis XVI means nothing. He says the guillotine is what peasants uses to get their hair cut. He says Gene can be his court jester but he will slap him if he's not funny. He says Duggan is a peasant and will never wear the crown or have a queen like Sherri. Sherri says she's Macho's. Gene asks if it means the loaded purse and Macho says to never mind it. Macho says the throne awaits him. 

"Macho King" Randy Savage vs "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan

Macho comes out on a throne and Jim puts his 2x4 at it like a gun. Macho's got some super colorful gear on. Macho stands on his thrown, which is bridged from the apron to the rail and Jim knocks it over. Jim sends Macho in and bangs his head off the buckles. Jim misses a corner charge. Macho boots him then lariats him. Macho hits a shot on Jim then Jim lariats him.

Jim boots him for 2 then atomic drops him. Sherri gets on the apron and Jim goes for him. Macho double axe handles Jim out. Macho top rope double axe handles Jim outside. Jim top rope double axe handles him inside then pulls his thrown down over the top.

Macho goes for a leg lariat on the ropes and misses. Jim misses an elbow drop. Jim back body drops Macho over the top rope to the floor. Sherri gets on the apron then lariats Macho outside. The ref goes to get in and Sherri grabs him.

We go to break and return. Jim throws Macho in. Jim elbow drops Macho and Sherri grabs the ref on the apron. Jim is distracted by Sherri again then hits lariats on Macho. Jim nails Macho and Macho rolls out.

Sherri grabs Jim outside. Jim chases her around and through the ring. Jim exposes Sherri's underwear and goes it hit her. Macho jumping knees Jim from behind, knocking over the ref. Macho top rope double axe handles Jim. Sherri gives Macho her purse then Sherri gets on the apron and grabs the ref. Macho hits Jim with the purse then Macho gets a 2 count on Jim.

Jim cradles Macho then Jim bangs Macho's head off the buckles. Jim lariats Macho over several times then running lariats him out. Jim suplexes Macho in, Sherri grabs Jim's feet and Macho pins Jim with his feet on the ropes.

Thoughts: There was some horrible officiating here by Danny Davis with Sherri grabbing him multiple times and getting involved with no punishment. Jim got a lot of offense in here and Macho really bumped for him. Macho probably should have gotten a little more in though. The work was fine but Sherri's shenanigans were too much to really put this over.

Jesse Ventura interviews Mr. Perfect and The Genius. Jesse says he knows there's a problem with Warrior and Hulk and knows they can't work together. Mr. Perfect says the WWF never saw an athlete like him. Perfect says this is a chance to show everyone what Warrior and Hulk are made of. Genius talks about beating Hulk. Genius does a poem saying to rely on his incredible IQ.

We see clips from the Hogan vs Warrior segment at The 1990 Royal Rumble which I saw here

Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior. Hulk said he warned there would be turbulence. He said him and Warrior almost tore the building down at The Rumble. He said The Genius and Perfect will get a lesson in what running wild is all about. Warrior says when you travel 36,000 miles above sea level, you will get turbulence. He says the common bond is stronger than anything intelligence and perfection could ever bring. Hulk calls him and Warrior the dream team and says they are the ultimate nightmare for perfection.

Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior vs Mr. Perfect and The Genius

Warrior clears the ring during his entrance. Hulk shoves Perfect back to start the match. Hulk slams both opponents multiple times. Warrior bangs Perfect's and Genius' heads together. Warrior shoulders Genius over then slingshots Perfect in. Perfect is sent into Genius then Warrior lariats Perfect over the top.

Perfect hits shots on Hulk in the corner and Hulk back elbows him over the top to the floor. Perfect is then thrown into the post. Perfect gets his head banged off the buckles and does a big sell then Perfect is spun with a Hulk lariat. Genius writes notes on his scroll. Hulk hits punches on Perfect then slams and elbow drops him. 

Hulk hits mounted punches then boots Perfect out. Perfect hits Hulk with Genius' scroll outside. Perfect misses a chair shot then stomps on Hulk. Hulk cradles Perfect then Perfect stomps him. Perfect hits a nice lariat.

Genius stomps on Hulk then Perfect 2nd rope double axe handles Hulk. Perfect beats up on Hulk then perfectplexes him for 2. Genius moonsaults Hulk but Hulk gets his knees up. Perfect comes off the top and takes Hulk's boot.

Warriors gets in and beats the crap out of Genius, throwing him hard into the buckles and flailing on him. Warrior lariats Genius then legdrops him to win it.

Thoughts: The ending was a little sudden but it was solid here. Perfect bumped all over the place and Hulk/Warrior won as expected. They didn't make as much out of Hulk and Warrior as expected though.

The heels jump the faces after. Warrior nails Perfect then lariats Hulk on accident when Hulk gets behind him. Jesse says it was no accident and Warrior tries to help Hulk up. Hulk pushes Warrior, Warrior shoves back and they go back to face. They shove each other more and we go to break.

We see old clips of Jake Roberts and Ted Dibiase fighting it out likely after a match. We then see Jake take The Million Dollar Title.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Jake Roberts. Gene asks if the belt is in the back with Damien. Jake says he's sure he'd like to know. He tells him he just has to reach in and touch and Gene says he will pass. Jake tells him to watch this match.

Jesse Ventura interviews Jimmy Hart and Greg Valentine. Jesse asks what's in Jake's bag. Jimmy doesn't care about it. He says to beat Jake, you gotta forget about the bag. Greg says to remember the hammer. Jimmy says to forget about them losing as there is two of them. Jimmy says they will give their answers in the ring.

Thoughts: This was a stupid interview where we learned nothing.

Greg "The Hammer" Valentine vs Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Greg hits armdrags. Jake hits one and Greg goes out to avoid a ddt. Greg hits chops then elbow drops him. Jake misses a punch and is dropped with punches from Greg. Greg drops knees on Jake's back and they trade shots. Jake hits some nice shots.

Greg misses a corner charge then Jake running punches him. Jake short arm lariats Greg. Greg back body drops him then misses an elbow drop. Jake misses a kneelift. Greg is sent into Jimmy on the apron and Jake hits a ddt. Ted Dibiase and Virgil then run in and beat up Jake. Jake wins by DQ.

Thoughts: It was a solid match here. Everything Greg and Jake did looked great and it's a shame it wasn't longer and didn't have a good finish.

Jake gets the edge on the heels and brings out Damien. Virgil runs for it.

Jesse Ventura interviews Bobby Heenan and Rick Rude. Bobby asks if he saw the size of Sapphire. Rude says he's the man the women want and says Sapphire will come to him. Rude says no woman can resist him and Sapphire is no different. Jesse said he wouldn't put his hands on Sapphire on a bet and Rude says who said anything about hands?

Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire are interviewed. Sapphire says Rude is nothing compared to Dusty. Gene asks if it's the Dusty Decade. Dusty says it's the decade of the common woman. He said Rude's been treating women bad in the audience all over and it needs to stop. Gene asks about Heenan and Dusty says what about Sapphire?

"Ravishing" Rick Rude vs Dusty Rhodes

Rude nails Dusty from behind and hits forearms. Rude elbows Dusty in the head then Dusty whips him hard into the buckles. Dusty elbow drops Rude's back then throws him out. Rude is sent into the apron.

Dusty hits shots on Rude then elbows him in the head. Dusty mocks Rude's selling and knocks him down with another elbow. Dusty misses an elbow drop then Rude chinlocks him. Bobby Heenan goes up to Sapphire and yells at her. Dusty back body drops Rude then drops him with a punch.

Rude nails Dusty from behind. Heenan gets ejected and claims Sapphire started it. We go to break and return. Rude knocks Dusty out of the ring then sends him into the post. Rude armlocks Dusty. Sapphire grabs a front row seat. Dusty hits shots on Rude. Rude yanks the arm.

Rude shoulders Dusty and both fall over. Rude comes off the top and is hit in the gut. Dusty spinning toe holds him and is eye raked. Rude stomps on Dusty. Dusty elbows Rude in the head then Rude hits elbows on Dusty. Sapphire gyrates on the chair in the front row to mock Rude. Rude goes after her then Dusty and Rude trade shots. They fight up the aisle and Dusty's music hits.

I have no idea what the finish was here. Dusty and Rude should have both been counted out. Jesse thought they were but they never announced it officially. Dusty then danced with Sapphire after, I guess in celebration of being counted out? This was all punches and club shots for the most part with shenanigans from Sapphire and Heenan.

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Jimmy Hart, Earthquake and Dino Bravo. Hart says you get a national disaster when you combine Quake and Dino. Dino says not to worry about him as his opponent Ronnie Garvin will get stomped. Gene says Ronnie better have disaster insurance.

"Rugged" Ronnie Garvin vs Dino Bravo

Dino hits shots on Ron then Ron hits chops and punches. Ron is thrown out near Earthquake. Quake rams him into the apron edge and puts him in the ring. Dino slams Ron then elbow drops him. Dino gutwrench suplexes Ron. Dino hits shots Ron and misses elbow drops. Ron hits chops and punches.

Ron back body drops Dino. Jimmy Hart gets on the apron. Ron throws him and throws him out onto Quake, who catches him. Ron does his Garvin stomp on Dino then stomps Quake's hand. Dino bangs Ron's head off the buckles. Ron goes up top then top rope crossbodies Dino. Dino rolls through it and pins him.

As usual, Ron had great chops and punches. Dino matched up well against him but it was a shorter match and nothing too special. Quake and Dino beat up Ron after and Quake butt drops him twice.

The refs check on Ron after and stretcher him out.

They hype up the next "The Main Event" with Hulk Hogan vs Macho King Randy Savage with Mike Tyson as the special ref. Buster Douglas knocked out Mike after this and ended up taking his place.

Jesse Ventura interviews Macho King Randy Savage. Macho says he's delighted Tyson is the ref. He says finally it's someone with a reputation who can handle the abuse that might happen. He says he will beat Hulk. He says if Tyson doesn't call it down the middle, it'll be bad for him. He says he will take the WWF Title again and says it'd be best if Tyson bowed to him. He says if he doesn't, he will beat Hulk and make Tyson bow at him and kiss his feet. Macho says in the kingdom of the madness, he's the best around.

Mean Gene interviews Hulk Hogan. Hulk says finally the dark cloud that follows him in the WWF has gone away. He says he was the lone survivor in Survivor Series, he won the No Holds Barred cage match and The Rumble. He said he is asked why he didn't destroy The Madness forever. Hulk says Mike Tyson can hold The Madness back and keep Sherri out. He says he will prove one last time that Hulkamania is the strongest it has ever been. Gene says it could be the last Hulk/Macho title match and Hulk agrees. Hulk says he will prove that Hulkamania will never die.

Jesse Ventura and Vince McMahon close the show. Jesse says it's not boxing so Mike better go to school. Jesse says there will be news for Mike if he can't call it down the middle. He says there's men who can take him and he might be one of them. He tells Mike to go to school with him.

We go to break and return. Jesse says to mark February 23rd on the calendar with Macho vs Hulk with Iron Mike as ref.

Overall thoughts: There were bad finishes and bad ref work all throughout which hampered otherwise decent matches. Rude/Dusty was a bit lazy and probably my least favorite thing on here. Macho/Duggan had some good parts to it and Dino/Garvin was okay. Hulk and Warrior teamed up and teased a future match as expected and they teased a Mike Tyson appearance that would ultimately not happen. I wouldn't recommend this one though I do like the SNME format. I'd probably give it around a 5 out of 10.

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