Friday, June 28, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 6/28/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 6/28/2024

Last week's show is here:

Riley Osborne vs Jasper Troy

Riley rolls away from him then backflips off a shove. Riley is lifted up and escapes. Riley hits dropkicks and takes a wild thrown over the top rope. Troy hits shots on him outside and fakes his forearm on Riley's face.

Troy misses a dropkick on the apron then takes a basement dropkick. Riley is caught off the apron  then is gorilla pressed from outside to inside. Troy running bodyblocks him then hits a slam and splash for 2.

Troy abdominal stretches him and tells him to bend the knee. Riley shots to the leg and running facekicks him. Riley springboard leg lariats him then hits a top rope ssp to win.

Thoughts: It was a good little big man vs little man match here. Troy had a great showing here. He's only two TV matches in and he already knows how to work like a big man. Maybe he's not the greatest at anything but he's already on solid ground. Riley's bump to the outside was wild.

Jazmyn Nyx and Jacy Jayne are interviewed. Nyx isn't impressed with Kendal Grey. She says she picked up a win and now thinks she can beat anyone. The interviewer asks more questions then Jacy cuts her off and they leave. 

Jazmyn Nyx vs Kendal Grey

Jacy Jayne is with Nyx. Grey takes her down and jumps over a legsweep. Grey snapmares her then rolls Nyx up off her snapmare attempt. Grey side headlocks her then fireman's carry takeovers her. Nyx flips off of Grey in the corner and poses. Grey back elbows her and 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. Grey armdrags her.

Nyx hits stomps on her. Nyx neckbreakers her then kips up. Nyx headscissors her and Grey rolls her into a pin attempt. Nyx misses an elbow drop then running back elbows her. Grey backdrops her and kips up. Grey slides through her legs and takes a pele kick from Nyx. Nyx wins.

It was a short but fun match here. Grey looked great as usual, just sliding around the ring like a cat. She legit has potential to be the women's champ someday. Nyx had a good showing here and the finish was a fun surprise.

Dante Chen vs Myles Borne

Chen armlocks him and takes him down. Borne headlocks him then is armdragged. Chen armlocks him. Borne hits punches then Chen hits armdrags. Chen hits corner punches then Borne kicks Chen down from the top rope.

Borne kneebreakers Chen then hits boots to Chen's knee. Borne suplexes him for 2. Borne irish whips him and Chen falls down in pain. Borne kicks the knee. Borne powerslams him for 2 then bow and arrows him.

Chen suplexes him and they trade punches. Chen hits palm strikes and larits him. Chen atomic drops him and misses a pump kick. Borne hits a great dropkick for 2. Chen cradles him then hits a pump kick. Chen double chops him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a solid match here with Borne working the knee, Chen selling it then Chen making his comeback to win. I do worry about my man Myles though. He has so much potential and he just hasn't gotten anywhere yet at all. If he was in Japan, he'd be getting pushed like the next top guy.

Overall thoughts: All three matches were solid and it was a good edition of Level Up.

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