Wednesday, June 12, 2024

WWE Speed 6/12/2024

WWE Speed 6/12/2024

Last week's show is here:

#1 Contender's Tournament Semifinals - Tommaso Ciampa vs Andrade

They trade some holds and Andrade hammerlocks him. They shove and chop each other. Andrade handsprings and is basement dropkicked on it. They trade forearms and Ciampa facekicks him. Andrade spinning back elbows him. Andrade hits the spinning double underhook drop and wins it.

Thoughts: It went 1:53. There was nothing too special about it and Andrade didn't even any real flying in before getting the win here.

Andrade challenges Ricochet for the WWE Speed Title on Friday.

Overall thoughts: We only had 1:53 of action here. It wasn't anything special even for WWE Speed's low standards and I wouldn't recommend this.

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