Friday, June 14, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 6/14/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 6/14/2024

Last week's show is here:

Stacks and Luca Crusafino vs Shiloh Hill and Jasper Troy


This is Shiloh Hill's debut and he has a real stupid name. They say Shiloh played football for Stanford and has three degrees from there.

Troy shoves Stacks into the ropes then throws him down off the lock up. Troy shoulder throsts Stacks. Troy takes a double knee to the gut from his opponents. Hill gets in and Luca armdrags him immediately.

Luca works his arm. Hill hits a nice punch and bangs Luca's head off the buckles. Hill is held for punches and his head is banged off of Stacks' boot. Luca and Hill trade armlocks. Hill side headlocks him. Stacks 2nd rope euros Hill.

Troy is pulled down throat first over the top rope and takes a double dropkick. Luca takes down Hill then Stacks nails Hill in the nuts off the buckles. Troy side slams Stacks.

Troy splashes Stacks' back in the corner. Byron says Hill and Troy are into "the dark web". Stacks comes off the 2nd rope and is pushed into the corner. Stacks takes a double backbreaker for 2. Hill backdrops Stacks and hits corner spears.

Stacks jawbreakers Troy then cradles Hill. Luca hits forearms on both opponents then flying shoulders Hill hard. Luca hits his hiptoss neckbreaker on Hill and Troy picks up Luca and takes him off the pin attempt. Hill lariats Troy over the top on accident then takes a shatter machine. Stacks then pins Hill.

Thoughts: It was just average. Hill was okay in his TV debut with no botches or sloppy moments but he has a stupid name and he needs better looking gear. Stacks and Luca debuted their new finisher here.

Kendal Grey is interviewed. She says it's a great opportunity to step in the ring with Izzi Dame tonight. She says her time is coming and says it's type to step into The Kendal Grey Area.

Kendal Grey vs Izzi Dame

They lock up and Grey is backed up in the corner. Izzi throws her. Grey low crossbodies her while she is seated and Izzi backrolls into a slam on her. Grey hits a nice fireman's carry takeover then armlocks her.

Grey is thrown face first into the 2nd buckle. Izzi euros Grey then back body drops her. Izzi hits eyes and Grey somehow goes over the top on it. Izzi armlocks her. Grey flips out of a back body drop and backslides her. Grey picks up the win.

Izzi nails Grey from behind after then slams her. Carlee Bright comes out and Izzi shoves her. Grey and Carlee double dropkick Izzi.

Thoughts: It wasn't as good as it could, should or will be in a few years but there were some positives to it. Grey's getting over with the crowd, she's good looking and she moves well. Izzi is starting to figure out how to wrestle like a monster and with her being decent on the mic, I think she's going to do well too. I liked Grey's backslide to win it and I still don't know how she fell out of the ring off snake eyes.

Andre Chase vs Lucien Price

Ridge Holland is the only one with Chase and Nima is the only one out there with Price.

Price shoves Chase over. Chase hits boots then is thrown into the corner. Chase shoulders him then is knocked over with a shoulder. Chase 2nd rope diving hurricanrana's Price. Chase kicks Price from the apron then cannonballs him off of it.

Ridge argues with Nima outside and Chase backs him off. Price backdrops Chase on the apron. Price backbreakers Chase then hits a mean uranage. Price corner lariats Chase and chinlocks him. Chase works Price's leg then russian legsweeps him. Chase hits C-H-A-S-E-U stomps. Price superkicks him for 2.

Price throws Chase then corner spears him. Price misses a corner spear and goes into the post. Chase top rope crossbodies him and wins.

Thoughts: It was a fun match with Chase deciding to do a bunch of flying moves. Price had a good showing here and came across well.

Overall thoughts: As usual, it was a decent 30 minute show. Nothing must see but the main was okay and there were some encouraging moments from Izzi and Grey in their match.

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